TME :: Volume #15

#1476: Slaughters the provocation

Outside Liangzhu City, repairs in the manor of clan young feudal lord, several hundred foreign race aristocrat and servant and slave the platoon of corpse entire simultaneously a row. The owner in manor, a young repairing clan feudal lord head was chopped, with an iron rod pestle top the manor castle highest turret. 良渚城外,一座脩族小领主的庄园中,数百具异族贵族和奴仆、奴隶的尸体整整齐齐的排成了一排。庄园的主人,一名年龄不大的脩族领主头颅被剁了下来,用一根铁棍杵在了庄园城堡最高的塔楼顶部。 Scarlet Thunder stands by the blood incarnadine iron rod by, both hands was held in the front, lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at Liangzhu City to stand tall and erect the city wall that. 赤雷站在被鲜血染红的铁棍旁,双手抱在胸前,冷冷的看着良渚城高耸的城墙。 I like in the daybreak time murder. These incompetent tour reading poems people always said that the daybreak is the happiest time that the life regains consciousness, but I, like in the flash that their lives regain consciousness, thorough strangles their lowly destinies!” “我喜欢在黎明的时刻杀人。那些无能的游吟诗人总是说,黎明是生命苏醒的最美好的时刻,而我,就喜欢在他们的生命苏醒的一瞬间,彻底的扼杀他们卑贱的命运!” The right hand has patted the racket in the chest, the scarlet thunder as if can also feel to be put on the severe pain of chest by a Ji Hao fist bang on the same day, as well as own life momentarily possibly strangled certainly big terror. He is cloudy the face, clenches teeth saying maliciously: Today, I must kill more people. Before the great master arrives, they do not want the one day of peace and peaceful auspicious day!” 右手在胸口拍了拍,赤雷似乎还能感受到当天被姬昊一拳轰穿胸膛的剧痛,以及自己的生命随时可能被扼杀的绝大恐怖。他阴沉着脸,咬着牙狠狠的说道:“今天,我还要杀更多的人。在伟大的主人降临之前,他们别想有一天太平、安静的好日子!” Dozens wear the qilin Qilin chain armor, grasps the lance, will treadon the The heaven god of flaming chariot float in the scarlet thunder behind, in the opacitas vision will often flash through wipes the color of struggling. Faint trace strange dim light congealed strange Symbol in their pupils, whenever their vision changed time, Symbol that this dim light congealed suddenly shone, has suppressed their all my spirit wisdom. 数十名身披麒锁子甲,手持长矛,脚踏风火轮的天庭神将悬浮在赤雷身后,浑浊的目光中不时闪过一抹挣扎之色。一丝丝奇异的幽光在他们眸子里凝成了怪异的符文,每当他们的目光发生变化的时候,这枚幽光凝成的符文就骤然亮起,镇压了他们所有的本我灵智。 The scarlet thunder has turned around, is having an appreciation of exclamation, high and low will size up these strengths to be intrepid, endures compared with the Human Race high level Divine Magi The heaven god: Really is the great divine creative force, this Pangu world, probably must be higher than much compared with the grade that the master guessed.” 赤雷转过身来,带着一丝惊叹的欣赏,上下打量着这些实力强悍,堪比人族高阶巫帝天庭神将:“真是了不起的造物,这个盘古世界,或许比主人猜测的品级还要高出不少。” This world source condenses voluntarily, governance world authority and maintenance world principle revolution to high capability mechanism...... The heaven? In I participate in these many world that conquers personally, only then once plate lin macrocosm, had similar The heaven embryonic form, but has not condensed the forming thoroughly, was smashed by us.” “这种天地本源自行凝聚的,统辖天地权威、维护天地法则运转的至高权力机构……天庭?在我亲自参与征服的这么多世界中,只有曾经的盘冧大世界,拥有类似的天庭雏形,可是还没彻底凝聚成形,就被我们捣毁了。” The heaven of Pangu world, actually so complete, so mature, and has self- breeding, the multiplication new God and deity, supplements the self- strength continuously the ability. Too was really great, has controlled this The heaven, we almost can control this world.” 盘古世界的天庭,却是如此的完整,如此的成熟,并且拥有自我孕育、繁衍新的天帝和天神,源源不断补充自我力量的能力。真是太了不起了,掌控了这个天庭,我们几乎就能掌控这个世界。” Emperor Shi kills this inferior aristocrat family whose fortunes are on the decline, he uses the most precious object that the master did bestow in the The heaven god source pond unexpectedly? Walked a good chess actually. Has a look at these fellows, formidable Warrior that the pure energy body concentrates, can control this world freely the fundamental element energy, fierce does not fear, to be brave in battle, is really perfect Warrior!” 帝释杀这个下等贵族破落户,他居然将主人赐下的至宝用在了天庭的神源池?倒是走了一步好棋。看看这些家伙,啧啧,纯粹能量体凝成的强大战士,能够自如的掌控这个世界的基本元素能量,悍不畏死、英勇善战,真是完美的战士啊!” But now, they are my slave, Ha Ha, maintains this world world principle operation Warrior, turned into the slaves of our these external invaders! The wisdom of great master, really impressive!” “可是现在,他们就是我的奴隶,哈哈,维护这个世界天地法则运行的战士,变成了我们这些外来侵略者的奴隶!伟大的主人的智慧,真的让人惊叹!” Scarlet thunder Ha Ha is laughing, has turned around to take a look at the city wall cold sound track in Liangzhu: Goes, kills all people who outside the city you bump into. Does not remain, kills completely. No matter Yu Clan, Jia Clan, repair the clan, is the servants and slaves of these fellows, or is barbaric of this world. Kills off them, but do not send out the too big sound!” 赤雷‘哈哈’大笑着,转过身去瞅着良渚的城墙冷声道:“去,杀死城外你们碰到的一切人。一个不留,全部杀死。不管是虞族、伽族、脩族,还是这些家伙的奴仆和奴隶,又或者是这个世界的土著。杀光他们,但是千万不要发出太大的动静!” Dozens gods simultaneously will kneel down to salute to scarlet Thunder Danxi, has acknowledged one respectful and prudent. 数十名神将同时向赤雷单膝跪倒行礼,恭谨的应诺了一声。 They wear the golden qilin Qilin chain armor, the mail-armor and helmet send out light Golden Light, serves as contrast their skins is appearing a little becomes dark. Inexplicable withering intends to their side winding, these The heaven gods at this moment will look like, actually will seem the malicious ghost same terror of hell. 他们身穿金色的麒锁子甲,甲胄散发出淡淡的金光,衬托着他们的皮肤显得有点发黑。一股莫名的肃杀之意在他们身边缠绕,这些天庭的神将此刻看来,却好似地狱的恶鬼一样恐怖。 They disperse, defers to [gold/metal] wooden water fire clay five lines of strength separately, every five gods will become one group. In the manor jungle, the invincible force who the troop wears the silver Flood Dragon ring-armor also shoots up to the sky, will follow in abundance in these gods behind. 他们分散开来,分别按照金木水火土五行之力,每五名神将自成一组。在庄园四周的丛林中,大群身披银色蛟龙连环甲的天兵也冲天而起,纷纷跟在了这些神将身后。 These invincible forces are also elite of The heaven god source pond breeding, the strength of each invincible force endures compared with Human Race high level Magus King. Following that they unemotionally in these gods, toward has swept the past in all directions. 这些天兵也都是天庭神源池孕育的精锐,每一尊天兵的实力都堪比人族高阶巫王。他们面无表情的跟在那些神将的身后,向着四面八方扫荡了过去。 Liangzhu City peripheral has the number by the big size small foreign race feudal lords of 100,000 ideas, they have the manors in one or more cities separately, in their territories, is living massive foreign race. Because of the bounty of Pangu world, these foreign race innumerable years are enjoying extremely wonderful idyllic life. 良渚城周边有着数以100000计的大大小异族领主,他们分别拥有一个或者数个城镇的封地,在他们的领地中,聚居着大量的异族。因为盘古世界的富饶,这些异族无数年来享受着极其美妙的田园生活。 Even Ji Hao and Dragon Hushi looks like four big Venerable and glory control tossing about continually in Liangzhu City, is these big aristocrats in Liangzhu City has bad luck merely, the feudal lords outside these cities, a loss of their root hair does not have. 甚至姬昊、龙虎狮象四大尊者、荣耀主宰会在良渚城内的连番折腾,也仅仅是良渚城内的那些大贵族倒霉,这些城外的领主,他们就连一根毛的损失都没有。 The foreign race feudal lord who however daybreak of this day, these get by leisurely and carefree, welcomed in the life darkest a day. 但是这一日的黎明,这些悠闲度日的异族领主,迎来了生命中最黑暗的一天。 The number by the invincible forces of 100,000 ideas in dozens gods under the governance, just liked the heartless god of death will pass over gently and swiftly their territories. 数以100000计的天兵在数十名神将的统辖下,犹如无情的死神掠过他们的领地。 The fierce combat has cut the daybreak micro cool wind, the smell of blood following wind proliferation rapidly, the scarlet thunder got down has executed the command, these invincible force gods place visited, innumerable foreign race feudal lord their family members, their servants and their slaves, even was the pet that they raised, was cut to kill. 刀光剑影划破了黎明时分微凉的风,血腥味顺着风急速的扩散开,赤雷下了格杀令,这些天兵神将所过之处,无数的异族领主连带他们的家人、他们的奴仆、他们的奴隶,甚至是他们豢养的宠物,都被斩杀一空。 To threaten Human Race with the huge military force, in 12 ruling Great's reassigns these foreign race feudal lord territories military forces, the territory unprecedented voids of these foreign race feudal lords, will not simply have the strength to resist these invincible force gods to attack. 为了用庞大的军力威吓人族,12执政大帝将这些异族领主领地中的军力抽调一空,这些异族领主的领地前所未有的空虚,根本没有力量抵挡这些天兵神将的进攻。 Perfect union that the aura of death and blood, the violence and slaughtered, I liked this flavor.” The scarlet thunder changes into the red flowing light to approach to Liangzhu City together: „Such bountiful world, should not make your inferior aristocrat families whose fortunes are on the decline enjoy, this world is us , can only be us! Your these inferior aristocrat families whose fortunes are on the decline, you become the qualifications of our slave do not have!” “死亡和鲜血的气息,暴力和杀戮的完美结合,我喜欢这种味道。”赤雷化为一道赤色流光向良渚城逼近:“这么富饶的世界,根本不应该让你们这些下等贵族破落户来享受,这个世界属于我们,也只能属于我们!你们这些下等贵族破落户,你们连成为我们奴隶的资格都没有呵!” The scarlet thunder has invaded Liangzhu City, his lively walk on street in confusion, place visited foreign race Warrior was struck to kill by him with ease. 赤雷侵入了良渚城,他轻快的行走在狼藉的街道上,所过之处一个又一个异族战士被他轻松击杀。 He follows the avenue, the light beam that appears suddenly the strength of merit concentrates to these to walk, is having the evil different smiling face, scarlet muttered: Merit? Or the favor of world will? Oh, oh, here had certainly the great person to make has let this world the source will, or Grand Dao principle pleasant matter, therefore so many rewards!” 他顺着大街,向那些自天而降的功德之力凝成的光柱走去,带着邪异的笑容,赤雷喃喃自语道:“功德?或者说,世界意志的恩宠么?唷,唷,这里一定有大人物做出了让这个世界的本源意志,或者说大道法则赏心悦目的事情,所以才有这么多的恩赏!” Makes the war declaration with the heads of these lucky fellows, the effect is certainly good.” Scarlet thunder giggle smiles, just likes the spirit same shuttle in the main street and small alley, the person who as long as the place visited sees his form, was all struck to kill by him. “用这些幸运儿的脑袋做战书,效果一定不错。”赤雷‘咯咯’笑着,犹如幽灵一样穿梭在大街小巷中,所过之处但凡看到他身影的人,全都被他击杀。 , The scarlet thunder arrived gradually has been away from nearby the light of his recent several merit, several stature grandiose Human Race marquises Ha Ha stood in a smile same place, enjoyed the pleasant sensation that strength of irrigation within the body merit was bringing, while congratulated mutually again and again. 渐渐地,赤雷来到了距离他最近的几道功德之光附近,几名身材壮硕的人族伯侯‘哈哈’笑着站在原地,一边享受着功德之力灌注体内带来的快感,一边相互恭喜连连。 These uncle Hou once in regulating waterways, leading large quantities of clansmen to dredge the canal, completed ten thousand classes to turn over to empty large formation the Symbol carving work of several important nodes, their thorough formation to Huismse mainland, quite had the merit. 这几个伯侯曾经在治水的时候,带领大批族人疏通水道,完成了万流归虚大阵中好几处重要节点的符文雕刻工作,他们对于姆大陆的彻底成型,也颇有功劳。 The world is selfless, since they have merit, naturally has merit together to bestow. 天地无私,既然他们有功劳,自然就有一道功德赐下。 Scarlet Thunder Mi focuses to look at these to bathe Human Race marquis in Golden Light auspicious sign, grinned fiendishly has been drawing out a handle modeling strange denticle long sword.( To be continued.) 赤雷眯着眼看着这些沐浴在金光紫气中的人族伯侯,狞笑着拔出了一柄造型奇异的锯齿长剑。(未完待续。)
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