TME :: Volume #15

#1471: Tonight is sleepless

Late at night. 深夜。 In Liangzhu City the weeping sound is intermittent, the black column of smoke leisure rising sky that vary thick or thin, in the air is filling the burnt taste of irritating the nose. The ground full is the black mud, this was uses the Magic fire fighting to the foreign race army of entering a city, the spate of dropping from the clouds has suppressed the flame in city, actually also made the snafu Liangzhu City. 良渚城内哭声阵阵,一根根粗细不一的黑色烟柱慢悠悠的升上天空,空气中弥漫着刺鼻的焦糊味。地上满是黑色的泥浆,这是冲进城的异族大军动用法术救火,从天而降的大水扑灭了城内的火头,却也将良渚城弄得一团糟。 After building combustion , the ashes that leaves behind were soaked by the spate, in the city full is two chi (0.33 m) thick black mud, many Yu Clan aristocrat does not give a thought to the ingrained cleanliness, being absentminded struggles to run in the mud, loud is shouting the name of clansman. 建筑物燃烧后留下的灰烬被大水浸泡,城内满是两尺多厚的黑色泥浆,好些虞族贵族不顾自己根深蒂固的洁癖,失魂落魄的深一脚浅一脚在泥浆中挣扎奔走,大声的呼喊着自己族人的名字。 Many places, some Yu Zuda aristocrats kneel by the mansion ruins that oneself collapse, shouting oneself hoarse was weeping and wailing. 好些地方,一些虞族大贵族跪在自己坍塌的豪宅废墟旁,声嘶力竭的哭喊着。 In the ruins finds at everywhere by the fire is burnt the remains of distortion, in nearby ground is remaining various fine accessories, obviously is Yu Clan children of the nobility has the precious thing that the qualifications wear. 废墟内随处可见被大火烧得变形的遗骸,附近的地面上残留着各色各样精美的配饰,显然都是虞族的贵族子弟才有资格佩戴的珍贵物件。 Except for the remains, these big aristocrats had not found their relatives, had not found own children, had not found own sweetheart and illegitimate child. They kneel on the ground are weeping and wailing, the sound sad and shrill just likes the cold winter night cold number bird, making the distant place hear them to weep and wail the sound person whole body to brave the goose flesh. 除了遗骸,这些大贵族没有找到自己的亲眷,没有找到自己的子女,也没找到自己的情人和私生子。他们跪在地上哭喊着,声音凄厉犹如寒冬夜里的寒号鸟,让远处听到他们哭喊声的人浑身直冒鸡皮疙瘩。 Ji Hao plundered a group of status highest Yu Clan aristocrats first, after Dragon Hushi has looked like four big Venerable entered a city, they very much smoothly have also plundered a large quantities of Yu Clan backbone clansman. 姬昊先搜刮走了一批地位最高的虞族贵族,龙虎狮象四大尊者进城后,他们也很顺利的搜刮了一大批虞族的中坚族人。 Some foreign race clansmen who in addition these were hated floods the Human Race slave who mind cut to kill at will, the living witness who now in Liangzhu City keeps are not really many. Wreaks havoc the Pangu world innumerable year of foreign race aristocrats, they tasted the pain of being with one's family broken up and decimated finally. 加上那些被仇恨充斥心灵的人族奴隶随意斩杀的一些异族族人,如今良渚城内留下来的活口真不多。肆虐盘古世界无数年的异族贵族们,他们终于品尝到了家破人亡的痛苦。 And also some lucky fellows, their clansmen hide in the secret room, had evaded by luck the army who Ji Hao and Dragon Hushi looks like the governance plunders, avoided in rebel army suppressing to entering a city to kill, finally had also evaded the dreadful fire, endured the foreign race army to enter a city finally. 其中也有极少数幸运儿,他们的族人藏匿在密室中,侥幸避过了姬昊和龙虎狮象统辖的大军搜刮,又避开了冲进城内的叛军的剿杀,最后还避过了滔天的大火,熬到了最后异族大军进城的时候。 The lucky fellows of these hundred tribulation remaining years of life tremble walked from the hiding place, they wept and wailed family member's name that the series armed forces were going to battle with hoarsely, the foreign race military officer who wore the mail-armor and helmet runs to them who cried and smiles, both sides had tears streaming down the face hugged, just liked the mental illness same cries, then to laugh. 这些百劫余生的幸运儿哆哆嗦嗦的从藏身之地走了出来,他们声嘶力竭的哭喊着自己统军出征的亲人的名字,一个个身披甲胄的异族将领又哭又笑的向他们跑来,双方泪流满面的拥抱在一起,犹如神经病一样大哭一阵、然后大笑一阵。 In the city a sadder worse shout from the bad luck eggs of these glory control meetings transmits. 城内更凄厉的喊声是从那些荣耀主宰会的倒霉蛋当中传来。 Ji Hao has not started to these fellows, Dragon Hushi looks like does not have desirably under the killer to them, well-equipped and subordinates of Warrior quite somewhat battle efficiency glory control meeting, tossed about in Liangzhu City carelessly for several days, the bad luck egg of large quantities of glory control meeting remained. 姬昊没有对这些家伙下手,龙虎狮象也没有刻意对他们下杀手,荣耀主宰会的装备精良、麾下战士颇有几分战斗力,在良渚城内胡乱折腾了几天,还有大批荣耀主宰会的倒霉蛋留了下来。 If they were abducted by Ji Hao or by dragon tiger lion four big Venerable likely, they most become the captives, obviously person who however regardless of Ji Hao or Dragon Hushi the shape, does not treat harshly the captive. 如果他们被姬昊或者被龙虎狮象四大尊者掳走也就罢了,他们最多成为俘虏,但是不论姬昊还是龙虎狮象,显然都不是苛待俘虏的人。 The bad luck glory control meeting members, they fell into 12 ruling Great's hands. 倒霉的荣耀主宰会成员们,他们落入了12执政大帝之手。 These fellows were dug up cleanly, from top to bottom stark naked kneeling down in the razing Liangzhu City central place. Heavy armor Warrior of battalion is surrounding them, is in a towering rage, the eye of dew ominous light is staring at them. 这些家伙被扒得干干净净,浑身上下一丝不挂的跪倒在夷为平地的良渚城中心位置。大队大队的重甲战士环绕着他们,一个个怒气冲天、目露凶光的盯着他们。 The foreign race aristocrat who many respected families come was roaring angrily, grasped various torture instruments, has gotten down the cruel methods under the big crowd of people to these fellows. 好些大家族出身的异族贵族愤怒的咆哮着,手持各色各样的刑具,在大庭广众之下冲着这些家伙就下了狠手。 The whip that the poisonous dragon pesters unceasingly pulls out is a body disappears, the iron rod of Triangular shape knocks can break a piece of bone, is bringing wolf fang stick numerous pulling out of close hangnail on the buttocks, the muscle and bone on buttocks egg simultaneously were hit crush...... 毒龙皮缠成的鞭子一抽就是一条皮肉不见了,三棱形的铁棍一敲就能打断一片骨头,带着细密倒刺的狼牙棒重重的抽在屁股上,屁股蛋上的肌肉和骨头同时被打得粉碎…… The assorted strange evil and cruel torture instrument closes, several thousand the core members of glory control meetings shout oneself hoarse is miserably howling, struggles get lost in the thick mud crawls, unceasing the person who to executing wept and wailed begs for mercy. 各色古怪的歹毒刑具一拥而上,数千名荣耀主宰会的核心成员声嘶力竭的惨嚎着,在厚厚的泥浆中挣扎滚爬,不断的向行刑的人哭喊求饶。 Person who these execute, or is their fathers, either is their grandfathers, either is their paternal great-grandfathers and great-grandfathergreat-grandmother...... All people are cloudy the face, being relentless attacks brutally to them. 这些行刑的人,或者是他们的父亲,或者是他们的祖父,或者是他们曾祖父和太祖……所有人都阴沉着脸,毫不留情的冲着他们大打出手。 12 ruling Great Emperor on float are staring here in midair, their face distortions fiercely just like the malicious ghosts, the vision with raw hate seems momentarily can get down the bad luck egg swallow alives of these glory control meetings. 12执政大帝就悬浮在半空中盯着这边,他们一个个面孔扭曲狰狞犹如恶鬼,目光凶狠好似随时能把这些荣耀主宰会的倒霉蛋生吞下去。 12 ruling families, hid except for some collateral branch clansmen in the secluded corner remained luckily, several daughters who the wife and children who these true important key people, for example adjoined arrow nu, the illegitimate child of Emperor Shi Yama, Yan Mosha most loved, Yemo luo coconut tree the father's younger brothers and their relatives of several blood relatives' wait / etc., all people disappeared! 12个执政家族啊,除了一些旁支族人躲在僻静角落里幸运留了下来,那些真正重要的核心人物,比如说毗矢伮的妻儿,帝释阎罗的私生子,阎摩刹最宠爱的几个女儿,耶摩椤椰的几个嫡亲的叔父和他们的亲眷等等,所有人都不见了! Disappear! Was missing!! Without a trace!!! 不见了!失踪了!!无影无踪了!!! If had been abducted fortunately, Yu Clan has the fine tradition that pays money to redeem a slave, the expenditure big price, they can always redeem the person! 如果是被人掳走了还好,虞族有付钱赎人的优良传统,花费再大的代价,他们总能把人赎回来! If were not abducted, but was burnt in that dreadful fire...... 如果不是被人掳走,而是在那滔天大火中被烧死的话…… Thinks of here, person who these begin started to burn several points ruthlessly, punched these good-for-nothing family degenerates. 想到这里,那些动手的人下手更加狠辣了几分,真的就是往死里揍这些不成器的家族败类。 Hits, hitting of going all out, hits, hits miserably is better! Hits miserably, perhaps can also maintain a livelihood \; Now shows mercy slightly, 12 ruling Great Emperor of being in a towering rage issue an order, not only these black sheep of the family must fall the head, their respective families will also pour the blood mildew! 打,拼命的打,往死里打,打得越惨越好!打得惨一点,或许还能活命\;现在稍微手下留情,怒气冲天的12执政大帝一声令下,不仅仅这些败家子要掉脑袋,他们所属的家族也会倒血霉! The glory control that these respected families come meets the core member to receive punishment, these surrounding members who they win over, these family background poor Yu Clan, Jia Clan, repair Warrior of clan, then one after another pushes to the ground, reveals the Jia Clan executioner of upper part be relentless to wield the heavy axe, has chopped their heads one by one. 这些大家族出身的荣耀主宰会核心成员在受刑,他们拉拢的那些外围成员,那些出身不怎么好的虞族、伽族、脩族的战士,则是被一排一排的推倒在地,袒露上半身的伽族刽子手毫不留情的挥动重斧,将他们的脑袋挨个的剁了下来。 Tittering sound is lingering on faintly, but a time of double-hour, at least the surrounding members of 100,000 glory control meetings were beheaded. ‘噗嗤’声不绝于耳,不过一个时辰的功夫,起码有100000荣耀主宰会的外围成员被斩首。 The bloody air/Qi soars to the heavens, the big size small head built tall tower, a repairing clan clansman of deep moon/month lineage/vein grasped the black crystal ball, collected uses the mystique by the execution grounds, was cut the souls of these people killed to select for advancement in the crystal ball by them. 血腥气冲天,大大小小的脑袋垒成了一座高塔,冥月一脉的脩族族人手持黑色的水晶球,凑在刑场旁施展秘法,被斩杀的这些人的灵魂都被他们抽进了水晶球中。 Waits for their, is the long endless torture suffers, after their spirit wisdom were obliterated thoroughly, their soul bodies will force in corpse puppets **** the person expels. Only if they were hit in the battlefield are frightened out of one's wits, otherwise this grade of torture will never end. 等待他们的,是漫长的无休止的酷刑折磨,等他们的灵智被彻底磨灭后,他们的魂体将被塞进一具具僵尸傀儡****人驱遣。除非他们在战场上被打得魂飞魄散,否则这等酷刑永远不会结束。 While foreign race cleans up internal, just had the person to leave Liangzhu a few days after Yu Mu and Feng Xin, is leading the army once more enormously and powerful intruded Liangzhu. 就在异族清理内部的同时,刚刚带人离开良渚没几天的雨牧风行,再次带着大军浩浩荡荡的闯入了良渚。 According to treaty of alliance additional article that Ji Hao and 12 ruling Great Emperor sign , helping foreign race break the Liangzhu City Restriction reward as Ji Hao, all movable property in city have 40% to belong to the Human Race tribe alliance, 30% ownership Yao Mountain City all, foreign race can only retain 30% wealth! 按照姬昊和12执政大帝签署的盟约附加条款,作为姬昊帮助异族破开良渚城禁制的报酬,城内的所有浮财有四成归属人族部落联盟,有三成归属垚山领所有,异族只能保留三成的财富! Shaosi and Man Man also led the servant who troop was skilled to keep a promise to arrive at Liangzhu City, they will supervise all foreign race aristocrats to open the big size small treasure house, compiled a register all wealth registrations, then deferred to beforehand agreement, took belongs to that part of Human Race and Yao Mountain City. 少司蛮蛮也带着大群精通算数的奴仆来到了良渚城,他们会监督所有的异族贵族打开自己大大小小的宝库,将所有的财富登记造册,然后按照事先的约定,取走归属人族垚山领的那部分。 Liangzhu City is sleepless tonight. 良渚城今夜无眠。 foreign race is very flustered, is very thin and pale and is very sad, Human Race is very busy, is very energetic and is very joyous. 异族很忙乱、很憔悴、很伤心,人族很忙碌、很精神、很欢悦。 Especially in the Human Race Warrior camp, Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign and Shennong personally act Human Race Warrior that comforts Dragon Hushi to look like carries off without enough time, the shocking cheers spread in the night far away and far away.( To be continued.) 尤其是人族战士的营地中,帝舜、轩辕圣皇和神农氏亲自出面安抚龙虎狮象来不及带走的人族战士,震天的欢呼声在深夜中传出了老远、老远。(未完待续。)
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