TME :: Volume #15

#1478: Livelihood samsara

Fell a thigh, the golden flame slow combustion of wound also down, in scarlet thunder reassignment the strength of scarlet date immediately, a firm faint trace burnt down the scarlet thunder of his organism fully as before, swallowed spit extremely difficultly. 掉了一条大腿,伤口还有一层绒毛似的金色火焰缓慢燃烧,在赤雷调动的赤日之力全力地当下,依旧坚定的一丝丝烧掉他肌体的赤雷,极其艰难的吞了一口吐沫。 Compared with Pangu Dragon that few days ago saw, today the Pangu sword in Ji Hao hand becomes unadorned, does not have the magnificent appearance that on the same day Pangu Dragon makes a great show of one's talents again. For the first time looks, the ray reserved and sincere simple Pangu sword, resembled ravine one to wash out the innumerable year of big blue stones of by the mountain stream day and night, the semblance was not astonishing, but was passing one share cleanly flavor. 和前些日子见到的盘古龙纹相比,今日姬昊手中的盘古剑变得朴实无华,再没有当日盘古龙纹锋芒毕露的华丽模样。乍一看去,光芒内敛、厚重朴实的盘古剑,就好像山间一块被溪水日夜冲刷了无数年的大青石,外表毫不惊人,只是透着一股子‘干净’的味道。 Clean, right, extremely clean. 干净,没错,极其的干净。 Resembles any world principle unable the replenishment in him slightly, any attribute world spiritual energy is unable to invade the half minute, this handle semblance not outstanding long sword static was grasped by Ji Hao in the hand, has one type uniquely flavor that aloof, renounces. 就好像任何天地法则都无法加注于他丝毫,任何属性的天地灵气都无法侵染半分,这柄外表并不出众的长剑静静的被姬昊握在手中,却拥有一种独特的超然、决绝的韵味。 Because aloof, therefore is indifferent. 因为超然,所以冷漠。 Because of renouncing, therefore is heartless. 因为决绝,所以无情。 This is a handle to slaughter the fresh unsurpassed weapon for criminal purely, experience excessively innumerable god soldier sharp weapon of scarlet thunder on these top big experts of Panyu world, the life god soldier but who includes his master, a handle god soldier sharp weapon cannot give him to be similar to Pangu sword such feelings and impact. 这是一柄纯粹为了杀戮而生的无上凶器,赤雷在盘虞世界的那些顶级大能手上见识过无数的神兵利器,但是包括他的主人的本命神兵在内,没有一柄神兵利器能给他类似于盘古剑这样的感触和冲击。 The essence of Pangu sword, has exceeded the life god soldier, scarlet thunder this whole life of his master has seen all most precious objects. 盘古剑的本质,超过了他主人的本命神兵在内的、赤雷这辈子见过的所有至宝。 If not, the aura of inexhaustible yellow and black merit the Pangu sword lingers all over the body, this temperate and bright mellow strength neutralized part of Pangu swords the air/Qi of slaughtering, the scarlet thunder even suspected that this handle sword can shoot up to the sky voluntarily, field of vision all lives within range him cut to kill! 如果不是盘古剑通体萦绕的、无穷无尽的玄黄功德的气息,这股温和而光明醇厚的力量中和掉了一部分盘古剑的杀戮之气,赤雷甚至怀疑这柄剑会不会已经自行冲天而起,将他‘视野’范围内的一切生命斩杀一空! Let him suffer this handle ominous soldier sword? If doesn't die can leave safely? When Ji Hao his scarlet thunder is a fool? 让他挨这柄凶兵一剑?如果不死就能安全离开?姬昊当他赤雷是傻子么? Hollow laugh, scarlet thunder deep looks at the Ji Hao sinking sound track: If you let off me, my ordering makes the person who I bring stop. Otherwise, outside Liangzhu City spreads, rivers of blood horizontal corpse wildly.” 干笑了一声,赤雷深沉的看着姬昊沉声道:“如果你放过我,我就下令让我带来的人住手。否则的话,良渚城外将横尸遍野、血流成河。” Let Ji Hao let off the scarlet thunder? Like this can he let off the person outside Liangzhu City? When the scarlet thunder his Ji Hao is a fool? 姬昊放过赤雷?这样他就能放过良渚城外的人?赤雷当他姬昊是傻子? Ji Hao he he has smiled, how many person outside Liangzhu City dies, has what responsibility with his Ji Hao? The scarlet thunder is willing to kill, that killed, in any case wore down was also the foreign race vitality. 姬昊‘呵呵’的笑了起来,良渚城外的人死多少,和他姬昊有何干系?赤雷愿意杀,那就杀好了,反正消磨的也是异族的元气。 Holds up the Pangu sword slowly, transports the Yu Yu sword Secret Art, silent, on the Pangu sword wipes the sword glow to spout several feet, just likes living Flood Dragon same organizes the beat, silent sending out the air/Qi of boundless fierce slaughtering. 缓缓举起盘古剑,默运禹馀剑诀,无声无息的,盘古剑上一抹剑芒喷出十几丈长,犹如一条活生生的蛟龙一样腾挪跳动,无声的散发出无边狰狞杀戮之气。 To high, great scarlet date!” Scarlet muttered is praying, he raised both hands high, one set of spare pale golden half-length armor reappeared baseless, binds on his upper part. On the chest of half-length armor, one round scarlet date was splendid, center the scarlet date was vertical stroke eye of one slightly opening, just liked the living creature generally stubbornly was staring at Ji Hao. “至高,伟大的赤日啊!”赤雷喃喃祈祷着,他高高举起双手,一套备用的淡金色半身甲凭空浮现,裹在了他上半身上。半身甲的胸口上,一轮赤日熠熠生辉,赤日正中是一枚微微开启的竖目,犹如活物一般死死的盯着姬昊 Ji Hao spirit sleep at this moment is extremely formidable, his clear sensation, in the body of scarlet thunder seemed presented a careful tunnel, went nonstop to was very tyrannical to some extremely remote place, incomparably ancient existence. 姬昊此刻的灵觉极其强大,他清晰的感知到,赤雷的身体内好似出现了一条细细的隧道,直通向了极其遥远之地某个无比强横、无比古老的存在。 Is together formidable and pure, sends out the wild violence and bloodlust - the strength of scarlet date looks at poured into the scarlet thunder following the careful tunnel the body. The scarlet thunder low and deep pain shouted one, in his cut away thigh root wound, that matter light golden color flame was attacked by the strength of scarlet date maliciously is put out towering, scarlet Thunder Dakou is panting for breath, a complete thigh is spraying the blood plasma, grows rapidly from his wound. 一道强大、精纯,散发出狂暴的暴力和杀戮欲-望的赤日之力顺着细细的隧道注入赤雷的身体。赤雷低沉的痛呼了一声,他被切掉的大腿根部伤口上,那层淡淡的金色火焰被赤日之力狠狠冲击突兀熄灭,赤雷大口的喘息着,一条完整的大腿喷洒着血浆,从他伤口内急速生长出来。 To the high, great scarlet date, awarded my infinite strength, Destruction and other incompetent and ignorant barbaric.” The scarlet thunder roared loudly, the strength of scarlet date emerged his both hands, his both hands flesh and blood had the strange distortion change, turned into two handle scarlet red, to send out the intense red light the long sword. “至高,伟大的赤日,授予我无穷的力量,毁灭尔等无能、愚昧的土著。”赤雷大声咆哮,赤日之力涌入他的双手,他的双手骨肉发生了奇异的扭曲变化,变成了两柄赤红色、散发出强烈红光的长剑。 Dexterous wielding both hands, scarlet thunder looks at Ji Hao chī chī smiling: „The perfect integration of strength and my body scarlet date, now, my strength, speed and response, are my over five times in peak condition. barbaric, you thought that you also hopefully do defeat me? Was inferior, you your sword......” 轻巧的挥动双手,赤雷看着姬昊嗤嗤’的笑着:“赤日之力和我身体的完美融合,现在,我的力量、速度、反应,都是我巅峰状态的五倍以上。土著,你觉得你还有希望战胜我么?不如,你把你的剑……” The scarlet thunder looked at a Pangu sword greedily: Gives to me? Although he is very fearful, however in you such stupid barbaric hand, he radically......” 赤雷贪婪的看了一眼盘古剑:“献给我?虽然他很可怕,但是在你这样愚蠢的土著手中,他根本……” Ji Hao is not willing to listen to scarlet thunder arrogant thinking aloud, he gives a loud shout, the Yu Yu sword Secret Art launches, the Pangu sword chops four swords according to four positions likely continually. Four sword light are nimble and resourceful, tow Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind to change into four light walls to fly high to stand erect, blocked scarlet thunder to fend the space thoroughly. 姬昊不愿意听赤雷自高自大的自言自语,他大喝一声,禹馀剑诀展开,盘古剑按四象方位连劈四剑。四道剑光灵动矫健,牵引地水火风化为四座光墙凌空矗立,彻底封死了赤雷的一切闪避空间。 The scarlet thunder only thinks that is the dense sword light howls in all directions the attack, hides not to be possible to hide and evade not to be possible to evade, the sword potential of Ji Hao in his opinion is only ordinary common, contained the inconceivable Dao of Sword essential meaning, unexpectedly has inspired the world principle, compelling him unable to fend and can only meet hardly resists hardly. 赤雷只觉四面八方都是森森剑光呼啸来袭,躲无可躲、避无可避,姬昊的剑势在他看来只是普通寻常,却蕴藏了不可思议的剑道精义,居然引动了天地法则,逼得他无法闪避、只能硬接硬抗。 barbaric! Your sword Secret Art one and gives to me!” Scarlet Thunder Changsheng roar crazily, both arms the scarlet long sword belt had the big piece remnant shade to welcome to the Pangu sword. 土著!连带你的剑诀一并献给我!”赤雷长声狂啸,双臂所化的血色长剑带起大片残影向盘古剑迎了上来。 chī chī two, scarlet Thunder Jitong cried loud and long, his arm the long sword, after the strength of scarlet date poured into, is chopped into pieces the stars sufficiently the long sword, unexpectedly was bumped slightly by the point of Pangu sword, resembled the sharp knife to cut the bean curd equally complete root to fall off. 嗤嗤’两声,赤雷极痛长啸,他手臂所化的长剑,被赤日之力灌注后足以劈碎星辰的长剑,居然被盘古剑的锋芒稍微一碰,就好像利刀切豆腐一样齐根脱落。 Those who make the scarlet thunder panic-stricken is, on Pangu sword sending out naturally Destruction all unsurpassed wills, the both arms that he falls off shake against the wind, changes into two wisps of azure smoke to dissipate on simultaneously. His hissing is calling out in alarm, the strength of scarlet date poured into the whole body, two arms grow immediately. 更让赤雷惊恐的是,盘古剑上自然而然的散发出了一股毁灭一切的无上意志,他脱落的双臂迎风一抖,就齐齐化为两缕青烟消散。他嘶声惊呼着,赤日之力灌注全身,两条手臂立刻重新生长出来。 Ji Hao sword Secret Art change, the Pangu sword belt has three sword shades, three position cuts according to the world person to the scarlet thunder. 姬昊剑诀变化,盘古剑带起三道剑影,按照天地人三才方位斩向赤雷。 The sword Secret Art fluctuates at the same time, in three sword shades separately spouted has wiped the strength of golden Sun, to wipe the strength of silver moon as well as wipes seven color variegated attributes to be extremely complex actually extremely pure energy of the starlight. 剑诀变幻的同时,三道剑影上就分别喷出了一抹金色的太阳之力、一抹银色的太阴之力以及一抹七彩斑斓属性极度复杂却又极其精纯的星辰之力 The day has the three treasures livelihood star, the livelihood energy of the starlight replenishment Yu Yu sword Secret Art, the sword potential of Ji Hao becomes moving fast even more is evasive, has open and aboveboard, is withstanding great pressure the broad potential to fall. 天有三宝日月星,日月星辰之力加注禹馀剑诀,姬昊的剑势变得越发的飘忽不可捉摸,却又带着一股堂堂正正、泰山压顶般的恢弘之势落下。 Moves fast mixes with the broad two types of totally different aura as one, scarlet Thunder Zhishi looked at a sword potential of Ji Hao, is uncomfortable wants to spit blood. With that strikes to be the same, he does not even see clearly including the background of Ji Hao sword potential, but knows that he cannot avoid this sword. 飘忽和恢弘两种迥然不同的气息混为一体,赤雷只是看了一眼姬昊的剑势,就难受得想要吐血。和刚才的那一击一样,他甚至连姬昊剑势的来路都看不清楚,只是知道他避不开这一剑。 I am impossible dead here!” The scarlet thunder bellows desperately! “我不可能死在这里!”赤雷绝望大吼! You cannot certainly die here, you are our teams leader, if you died, we do not have the means confession!” The sound of quiet cloud conveys from afar, afterward ten formidable aura just like the rocket shoot up to the sky together generally: Scarlet thunder, making this damn barbaric experience, our true ultimate strengths! Livelihood samsara!” “你当然不能死在这里,你是我们队长,若是你死了,我们可没办法交代!”幽云的声音远远传来,随后十一道强大的气息犹如狼烟一般冲天而起:“赤雷啊,让这个该死的土著见识一下,我们真正的终极力量吧!日月轮回!” The scarlet thunder revealed one to grin fiendishly, he raised both hands to pinch an extremely strange seal Secret Art, has drunk one low and deep livelihood samsara. 赤雷露出了一丝狞笑,他举起双手捏了一个极其古怪的印诀,低沉的喝了一声‘日月轮回’。 The aura of September also reappeared on the 3rd, Ji Hao at present suddenly one black, he seemed fell into some black space, all around was the serious and viscous strength, making him just like the fly in amber, the motion became loathsome incomparably distressed.( To be continued.) 三日九月的气息同时浮现,姬昊眼前骤然一黑,他好似落入了某个黑色的空间,四周都是沉重而粘稠的力量,让他犹如琥珀中的苍蝇,行动变得拖泥带水无比狼狈。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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