TME :: Volume #15

#1472: Pangu mainland

Liangzhu City is chaotic with seething with excitement hodgepodge pot same time, the north rim region of land actually quietly exceptionally. 良渚城乱得和沸腾的大杂烩锅一样的时候,中陆的北缘地带却静谧异常。 Here is the northernmost of land, is far away from Pu Ban, similarly is far away from Liangzhu. Here be only few special foreign race groups live, the world spiritual energy is extremely active, often has the catastrophe climate to erupt, not the suitable common person to live, therefore most diligent foreign race patrol leader, is disinclined to come to here to waste the time. 这里是中陆的最北端,远离蒲阪,同样远离良渚。这里只有极少数的特异族群聚居,天地灵气极度活跃,时常有灾害性气候爆发,并不适合寻常人居住,所以就连最勤快的异族巡逻队,也懒得来这里浪费时间。 A high thousand li(500 km), be continuous does not know many li (0.5km) mountain peak of east to west just like the screen, static standing erect in the north rim north. 一条高千里,从东而西绵延不知道多少里的山峰宛如屏风,静静的矗立在北缘的最北边。 The big flood stage, the billowing spate drops from the clouds, howls following this mountain steep hillside, sweeps away from north to south. The mountain peak and steep hillside of standing tall and erect made the flood have the fearful potential energy, the place visited wooded mountain are thoroughly destroyed. 大洪水时期,滚滚大水从天而降,顺着这座大山陡峭的山坡呼啸而下,从北向南一路横扫。高耸的山峰、陡峭的山坡让洪水拥有了可怕的势能,所过之处山林被彻底摧毁。 The big flood retreated, the Pangu world exuberant vitality is repairing the flood the wound. In this extremely prolonged mountain range, on the plump soil lived completely the green grass and moss, primitive jungle that but was destroyed by the big flood, so is not easy to restore. 大洪水退去了,盘古世界旺盛的生命力正在修复洪水的创伤。这一条极其绵长的山脉中,肥厚的土壤上已经生满了绿草和苔藓,可是被大洪水破坏的原始丛林,却不是这么容易恢复的。 Over a hundred Luneberg people at the back of gigantic wicker basket, step heavy walks on the piedmont. 上百位龙伯国人背着硕大的箩筐,步伐沉重的在山麓上行走。 Among these Luneberg people, most majestic tall and strong several Warrior leader heights nearly 150 li (0.5km), their heads will submerge in the cloud layer of upper air, when breath brings the gigantic eddy in the cloud layer unceasingly. 这些龙伯国人当中,最为雄壮魁梧的几个战士首领身高将近150里,他们的头都已经没入了高空的云层中,呼吸时不断在云层中带起硕大的旋流。 And stature shortest several child heights also in 20 li (0.5km) up and down, face playful they laughing smiling, carefree pulls out from behind wicker basket seedling, very earnest planting on hillside. 其中个子最矮的几个孩童身高也在20里上下,面孔充满稚气的他们‘嘻嘻哈哈’的笑着,无忧无虑的从身后的箩筐中掏出一株株‘树苗’,很认真的栽种在山坡上。 Reaches as high as above hundred zhang (333m) millennium log, to these Luneberg people, indeed is only seedling. 高达百丈以上的千年巨木,对这些龙伯国人而言,的确只是‘树苗’。 They are pinching seedling carefully, pokes deep holes with the finger on the piedmont, careful seedling will force in the putty hole. Has twines strong cyanogen Luneberg country Shaman to sing loudly reads aloud the incantation, the billowing Qingmu spiritual energy changes into gigantic witch symbol to drop from the clouds, numerous pounding in these seedling. 他们小心的捏着‘树苗’,用手指在山麓上戳出一个个深深的窟窿,小心的将‘树苗’塞进泥洞里。有身边缠绕着浓烈青气的龙伯国巫祭大声唱诵咒语,滚滚青木灵气化为一枚枚硕大的巫从天而降,重重的砸在这些‘树苗’身上。 These logs on fierce is swaying, fast the growth in the Qingmu nourishing of spiritual energy and under earth strength , the hundred zhang (333m) high log rapid growth to thousand zhang (3.33 m) high and low, on the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches branch has also hung all over the innumerable hagberries. 这些巨木就剧烈的摇晃着,在青木灵气和大地之力的滋养下快速的生长,百丈高的巨木迅速的生长到千丈上下,枝繁叶茂的树枝上也挂满了无数的树果。 Luneberg people Ha Ha smile, satisfaction looks at these rapidly growth seedling. 龙伯国人们‘哈哈’笑着,满意的看着这些急速生长的‘树苗’。 So long as grew the hagberry to be good, after these hagberries were mature, fell off automatically, or by the birds taking away distant place, soon this piece of piedmont can become the fruit tree is plentiful. So long as there is a jungle, will have the wild animal and birds of troop troop to gather. 只要长出了树果就好了,这些树果成熟后自动脱落,或者被鸟兽带去远方,用不了几年这一片山麓就能重新变得果木丰满。只要有了大片大片的丛林,就会有大群大群的野兽、飞禽汇聚过来。 When the time comes, can fill the belly. 到时候,就能填饱肚子了。 A Luneberg country Warrior belly suddenly cluck called, he scolded one, has loosened a 3000 zhang (3.33 m) great whale corpse from the waist. One li (0.5km) is 150 zhang (3.33 m), 3000 zhang (3.33 m) great whale length of body is about 20 li (0.5km). This Luneberg country Warrior about 120 miles in height, this may be called the great whale of colossus regarding ordinary humanity, to him is only a small fish. 一名龙伯国战士肚皮突然‘咕咕’的叫了起来,他骂咧了一声,从腰间解下了一条3000丈长的巨鲸尸体。一里地是150丈,3000丈长的巨鲸体长不过20里。这尊龙伯国战士身高120里左右,这条对于普通人类而言堪称庞然大物的巨鲸,对他而言只是一条小鱼。 Opens mouth, ‚’ several tuck away, this great whale was swallowed quickly cleanly. 张开嘴,‘咔嚓’几口大嚼,这条巨鲸很快就被吞得干干净净。 This Warrior traces the belly, suddenly has bellowed toward the sky: Biological mother who Gonggong, I enter your old mother! You have the big flood, has washed away our jungles, meat, meat! We want to eat to the full are difficult!” 这尊战士摸了摸肚皮,突然朝着天空大吼了起来:“共工氏,我入你老母的亲娘!你发大洪水,把咱们的丛林都冲毁了,肉啊,肉!我们想吃饱都难了!” Audiences Luneberg people simultaneously cursed Gonggong. 一众龙伯国人同时咒骂起共工氏。 Without the wooded mountain, did not have beast group and bird group in groups, body so huge they want to eat to the full to be possible not to be really easy. Pu Ban Human Emperor has not forgotten them luckily, dispatching Magi palace Shaman to send the great whale meat, the great shark meat and the giant chapter of fish battalion to them! 没有了山林,没有了成群结队的兽群、鸟群,身躯如此庞大的他们想要吃饱可真不容易。幸好蒲阪人皇没有忘记他们,派遣巫殿巫祭给他们送来了大队大队的巨鲸肉、巨鲨肉、巨型章鱼肉! However in the meat of these fellows is having one share sea fishy smell, occasionally eats to change the taste to be good, all day long eats the seafood to be good? 但是这些家伙的肉里面带着一股子海腥味,偶尔吃吃换下口味还好,成天吃海鲜怎么行? The meat, they like eating the plump and sturdy wild animal, even/including blood have one of the meat to swallow, the fresh incense and candle hot beast meat, this is the meat that Luneberg people most like! Seafood gadget, can this also calculate the meat? 肉啊,他们喜欢吃膘肥体壮的野兽,连血带肉的一口吞,鲜香火热的兽肉,这才是龙伯国人最喜欢的肉!海鲜这玩意,这也能算肉? A finger pokes on the ground, a deep pit, seedling will insert in the pit, the Great Magus master of accompanying read aloud the incantation to expedite seedling, on quick hillside were many a shade. Over a hundred Luneberg people platoons become a row walk following the piedmont forward slowly, has left behind the green. 一指头戳在地上,深深的一个坑,将‘树苗’插在坑里,随行的大巫师念诵咒语催生‘树苗’,很快山坡上就多了一片绿荫。上百个龙伯国人排成一排顺着山麓向前缓缓行走,身后留下了大片大片的绿色。 East sky slightly bright time, the Warrior leader of leading has bellowed suddenly. 东边天空微微亮的时候,带队的战士首领突然大吼了一声。 All Luneberg people stopped the footsteps, does not know reason why looked to own leader. This 150 miles in height Warrior leader was roaring loudly, jumped to flee over a thousand li (0.5km) high, one step rushed to the crown of mountain. 所有的龙伯国人都停下了脚步,不知所以然的看向了自家的首领。这尊身高150里的战士首领大声咆哮着,一个纵身窜起来上千里高,一步就冲到了身边大山的顶部。 Both feet stubbornly treads the summit, the Warrior leader is staring the big eye, bringing boundless panic-stricken to look to the northern sky. 双足死死的踏着山顶,战士首领瞪大眼睛,带着无边的惊恐看向了北方天空。 The billowing water cloud fills the air void, from top to bottom cannot see the boundary, from left to right cannot see the end. The pitch-dark water cloud just likes the day collapses is the same, tumbling coerced the innumerable thunder and lightnings to hit to land world. 滚滚水云弥漫虚空,从上到下看不到边际,从左到右看不到尽头。黑漆漆的水云犹如天崩一样,翻翻滚滚的裹挟着无数条雷霆、闪电向中陆世界撞了过来。 The Warrior leader bellows, his both eyes closely shut, after a while, his fierce opening both eyes, two blood light spout several hundred li (0.5km) far from his eyes, he by the black water cloud, sees northern has the length and breadth boundless mainland together under coercing of boundless water cloud, slowly by approaching land. 战士首领大吼一声,他的双眼紧紧闭起,过了一会儿,他猛的睁开双眼,两道血光从他眼里喷出数百里远,他透过黑色的水云,看到北方有一块广袤无边的大陆在无边水云的裹挟下,缓缓的靠向了中陆。 In the southernmost of this mainland, is limitless oceans, the billowing rough sea waves tumble, in the ocean the innumerable giant sea beasts are promoting the rough sea waves, panic-stricken face upwards to whoosh. 就在这块大陆的最南端,是一片无边无际的大洋,滚滚巨浪翻滚,大洋上无数的巨型海兽推动着巨浪,正惊恐的仰天嘶吼着。 This...... This...... Is this Zu Grandpa story has said the Northern Wasteland mainland? Are this spates, the northern oceans?” The body of Warrior leader fierce is shivering, his hissing was screaming: Grandpa Zu said that in the past he went to the Northern Wasteland hunting, on the road walked for five years! By Grandpa Zu's strength of legs, he stretched across void spends for five years to rush to Northern Wasteland, such far distance, Northern Wasteland...... Northern Wasteland!” “这……这……这是祖爷爷故事里说过的北荒大陆么?这一片大水,就是北溟?”战士首领的身体剧烈的颤抖着,他嘶声尖叫着:“祖爷爷说,当年他去北荒狩猎,路上足足走了五年!以祖爷爷的脚力,他横跨虚空都花费了五年时间才赶到北荒,这么远的距离,北荒……北荒!” Suddenly, a Warrior leader somersault gripped the mountain top, he exclaimed loudly: Runs, must run upon! The ancestor blesses, Northern Wasteland must hit!” 突然间,战士首领一跟头扎下了山头,他大声吼道:“跑啊,要撞上了!祖宗保佑啊,北荒就要撞上来了!” Audiences Luneberg people throw down the back wicker basket, disperses dozens li (0.5km) long thigh thump has the sound toward the south runs away. 一众龙伯国人丢下背后的箩筐,撒开数十里长的大腿‘咚咚’有声的向着南方逃窜。 They jump such as fly, one step is several hundred li (0.5km) far, short tea time escaped from over ten thousand li (0.5km) distance. In them behind, innumerable birds or dash about wildly, or the rapid flight, exudes the desperate roar to run away to the south. 他们蹦跳如飞,一步就是数百里远,短短一盏茶时间就逃出了上万里远近。在他们身后,无数的鸟兽或者狂奔、或者疾飞,纷纷发出绝望的吼声向南方逃窜。 The east , south , west and north four directions of land world, four with the land world size quite giant landmass, in the boundless water cloud wraps to tumble. The speed that because the volume huge relations, they fly seems like slow, the regulations one departed several thousand li (0.5km) distance in a flash. 中陆世界的东、南、西、北四个方向,四块和中陆世界大小相当的巨型陆块在无边水云包裹中翻滚而来。因为体积过于庞大的关系,他们飞行的速度看似缓慢,实则一弹指间就飞出了数万里远近。 What is dismayful, so the rapid flight mainland the land world will not have hit is split up. 让人惊愕的是,如此疾飞的大陆并没有将中陆世界撞得四分五裂。 One inexplicable magic, making four mainland move the flash of land, five mainland on perfect merging into one organic whole. 一种莫名的神奇力量,让四块大陆碰触到中陆的一瞬间,五块大陆就完美的融为一体。 Since without any impact, without any vibration, has resembled these five mainland is a complete whole has been same. 没有任何冲击,没有任何震动,就好像这五块大陆一直以来就是一块完整的整体一样。 phantom that in Ji Hao Spiritual Space, recuperated opens eyes suddenly, having one excitedly, a feeling to mutter said: Pangu mainland, eventually is...... Took shape! This is the true Pangu mainland...... Si Wenming, Ji Hao kid...... Your true boundless beneficence!”( To be continued.) 姬昊神魂空间中,正在休养的虚影突然睁开眼,带着一丝兴奋、一丝感慨喃喃说道:“盘古姆大陆,终究是……成型了!这才是真正的盘古大陆……姒文命,还有姬昊小家伙……你们真正功德无量!”(未完待续。)
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