TME :: Volume #15

#1470: Defeats the city

Cedes the cities of three catastrophe to give Human Race once more, 12 ruling Great Emperor consented. 再次割让三座浩劫之城给人族,12执政大帝应允了。 foreign race all civilized ancient book shares give Human Race, 12 ruling Great Emperor consented. 异族所有文明典籍分享给人族,12执政大帝应允了。 Returns all Human Race slaves to Human Race, 12 ruling Great Emperor consented. 将所有人族的奴隶归还给人族,12执政大帝应允了。 .................................... ……………………………… Because scarlet the thunder, quiet cloud and other livelihood knight of appearances, Yu Dynasty high level mental chaos, even becomes a little helpless, various presumptuous requests that the Ji Hao lion opens the mouth to set greatly, the authority elders who 12 ruling Great Emperor and accompany the armed forces consented completely. 因为赤雷、幽云等日月骑士的出现,虞朝的高层心智大乱,甚至变得有点手足无措,姬昊狮子大开口提出的各种非分要求,12位执政大帝和随军的权力长老们全部应允。 The city and Yu Zushen these catastrophes, floats the air fight fort and fight puppet and so on death thing, Ji Hao compels to adjoin arrow nu and the others to comply their all ancient books, all technical blueprints, all strategy Symbol wait / etc. all knowledge and Human Race shares, this is Human Race tribe alliance biggest harvest. 那些浩劫之城、虞族神塔、浮空战堡、战斗傀儡之类的死物也就罢了,姬昊逼得毗矢伮等人答应将他们的所有典籍、所有技术图纸、所有阵法符文等等所有的知识和人族分享,这才是人族部落联盟这次最大的收获。 Obtained Yu Dynasty complete wisdom crystallization, the whole civilized standard of Human Race will surmount a stride forward. 得到了虞朝全部的智慧结晶,人族的整体文明水准将向前跨越一大步。 On this day, daybreak, Ji Hao all alone arrived at outside Liangzhu City, stood in has been away from a Liangzhu City wall 100 li (0.5km) zero several feet distance. Ties by the translucent black, Ji Hao saw in the city wall has the brigade wears armor Warrior to appear, is away from thick knot, they to the direction that Ji Hao is gesticulating. 这一日,黎明时分,姬昊孤身一人来到了良渚城外,站在了距离良渚城墙100里零十几丈的距离。透过半透明的黑色结界,姬昊看到城墙上有大队的披甲战士出现,隔着厚厚的结界,他们正对着姬昊比比划划的指点着。 When are not many have to wear Daoist of long gown to appear, these person of whole body fresh air roam, the forehead has a lotus flower seal to circle faintly erratically. They have recognized Ji Hao very much obviously, looks bad points at Ji Hao to drink to scold fierce. 不多时就有身穿长袍的道人出现,这些人周身清气流荡,眉心隐隐有一朵莲花印盘旋不定。他们很显然认出了姬昊,一个个神色不善的指着姬昊厉声喝骂。 Was only a pity that Liangzhu City thick city garrison knot isolated all sounds, Ji Hao could not hear clearly them to scold anything. 只可惜良渚城厚厚的城防结界隔绝了一切声音,姬昊也听不清他们在骂些什么。 Narrows the eyes to focus slightly, Ji Hao three cuns (2.5cm) thick golden color colored glaze shape flame inflate to zhang (3.33 m) allow tall under suddenly, melts the flame static combustion of colored glaze condition, is quiet and refined and beautiful, does not seem any lethality. Some looks best and most careful person will only discover that is sticking to Ji Hao golden color colored glaze fire, void was burnt a human form cavity, the flame border is a black space fissure. 微微眯着眼,姬昊身上三寸厚的金色琉璃状火焰骤然膨胀到丈许高下,融化琉璃态的火焰静静的燃烧着,娴静而美丽,好似没有任何杀伤力。唯有眼神最好、最细心的人才会发现,紧贴着姬昊身上的金色琉璃火,虚空都被烧出了一个人形的空洞,火焰的边沿就是一线黑色的空间裂痕。 The cities of six catastrophe gather in together, innumerable Jia Clan Warrior treadon the metal round small dish float in the midair, fully-armed they grip tightly the weapon, in the nostril spout the blazing aura unceasingly, had already completed the combat readiness. 六座浩劫之城汇聚在一起,无数伽族战士脚踏金属圆碟悬浮在半空,全副武装的他们紧握兵器,鼻孔里不断喷出炽烈的气息,已然做好了战斗准备。 The bodies of many Jia Clan Warrior cannot repress is shivering, their pupil hyperemia, fell into the crazy edge. Did their clansmen in the city, their wife and entire families in the city, what appearance Liangzhu City god knows Warrior of these rebellion damage? They must slaughter, they must retaliate, Warrior that in the city these rebel against...... 好些伽族战士的身体按捺不住的颤抖着,他们的眸子充血,已经陷入了疯狂的边缘。他们的族人都在城内,他们的妻儿老小都在城内,天知道那些叛乱的战士良渚城祸害成了什么样子?他们要杀戮,他们要报复,城内那些反叛的战士…… Good, according to Human Race and additional agreement of foreign race treaty of alliance, Warrior that in the city these rebel against, besides Human Race Warrior, they can optional slaughtering. However all Human Race Warrior, must give the Human Race tribe alliance to handle. 好吧,根据人族异族盟约的附加协定,城内那些反叛的战士,除了人族战士之外,他们可以随意的杀戮。但是所有的人族战士,必须交给人族部落联盟处置。 Time past bit by bit, the east side sky has revealed the big piece red cloud, a continuously sunlight just likes the mobile rosy cloud, after the reflection of east sky big piece floating clouds, has perfused in most the land world. 时间一点一点的过去,东边天空露出了大片红云,一缕缕阳光犹如流动的云霞,经过东边天空大片浮云的反射,已经洒遍了大半个中陆世界。 Ji Hao flame suddenly becomes more abundant, he felt the Pangu Sun thermal energy. Slowly integrates within the body the Pangu Sun strength, the body of Ji Hao shines gradually, during the short several breath, he has shone makes people unable to look straight ahead. 姬昊身上的火焰骤然变得更加雄厚,他感受到了盘古太阳的热力。缓缓的将盘古太阳的力量纳入体内,姬昊的身体逐渐亮起,短短几个呼吸间,他已经亮得让人无法直视。 Broad, huge, blazing and dignified...... Ji Hao opens both hands, becomes big character shape float in the midair, the innumerable [say / way] thumb thick or thin ray sprays from his within the body, just likes the storm same sprinkles, in the Liangzhu City protecting city ties on. 恢弘、庞大、炽热、威严……姬昊张开双手,成‘大’字状悬浮在半空,无数道拇指粗细的光芒从他体内喷射出来,犹如暴风骤雨一样洒落在良渚城的护城结界上。 Buzz humming sound the bellow is lingering on faintly, reaches thick ten li (0.5km) black ties fiercely is shivering, the Yu Dynasty 12 rule Great Emperor consume the innumerable thoughts, is unable to shake the slightest the black to tie on to swing the innumerable ripples with the city of all-out attack catastrophe. ‘嗡嗡嗡’的轰鸣声不绝于耳,厚达十里的黑色结界剧烈的颤抖着,虞朝12执政大帝耗费无数心思,用浩劫之城全力攻击都无法撼动分毫的黑色结界上荡起了无数涟漪。 Each thumb thick or thin ray rumbled on giant knot the vortex in a circumference of several miles, the black has tied is shivering, sent out deafeningly just likes the Tsunami bang. Yu Zushen raises from city one after another, the intercourse circulation of innumerable flowing light in god tower vertical, the quick big laminar flow light gathered in a biggest god tower completely. 每一道拇指粗细的光芒都在巨大的结界上轰出了方圆数里的漩涡,黑色结界颤抖着,发出震耳欲聋犹如海啸的巨响。一座又一座虞族神塔从城内升起,无数条流光在神塔顶部的竖目之间往来流转,很快大片流光全部汇聚在了最高大的一座神塔上。 Scoffing, reaches several li (0.5km) god light to howl from the city thickly, accurate shooting at Ji Hao. ‘嗤’的一声,一道粗达数里的神光从城内呼啸而出,精准的射向了姬昊 Ji Hao extends the left hand, the Pangu clock float in his palm front, three chi (0.33 m) high below Pangu clock sprays the sincere chaos air/Qi, changed into a diameter ten li (0.5km) dense air/Qi wall to block this god of journeys light. 姬昊伸出左手,盘古钟悬浮在他掌心前方,三尺高下的盘古钟喷射出厚重的混沌之气,化为一块直径十里的氤氲气墙挡住了这道神光。 Liangzhu City against Restriction strongest strikes, had kept off by Ji Hao superficially. 良渚城禁制最强的一击,被姬昊轻描淡写的挡了下来。 Vaporizes a terrorist attack of Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse sufficiently instantaneously, had not kept off by Ji Hao strenuously. 足以瞬间汽化一尊日月境强者的恐怖攻击,被姬昊毫不吃力的挡了下来。 These no doubt have the prestige energy of Pangu clock, actually also sufficiently showed that Ji Hao strength at this moment is really today we are no longer as we have been, he can display several points of Pangu clock proper invincible might. 这其中固然有盘古钟的威能,却也足以证明,姬昊此刻的实力真的是今非昔比,他已经能够发挥出几分盘古钟应有的神威。 This!” Observing Emperor Shi Yama calls out in alarm in a soft voice: „Did this boy, block?” “这!”观战的帝释阎罗轻声惊呼:“这小子,挡住了?” He is demonstrating to us!” Yan Mosha gets angry: He is demonstrating to us, he is showing off his strength...... Are this boy many big age? Is he possibly the Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse? Moreover, he compares any authority elder to be formidable!” “他在向我们示威!”阎摩刹怒道:“他在向我们示威,他在炫耀他的实力……这小子才多大点年纪?他怎么可能就是日月境强者?而且,他比任何一位权力长老还要强大!” In this time, he is formidable, has the advantage to our exceed!” Adjoins arrow nu to have a strange smiling face to look at clansman: Not? We want to resist that Sir, we must have a more formidable helper.” “在这种时刻,他越是强大,对我们越有好处!”毗矢伮带着一丝怪异的笑容看着身边的族人:“不是么?我们想要对抗那位大人,我们就必须拥有更多更强大的帮手。” An audiences rule Great Emperor looked at one mutually, look complex nod. 一众执政大帝相互望了一眼,神色复杂的点了点头。 Innumerable [say / way] dispersions to Liangzhu Restriction **** the ray gathers gradually in together, with the bang of void tearing, everywhere light rain gathers in the Ji Hao palm finally, changes into diameter several feet Golden Light to go to the whereabouts together. 无数道分散向良渚禁制****的光芒逐渐汇聚在一起,伴随着虚空撕裂的巨响,漫天光雨最终汇聚在姬昊掌心,化为一道直径数丈的金光向下落去。 One such as a metal bitt of heat child gripped in the thick ice layer, the golden light beam of Ji Hao palm penetrated the defense of Liangzhu City to tie, making black knot spout the raging fire thick smoke unceasingly, one zhang (3.33 m) one zhang (3.33 m) downward thorough. 一如一根烧红的铁桩子扎进了厚厚的冰层中,姬昊掌心的金色光柱击穿了良渚城的防御结界,让黑色的结界不断喷出烈火浓烟,一丈一丈的向下深入。 Along with the invasion of golden light beam, in Liangzhu City the god tower explodes one after another loudly, winds to reel off silk the collapse in the big piece raging fire. 随着金色光柱的侵入,良渚城内一座又一座神塔轰然爆炸,在大片烈火中络绎倒塌。 The ground in Liangzhu split the innumerable fissures, underground huge strategy Restriction disrupts loudly, flames unceasingly from underground blowout. The palace pavilions of innumerable surviving collapse in abundance, vanishes into thin air in the raging fire. 良渚的地面裂开了无数的裂痕,地下庞大的阵法禁制轰然碎裂,一道道火光不断从地下喷出。无数残存的宫殿楼阁纷纷坍塌,在烈火中化为乌有。 The flame of big group big group binds the thick smoke from the underground blowout, Liangzhu City defense Restriction is collapsing, Beng Hui of each base, makes the corrosion of golden light beam relaxed. 大团大团的火光裹着浓烟从地下喷出,良渚城的防御禁制在崩溃,每一处阵基的崩毁,都让金色光柱的侵蚀变得更加的轻松。 Black knot is getting more and more thin, the people can see clearly the sound in city finally truly. 黑色的结界越来越薄,众人终于能够真正看清城内的动静。 They see in the Liangzhu City center position, over a hundred scale huge transmission have been ready, the person's shadows of innumerable creeping motion gather in transmission, for the first time looked at least has the appearances of tens of millions people, including many people wear gorgeous taking care, the body closely is twining the shackle and Restriction Symbol, obviously was captured alive the captive of capturing alive. 他们看到在良渚城的正中位置,上百座规模庞大的传送阵已经蓄势待发,无数蠕动的人影聚集在传送阵中,乍一看去起码有数千万人的样子,其中有不少人身穿华美的服侍,身上紧紧缠绕着铁链和禁制符文,显然是被生擒活捉的俘虏。 Oh, do they want to do?” 12 ruling Great Emperor have cried out strangely. “天哪,他们要干什么?”12执政大帝怪叫了一声。 A bang, city garrison Restriction of Liangzhu was put on by the Ji Hao palm Golden Light bang, covers knot sky over Liangzhu is nothing left. 一声巨响,良渚的城防禁制姬昊掌心金光轰穿,笼罩在良渚上空的结界荡然无存。 Center Liangzhu transmission law opens suddenly, a glare flashes through, the person in large formation disappears immediately without a trace. 良渚正中的传送法阵骤然开启,一道强光闪过,大阵中的人顿时消失得无影无踪。 Warrior of battalion crashes in transmission law unceasingly, sent off by large formation unceasingly. 大队大队的战士不断冲进传送法阵,不断被大阵送走。 Adjoins arrow nu and the others to scream anxiously unceasingly that is directing the subordinates troops to entering a city.( To be continued.) 毗矢伮等人急得不断尖叫,指挥着麾下人马冲进城内。(未完待续。)
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