TME :: Volume #15

#1480: Cyclopia Primordial Spirit

Ji Hao by some mysterious relation, the Panyu world that peeps at creates the world process to end suddenly. 姬昊透过某种神秘联系,窥视到的盘虞世界创世过程突然终结。 The limitless Destruction aura just likes the viscous glue water, one ** has twined to his body. Except for the Destruction strength, all around all world spiritual energies were scattered completely, all world principles were isolated, Ji Hao except for own strength, he is unable to transfer any boost through the utilization of Magic from the outside. 无边无际的毁灭气息犹如粘稠的胶水,一**的向他的身体缠绕了上来。除了毁灭的力量,四周所有的天地灵气全部被驱散,所有的天地法则都被隔绝,姬昊除了自身的力量,他无法通过法术的运用从外界调用任何助力。 Low and deep roaring sound shoots up to the sky, in the limitless darkness the faint trace bright appears gradually. 低沉的咆哮声冲天而起,无边无际的黑暗中逐渐有一丝丝亮光出现。 In the garnet unlucky ray, Ji Hao saw the scarlet thunder, the quiet cloud and other people, they encircled a ring in the midair, bright light that in the September 12 rounds lusters varied on the 3rd float in their top of the head, in them behind one group of viscous black mist tumblings rapidly. 暗红色的不祥光芒中,姬昊看到了赤雷、幽云等12人,他们在半空中围成了一个圆环,三日九月12轮色泽各异的明光悬浮在他们头顶,在他们身后有一团粘稠的黑色雾气急速的翻滚。 With the low and deep roaring sound, the scarlet thunder and other people were embezzled by the black mist. Viscous black mist is wriggling, gradually congealed the big human form. The height ten zhang (3.33 m), are all over the body jet black, only has in forehead an eye socket of getting sucked the red light to appear intermittently. 伴随着低沉的咆哮声,赤雷等12人被黑色雾气吞没。粘稠的黑色雾气蠕动着,逐渐凝成了高大的人形。身高十丈,通体漆黑,唯有眉心一个深陷的眼眶中红光隐现。 Humph, the eyes of 12 big person's shadows open, viscous blood band of light Destruction all incomparable evil and violence, simultaneously stares on Ji Hao. The strength of Destruction the Ji Hao body surface adheres to stick cohere burns suddenly, in the scarlet red combines faint trace black air/Qi the flame of Destruction to fire the body of Ji Hao, making him feel the unendurable severe pain. ‘嚯啦’一声,12尊高大人影的眼睛睁开,道道粘稠的血光带着毁灭一切的无比邪恶和暴力,同时凝视在姬昊身上。姬昊身体表面附着的毁灭之力骤然燃烧起来,赤红色中混杂着一丝丝黑气的毁灭之炎灼烧着姬昊的身体,让他感到了难以忍受的剧痛。 To homespun cloth long dress silent vanishing into thin air that Si Wenming must come, dragon leather boots of under foot also changes into a wisp of azure smoke. Being caught off guard Ji Hao only thinks that a whole body pain, the whole body skin vanished suddenly, reveals was equally bright just like the colored glaze, the luster chaos muscle. 向姒文命要来的粗布长衣无声的化为乌有,脚下的龙皮靴子也化为一缕青烟。措手不及的姬昊只觉浑身一痛,浑身皮肤骤然消失,露出了宛如琉璃一样剔透、色泽混沌的肌肉。 Numerous cold snort|hum, Ji Hao has offered a sacrifice to the Pangu clock hurriedly. 重重的冷哼了一声,姬昊急忙祭出了盘古钟。 The air/Qi of faint trace chaos just likes the mild-mannered running water rewinds, closely bound Ji Hao in inside. The flame of Destruction corrodes the chaos air/Qi that the Pangu clock emits crazily, between both jumped to project faint trace black Thunder light, Ji Hao has felt to make the meaning of his fearful and apprehensive Destruction gush out from this black Thunder light unceasingly. 丝丝混沌之气犹如柔顺的流水倒卷而下,将姬昊紧紧裹在了里面。毁灭之炎疯狂侵蚀盘古钟放出的混沌之气,两者之间迸射出了一丝丝黑色的雷光,姬昊感受到了让他心惊胆战的毁灭之意不断从这黑色雷光中涌出。 This pierces the world sufficiently, myriad things thorough annihilation the thunder of extinguishing world. 这是足以洞穿世界,将万物彻底湮灭的灭世之雷。 Because Pangu clock and strength of source Destruction fierce dashing of Panyu world, this is almost equal to the Pangu sage and Panyu giant after the innumerable years, takes Ji Hao and 12 livelihood knights as the medium, erupted the most direct conflict. 因为盘古钟和来自盘虞世界的本源毁灭之力的剧烈冲撞,这几乎相当于盘古圣人和盘虞巨人时隔无数年,以姬昊和12位日月骑士为媒介,爆发了最直接的冲突。 The scale of although conflicting is not big, the thunder of energy level that extinguishing world however has was extremely high, making Ji Hao feel the huge fear. 虽然冲突的规模不大,但是产生的灭世之雷能级极高,让姬昊都感受到了巨大的恐惧。 Ji Hao!” Scarlet thunder Cyclops quack is laughing, in the laughter has been full of the most primitive Destruction will, flashes before without any intelligent miraculous glow. Scarlet thunder at this moment was read the thorough control by Destruction, his all my wills were suppressed thoroughly, he turned into one only to know the Destruction monster. 姬昊!”赤雷所化的独眼巨人‘嘎嘎’大笑着,笑声中充满了最原始的毁灭意志,没有任何的智慧灵光闪现。此刻的赤雷已经被毁灭之念彻底操控,他的所有本我意志被彻底压制,他已经变成了一尊只知道毁灭的怪物。 Or he turned into clone of that terrifying giant opened the Panyu world, the load bearing clone of his part of Destruction instinct and Destruction strength. 或者说,他已经变成了开辟盘虞世界的那恐怖巨人的一具分身,承载了他一部分毁灭本能和毁灭之力的分身 This is the Panyu world, initial genesis Spiritual God, Panyu world most honored and most formidable bloodlines!” Scarlet thunder Cyclops shouts oneself hoarse is eating delicacies crazily: „The paramount objective of our Panyu world all lives, are the atavism traces to the source, achievement Primordial Spirit!” “这就是盘虞世界,最初的元始神灵,盘虞世界最尊贵、最强大的血脉!”赤雷所化的独眼巨人声嘶力竭的狂啸着:“我们盘虞世界一切生灵的最高目标,就是返祖溯源,成就元神!” Bellows, the scarlet mine belt the billowing black smoke, one step to Ji Hao in front , a palm has been overcoming to Ji Hao right in the face. 一声大吼,赤雷带着滚滚黑烟,一步到了姬昊面前,劈面一掌向姬昊打下。 A Ji Hao long and loud cry, about the Pangu sword a point, swings two sword light according to the moons and Sun two meters wonderfully. Scarlet thunder at present a flower, together sword light silent pierced his palm, another sword just likes the ghosts and demons general shuttle is void, did not pierce his forehead to set upright the eye in his consciousness. 姬昊一声长啸,盘古剑左右一分,按太阴、太阳两仪之妙荡起两道剑光。赤雷眼前一花,一道剑光无声的刺穿了他的手掌,另外一剑犹如鬼魅一般穿梭虚空,在他不知觉中洞穿了他的眉心竖目。 The scarlet thunder sneers, a movement peerless fist rumbles quickly, pounds on chaos air/Qi that maliciously, in the Pangu clock has emitted. 赤雷冷笑,动作快捷绝伦的一拳轰出,狠狠砸在了盘古钟放出的混沌之气上。 He exclaimed fierce: This was on the 3rd the ultimate strength of September, Marquis Yao Ji Hao, I now not the body of dying, you were impossible to injure my slightest!” 他厉声吼道:“这是三日九月的终极力量,垚侯姬昊,我现在是不死之身,你不可能伤我分毫!” Buzz a bang, the Pangu clock shakes gently, has extracted the great quantity strength from Ji Hao within the body rapidly. ‘嗡’的一声巨响,盘古钟轻轻震荡,迅速从姬昊体内抽取了巨量的力量。 large formation that livelihood samsara large formation of 12 livelihood knights, they compose has isolated void, scattered all world spiritual energies, the Pangu clock was unable to extract the strength to use, to resist the scarlet thunder for oneself from void the heavy blows, the Pangu clock can only extract his Magic Power from Ji Hao within the body. 12名日月骑士的日月轮回大阵,他们组成的大阵隔绝了虚空,驱散了所有天地灵气,盘古钟也无法从虚空中抽取力量为己所用,抵挡赤雷的重拳,盘古钟只能从姬昊体内抽取他的法力 Changes into the ordinary refining gentleman, own Magic Power has the upper limit, even if there is Pangu Zhong Huti, perhaps resists the scarlet thunder to strike on the energy consumption completely his compensation, then can only , whatever scarlet thunder and the others butchered. 换成普通炼气士,自身法力自有上限,就算有盘古钟护体,或许抵挡赤雷一击就能耗尽他的全部力量,进而只能任凭赤雷等人宰割。 The issue is, the Ji Hao at this moment biggest strength source is plate jia Sun. 问题在于,姬昊此刻最大的力量来源是盘泇太阳 The entire Sun strength for him uses, to want with livelihood samsara large formation to surround Ji Hao, wears down his complete Magic Power? Scarlet thunder their ideas good, but wants to implement to be possible so not to be really simple! 整整一颗太阳的力量为他所用,想要用日月轮回大阵困住姬昊,消磨他的全部法力?赤雷他们的想法是蛮好的,只是想要实施起来可真没这么简单! That is all!” The Ji Hao body rocks, was shaken by the heavy blows of scarlet thunder has drawn back several steps, but he has not injured the slightest. “仅此而已!”姬昊身体晃动,被赤雷的重拳震退了十几步,但是他没有伤损分毫。 That is all?” Scarlet thunder wild smiling, in laughter is sending out inexhaustible Destruction and violence desire - looks: When all your Magic Power exhaust, when you are unable to actuate this damn clock again, when you can only with your ** withstands the Destruction corrosion of livelihood samsara, I can interruption your bones, come out your muscle pulling out, tears to shreds you!” “仅此而已?”赤雷猖狂的笑着,笑声中散发着无穷无尽的毁灭和暴力欲-望:“当你的所有法力耗尽,当你无法再驱动这口该死的钟,当你只能用你的**承受日月轮回的毁灭侵蚀,我会一根根的打断你的骨头,把你的筋一条条的抽出来,把你碎尸万段!” Laughs again and again, the scarlet Thunder Shuang fist such as the wind and like the rain, bring every to strike can a relaxed severely wounded Magus God terrifying power pound down unceasingly. 大笑连连,赤雷双拳如风、如雨,带着每一击都能轻松重伤一尊巫神的恐怖力量不断砸下。 Ji Hao float in void, whatever the heavy blows of scarlet thunder fall unceasingly. His forehead pupil opens, huge Divine Sense locking scarlet thunder stubbornly, unceasing wants to find the scarlet thunder with the deep meaning that Sky Opening strikes the flaw, found the Achilles'heel of body of his Primordial Spirit. 姬昊悬浮在虚空中,任凭赤雷的重拳不断落下。他眉心道眸张开,庞大的神识死死的锁定赤雷,不断的用开天一击的奥义想要找到赤雷的破绽,找到他元神之体的致命要害。 Sky Opening that in those days in went smoothly everywhere struck, today actually becomes sluggish exceptionally. 往日里无往不利的开天一击,今日却变得迟滞异常。 The rich Destruction principle is surrounding and protecting the scarlet thunder, this is came from the different world the Destruction principle, Panyu world most root and most core strength, the Panyu world highest Grand Dao principle. Ji Hao wants to analyze the scarlet thunder side Destruction strength hastily the weakness, difficult, is very difficult, is extremely difficult! 浓郁的毁灭法则拱卫着赤雷,这是来自异世界的毁灭法则,盘虞世界最根源、最核心的力量,盘虞世界最高的大道法则。姬昊想要仓促中解析出赤雷身边毁灭力量的弱点,难,很难,极其难! In Spiritual Space, phantom stands up, both hands grip tightly the fist, both eyes stare the circle, two tile blue color gods light spouted, have illuminated Ji Hao entire Spiritual Space: Panyu? Snort, becomes a side world by the strength of Destruction? No, is not only the strength of Destruction, these disgusting strengths! Decayed, collapse, Destruction, evil, such disgusting fellow......” 神魂空间中,虚影站起身来,双手紧握成拳,双眼瞪圆,两道瓦蓝色神光喷出,照亮了姬昊的整个神魂空间:“盘虞?哼,以毁灭之力而成一方世界?不,不仅仅是毁灭之力,还有这些让人恶心的力量!腐朽,崩坏,毁灭,邪恶,这么恶心的家伙……” Um, your principle interesting!” In the pupil of phantom innumerable complex just liked to the extreme Grand Dao trace the waterfall same drips, his body is shivering slightly, he similarly in full observing and emulating scarlet thunder black mist, sensibility Grand Dao principle. “嗯,你的法则有点意思!”虚影的眸子里无数条复杂到了极点的大道纹路犹如瀑布一样淌下,他的身体微微颤抖着,他同样在全力的观摩赤雷身上的黑色雾气,感悟其中的大道法则。 All colors round cauldron in Ji Hao lower abdomen is beating rapidly, Ji Hao few days ago inhaled these spirit bodies, by forcefully the big ramble of seal, they unceasing was returned this turns over to the Yuan to refine to change into strength of the purest soul source, unceasing bought by phantom. 姬昊小腹中的五彩圆鼎急速的跳动着,姬昊前些日子吸入其中的那些灵体,还有被强行封印的大逍遥,他们正不断的被返本归元炼化为最纯粹的灵魂本源之力,不断的被虚影吸纳一空。 Obtains the supplements of strength of these soul sources, the phantom dim form is clear gradually, the aura that he lends is also getting more and more formidable. 得到这些灵魂本源之力的补充,虚影黯淡的身影逐渐清晰,他散发出的气息也越来越强大。 Ji Hao staggers suddenly forward, quiet cloud Cyclops also flushed, is trampling maliciously to his foot. 姬昊突然向前一个趔趄,幽云所化的独眼巨人也冲了上来,对着他狠狠一脚踹来。 12 Cyclops has encircled Ji Hao, to him, as soon as passes disrupts to kick randomly!( To be continued.) 12尊独眼巨人团团围住了姬昊,冲着他一通乱打乱踢!(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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