TME :: Volume #15

#1474: Looks out the sidereal revolution

„When once, Pangu Sky Opening developed, he wants to create, is a complete mainland.” “曾经,盘古开天辟地之时,他想要创造的,是一块完整的姆大陆。” Five lines of preparedness, Yin-Yang mutual promotion of the five elements, the world principle samsara circulation, has no time clearly, may be called perfect.” “五行齐备,阴阳相生,天地法则轮回流转,圆润无暇,堪称完美。” How trillion chaos demon gods to collaborate to attack, Pangu falls from the sky, the mainland has not bred to complete, five lines of strength Beng San, thus in change the land, the eastern Desolate, Southern Wastelands, the western Desolate and Northern Wasteland five mainland, save according to five lines of strength respectively.” “奈何亿万混沌魔神联手来袭,盘古陨落,姆大陆尚未孕育完成,五行之力崩散,从而化为中陆、东荒、南荒、西荒、北荒五块大陆,各按五行之力而存。” Is east the Desolate multi- jungles, the Southern Wastelands multi- volcanos, the western Desolate multi- mineral lode, Northern Wasteland has the big ocean, but the land world land is plumpest, most nourishes the life, therefore land world Human Race multiplies easily, for the Human Race foundation heavy.” “是以东荒多丛林,南荒多火山,西荒多矿脉,北荒有大溟,而中陆世界土地最为肥厚,最为滋养生灵,故中陆世界人族繁衍最易,是为人族根基重地。” Ten thousand classes turn over to empty large formation, tows 12 water world inexhaustible water Yuan strength, the land of four Desolate such as shipping agency aquatic, was coerced by an infinite water Yuan strength, to land gathering. Five side mainland fusions are one, the mainland becomes!” “万流归虚大阵,牵引12水世界无穷无尽水元之力,四荒之陆如船行水上,被无穷水元之力裹挟,向中陆汇聚而来。五方大陆融合为一,姆大陆成!” Henceforth Pangu mainland five lines of circulations and Yin-Yang take turn, regard for the unprecedented paradise, as long as the dragon, phoenix and Human Race, the Pangu body melts the tribal group, vigorously will multiply, becomes the Pangu world permanent ancient invariable Lord.” “从此盘古姆大陆五行流转、阴阳交替,当成为前所未有福地,但凡龙、凤、人族,盘古身躯所化族群,都将蓬勃繁衍,成为盘古世界恒古不变之主。” The phantom laughing acoustic shock results in Ji Hao Spiritual Space to shiver unceasingly, his body and Dao Embryo have one type inflation and to support the severe pain is difficult to bear the strange feeling under the infiltration of strength of inexhaustible merit faintly. This world merit of lowering, were too many, were many Ji Hao eyeball raised. 虚影的大笑声震得姬昊神魂空间不断颤抖,他的身体和道胎更在无穷无尽功德之力的浸润下隐隐有一种‘膨胀’、‘撑得剧痛难当’的怪异感觉。这一次降下的天地功德,太多了,多得姬昊眼珠都凸了起来。 The matters that after all when their matters of this making, are Pangu sage Sky Opening develops unable with enough time to make. It can be said that five mainland superpositions are one, they have complemented the Heavenly Dao principle of Pangu world, making the Pangu world truly achieve perfect condition. 毕竟他们这次做成的事情,是盘古圣人开天辟地时没能来得及做成的事。可以这样说,五块大陆重合为一,他们补全了盘古世界的天道法则,让盘古世界真正的达到了‘完美状态’。 The world has the feeling, the entire Pangu world delightedly is jumping for joy for the complement of world principle, the world naturally cannot be parsimonious, falling the strength of merit is really the filling the heavens polar region, the huge quantity to the degree of being hard imagining. 天地有感,整个盘古世界都在为天地法则的补全而欢喜雀跃,天地自然不会吝啬,降下来的功德之力真的是弥天极地,数量庞大到难以想象的程度。 In the past the shaft Saint sovereign led Human Race to resist the foreign race invasion, making Human Race struggle to ask to save in the hopeless situation, retained the fire seed of Human Race civilization, the world merit that he obtained does not have today's Ji Hao to be many, are less as the merit that Si Wenming of regulating waterways lead obtained enlightenment. 就连当年轩辕圣皇带领人族抵挡异族入侵,让人族于绝境中挣扎求存,保留了人族文明的火种,他得到的天地功德也没有今日的姬昊多,更没有做为治水主角的姒文命得道的功德多。 The entire ten thousand classes turn over to empty large formation are the conception that Si Wenming outlined, was Si Wenming has a laborious arrangement of person of personally axe chisel, a Si Wenming person has occupied regulating waterways merit of over 50%, therefore the merit of day falling was broad, the Purple gold two color rays Si Wenming package, his body were melted by the gorgeous Purple gold two color rays in thoroughly. 整个万流归虚大阵是姒文命提出的构想,是姒文命带人亲手一斧头一凿子的辛苦布置而成,姒文命一人就占了治水之功的五成以上,所以天降的功德恢弘浩瀚,紫金二色光芒将姒文命包裹,他的身体被华美的紫金二色光芒中彻底消融。 Only has near at hand Ji Hao to open a forehead pupil, the god light spout, Ji Hao looks at clear Si Wenming from the human body to the soul, has the earth-shaking transformation. His human body each cell was filled by the strength of merit, becomes Golden Light is shining, auspicious sign lingers, all over the body bright such as the precious pearl, bright such as the stars and brilliance brightly just like Mingxia. 唯有近在咫尺的姬昊睁开眉心道眸,神光喷涌中,姬昊看得清楚姒文命从肉体到灵魂,都在发生天翻地覆的蜕变。他的肉体每一个细胞都被功德之力充满,变得金光灿灿、紫气萦绕,通体亮如宝珠、明如星辰、光华灿烂犹如明霞。 The world traces of gods and ghosts wind to take shape in the body of Si Wenming, ten thousand laws do not invade the merit body of the emperor that all generations do not dye to take shape rapidly. 一道道神异的天地纹路在姒文命的身体内蜿蜒成型,万法不侵、万劫不染的功德圣体正在急速成型。 Had the merit body of the emperor, as long as in the future in the Pangu world, so long as is borrows Magic, curse, strategy that the Pangu world world spiritual energy becomes wait / etc., is unable to injure Si Wenming slightly. As long as Pangu world all toxin, what is natural will be the day after tomorrow refines, is unable to poison Si Wenming slightly. 有了功德圣体,未来但凡在盘古世界内,只要是借用盘古世界天地灵气而成的法术、诅咒、阵法等等,都无法伤损姒文命丝毫。但凡盘古世界所有的毒素,无论是天然的还是后天炼制的,都无法毒害姒文命丝毫。 Si Wenming stands where, where good crop weather and bumper grain harvest. 文命站在何处,何处就会风调雨顺、五谷丰登。 Where Si Wenming arrives, where all domestic animals are thriving and family|home will be popular the person and. 文命走到哪里,哪里就会六畜兴旺、家兴人和。 Si Wenming each words, will take a principle aura, the wind and rain thunder and rain and dew storm, eye for an eye, the world follow. 文命的每句话,都将带上一丝法则气息,风雨雷霆、雨露暴雪,一言既出,天地相随。 His soul filled by the strength of merit similarly fully, Si Wenming soul becomes the Golden Light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), whether there is side the auspicious sign encirclement whole body, is more common with his merit body of the emperor, his soul is ten thousand laws does not invade, all generations not to go bad, in the Pangu world all Magic and curses are unable to injure his slightest. 他的灵魂同样被功德之力填得满满,姒文命的灵魂变得金光万丈,更有无边紫气环绕周身,和他的功德圣体一般,他的灵魂也是万法不侵、万劫不坏,盘古世界内一切法术、诅咒都无法伤损他分毫。 The strength of billowing merit also unceasingly injects into Ji Hao within the body. 滚滚功德之力也不断注入姬昊体内。 The body of Ji Hao feels hot slightly, the innumerable chaos aura proliferate slowly from his within the body, Pangu world the strength of merit, not too in a big way affects to his body unexpectedly, but has promoted his human body intensity slightly. 姬昊的身体微微发烫,无数条混沌气息从他体内冉冉扩散开来,盘古世界的功德之力,居然对他的身体并无太大作用,只是稍微提升了他一点肉体强度。 Actually his chaos Dao Embryo just liked hungry innumerable year of general, opens mouth the strength of merit the swallowing tumbling in gulps welled up. 倒是他的混沌道胎犹如饥饿了无数年一般,张开嘴大口大口的吞咽翻滚涌来的功德之力。 Ji Hao suddenly thought that at present one bright, he saw clearly the entire Pangu world suddenly. 姬昊突然觉得眼前一亮,他骤然看清了整个盘古世界。 The fish that one such as in the pitch-dark not transparent water tank, hovers at a loss, the water tank turned suddenly transparently, had the immeasurable light to pass, by the transparent water tank, this fish saw all in all directions clearly. 一如黑漆漆的不透明的水箱中,一条茫然游动的鱼儿,突然间水箱变成了透明的,更有无量的光透了进来,透过透明的水箱,这条鱼儿清楚的看到了四面八方的一切。 The Pangu world opened wide own all mysteries to Ji Hao. 盘古世界就向姬昊敞开了自己的一切奥秘。 Ji Hao gained ground, he saw the innumerable gigantic stars float in airborne, revolves according to the permanent ancient invariable path slowly \; He saw the Heavenly Dao rule of precise and huge Pangu world, saw Pangu world every time slightest the change under this huge principle system. 姬昊抬起头来,他看到了无数颗硕大的星辰悬浮在空中,按照恒古不变的轨迹缓缓运转\;他看到了精密而庞大的盘古世界的天道规则,看到了在这个庞大法则体系下盘古世界每时每刻最细微的变化。 The spring , summer , fall and winter, the vegetation multiplies, wind frost and snow dew, life and death. 春夏秋冬,草木繁衍,风霜雪露,生死存亡。 He saw above the heaven, saw the Prehistoric starry sky, saw clearly in the starry sky the number by the Prehistoric stars of trillion ideas, saw transparently in stars, was stranded in innumerably or has annihilated, or suffocates, or whooshes the person, or Bi Mu cultivates crazily! 他看到了苍天之上,看到了洪荒星空,看清了星空中数以亿万计的洪荒星辰,看到了一颗颗‘透明’的星辰中,无数被困在内部或者已经湮灭、或者奄奄一息、或者疯狂嘶吼、或者闭目修炼的人! Ji Hao had even found Si Xi, he was stranded in unequalled brown stars, billowing Huang Qi is corroding his body, he closes one's eyes, on the firm upright face does not have any expression change, such silent sitting there. 姬昊甚至一眼就找到了姒熙,他被困在一颗硕大无朋的土黄色星辰内,滚滚黄气侵蚀着他的身躯,他闭着眼,刚硬方正的脸上没有任何表情变化,就这么静默的坐在那里。 He saw the nether world world, saw 18 prison days, saw innumerable struggles the sound that in the bloodshed, in the hot pond, in the mountain of sword, in the sword forest whooshes, he even saw is squatting in the bloodshed edge, quack with a smile axe stick elder one after another unceasingly striking back bloodshed Netherworld Priest. 他更看到了幽冥世界,看到了18狱天,看到了无数在血海中、在火池中、在刀山上、在剑林里挣扎嘶吼的声音,他甚至看到了正蹲在血海边缘,‘嘎嘎’笑着将一名斧杖长老一拳接一拳不断打回血海的冥道人 Um? Light, Netherworld Priest gained ground, in the eye pupil wipes divine light flashes, he quack has laughed, toward being away from immeasurably looked at oneself Ji Hao to nod void, afterward he waved, the air/Qi of big piece nether world filled the air void, Ji Hao could not see clearly the change in nether world world again. ‘嗯’?一声轻哼,冥道人抬起头来,眼眸中一抹神光一闪而过,他‘嘎嘎’大笑了一声,向着隔着无量虚空看了自己一眼的姬昊点了点头,随后他一挥手,大片幽冥之气弥漫虚空,姬昊再也看不清幽冥世界内的变化。 Hey! When the Ji Hao chuckle one, worthily is Prehistoric the big energy that have several, Netherworld Priest has discovered own peeping at unexpectedly. ‘嘿’!姬昊轻笑了一声,不愧是洪荒时有数的大能,冥道人居然发现了自己的窥视。 Turns the head, Ji Hao in the Western extremely remote place, in stretch of place of immortal light filling the air, saw suddenly sits cross-legged Daoist Wood and Priest Hua that sits. 转过头来,姬昊骤然在西方极其遥远之处,在一片仙光弥漫之地,看到了盘膝而坐的木道人花道人 Ji Hao receives the vision hurriedly, but that two Daoist had simultaneously discovered peeping at Ji Hao, they may not have Netherworld Priest to be so good to speak, impatient washing one's hands was together the immortal light has divided. 姬昊急忙收起目光,但是那两道人同时发现了姬昊的窥视,他们可没有冥道人这般好说话,迫不及待的抖手就是一道仙光劈了下来。 Buzz a sound, the Ji Hao body strength outside of merit shook slightly, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua immortal light from out of the blue came, actually cannot become to other party any injury Ji Hao at this moment obtains the gracious gift of world will, was the entire Pangu world he biggest protective umbrella, how Daoist Wood and Priest Hua injures to result in Ji Hao at this moment? ‘嗡’的一声响,姬昊身外的功德之力微微震荡了一下,木道人花道人的仙光破空而来,却没能对他造成任何伤害此刻的姬昊得到天地意志的恩赐,整个盘古世界就是他最大的保护伞,木道人花道人如何伤得了此刻的姬昊 Ji Hao looks over a wide area to look in all directions, watches all of Pangu world. 姬昊游目四顾,将盘古世界的一切都看在眼里。 In his Dao Embryo has left behind the shadows of Pangu world all Grand Dao principles, the strength of merit unceasingly by his Dao Embryo inspiration, the shadows of these Grand Dao principles also becomes more and more clear, the sensibility and control of Ji Hao strength to world, becomes clearly and is more and more getting more and more formidable!( To be continued.) 他的道胎中留下了盘古世界所有大道法则的影子,功德之力不断被他道胎吸入,这些大道法则的影子也就变得越来越清晰,姬昊对天地之力的感悟和掌控,也变得越来越明白、越来越强大!(未完待续。)
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