TME :: Volume #15

#1477: The condensation strikes

Under the gaze of world will, strikes to kill to obtain barbaric of his favor! This is the supreme hunting enjoys! This is the politics conquers, this rules, this is the supreme authority, dominates the authority above world will!” “在世界意志的注视下,击杀得到他恩宠的土著!这是至高无上的狩猎享受!这才是政征服,这才是统治,这才是至高无上的权力,凌驾于世界意志之上的权力!” The scarlet thunder wielded denticle big sword, the whole body spout the aura of Panyu world scarlet date unique slaughtering and violence, just liked round combustion scarlet red Sun, surmounted him and between several Human Race marquises instantaneously 3000 zhang (3.33 m) distance, rushed to them behind not to arrive at the place of hundred zhang (333m). 赤雷挥动着锯齿大剑,周身喷涌着盘虞世界赤日特有的杀戮和暴力的气息,犹如一轮燃烧的赤红色太阳,瞬间跨越了他和几名人族伯侯之间3000丈的距离,冲到了他们身后不到百丈之地。 The scarlet denticle big sword flies high to brandish, the scarlet thunder broke through this distance time, along the way about thousand elite Human Race Warrior do not revolt was struck to kill by his sword. Three Magus King, 38 Great Magus and 943 elite Warrior, they cannot see clearly the scarlet thunder the form, the head follow the big piece blood to soar to the heavens to fly. 猩红色的锯齿大剑凌空挥舞,赤雷冲过这一段距离的时候,沿途近千名精锐的人族战士毫无反抗的被他一剑击杀。三尊巫王、38名大巫、943名精锐战士,他们没能看清赤雷的身影,头颅就伴随着大片鲜血冲天飞起。 Slaughters with the violence, in society most formidable strength!” Aura winding that the scarlet thunder cheerful loud long and loud cry, slaughters near his big sword, his blood in the ebullition, his strength in promotion rapidly, about thousand people of slaughtering made him obtain the strength of more scarlet date, his strength promoted own pinnacle, then broke through this extreme, promoted his main body strength about three times. “杀戮和暴力,世间最强大的力量!”赤雷欢快的大声长啸,杀戮的气息缠绕在他的大剑附近,他的血液在沸腾,他的力量在急速的提升,近千人的杀戮让他得到了更多的赤日之力,他的力量提升到了自己的极致,然后突破了这个极点,提升到了他本体力量的三倍左右。 The gracious gift of scarlet date, making the scarlet thunder have oneself three times of strengths in peak condition! 赤日的恩赐,让赤雷拥有了自己巅峰状态三倍的力量! Slaughters, the way more violence that slaughters, the scarlet thunder can have a more formidable strength, this was the essence of strength of scarlet date, this was also the Panyu world genuine superior aristocrat and adjoins arrow nu these born among the inferior aristocrats beyond Panyu world biggest the difference. 杀戮越多,杀戮的方式越暴力,赤雷就能拥有更强大的力量,这才是赤日之力的精髓,这也是盘虞世界真正的上等贵族和毗矢伮这些诞生于盘虞世界之外的下等贵族之间最大的差别。 The scarlet thunder laughed wildly has been holding up long sword, aimed at one Human Race marquis who was covered by world merit Golden Light layer on layer to divide. 赤雷狂笑着举起了长剑,对准了一名被天地功德金光笼罩的人族伯侯重重劈下。 At this moment red light everywhere, Sun of Pangu world jumped out the east horizon completely, the boundless immeasurable sunlight shines the earth, all things between world have covered a pretty gold-rimmed. 这一刻红光漫天,盘古世界的太阳已经完全跳出了东边的地平线,无边无量的阳光普照大地,天地间的一切事物都镀上了一层靓丽的金边。 From the scarlet Thunder Baiduo place, Ji Hao looks joyfully float in front Pangu clock and Pangu sword. 距离赤雷百多里的地方,姬昊欣然看着悬浮在面前的盘古钟和盘古剑。 What Pangu clock as is always that and other ashes threw not to have the gloss appearance, fused Tai Ji Robe and Tai Ji Creation Cauldron, the aura of Pangu clock was also formidable, on the plain sincere clock body, the strange aura circle faintly the circulation. 盘古钟一如既往的是那等灰扑扑毫无光泽的模样,融合了太极法衣太极造化鼎,盘古钟的气息又强大了许多,古朴厚重的钟体上,隐隐有一圈圈奇异的气息盘旋流转。 Pangu Dragon originally, the present Pangu sword also lost all gloss, one such as the Pangu clock, the sword body creates to be plain and smooth, the ash throws does not see slightly the gloss. Sword body surface any pattern beautification, actually faintly has not passed one to let the person palpitation the inexplicable flavor. 原本的盘古龙纹,如今的盘古剑也失去了所有的光泽,一如盘古钟,剑体造成古朴而流畅,灰扑扑的不见丝毫光泽。剑体表面没有任何的花纹修饰,却隐隐透着一股让人心悸的莫名韵味。 Ji Hao is grasping the Pangu sword, narrows the eyes to focus to phantom in Spiritual Space laughs: Axe? Perhaps my dad likes that argument, what I study is Dao of Sword. Does not have the means that what the teacher hands down from generation to generation is Yu Yu Dao of Sword, is not the Yu Yu axe says!” 姬昊握着盘古剑,眯着眼向神魂空间中的虚影大笑:“斧头?我阿爹或许喜欢那个调调,但是我学的是剑道。没办法,师尊传下来的是禹馀剑道,可不是禹馀斧道呵!” By the eye of Ji Hao, looks at the Pangu sword that phantom quite regrets: This sword is also good, could not compare past Sky Opening that handle big axe. The kids, I must say to you that chops the feeling of person with the axe is nimble and efficient, but, that is the man most suitable weapon...... Sword, a little mother - was mad!” 透过姬昊的眼睛,虚影颇为惋惜的看着盘古剑:“这剑也是不错的,还是比不上当年开天的那柄大斧。小家伙,我要给你说,用斧头劈人的感觉最是爽利不过,那才是爷们最适合的兵器……剑嘛,啧,有点娘-们气了!” Ji Hao wants to spit blood, phantom these years, failed to study. 姬昊想吐血,虚影这些年,学坏了。 Does he dare to speak to the shaft Saint sovereign this saying? Are others also good with the master of sword? His handle Xuan Yuan Sword slaughters innumerably, how many foreign race chopped and demons and monsters head? 他敢把这话对轩辕圣皇说说?人家也是用剑的高手好不好?他的一柄轩辕剑杀戮无数,砍下了多少异族和妖魔鬼怪的脑袋? Suddenly, a Ji Hao vitality ebullition, the dark world will has alarmed him, although the body fragment that before Ji Hao the strength of complete merit will take away receiving in exchange Pangu died in the past, leaves behind, this moment Ji Hao research and Pangu world are maintaining the closest soul relation. 骤然间,姬昊的气血一阵沸腾,冥冥中的天地意志惊动了他,虽然姬昊将全部的功德之力拿去换取当年盘古陨落前留下的身体碎片,此刻姬昊研究和盘古世界保持着最紧密的灵魂联系。 Pangu Sun ray shining sidereal revolution, at this moment, Pangu Sun has become the eye pupil of Ji Hao, under the Sun ray shines all, Ji Hao knows from A to Z. He saw several active uncle marquises who is still accepting the world merit irrigation, saw have wielded the long sword, waited the scarlet thunder that divided to chop to Human Race. 盘古太阳的光芒照耀周天,这一刻,盘古太阳就成了姬昊的眼眸,在太阳光芒照耀之下的一切,姬昊都了如指掌。他看到了还在接受天地功德灌注的几位有功伯侯,看到了挥动长剑,向一位人族伯候劈砍下去的赤雷。 Ji Hao has smiled, very cold severe has smiled, he lifts the right hand, has pinched a law seal superficially: Friend , helping!” 姬昊笑了,很冷厉的笑了,他抬起右手,轻描淡写的捏了一个法印:“老兄,帮个忙!” This friend, Ji Hao is calling Pangu Sun! 这个‘老兄’,姬昊是在称呼盘古太阳 The world will of Pangu world moved, the my will of Pangu Sun deep sleep moved. 盘古世界的天地意志动了,盘古太阳沉睡的本我意志动了。 Just by Liangzhu City that Sun of initial rise illuminated suddenly dark, Liangzhu City peripheral 30 million li (0.5km) huge territory dark, Pangu Sun sprinkled sunlight toe-in rapidly in this side region, the surrounding area all sunlight within 30 million li (0.5km) under the will control of Ji Hao, congealed hair silk tiny ray! 刚刚被初升的太阳照亮的良渚城骤然暗了下来,良渚城周边30000000里的庞大领地暗了下来,盘古太阳洒落在这一方区域中的阳光急速的向内收敛,方圆30000000里内的所有阳光在姬昊的意志操控下,凝成了头发丝般细小的一条光线! Scoffing a sound, this thin to the pinnacle sunlight has delimited void, accurate unusual has shot at the scarlet thunder. ‘嗤’的一声响,这条细到极致的阳光划过虚空,精准异常的射向了赤雷。 The face of scarlet thunder twitches suddenly color deterioration, he feels the enormous terror that in his long life journey has never felt, he felt the entire Pangu world has become his enemy, a fearful strength was cutting to raid void to him. 赤雷的脸骤然抽搐变色,他感受到了他漫长的生命旅程中从未感受到的极大恐怖,他感受到整个盘古世界都成了他的敌人,一股可怕的力量正划破虚空向他袭来。 Urged the scarlet thunder to raise in the hand from the formidable instinct of scarlet date the long sword, proceeded from the instinct completely wielded forward maliciously. 源自赤日的强大本能驱使赤雷举起了手中长剑,完全发自本能的向前狠狠一挥。 Scoffing a clear sound, condensed the surrounding area in 30 million li (0.5km) all energies of light careful Golden Light just liked the sharp sword cuts the bean curd, in the scarlet thunder hand the blood light four denticle long sword that shot has slivered two pieces. ‘嗤’的一声清响,凝聚了方圆30000000里内所有光能的细细金光犹如利剑切豆腐,将赤雷手中血光四射的锯齿长剑切成了两片。 Scream of scarlet thunder hysteria, his mail-armor and helmet breaks up suddenly, is separated from his body rapidly, then rapidly combined to keep off in his front. He opens mouth, blowout that extremely does not abandon a fine peerless multi- lozenge red crystal. 赤雷歇斯底里的尖叫一声,他身上的甲胄骤然崩解,迅速脱离他的身体,然后急速的重新组合挡在了他的面前。他更是张开嘴,万分不舍的喷出了一枚精致绝伦的多棱形赤色晶体。 Golden Light fell on the scarlet thunder mail-armor and helmet, on the shining mail-armor and helmet a layer upon layer halo shone, then instantaneously Beng Hui. 金光落在了赤雷的甲胄上,金灿灿的甲胄上一层层光晕亮起,然后瞬间崩毁。 The golden mail-armor and helmet changes into a wisp of azure smoke to dissipate in a flash with the wind, the scarlet thunder a blood spouts immediately, he points at a ball, said Golden Light to that the number of people size multi- corner red crystal numerous balls, oneself body tore in a flash void walks. 金色甲胄在弹指间就化为一缕青烟随风消散,赤雷当即一口血喷出,他手指一弹,将人头大小的多棱赤色晶体重重的弹向那道金光,自己身体一晃撕裂虚空就走。 Tittering, the red crystal was pierced by Golden Light. ‘噗嗤’一声,赤色晶体被金光洞穿。 However this red crystal after is the thing of scarlet thunder final life-saving, time that he stopped Golden Light probably 1/1000 snapping fingers, in instance that in this 1/1000 snap fingers, the body of scarlet thunder transferred, shot at his forehead to set upright goal Golden Light leaning, has delimited from his waist hip spot gently. 但是这颗赤色晶体毕竟是赤雷最后的救命之物,他阻拦了金光大概1个弹指的时间,在这1弹指的瞬间内,赤雷的身体挪移了出去,本来射向他眉心竖目的金光偏了偏,从他的腰胯部位轻轻划过。 Without any feeling, scarlet thunder thigh Qi Gen breaks. 没有任何感觉的,赤雷一条大腿齐根而断。 The scarlet thunder lowers the head fiercely, sees the own shut off thigh, his hissing is whinning, the speed of fleeing sped up 30% suddenly. 赤雷猛地低头,看到自己被切断的大腿,他嘶声哀嚎着,遁逃的速度骤然又加快了三成。 The Pangu Sun ray is full of the dark space that just presented rapidly, the warm sunlight sprinkled on the scarlet thunder body similarly, wiped the shadow to pass over gently and swiftly from the scarlet thunder top of the head suddenly, Ji Hao with the aid of the Pangu Sun omnipresent sunlight, crossed the scarlet thunder with ease, kept off in his front. 盘古太阳的光芒迅速充满了刚刚出现的黑暗空间,温煦的阳光同样洒在了赤雷的身上,骤然间一抹阴影从赤雷的头顶掠过,姬昊借助盘古太阳无所不在的阳光,轻松的越过了赤雷,挡在了他的面前。 Wears one homespun cloth long dress that snatches from Si Wenming pocket, Ji Hao is carrying the newborn Pangu sword, blocked with a laugh fell a scarlet thunder of thigh. 身穿一件从姒文命口袋里抢过来的粗布长衣,姬昊拎着新生的盘古剑,笑呵呵的挡住了掉了一条大腿的赤雷。 Scarlet thunder? You have killed our these many Warrior, do you also want to walk?” “赤雷?你杀了我们这么多战士,你还想走?” „To walk also easily, has a look at my this sword, I used the immeasurable merit to forge. Let me hold your sword, you do not die, you walk!” “想走也容易,看看我这剑,我用无量功德重新锻造了一番。让我捅你一剑,你不死,你就走!” Ji Hao smiles especially brightly, bright passes one share to send cold cold intent from the bottom of the heart.( To be continued.) 姬昊笑得格外的灿烂,灿烂中透着一股子让人打心底里发寒的冷意。(未完待续。)
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