TME :: Volume #15

#1479: Plate Yu Chuang century

The dark space, a chaos piece, hot tempered strength beyond description attacks, ferment and breed horrible existence in the darkness mutually. In the limitless chaos, Ji Hao smelled the thick unlucky aura. 黑暗的空间,混沌一片,难以形容的暴躁力量在黑暗中相互冲击、发酵、孕育出让人恐怖的存在。无边无际的混沌中,姬昊闻到了浓浓的不祥气息。 Will die and mix up bloody, in addition the slough rotten bone of enough component, mixed decayed trillion years of corpse bonedust, smudged on pompous shining paint water again, the pestle naturally putrefies the innumerable years in the gloomy moist cave, so formed the flavor that Ji Hao smelled. 将死亡和血腥混在一起,加上足够份量的腐肉烂骨,混合进腐朽了亿万年的僵尸骨粉,再涂抹上一层冠冕堂皇的金灿灿的漆水,杵在阴暗潮湿的地窖中自然腐化无数年,如此就形成了姬昊嗅到的味道。 Smokes the human desire to spit, seemed each cell of whole body is polluted, Ji Hao from ** was uncomfortable to Dao Embryo tends the disintegration. 熏人欲吐,好似浑身的每个细胞都被污染了,姬昊从**到道胎都难受得趋于崩解。 When Ji Hao is in the collapse edge, phantom cold snort|hum, in his double pupil has projected two tile blue gods light, changed into the mellow warm aura to protect Ji Hao together. 就在姬昊处于崩溃边缘的时候,虚影冷哼了一声,他双眸中射出两道瓦蓝色的神光,化为一道醇厚温暖的气息护住了姬昊 The similar darkness, similar chaos, the similar high and low about division, have not had the space with the concept of time, the aura that but phantom puts just likes mother 's womb is the same, making Ji Hao feel to be warm and auspicious, feels the strength of incomparably formidable good fortune, felt incomparably exuberant life aura. 同样的黑暗,同样的混沌,同样的没有上下左右之分,没有空间和时间的概念,但是虚影放出来的这股气息却犹如母胎一样,让姬昊感受到了温暖和祥和,感受到了无比强大的造化之力,感受到了无比旺盛的生命气息。 The aura that phantom the aura, and other people collaborates to release after the scarlet thunder, simply is two extremes of widely different oppositions. 虚影的这股气息,和赤雷等12人联手后释放出的气息,简直就是两个迥然对立的极端。 Extremely rotten and death, to ultimate good fortune and evolving. 极度的腐烂和死亡,对上了终极的造化和衍变。 Ji Hao was in the diaphragm between death and in the good fortune, his foot stepped on the hell, a foot pedal in the heaven, he has been able the clear feeling the differences of these two types of widely different opposition aura, he faintly to grasp the opportunities of some strange good fortunes. 姬昊就处于死亡和造化之间的膈膜中,他一脚踩在了地狱里,一脚踏在了天堂中,他能清晰的感受到这两种迥然对立气息的不同,他更从中隐隐把握住了一些奇异的造化之机。 Sigh a long respite, outside Ji Hao body in limitless darkness, scarlet, was combining the boundless evil and boundless violence, boundless Destruction and death aura, carried was extremely greedy and eye pupil of chaotic meaning opens suddenly. ‘呼’的一声长长喘息,姬昊身体外面无边无际的黑暗之中,一颗猩红的,混杂着无边邪恶、无边暴力、无边毁灭和死亡气息,更携带了极度贪婪和混乱意味的眼眸骤然张开。 The limitless red light shoots up to the sky, slowly has illuminated that eye pupil all around darkness, making Ji Hao see clearly that side change. 无边无际的红光冲天而起,慢慢照亮了那颗眼眸四周的黑暗,让姬昊看清了那边的变化。 In the boundless darkness, a body does not know that has the big giant to roll up is drifting in the darkness, sole Ji Hao sees, the head of this giant, wants huge several hundred times compared with Sun of Pangu world. 无边的黑暗中,一尊身体不知道有多大的巨人蜷缩着飘浮在黑暗中,单单姬昊所见的,这个巨人的脑袋,就比盘古世界的太阳还要庞大数百倍。 The big head lives is fierce and ugly, just likes on head that the granite carves smooth, the line of bridge of the nose, lip, cheekbone, ear and eyebrow bone is monotonous and stiff, each line edge is flooding the massive chaotic heterogeneous lines on face. 偌大的脑袋生得狰狞而丑恶,犹如花岗岩雕成的脑袋上光溜溜的,鼻梁、嘴唇、颧骨、耳朵、眉骨的线条都单调而僵硬,每一根线条边缘都充斥着大量混乱驳杂的细纹。 Giant the peak of bridge of the nose bone, almost occupied the half area of his forehead, is an eye socket of getting sucked, a huge scarlet eye pupil moves restlessly in the eye socket is rotating restlessly, releases the suffocating Destruction aura unceasingly. 巨人的鼻梁骨的顶端,几乎占据了他额头的一半面积,是一个深陷的眼眶,一颗巨大的猩红色眼眸在眼眶里躁动不安的转动着,不断释放出让人窒息的毁灭气息。 Destruction!” The giant thick lip opened suddenly, has revealed the full mouth incisive fang, he opened mouth, sends out low and deep bellowing. This is the giant from the call of innermost soul, is not any mature language, but penetrates the intense soul fluctuation, Ji Hao understood clearly giant shouted is any meaning. 毁灭!”巨人厚厚的嘴唇突然张开,露出了满口尖锐的獠牙,他张开嘴,发出一声低沉的大吼。这是巨人发自灵魂深处的呐喊,并非任何一种成熟的语言,但是透过强烈的灵魂波动,姬昊清楚的明白了巨人这一声大喊是什么意思。 Ka in sound, the mouth of giant opens, the black red two color promiscuous rank winds from his mouth blowout, the rank wind place visited, the limitless darkness were polluted together in all directions, turned into rotten bouillon equally strange existence beyond description. ‘咔咔’声中,巨人的嘴巴张开,一道黑红二色混杂的腥风从他嘴里喷出,腥风所过之处,四面八方无边无际的黑暗都被污染了,变成了腐烂的肉汤一样难以形容的怪异存在。 He opens the big mouth, greedy is swallowing all around mutation darkness, along with his swallowing, in the scarlet eye pupil the red light is getting more and more abundant, the aura that the giant lends is getting more and more huge, the area that the red light covers is getting more and more vast, his body also even more grandiose. 他张开大嘴,贪婪的吞噬着四周异变的黑暗,随着他的吞噬,猩红色的眼眸中红光越来越盛,巨人散发出的气息越来越庞大,红光覆盖的面积越来越辽阔,他的身躯也越发的壮硕。 Slowly, the giant diastole opens body, has given out earthshaking roaring once more. 慢慢的,巨人舒张开身体,再次发出了一声惊天动地的怒吼。 This time roaring absolutely does not have any significance, the giant purely was expressing his heart to move restlessly restless Destruction all desires - looked. However what makes him become angry out of shame is all around darkness, a nihility, he wants Destruction anything, but he could not find the Destruction object. 这一次的怒吼完全没有任何意义,巨人只是纯粹在抒发他心头躁动不安的毁灭一切的欲-望。但是让他恼羞成怒的是四周一片漆黑,一片虚无,他想要毁灭些什么,可是他找不到毁灭的对象。 The forehead sets upright eye of opening vigorously, just liked the essence blood light drilled from the eye pupil together slowly. 眉心竖目极力的张开,一道犹如实质的血光从眼眸中缓慢的钻了出来。 Giants Jie Jie smile strangely, he puts out a hand to grip this blood light, slow has pulled out from oneself eye pupil him. chī chī in sound, this blood light congealed a handle to flood the strange weapon handle modeling distortion of extremely evil aura, just likes the body that the poisonous snake wound is common, the cutting edge was bumpy densely covered the innumerable denticles, all over the body was the weird looking long sword of extremely thin violently poisonous hangnail. 巨人‘桀桀’怪笑着,他伸手握住这道血光,缓慢的将他从自己眼眸中拔了出来。‘嗤嗤’声中,这道血光凝成了一柄充斥着极度邪恶气息的怪异兵器一柄造型扭曲,犹如毒蛇蜿蜒的身体一般,刃口坑坑洼洼密布着无数锯齿,遍体都是极细的剧毒倒刺的奇形长剑。 Solely looked that this handle sword so twists, the strange modeling, knows how distortion the essence of this giant is the brutality. 单单看这柄剑如此扭曲、怪异的造型,就知道这个巨人的本质是如何的扭曲和残酷。 Jie Jie smiles strangely, the wielding long sword that the giant makes an effort, has broken out in all directions the limitless darkness maliciously, huge fissures emerge out of thin air, the air/Qi of boundless primordial chaos emerges from the fissure, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind produces baseless, seethes with excitement on the tide that such as thin rice gruel Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind composes, a primitive Prehistoric world starts to take shape. ‘桀桀’怪笑着,巨人用力的挥动长剑,狠狠的劈开了四面八方无边无际的黑暗,一条条巨大的裂痕凭空出现,无边鸿蒙之气从裂痕中涌入,地水火风凭空生成,沸腾如稀粥的地水火风组成的浪潮上,一个原始的洪荒世界开始成型。 Innumerable cruel and crazy howling transmit, fissure in all directions, the innumerable chaos god demons had discovered a brand-new world is taking shape, stemming from the instinct of chaos hunting and killing, their crazy has killed to this newborn world. 无数声残暴、疯狂的吼叫声传来,四面八方的裂痕中,无数混沌神魔发现了一个崭新的世界正在成型,出于混沌猎杀者的本能,他们疯狂的向这个新生的世界杀了过来。 Kills master who Sky Opening develops, seizes this new world, invades the newborn world the source to realize, becomes the master of newborn world. Henceforth in boundless primordial chaos void, had most stable lair, can constantly absorb strength of formidable oneself primordial chaos, the endless evolution. 杀死开天辟地的主人,抢占这个新的世界,侵染新生世界的本源意识,成为新生世界的主人。从此在无边鸿蒙虚空中,就有了最坚固的巢穴,就能不断的吸取鸿蒙之力强大自身、无休止的进化下去。 Giants quack are laughing, been wild with joy is laughing, facing chaos god demon that raids in all directions, he has launched crazy killing on own initiative. Long sword of fierce distortion cuts void, a leader chaos god demon was struck to kill by him, whenever he strikes to kill a chaos god demon, on the long sword that in his hand twists on are many a god demon the statue. 巨人‘嘎嘎’大笑着,欣喜若狂的大笑着,面对四面八方袭来的混沌神魔,他主动展开了疯狂的扑杀。狰狞扭曲的长剑划破虚空,一头头混沌神魔被他击杀,每当他击杀一尊混沌神魔,他手中扭曲的长剑上就多出一尊神魔的雕像。 Destruction, Destruction and Destruction! The giants were crying out crazily, the giant voice broke the side innumerable chaos god demons. 毁灭毁灭毁灭’!巨人疯狂的呐喊着,巨大的声浪震碎了身边无数的混沌神魔。 Blood Essence of these chaos god demons by the Destruction aura invasion that on the giant sends out, main body Blood Essence that after having the giant is injured, flows out to integrate again unceasingly, in tide that Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind composes after the fermentation of long time, the first batch of lives of this world were born. 这些混沌神魔的精血被巨人身上散发出的毁灭气息侵染,再有巨人受伤后流出的本体精血不断融入其中,在地水火风组成的浪潮中经过漫长时间的酝酿,这个世界的第一批生灵诞生了。 The first batch crawl from Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, is the forehead, only then gets sucked into the giant of eye socket, they are whooshing loudly, joined randomly has become in a piece of war. These giants not only crazily attack these chaos god demons, crazier attack own father, the attack has created their giant. 第一批从地水火风中爬出来的,是眉心只有一个深陷眼眶的巨人,他们大声的嘶吼着,加入了乱成一片的大战中。这些巨人不仅仅疯狂的攻击那些混沌神魔,更疯狂的攻击自己的‘父亲’,攻击创造了他们的那尊巨人。 The long war has continued innumerable years, composes in the tide that from Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, the contour and humanity are almost exactly the same, similarly only lived two eyes ancestors to walk quietly. These ancestors similar dispositions twist cruelly, but they were obviously cunning, they have not joined with the chaos god demon war rashly, but hides in each region of Prehistoric world, perceiving through meditation world Grand Dao quietly, attempts to control this side world. 漫长的战争持续了无数年,从地水火风组成的浪潮中,外形和人类几乎一模一样,同样只生了两只眼的族裔悄然走了出来。这些族裔同样性格残暴而扭曲,但是他们显然奸猾了许多,他们并没有贸然加入和混沌神魔的战争,而是藏匿在洪荒世界的各地,悄然的参悟天地大道,尝试着掌控这一方世界。 The third batch go out of the Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind tide, is Ji Hao familiar three Yu Clan! 第三批走出地水火风浪潮的,就是姬昊熟悉的三眼虞族! They as the dependencies of two clansmen, survived under the asylums of two clansmen. 他们作为两眼族人的附庸,在两眼族人的庇护下存活了下来。 Afterward is four Jia Clan, their same cruel militant. 随后是四眼伽族,他们同样的残暴好战。 Finally is five repairs the clan, they have the profound wisdom. 最后是五眼脩族,他们拥有高深的智慧。 Has not waited to breed six, seven and even thousand and ten thousand strange foreign race groups, Cyclops that Sky Opening develops drops down finally.( To be continued.) 还不等孕育出六眼、七眼乃至千眼、万眼的怪异族群,开天辟地的独眼巨人终于倒下了。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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