TME :: Volume #15

#1473: The merit falls again

In Liangzhu City, Ji Hao float is takeoffing several feet airborne, the body golden colored glaze condition flame emits the bright light, has illuminated a surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) city. 良渚城内,姬昊悬浮在离地十几丈的空中,身上金色的琉璃态火焰放出明光,照亮了方圆数十里的城区。 Several hundred large-scale transmission unceasing flashing on and off take turn, brigade Human Race Warrior carries the big box that the golden, silver and beautiful jade, agate and other precious thing make, inside has packed various species best quality goods Magic Crystals and other precious treasure, has packed the year astonishing efficacious medicine spirit grass, unceasing piles up hills in transmission these boxes. 数百个大型传送阵不断的明灭交替,大队人族战士扛着黄金、白银、美玉、玛瑙等珍贵之物制成的大箱子,里面装满了各种属性的极品巫晶和其他珍贵的宝贝,装满了年份惊人的灵药灵草,不断的将这些箱子在传送阵内堆积成一座座小山。 Transmission flashes on and off, had innumerable to pack the box of precious wealth to be returned to the Human Race territory. 传送阵一个明灭,就有无数口装满了珍贵财富的箱子被送回人族领地。 foreign race has blown the innumerable year of lands for building in the Pangu world, they have constructed the treasure houses of innumerable secret in the Liangzhu City underground and mountain massif. Ji Hao once had the person maliciously has plundered one time in the mansions of major aristocrats, but the time is too tight, he only with enough time carries off is captured alive the aristocrat captive of capturing alive, has not investigated thoroughly these treasure houses with enough time. 异族盘古世界刮了无数年地皮,他们在良渚城的地下、山体中修建了无数秘密的宝库。姬昊曾经带人狠狠的在各大贵族的豪宅中搜刮过一次,但是时间太紧,他只来得及带走被生擒活捉的贵族俘虏,并没有来得及彻查这些宝库。 Dragon Hushi looks like, although led the large military forces to wreak havoc for several days in the city, but they have also blown a movable property in city, these hid in the place of secret core treasure house truly, they have not opened with enough time, had been broken through the city by Ji Hao. 龙虎狮象虽然带着大队人马在城内肆虐了好几天,但是他们也只是刮走了城内的一层浮财,那些真正隐藏在机密之地的核心宝库,他们还没来得及开启,就被姬昊攻破了城池。 Therefore Liangzhu City over 90% wealth essence are as before complete, but this inside has 40% to be the Human Race tribe alliance, 30% belong to Ji Hao alone. 所以良渚城九成以上的财富菁华依旧完好,而这里面有四成属于人族部落联盟,有三成独归姬昊所有。 In hot jade box that a talkative chatterbox opens, several fist size burnt the scarlet red fruit of flaming roaring flame to reveal all over the body. Ji Hao eye one bright, a finger check, three fruits flew. 一口敞开的火玉箱子里,几颗拳头大小通体燃烧着熊熊烈焰的赤红色果实露了出来。姬昊眼睛一亮,手指一勾,就有三颗果实飞了出来。 This is only then in the lava deep place, obtains the land features hot essence to nourish, will breed in 3000 to take root to germinate, hot attribute world essence that also after ten thousand years of fermentation can the mature hot elf fruit, in a fruit contain, quite in a high level Divine Magi complete energy. 这是只有在熔岩深处,得到地脉火精滋养,孕育3000年才能生根发芽,又经过万年酝酿才能成熟的火精灵果,一颗果实中蕴藏的火属性天地精华,就相当于一名高阶巫帝的全部能量。 Ji Hao threw a fruit to Mr. Crow, quack happy ate delicacies, Mr. Crow opened mouth the fruit holds in the mouth in the mouth, he not anxiously eating, but with claw unceasing was provoking, complacent showed off own treasure to Warrior. 姬昊将一颗果子丢给了鸦公,‘嘎嘎’一声欢啸,鸦公张开嘴将果子叼在了嘴里,他也不急着吃下去,而是用爪子不断的拨弄着,得意洋洋的向身边的战士们炫耀自己的宝贝。 Entangled two fire dragons on Ji Hao both arms to be many on the weary, Ji Hao just placed the palm two fruits, their being too busy swallowed the fruit, delightedly jumped for joy was swaying from side to side the body on the Ji Hao arm carelessly, spouted blazing flames unceasingly. 缠在姬昊双臂上的两条火龙就惫懒多了,姬昊刚刚将两颗果子放在掌心,他们就忙不迭的一口将果子吞下,欢喜雀跃的在姬昊手臂上胡乱扭动着身体,不断喷出一道道炽烈的火光。 Si Wenming walked in big strides, he very delighted is laughing: Ji Hao, Emperor Shun said that the treasure of this time transporting, will supply first Magi palace to need. Hey, inside many best quality goods materials, enough we forge a number of tops magic treasure.” 文命大踏步的走了过来,他很欢喜的大笑着:“姬昊,帝舜说了,这次运回去的宝贝,将优先供应巫殿所需。嘿,里面好多极品材料,足够我们锻造出一批顶级的巫宝。” Has gathered side Ji Hao, Si Wenming has lowered the sound suddenly, he was excited the voice changes: One batch of ancient books, I have made the person first ship back, I do not dare to place Magi palace these things, my Huaxu Lie and Lie Mountain Xu are high they, smuggled a Magi palace secret foothold to preserve secretly these ancient books.” 凑到了姬昊身边,姒文命突然压低了声音,他激动得嗓音都变了:“有一批典籍,我已经让人抢先运回去了,我不敢把那些东西放在巫殿,我华胥烈烈山亢他们,把这些典籍偷偷运到了巫殿的一个秘密据点保存下来。” Puppet blueprint, compounded drug formula, Symbol strategy, alloy casting...... Their knowledge, left us were more, so long as we can digest to absorb their these knowledge, performed to deduce again formidable, later these foreign race malicious ghosts, were not our matches.” “傀儡图纸,丹药配方,符文阵法,合金铸造……他们的知识,比我们强出了很多很多,只要我们能消化吸收了他们的这些知识,再加以推演强大,以后这些异族恶鬼,就再也不是我们的对手。” Si Wenming is excited both eyes to shine, plunders these ancient books that from the Yu Dynasty aristocrats family|home, library, is Yu Clan, Jia Clan, repair the clan innumerable years wisdom crystallization. These wisdom, these knowledge, once Human Race its digestion induction, after and performs to improve, Human Race will decide however becomes the incomparable great strength. 文命兴奋得双眼放光,从虞朝贵族们家里、图书馆里搜刮出来的这些典籍,是虞族、伽族、脩族无数年来的智慧结晶。这些智慧,这些知识,一旦人族将其消化归纳,并加以改进后,人族定然会变得无比的强大。 stable mail-armor and helmet, sharper weapon, more giant war fort, more wonderful strategy Symbol...... In a short time, Human Race in the culture can with Yu Zuzhan in approximately the suitable level line. 坚固的甲胄,更锋利的兵器,更巨大的战堡,更神妙的阵法符文……短时间内,人族在文明水平上就能和虞族站在大致相当的水平线上。 The elite army that by the Human Race huge population base, has quantity astonishing Magus King and Divine Magi that composes by Human Race, once the Human Race culture has caught up with these foreign race, the Pangu world surely is the Human Race Pangu world! 人族庞大的人口基数,以人族拥有的数量惊人的巫王巫帝组成的精锐军队,一旦人族的文明水平赶上了这些异族,盘古世界就必定是人族盘古世界! Ji Hao cracks into a smile, with Si Wenming maliciously to bumping fist. 姬昊咧嘴一笑,和姒文命狠狠的对碰了一下拳头。 Narrows the eyes to focus to think that Ji Hao has pulled out one pure white such as the carapace of jade, prudent has given Si Wenming it. 眯着眼想了想,姬昊掏出了一块洁白如玉的龟甲,慎重的将其递给了姒文命 Uncle Wenming, this is one set has the merit law of effect to the state of mind growth, the name says Nine Secret Words. Do not ask where he comes, do not ask how I succeed in obtaining, in brief, this is one very clean the merit law, cannot involve any causally-related with anybody.” 文命阿叔,这是一套对神魂增长有奇效的功法,名曰九字真言。你不要问他从哪里来,更不要问我怎么到手的,总而言之,这是一篇很‘干净’的功法,和任何人都牵扯不上任何因果联系。” Choice reliable person, teaches. I personally experienced broke through the process of Magus God boundary, our Human Race Divine Magi, so long as the state of mind were formidable enough, sufficiently used own state of mind brand mark, substituted for the Prehistoric stars my will. I hope not long, our Human Race can emerge enough many Magus God.” “选择可靠的人,传授下去吧。我亲身经历了突破巫神境的过程,我们人族巫帝,只要神魂足够强大,就足以用自己的神魂烙印,取代洪荒星辰的本我意志。我希望不用多久,我们人族能涌现足够多的巫神。” Ji Hao has referred to the sky, grins to say with a smile: Perhaps one day, our clansmen, will turn into our territories The heaven.” 姬昊指了指天空,咧嘴笑道:“总有一天,或许我们的族人,会将天庭也变成我们的领地。” Si Wenming brow selects, stubbornly stared at Ji Hao to look for a long time, both hands gripped tightly the carapace, on the hand back the innumerable blue vein bulge, obviously he by Mantra Dan with Nine Secret Words that Ji Hao delivered shocking. 文命眉头一挑,死死的盯着姬昊看了许久,双手紧握龟甲,手背上无数条青筋凸起,显然他被姬昊送出去的九字真言丹经给震惊了。 Can grow the Human Race state of mind merit law? 能够增长人族神魂的功法? Human Race all previous dynasties can the worthy people of former times, make the innumerable efforts greatly, wrangled the innumerable years with the phoenix clan, can't dig out the word from the phoenix clan mouth the state of mind mystique, Ji Hao such has pulled unexpectedly out? 人族历代大能先贤,耗费了无数心力,和凤族扯皮了无数年,都没能从凤族嘴里抠出只言片语的神魂秘法,姬昊居然就这么掏了出来? Si Wenming does not know that should say anything is good, the mystique that if Ji Hao takes can grow the Human Race state of mind really fast, other did not say that his father Si Xi could be saved, so long as found Si Xi, making him study this mystique, enabling the Si Xi state of mind fast formidable to the standard of that Prehistoric stars controlling him fusing, Si Xi instantly to refine the stars, achievement Magus God! 文命都不知道该说什么是好,如果姬昊拿出来的这门秘法真的能够快速的增长人族神魂,别的不说,他的父亲姒熙就有救了只要找到姒熙,让他修习这门秘法,让姒熙的神魂快速强大到掌控他融合的那颗洪荒星辰的水准,姒熙就能即刻炼化星辰,成就巫神 It can be said that Ji Hao the mystique has not only taken to the Human Race brighter future, he has rescued the Si Xi life! 可以这样说,姬昊的这门秘法不仅仅带给了人族更加光明的未来,他更是救了姒熙的命! The right hand makes a fist, gently has knocked on the Ji Hao chest, Si Wenming said with a smile: Is interested in being the Lord of Human Race Magi palace? I want to carry on some changes to Magi palace, making the Magi palace structure preciser, strict, making Magi palace train the fresh blood the strength more formidable, enabling Magi palace the Human Race true intelligent fountainhead and most formidable Shaman strongly.” 右手握拳,轻轻的在姬昊胸膛上敲了一下,姒文命微笑道:“有兴趣做人族巫殿之主么?我想对巫殿进行一些改变,让巫殿的结构更加的精密、严格,让巫殿培养新血的力量更强大,让巫殿成为人族真正的智慧源泉和最强大巫祭的集中地。” I need a reliability, formidable, the wisdom, is not conservative, is not stodgy, giving up is the person of Human Race offer helps me.” Si Wenming smiles to look at Ji Hao: Now looks like, you are the person who I can select only.” “我需要一个可靠,强大,睿智,不守旧,不迂腐,舍得为人族奉献的人帮我。”姒文命笑看着姬昊:“现在看来,你是我唯一能选中的人。” The Lord of Magi palace? Ji Hao has smiled: Good, actually I have many ideas, wants to try in Magi palace very much.” 巫殿之主?姬昊笑了起来:“好啊,其实我也有很多想法,很想在巫殿试试。” They look at each other smile, Ji Hao heard in Spiritual Space suddenly muttering of phantom. Immeasurable merit, what is the immeasurable merit? Pangu mainland? Um? Mainland? What mainland? 两人对视一笑,姬昊突然听到了神魂空间虚影的喃喃自语。‘无量功德’,什么是无量功德?盘古姆大陆?嗯?‘姆大陆’?什么‘姆大陆’? Suddenly, the earth of under foot shook slightly, afterward the sky presented two giant Purple gold color Yun Wo. 骤然间,脚下的大地微微的晃悠了一下,随后天空出现了两个巨大的紫金色云涡。 The strength of merit is unable to estimate drops from the clouds, just likes two giant waterfalls, howled was intruding Ji Hao and body of Si Wenming. In Liangzhu City other places, there is scale small Yun Wo to appear, strength of the merit emerge dumbfounded people unceasingly. 无法估量的功德之力从天而降,犹如两条巨大的瀑布,呼啸着闯入了姬昊和姒文命的身体。在良渚城的其他地方,也有规模较小的云涡出现,一道道功德之力不断涌入一个个目瞪口呆的人。 The Ji Hao body shakes slightly, he incomparably suddenly immerses has closed the eye.( To be continued.) 姬昊身体微微一抖,骤然间他无比沉醉的闭上了眼睛。(未完待续。)
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