TME :: Volume #15

#1469: Lion start to talk

Ji Hao is very awkward. 姬昊很尴尬。 The shaft Saint sovereign and Shennong have drunk many good wines, the interest resounding whips spatial wine pot to sing loudly, but Ji Hao actually drop of liquor cannot drink. 就连轩辕圣皇和神农氏都喝了不少美酒,兴致高亢的拍打着空酒坛子放声歌唱,而姬昊却一滴酒都没能喝到。 The golden flame temperature of his body surface is too high, the liquor water has not arrived at his mouth thoroughly to evaporate, before he controls the strength that rises dramatically suddenly perfectly, he does not want to drink to a water drop and drop of liquor. What is more helpless, any barbecue, steams the meat, any fruits and melons vegetables, meter cake potato cake and so on food , and liquor water is common, he points at touches completely changes into the azure smoke. 他体表的金色火焰温度太高,酒水还没到他嘴里就彻底蒸发,在他完美掌控突然飙升的力量之前,他是别想喝到一滴水、一滴酒了。更无奈的是,什么烤肉、蒸肉,什么瓜果蔬菜,还有米饼薯饼之类的食物,也都和酒水一般,他手指一碰就全部化为青烟。 The food of normal person he is unable to enjoy, instead after is most top fire is Magic Crystals bumps into his palm, unexpectedly liquefies just likes the high-temperature juice of rock magma. Ji Hao attempted to attract several, resembled the average person to drink the weak liquor to be ordinary, whole body pure fierce drunk happy feelings however. 正常人的食物他无法享受,反而是最顶级的火系巫晶碰到他的手掌后,居然液化成犹如岩浆的高温浆汁。姬昊尝试着吸了几口,就好像普通人喝了淡酒一般,浑身都有一种纯烈醺然的快乐感觉。 Food and wine in good condition cannot touch, can only eat Magic Crystals? 好端端的酒食不能碰,只能吃巫晶 Ha, is very surprised? This matter, is very normal.” The shaft Saint sovereign does not know when arrived at side Ji Hao, a palm of the hand clapped maliciously on his shoulder: „In the past I just broke through, the mortal food and wine moves slightly, immediately changes into the stone lump. Instead is earth attribute Magic Crystals, one at each mouthful eats the delight.” “哈哈哈,很吃惊么?这事情,很正常。”轩辕圣皇不知道什么时候到了姬昊身边,狠狠一巴掌拍在了他的肩膀上:“当年吾刚刚突破时,凡人酒菜稍一碰触,就立刻化为土石疙瘩。反而是土属性巫晶,一口一块吃得不亦乐乎。” Has been used to it well, waited for you to control within the body energy of the starlight thoroughly, all was normal.” Shaft Saint sovereign look treacherous looks at Ji Hao: But, I had spent in the past for 137 years, thoroughly controls within the body Prehistoric stars the compensation. Your this child, hey, Sun, hey!” “习惯了就好,或者,等你彻底掌控了体内星辰之力,也就一切正常了。”轩辕圣皇神色诡谲的看着姬昊:“不过,当年吾花了137年,才彻底掌控体内洪荒星辰的全部力量。你这娃娃,嘿嘿,一颗太阳,嘿嘿!” The shaft Saint sovereign as if a little drank, he was whipping the shoulder of Ji Hao vigorously, held the belly to laugh to continue. 轩辕圣皇似乎有点喝多了,他大力的拍打着姬昊的肩膀,抱着肚皮大笑不止。 The sad sound of footsteps transmits, wears heavy armor adjoining arrow nu to lead one group of guards to rush, the Human Race high level that sees the full main hall drunk to one's heart's content, adjoined arrow nu the corners of the mouth to pull out pulling out maliciously, the look was a little not right. 沉闷的脚步声传来,身披重甲的毗矢伮带着一群护卫闯了进来,看到满大殿正在开怀畅饮的人族高层,毗矢伮的嘴角狠狠的抽了抽,眼神都有点不对了。 „, We now are allies. Liangzhu City of my clan is in the abyss of suffering, how do you have the mood to drink wine to make music?” Adjoins arrow nu a little to be quite breathless, his clansman may also in Liangzhu City! “诸位,我们现在是盟友。我族的良渚城正处于水深火热之中,你们怎还有心情饮酒作乐?”毗矢伮颇有点气急败坏,他的族人可都还在良渚城内! Now Liangzhu City by ultimate defense thorough seal, inside person could not come out, outside person cannot go, by translucent knot, can see in the city everywhere is the fire flaming, airborne full is the black smoke winds around. Those images and scenes, making the 12 ruling Great Emperor outside city burning with impatience, but the Human Race high level is drinking wine to make music unexpectedly! 现在良渚城被终极防御彻底封闭,里面的人出不来,外面的人进不去,透过半透明的结界,可以看到城内到处都是大火熊熊,空中满是黑烟缭绕。此情此景,让城外的12位执政大帝心急如焚,但是人族高层居然在饮酒作乐! „The scarlet date Great Emperor, this cannot blame us.” The shaft Saint sovereign is carrying big wine pot, one step sway arrived has adjoined in front of arrow nu, mounts on adjoining the arrow nu magnificent scarlet golden color mail-armor and helmet that the big hand of wine has made an effort completely has wiped two: City garrison large formation that you design is too reliable, we cannot go, wants to help you not have the means.” “赤日大帝,这可不能怪我们。”轩辕圣皇拎着一个大酒坛子,一步一摇晃的走到了毗矢伮面前,黏满了酒浆的大手用力的在毗矢伮华丽的赤金色甲胄上抹了两把:“你们自家设计的城防大阵太牢固,我们进不去啊,想帮你们也没办法。” Adjoins arrow nu to stamp the ground with anger: Therefore, we want Emperor Shun and you act, ordering Human Race Warrior in city to open city garrison Restriction!” 毗矢伮气得直跺脚:“所以,我们想要帝舜和你们出面,勒令城内的人族战士打开城防禁制!” Emperor Shun has spread out both hands, has made a very helpless expression: Adjoins arrow nu your majesty, we had also attempted for these days. How the voice in city unable to pass on, our sounds cannot pass on, in the city no doubt some innumerable Human Race Warrior, we are unable to restrain them.” 帝舜摊开了双手,做了一个很无奈的表情:“毗矢伮陛下,我们这几天也尝试过。奈何城内的声音传不进来,我们的声音传不进去,城内固然有无数人族战士,我们也无法约束他们。” Sighed lightly, Emperor Shun light saying: Furthermore, in Human Race Warrior in city, were many enslaved many years of slave by you? Perhaps they have forgotten the Human Race tribe alliance, forgot Human Race also to have Human Emperor to exist, how did they possibly obey our orders?” 轻叹了一口气,帝舜淡淡的说道:“再者,城内的人族战士中,许多都是被你们奴役多年的奴隶吧?他们或许已经忘了人族部落联盟,忘了人族还有人皇存在,他们又怎可能听从我们的命令?” In brief...... If you want the means!” Adjoined arrow nu to start not to speak truth: Liangzhu cannot lose, our clansmen cannot have any accident, otherwise, before us all treaties of alliance become invalid completely! You are Human Emperor, is the Human Race king, you must restrain Human Race Warrior in city, otherwise, what significance we and do you form an alliance and have?” “总而言之……你们要想办法!”毗矢伮开始不讲道理了:“良渚不能有失,我们的族人更不能有任何的闪失,不然的话,我们之前的所有盟约全部作废!你们是人皇啊,是人族的王啊,你们必须约束城内的人族战士,不然的话,我们和你们结盟又有什么意义?” Emperor Shun does not speak, facing this type of unreasonable brazen, Emperor Shun did not have any good means. 帝舜不吭声了,面对这种不讲道理的赖皮,帝舜还真没什么好办法。 Ji Hao has coughed gently, to adjoining arrow nu smiled: „The scarlet date Great Emperor, our treaties of alliance did not achieve for Liangzhu...... Our treaties of alliance, to jointly cope with forthcoming your clan big energy!” 姬昊轻轻咳嗽了一声,向毗矢伮笑了笑:“赤日大帝呵,我们的盟约可不是为了良渚而达成的……我们的盟约,是为了共同对付即将到来的你族大能啊!” Adjoins arrow nu to be cloudy the face not to speak, Ji Hao and he has the secret agreement, his life gate was being pinched by Ji Hao, he can shout and wrangle to anyone, only facing Ji Hao time did not have the energy thoroughly. 毗矢伮阴沉着脸不吭声,姬昊和他有秘密协议在,他的命门被姬昊捏着,他对谁都能大呼小叫,唯独面对姬昊的时候却彻底没有了底气。 „The matter of Liangzhu places one side for the time being, I am very curious, your 12 rule families in the status of Panyu world how?” Ji Hao narrows the eyes to focus, with a laugh looks to adjoin arrow nu. “良渚的事情暂且放在一旁,我很好奇,你们12执政家族在盘虞世界的地位如何?”姬昊眯着眼,笑呵呵的看着毗矢伮。 Adjoined the arrow nu very obvious delay, his doubt looks at Ji Hao, hesitant a while, he very discrete saying: Our 12 rule families, in our hometown Panyu world, naturally are extremely honored existences. Actually, if, if were not we connects the Cross border transfer passage of hometown to be destroyed, we do not need to reply on your strengths, can resist that to exist.” 毗矢伮很明显的呆滞了一下,他狐疑的看着姬昊,犹豫了一会儿,他很谨慎的说道:“我们12执政家族,在我们的故乡盘虞世界,当然是极其尊贵的存在。其实,如果,如果不是我们连通故乡的跨界传送通道被破坏了的话,我们根本不需要借助你们的力量,就能抵挡那位存在。” Adjoins arrow nu to do intentionally calmly, calling out that Ji Hao makes much ado about nothing: Ah? Is this? Don't you fear that to exist actually? Well, couple days ago, Yemo day running away time, I am catch up to chase down him actually, finally, was blocked.” 毗矢伮在故作镇定,姬昊则大惊小怪的叫道:“啊呀?是这样么?你们其实根本就不惧怕那位存在啊?唔,前几天,耶摩天逃走的时候,我其实是赶上去追杀他,结果呢,被人拦下来了。” Adjoins arrow nu to give a calm smile, shaking the head of gently: Destruction arming, moreover is grade extremely high Destruction arming, Marquis Yao Ji Hao, is not I underestimates you, wants to strike to kill the Yemo day, so is not simple.” 毗矢伮淡然一笑,轻轻的摇了摇头:“毁灭武装,而且是品级极高的毁灭武装,垚侯姬昊,不是我小看你,想要击杀耶摩天,可没这么简单。” Scarlet thunder, quiet cloud......” Ji Hao deep looks that adjoins arrow nu saying: 12 your clansmen, they said that their surnames are scarlet, quiet and dark......” “赤雷,幽云……”姬昊深深的看着毗矢伮说道:“有12个你们的族人,他们说,他们的姓氏是赤氏、幽氏、闇氏……” Ji Hao said scarlet thunder and quiet cloud these two names time, adjoined arrow nu the complexion became pale like the paper. 姬昊说出‘赤雷’、‘幽云’这两个名字的时候,毗矢伮的脸色已经变得苍白如纸。 When Ji Hao said scarlet and quiet and dark these surnames, adjoined arrow nu to back up subconsciously several steps. 姬昊说出‘赤氏’、‘幽氏’、‘闇氏’这些姓氏的时候,毗矢伮下意识的倒退了好几步。 Ji Hao continues saying: They said that they follow orders to protect the Yemo day...... They added that aristocrat of one group of family whose fortunes are on the decline lows, simply does not have the qualifications to occupy the Pangu world. Therefore I am very curious, he he!” 姬昊继续说道:“他们说,他们奉命来保护耶摩天……他们还说,一群破落户下三滥的贵族,根本没有资格占据盘古世界。所以我很好奇,呵呵!” Ji Hao he he smiled, adjoins arrow nu on the forehead to seep out the big piece cold sweat. 姬昊‘呵呵’一声笑,毗矢伮的额头上渗出了大片的冷汗。 The lip also becomes pale piece of adjoining arrow nu does the sound track: „Did their cutting edges, arrive unexpectedly? Ha, right, by that foundation, he naturally can have void god shuttle this treasure, the shuttle chaos and invisible does not have the mark, sending troops to catch up in advance, is the natural matter.” 嘴唇也变得惨白一片的毗矢伮干声道:“他们的先锋,居然已经到了么?哈,没错,以那位的底蕴,他自然会有‘虚空神梭’这种宝贝,穿梭混沌、无形无迹,派遣一支人马预先赶来,也是理所应当的事情。” They, but protects the Yemo day?” Adjoins looks at Ji Hao that arrow nu looks at steadily: You should kill them!” “他们,只是来保护耶摩天的?”毗矢伮目不转睛的看着姬昊:“你应该杀了他们!” I am not their matches!” Ji Hao dexterous saying: I can the whole body draw back was not easy, Yemo kills one almost not by them, as soon as strokes dies, what means I can also have?” “我不是他们对手!”姬昊轻巧的说道:“我能全身而退已经不容易了,耶摩杀一差点没被他们一击打死,我还能有什么办法?” The eyeball is rotating rapidly, adjoined arrow nu to fall into silent. 眼珠急速转动着,毗矢伮陷入了沉默。 I wanted to tell, their cutting edges arrived, their main forces momentarily possibly arrived!” Ji Hao makes an effort has pounded on table, long table sigh one changes into a piece of flying ash: Therefore, matter of Liangzhu our Human Race, if can help you solve, how many prices you do prepare to pay?” “我只是想要告诉诸位,他们的先锋已经到了,他们的主力随时可能到来!”姬昊用力的拍了拍身边的桌子,长桌‘呼’的一下就化为一片飞灰:“所以,良渚的事情我们人族若是能帮你们解决了,你们准备付出多少代价呢?” Does not wait to adjoin the arrow nu start to talk, Ji Hao said resolutely: Everybody is the ally, therefore, gives us again the cities of three catastrophe, in addition other extras, sufficed.”( To be continued.) 不等毗矢伮开口,姬昊毅然道:“大家是盟友,所以呢,再给我们三座浩劫之城,加上其他一些搭头,也就够了。”(未完待续。)
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