TME :: Volume #15

#1475: Reconstructs the heavy treasure

Si Wenming is mortal, the immeasurable merit gives in his is the merit body of the emperor, not the soul of going bad. 文命是‘凡人’,无量功德给于他的就是功德圣体、不坏之魂。 But Ji Hao is Daoist, the immeasurable merit gave him to perceive through meditation the world universe immeasurable principle the chance, appearance that all world principles were outspoken before him, whatever he remembered, whatever he inscribed, whatever he perceived through meditation. 姬昊是‘道人’,无量功德就给了他参悟天地宇宙无量法则的机缘,所有的天地法则毫无保留的出现在他面前,任凭他记忆、任凭他铭刻、任凭他参悟。 In time that at this time Ji Hao snaps fingers obtained world deep meaning, when endures compared with he usually in voluntarily perceives through meditation a self-torture hundred years of harvest. 此时姬昊一弹指的时间内所得的天地奥义,堪比他平日里自行参悟时苦修百年的收获。 Usually in perceives through meditation voluntarily, Ji Hao must with hardship pressing for payment world mystery \; But at this moment, is the world mystery weeps and wails is holding his thigh, initiative sneaks in his chaos Dao Embryo, stays behind one after another clear trace in his Dao Embryo. 平日里自行参悟,姬昊是要苦苦的‘追索’天地奥秘\;而此刻,是天地奥秘哭喊着抱着他的大腿,主动的钻进他的混沌道胎,在他道胎中留下一条又一条清晰的痕迹。 Even if Ji Hao was unable to understand trace that now these world deep meanings stay behind, was he minimum already these deep meanings record in Dao Embryo, will glance in the future momentarily through, momentarily can face directly the world principle. Other refining gentlemen press for payment Heavenly Dao with hardship, probably fumble carelessly in pitch-dark small black room, but Ji Hao sits in the brilliantly illuminated big tile-roofed house, famously for world the teacher teaches with earnest exhortations. 哪怕现在姬昊还无法‘明白’这些天地奥义留下的痕迹,可是他起码已经将这些奥义‘记载’在了道胎中,日后随时翻阅,随时都能直面天地法则。其他炼气士苦苦追索天道,就好像在黑漆漆的小黑屋里面胡乱的摸索,而姬昊则是坐在灯火通明的大瓦房中,有名为‘天地’的老师耳提面命的传授。 And big of disparity, can only to sentence, if Yun Nilai described. 其中差距之大,只能以判若云泥来形容。 The golden colored glaze condition flame that spouts from Ji Hao is getting more and more bright, gives people more and more a coagulation the crystal same sense of reality, the ray is also getting more and more gentle, appears the human and animals is even more harmless. Only has Ji Hao to be well aware, his [say / way] the analysis to Pangu world Sun arrived at the extremely profound boundary, at this moment when his body surface the temperature of colored glaze fire, compared with he just fused plate jia Sun minimum high three times! 姬昊身上喷出的金色琉璃态火焰越来越明净,越来越给人一种凝固的水晶一样的质感,光芒也越来越柔和,越发显得人畜无害。唯有姬昊心知肚明,他对盘古世界太阳之道的解析已经到了极其高深的境界,此刻他体表的琉璃火的温度,比他刚刚融合盘泇太阳时起码高了三倍! Mr. Crow and two fire dragons tight by Ji Hao. 鸦公和两条火龙紧紧的靠在姬昊身上。 The so-called person obtains enlightenment to followers gain, Mr. Crow and two fire dragons follow Ji Hao these many years, they also obtained the irrigation of part of world merits today. Mr. Crow feather is getting more and more gorgeous, the aura is getting more and more sacred dignified \; Two fire dragon scales stable are more and more sincere, aura Prehistoric and dark green even more. 所谓一人得道鸡犬升天,鸦公和两条火龙追随姬昊这么多年,他们今日也得到了一部分天地功德的灌注。鸦公身上的羽毛越来越华美,气息越来越神圣、庄严\;两条火龙身上的鳞甲越来越坚固厚重,气息越发的洪荒、苍古。 Fierce not Ding, Mr. Crow and two fire dragons simultaneously face upwards the long and loud cry, their howls, shake side the Ji Hao void shake loudly and clearly, changes into the naked eye obvious ripples to proliferate in all directions. 猛不丁的,鸦公和两条火龙同时仰天长啸,他们的啸声洪亮之极,震得姬昊身边的虚空一波波的震荡着,化为肉眼可见的涟漪向四面八方扩散开去。 Mr. Crow and two fire dragons also lowered the head, being anxious also is very firm, has swallowed small wisp of flame from Ji Hao golden color colored glaze condition flame. Their bodies burn suddenly, their own lives are really hot, start to be substituted by Sun that on Ji Hao emits unceasingly really hot, their bodies and their souls, are having evolution essentially with the help of strength of merit. 鸦公和两条火龙同时低下头,惴惴不安的却又无比坚定的,从姬昊身上的金色琉璃态火焰中吞下了一小缕火焰。他们的身体骤然燃烧起来,他们自身的本命真火,开始被姬昊身上不断冒出的太阳真火取代,他们的身体、他们的灵魂,都在功德之力的帮助下发生着本质上的进化。 Is actually intelligent.” Ji Hao smiles, he starts to continue three wisps of golden flames unceasingly sends in within the body of Mr. Crow and two fire dragons, at this moment his [say / way] heart well-illuminated and almost and world Grand Dao merges into one organic whole, he very good is maintaining the firepower input, while letting Mr. Crow and two fire dragons has been quenchinged, the perfect evolution perfectly, makes their bodies and souls maintain at the brink of collapse cautiously. “倒是蛮聪明的。”姬昊笑着,他开始持续将三缕金色火光不断的送入鸦公和两条火龙的体内,此刻他的道心通明、几乎和天地大道融为一体,他很好的保持着火力输入的度,在让鸦公和两条火龙得到完美淬炼、完美进化的同时,也小心翼翼的让他们的身体和灵魂保持在崩溃的边缘。 The pain, the incomparable pain, can actually bring the biggest advantage to them. 痛苦,无比的痛苦,却能给他们带来最大的好处。 „, Now what I most need to do is.” Ji Hao gained ground, in the eye pupil three wisps of Golden Light have penetrated the vault of heaven, saw the Prehistoric stars of extremely high distant place innumerably slowly revolution. “还有,我现在最需要做的是。”姬昊抬起头来,眼眸中三缕金光透过了天穹,看到了极高远处无数缓缓运转的洪荒星辰。 Grand Dao to Jane, if defends, has Pangu Zhong Zu \; If attacks, has Pangu Dragon to be enough. As for other, I control the strength of Sun, oneself is a furnace, the refine the pill of immortality, refiner and refinement strategy does Talisman, what have not?” 大道至简,若是防御,有盘古钟足矣\;若是攻击,有盘古龙纹足够。至于其他,我掌控太阳之力,自身即为一熔炉,炼丹、炼器、炼制阵法符箓,有什么不可以的?” Narrowed the eyes to focus to calculate, at this moment had the immeasurable merit to assist, the Ji Hao computing power has achieved some pinnacle, he calculated quickly completely, the finger located Tai Ji Robe, Tai Ji Creation Cauldron and Tai Ji Universe Mirror three most precious objects to depart in abundance. 眯着眼计算了一番,此刻有无量功德相助,姬昊的计算能力已经达到了某个极致,他很快就计算完全,手指处太极法衣太极造化鼎太极乾坤镜三件至宝纷纷飞出。 Dropping from the clouds the light of differentiation of merit is two, covered on Tai Ji Creation Cauldron and Tai Ji Robe, covered Tai Ji Universe Mirror. A Ji Hao golden color flame blowout, three most precious objects, in boundless merit Golden Light covers instantly melts is one group of Golden Light shining juice. 从天而降的功德之光分化为两股,一股笼罩在了太极造化鼎太极法衣上,一股笼罩住了太极乾坤镜姬昊一口金色火焰喷出,三件至宝在无边功德金光笼罩中即刻融为一团金光灿灿的汁液。 The Pangu clock and Pangu Dragon broken body depart, the Pangu clock swallows Tai Ji Creation Cauldron and Tai Ji Robe, on the clock body the chart mark of some innumerable heavenly bodies and mountains rivers and mountains flashes past immediately, the giant image that is indomitable spirit appears in clock within the body quietly. 盘古钟、盘古龙纹破体飞出,盘古钟将太极造化鼎太极法衣一口吞下,钟体上顿时有无数日月星辰、山川河岳的图纹一闪而过,那顶天立地的巨人影像悄然在钟体内浮现。 Pangu Dragon swallowed down Tai Ji Universe Mirror, on the sword blade are many have wiped the nimble and resourceful ray, Jianfeng appeared also sharp several points. 盘古龙纹太极乾坤镜吞了下去,剑身上就多了一抹灵动的光芒,剑锋显得又锋利了几分。 „Does kid, you give up to give up the strength of following merit?” In Spiritual Space, phantom asks Ji Hao suddenly. “小家伙,你舍得放弃后面的功德之力么?”神魂空间中,虚影突然开口询问姬昊 How gives up?” Ji Hao inquires phantom immediately. He knows that this old fogy is never aimless, as long as he has opened the mouth, decides however has the good deed. “舍得又如何?”姬昊立刻询问虚影。他知道这老家伙从来不无的放矢,但凡他开口了,就定然有好事。 The words that gives up, use the strength and the Pangu world following merit put forward the condition! You blackmail these foreign race time, is not very handy?” “舍得的话,就用后面的功德之力和盘古世界提条件吧!你敲诈那些异族的时候,不是很得心应手的么?” phantom he he has smiled: Pangu falls from the sky, on him many broken fragments did not have the metaplasia myriad things, when is slaughtering with trillion chaos demon gods, was divided to chop by these demon gods, has crashed into all directions, by the Heavenly Dao principle of Pangu world very good hides.” 虚影‘呵呵’的笑了起来:“盘古陨落,他身上还有不少残破的碎片并没有化生万物,而是在和亿万混沌魔神厮杀时,就被那些魔神劈砍下来,坠入了四面八方,被盘古世界的天道法则很好的藏匿下来。” With the following all merits and Pangu world transactions, the Pangu fragment that making him hiding takes, pours into your sword completely.” “用后面的所有功德和盘古世界交易把,让他把藏起来的盘古碎片拿出来,全部注入你的剑里面。” phantom muttered: „The Pangu clock is made of the Pangu almost entire spine...... Your this sword, two front teeth? Passes on a little to lose face, was known the truth, your sword must change name to be called Pangu front tooth sword, this biography lost completely my shamelessness simply.” 虚影喃喃道:“盘古钟是用盘古几乎整条脊骨制成……你这剑,两颗门牙?传出去有点丢脸,被人知道了真相,你的剑就要改名叫做‘盘古门牙剑’,这传出去简直丢尽了俺的老脸。” Ji Hao wants to smile, Pangu front tooth sword? This name does not go bad! How to lose your shamelessness? 姬昊想要笑,‘盘古门牙剑’?这名字不坏啊!怎么就丢了你的老脸呢? However this saying cannot certainly say that Ji Hao closely examines hurriedly: How can communicate the Pangu world?” 不过这话当然不能这么说,姬昊急忙追问到:“怎么样才能沟通盘古世界?” phantom a lower jaw, has put out a hand to outline one in Spiritual Space has seemed like a radical leaves at will, circle not round, side non- side, seems contains all symbol numbers: With this Pangu symbol seal, behind the strength of all merits you pours into.” 虚影吧嗒了一下嘴,伸手在神魂空间中勾勒出了一枚看似随意一笔划出,圆不圆、方不方,却好似包容一切的号:“用这枚盘古印,将你后面的所有功德之力注入其中就可以。” The outstretch finger that Ji Hao imitates, delimited the Pangu symbol seal before the body, his intention moved, dropping from the clouds the strength of merit has poured into this symbol India , China completely. Pangu world suddenly slightly, Ji Hao clear feeling an ignorant and blurry will. 姬昊依样画葫芦的伸出手指,在身前划出了盘古印,他心念一动,从天而降的功德之力全部注入了这枚印中。盘古世界突然微微一荡,姬昊清晰的感受到了一个懵懂、迷糊的意志。 Ji Hao used the simplest speech transmission own request the past. 姬昊将自己的要求用最精简的语言传送了过去。 The next flash, Ji Hao top of the head the strength of merit picked up the speed of landing suddenly, was swallowed by the Pangu symbol seal, at the same time, a continuously strange ray unceasingly appears from Ji Hao, fragment that different model, size varies, for the first time looks is some broken woods, the rotten iron slabs and rough rock and so on waste, appears in the dim light in abundance, has poured into Pangu Dragon unceasingly. 下一瞬间,姬昊头顶的功德之力骤然加快了降落的速度,纷纷被盘古印吞噬一空,与此同时,一缕缕奇异的光芒不断从姬昊身边浮现,一块块造型各异、大小不一的碎片,乍一看去就是一些破木头、烂铁块、粗糙山石之类的废物,纷纷在幽光中浮现,不断注入了盘古龙纹 Pangu Dragon is shaking fiercely, meaning of the greatest liking arises spontaneously. 盘古龙纹剧烈的震荡着,一股莫大的欢喜之意油然而生。 After hundreds of thousands of pieces of such fragments Pangu Dragon swallows, Pangu Dragon had the earth-shaking change. 数十万片这样的碎片被盘古龙纹吞噬之后,盘古龙纹发生了天翻地覆的变化。 phantom looks at newborn Pangu Dragon by the eye of Ji Hao, muttered in a low voice: Had the Pangu clock, this called the Pangu sword to be good...... What a pity, don't you like with the axe? I had thought that chops the person with the axe most nimble and efficient!”( To be continued.) 虚影透过姬昊的眼睛看着新生的盘古龙纹,低声咕哝道:“有了盘古钟,这就叫盘古剑好了……可惜,你怎么不喜欢用斧子?俺一直觉得,用斧头劈人最是爽利的!”(未完待续。)
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