TME :: Volume #15

#1481: Race difference

12 ruling Great Emperor, the authority elder of surviving, as well as the heads of various respected families stopped all work on hand, dull watches the sky big piece the Destruction dark clouds. 12执政大帝,还有残存的权力长老,以及各大家族的首脑们停下了手上的所有工作,呆呆的看着天空大片的毁灭黑云。 Livelihood samsara!” Adjoins arrow nu slightly the body is shivering, clenching teeth stubbornly, stutter has squeezed out several characters from the tooth slit with great difficulty: Panyu world most top principle utilization deep meaning! The higher aristocrats and our biggest disparities are at! If we can have the strength of livelihood samsara...... We had already conquered the Pangu world!” “日月轮回!”毗矢伮的身体微微的颤抖着,死死的咬着牙,从牙齿缝隙里好容易结结巴巴的挤出了几个字:“盘虞世界最顶级的法则运用奥义!高等贵族和我们的最大差距所在!如果我们能够拥有日月轮回的力量……我们早已征服了盘古世界!” Only if we comprehend voluntarily, the higher aristocrat who otherwise these keep aloof, their behind these exists greatly, how possibly to teach this ultimate Destruction deep meaning to us?” Woman Ka muttered: How fearful strength, lets the aura that the person immerses, I even can feel that my each cell shivers because of frightened.” “除非我们自行领悟,否则那些高高在上的高等贵族,还有他们身后的那些伟大存在,怎么可能把这种终极毁灭奥义传授给我们?”婆罗迦喃喃自语道:“多么可怕的力量,多么让人沉醉的气息,我甚至能感到我的每个细胞都因为恐惧而颤抖。” Few idle talk!” The Yemo luo coconut tree by the feminine unique intuition, as well as concubine bone Ritter some were frail, asks at this moment her most issue of concern: 12 livelihood knights, true Sun and Moon Realm exist, receive the powerhouse who in September the gracious favor bathed on the 3rd...... If Marquis Yao Ji Hao cannot block him, if Emperor Shun they cannot block, what to do we should?” “少废话!”耶摩椤椰以女性独特的直觉,以及小女人骨子里特有的脆弱,问出了此刻她最关心的问题:“12名日月骑士,真正的日月境存在,受到三日九月恩泽沐浴的强者……垚侯姬昊如果挡不住他,如果帝舜他们也挡不住,我们该怎么办?” Body slightly is trembling, on the Yemo luo coconut tree beautiful small face reappeared a despair: You still remember, in draft manuscript that our ancestors leave behind, they when endless void shuttle back and forth, difficult seeks resources that continues to survive infinite desperate?” 身体微微的哆嗦着,耶摩椤椰绝美的小脸上浮现了一丝绝望:“你们还记得,我们的先祖留下的手稿中,他们在无尽虚空中穿梭,艰难的寻找继续存活的资源时的无穷绝望么?” Some people died every time, possibly died every time, cannot see the future, cannot see the hope, until them, because is lucky, had been delivered to nearby the Pangu world by a chaos eddy.” “每时每刻都有人死去,每时每刻自己都可能死去,看不到前途,看不到希望,直到他们因为幸运,被一个混沌旋流送到了盘古世界附近。” You still remember, in the draft manuscripts of our ancestor, their sobs and calling out in grief, their despairs and tears?” “你们还记得,在我们先祖的手稿中,他们的哭泣和悲鸣,他们的绝望和泪水么?” By these higher aristocrat consistent heartlessness and callousness, our these to they have concealed the Pangu world as well as peripheral world group existence criminal, we by how destiny?” “以这些高等贵族一贯的无情和冷酷,我们这些向他们隐瞒了盘古世界以及周边世界群存在的‘罪人’,我们会遭受怎样的命运?” Yemo luo coconut tree vision shivers looks at companion: I do not want to be the same with our ancestors, was compelled to leave here, escapes into hopeless void to roam about certainly...... Endless vagrant!” 耶摩椤椰目光颤抖的看着身边的同伴:“我可不想和我们先祖一样,被逼离开这里,遁入绝无希望的虚空中流浪……无休止的流浪!” Matter is insufficient to be so awful!” Yemo luo coconut tree person has not spoken, crossed for a long time and for a long time, the buddhist human bone talent has smiled anxiously: Looks at the performance of Human Race, if they have the strength revolt, then we collaborate them to revolt...... If, if the strength of livelihood knight is unable to prevent, that...... Perhaps we cannot continue become aristocrats!” “事情不至于这么糟糕!”耶摩椤椰身边的人都没说话,过了许久、许久,梵骸才干巴巴的笑了起来:“看人族的表现,如果他们有实力反抗,那么我们就联手他们反抗……如果,如果日月骑士的实力真的无法阻挡,那么……或许我们不能继续成为贵族!” Licked the lip difficultly, the buddhist human bone has lowered the sound subconsciously: But, if we voluntarily become the servant, we after all are Yu Clan, we have the noble Yu Clan bloodlines after all, if we voluntarily become the servants, gives up other all authorities and resources, goes on living is not difficult!” 艰难的舔了舔嘴唇,梵骸下意识的压低了声音:“但是,如果我们自愿成为奴仆的话,我们毕竟是虞族,我们毕竟拥有高贵的虞族血脉,我们如果自愿成为奴仆,放弃其他的一切权力和资源的话,活下去并不难!” Does not wait for the Emperor Shi Yama and other ruling Great Emperor to express the opinion, the buddhist human bone adds hurriedly: I do not covet life and fear death, I wanted saying that so long as were living hopefully! Not? In the past once was hit Human Race that approached to exterminate by our ancestors, their present tribe alliances had so the strength!” 不等帝释阎罗等执政大帝发表意见,梵骸急忙补充道:“我可不是贪生怕死,我只是想要说,只要活着就有希望!难道不是么?当年曾经被我们的先祖打得濒于灭绝的人族,他们现在的部落联盟拥有了如此实力!” People have exchanged the meaningful glance mutually, Yemo luo coconut tree numerous expiration of: Um, we have a look first, first has a look......” 一众人相互交换了一下眼色,耶摩椤椰重重的吐了一口气:“嗯,我们先看看,先看看……” Is blinking the eye, the Yemo luo coconut tree with the concubine unique narrow-mindedness, very doubt looked at people: I must the advanced warning you, our present benefits be consistent, if some any decisions, cannot hide the truth from everybody.” 眨巴着眼睛,耶摩椤椰用小女人特有的小心眼,很狐疑的看了一眼身边的众人:“我必须提前警告你们,我们现在的利益是一致的,如果有任何的决定,千万不能瞒着大家。” Fast blinks the eye, the Yemo luo coconut tree is bringing self-satisfied smiling face light saying: You also know that my one's own younger sister, the adorable Yemo cedar coconut tree, she and Human Race high level certain people in relate well. But I most loyal reliable old servant, I most respects Yemo that and most likes to kill an old steward, but he now Marquis Yao Ji Hao personal servant!” 快速的眨巴着眼睛,耶摩椤椰带着一丝得意的笑容淡淡的说道:“你们也知道的,我的亲生妹妹,可爱的耶摩杉椰,她和人族高层中的某些人关系不错。而我最忠诚可靠的老仆人,我最最尊敬、最最喜爱的耶摩杀一老管家,他现在可是垚侯姬昊的贴身仆人!” The Yemo luo coconut tree smiles very happily. 耶摩椤椰笑得很得意。 Emperor Shi Yama and the others deep look at her such as the colored smiling face, simultaneously has been criticizing ` damn small at heart ******** when really they don't know? In the past for the matter of Yemo cedar coconut tree, this queen, her hysteria how many hands and feet moved? 帝释阎罗等人深深的看了一眼她如花的笑颜,同时在心里暗骂了一句‘该死的小********真当他们不知道么?当年为了耶摩杉椰的事情,这位女王陛下,她歇斯底里的动了多少手脚? Now may be good, Yemo cedar coconut tree turned into her to be on good terms unexpectedly Human Race high-level Zhang Hao! 现在可好,耶摩杉椰居然变成了她交好人族高层的一张好牌! In the Liangzhu City city wall, Emperor Shun and four generation of Human Emperor character dispel first, static looks that in the upper air that group lets the person whole body uncomfortable Destruction dark clouds. Si Wenming and other younger generation elite person of extraordinary ability static standing of Human Race in five Human Emperor behind, look with deep veneration looks at the sky. 良渚城的城墙上,帝舜和四位先代人皇一字儿排开,静静的看着高空中那一团让人浑身都不舒服的毁灭黑云。姒文命人族的年轻一代精英俊彦静静的站在五位人皇身后,神色肃然的看着天空。 Livelihood samsara? Has concentrated on the 3rd the strength of September, September the strength of principle merged into one organic whole 3rd, but obtained Destruction all terrifying prestige energies?” Shennong light saying: In the past, these foreign race malicious ghosts who if invades the Pangu world grasped this strength......” “日月轮回?集中了三日九月的力量,将三日九月的法则之力融为一体,而得到一种毁灭一切的恐怖威能?”神农氏淡淡的说道:“当年,如果入侵盘古世界的这些异族恶鬼掌握了这种力量……” Saint sovereign shaft happy smiling: Perhaps that had we already exterminated the clan? Ha Ha, that time Human Race, may not have now to be so formidable. Was well below that was well below, even at that time our strength, but also cannot compare present Si Wenming, Ji Hao these child!” 圣皇轩辕开心的笑着:“那,或许我们早就已经灭族了吧?哈哈,那时候的人族,可没有现在这么强大。远远不如,真的远远不如,甚至那时候我们的实力,还比不上现在的姒文命啊、姬昊这些娃娃!” Shaft Saint sovereign sigh with emotion saying of: These many years, our Human Race has lived through, our Human Race becomes stronger and stronger, in the middle of our Human Race child, although some good-for-nothing, child that however makes every effort to succeed are also getting more and more. This is very good, very good, even if in the future facing more enemies, stronger enemy, our group of old codgers, does not need to be worried about anything!” 轩辕圣皇感慨的说道:“这么多年了,我们人族熬过来了,我们人族变得越来越强,我们人族娃娃当中,虽然有很多不成器的,但是争气的娃娃也越来越多。这样很好,非常的好,哪怕未来面对更多的敌人,更强的敌人,我们这群老不死的,也不用担心什么!” Both hands according to city wall pile, in all previous Human Emperor the most militant shaft Saint sovereign ten fingers make an effort slightly, finger deep fell into the hard city wall: These fellows, happen to make our soldiers try the hand, has a look these so-called, genuine malicious ghost aristocrat from Panyu world, some strong abilities!” 双手按在城墙垛儿上,历代人皇中最为好战的轩辕圣皇十指微微用力,指头深深的陷入了坚硬的城墙:“这些家伙,正好让我们的儿郎试试手,看看这些所谓的,来自盘虞世界的真正的恶鬼贵族,到底有多强的能耐!” The big hand wields, shaft Saint sovereign said fierce: Kids, prepare to get rid. Difficult to be inadequate, you look that your brothers people and these malicious ghosts do go all out? Goes, with these newly arrived malicious ghost contest of strength of well, everyone ahead of time tries their components.” 大手一挥,轩辕圣皇厉声道:“娃儿们,准备好出手。难不成,你们就看着自家的兄弟一个人和那些恶鬼拼命么?去,和这些新来的恶鬼好好的过过招,每个人都提前试试他们的份量。” In the pupil flashes through wipes the swift and fierce ray, saying that the shaft Saint sovereign is relentless: Now they have 12 people, if your 12 people are unable to defeat...... Died has also gotten what one deserves!” 眸子里闪过一抹凌厉的光芒,轩辕圣皇毫不留情的说道:“现在他们只有12个人,如果你们连这12个人都无法击败的话……死了也是活该!” Si Wenming silent drew out has tied up after behind saber, he stamped the feet bitterly, together brown thick cloud sigh proliferated from his, he treadonned completely the thick cloud that was congealed by the earth attribute spiritual energy, just likes meteor that soared to the heavens counter flies, collision maliciously regiment. 文命无声的拔出了绑在身后的佩剑,他恨恨一跺脚,一道土黄色的浓云‘呼’的一声从他脚下扩散开来,他脚踏完全由土属性灵气凝成的浓云,犹如一颗冲天逆飞的流星,狠狠的撞进了战团。 Kills!” The Si Wenming multi- idle talk, he had not shouted that neatly kills, a sword divided on the scarlet thunder body. “杀!”姒文命没有多废话,他干净利落的大喊一声杀,一剑劈在了赤雷的身上。 The Human Race elites soared, intruded the Destruction dark clouds. 一个又一个人族精英腾空而起,闯入了毁灭黑云。 One such as the shaft Saint sovereign said that Ji Hao was their brothers, they possibly helplessly looks that own brothers were besieged by one group of foreign race malicious ghosts? 一如轩辕圣皇所言,姬昊是他们的兄弟,他们怎么可能眼睁睁的看着自家的兄弟被一群异族恶鬼围攻? Are more than person? 比人多? In the Pangu world, which intelligent tribal group dares more than the person with Human Race? 盘古世界,哪个智慧族群敢和人族比人多? The Yu Dynasty ruling Great Emperor were discussing various types the plan that kneels surrenders, but Human Race Warrior have drawn a sword!( To be continued.) 虞朝的执政大帝们在商量着各种跪地投降的计划,而人族战士们已经拔剑而起!(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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