TME :: Volume #15

#1466: The opportunity of breakthrough

clear light tears together void, lived completely Gu Song, before having hung all over the green cliff of wisteria, Ji Hao staggered to dodge from void. Panted for breath is walking several steps on the ground, the left hand has pinched one to quarry a mountain the India's on racket toward the green cliff, the mountain massif shakes slightly, split one a depth of the hundred zhang (333m) the cavern. 一道清光撕裂虚空,一处生满了古松,挂满了藤萝的翠崖前,姬昊一个踉跄从虚空中闪了出来。喘息着在地上走了几步,左手捏了一道开山印往翠崖上一拍,山体微微一抖,就裂开了一个深达百丈的洞穴。 It seems like the small pennant streamer of smoke cloud winding will sprinkle toward all around conveniently at the same time at the same time, the ruler allow Chang flag streamer stands erect in the air calm automatic, after rocked rapidly, submerged in the air surrounded by faint trace smoke cloud. 看似随手将一面一面烟云缠绕的小小旗幡往四周洒落,尺许长的旗幡矗立在空气中无风自动,急速的晃动了一阵后,就在一丝丝烟云的簇拥下没入了空气中。 Got down the defense strategies of nine series nestings with the quickest speed cloth, the Ji Hao big sleeve has wielded, the entire 3600 -and-a-half dragon Asura whole body blood fog tumbled, has braved silently. 用最快的速度布下了九座连环嵌套的防御阵法,姬昊大袖一挥,整整3600头半龙修罗周身血雾翻滚,无声无息的冒了出来。 These use bloodshed essence half dragon Asura not self- spirit wisdom that coordinates the Jia Clan Warrior corpse to refine becomes, completely depends upon the order conduct of Ji Hao. Ji Hao disperses Divine Sense, the brand mark in their mind has gotten down one string of information, these big fierce half dragon Asura defer to the change of large formation to escape immediately into. 这些用血海精华配合伽族战士尸身炼制而成的半龙修罗没有自我灵智,完全依靠姬昊的命令行事。姬昊分散神识,在他们脑海中烙印下了一串信息,这些高大狰狞的半龙修罗立刻按照大阵的变化遁入了阵中。 All around becomes empty, seems anything changes has not occurred. 四周变得空荡荡的,好似什么变化都没发生过。 Mountain breeze blows, Gu Song on green cliff swings with the wind, big piece pine needle thick falling crash. The innumerable pine needles bumped into Ji Hao to defend large formation, listened to chī chī in resounding sound, pine needle Thunder light dodged all over the body, exploded a continuously all colors light smoke to submerge in abundance. 一阵山风吹来,翠崖上的古松随风摇摆,大片松针纷纷扬扬的坠落。无数松针碰到了姬昊防御大阵,就听‘嗤嗤’脆响声中,松针通体雷光一闪,纷纷炸成了一缕缕五彩轻烟没入了阵中。 Carries the whole body is being Yemo that the blood, suffocates kills one, Ji Hao enters in the cave that opened in big strides. 拎着浑身是血、奄奄一息的耶摩杀一,姬昊大踏步走进了开辟出来的山洞中。 Killed Yemo has placed on a rock, Ji Hao pulled out several maintaining life miracle cures to force in Yemo to kill a mouth, dug up up his clothing, with the Magi palace secret made Magus Medicine thick has smudged one on him. 耶摩杀一放在了一块山石上,姬昊掏出了几颗保命的灵丹塞进了耶摩杀一嘴里,又扒光了他的衣衫,用巫殿的秘制巫药在他身上厚厚的涂抹了一层。 Looks that Yemo in faint kills one, Ji Hao cannot help but sighed. 看着昏厥中的耶摩杀一,姬昊不由得叹了一口气。 Just subdued Yemo killed a time, Ji Hao also thought that the Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse was the Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse, Yemo kills a killing strength to be astonishing worthily, especially he moved under water the [say / way] of assassination to be extremely swift and fierce ruthlessly spicy, was the extremely good helper, Yao Mountain City is also has can take the high-end strength of amounting to something. 刚刚收服耶摩杀一的时候,姬昊还觉得,日月境的强者不愧是日月境强者,耶摩杀一的杀力惊人,尤其他潜行刺杀之道极其凌厉狠辣,是极好的帮手,垚山领也算是有了能够拿上台面的高端战力。 However does not compare does not know that bumped into the foreign race elite from Panyu world truly, Yemo has killed one and quiet cloud does not even calculate fights officially, he fell into the void awkward condition that the Pangu clock broke to get rid to sneak attack while the quiet cloud, unexpectedly by quiet cloud counter-attack severe wound. 但是不比不知道,真正碰到了来自盘虞世界的异族精英,耶摩杀一和幽云甚至不算正式交手,他还是趁着幽云陷入盘古钟震碎的虚空的尴尬状态出手偷袭,居然被幽云反击重伤。 In livelihood knight who the Panyu world grows, with Sun and Moon Realm that the Pangu world is promoted can greatly, has such big disparity really? 盘虞世界成长的日月骑士,和盘古世界晋级的日月境大能之间,真的有这么大的差距? It seems like that all these are related with Panyu world the source of strength. 看来,这一切都和盘虞世界的力量之源有关。 Ji Hao looked at Yemo to kill one, the mood became extremely heavy. Peeps a spot to know the overall picture, Yemo kills one by the quiet cloud neat severe wound, it can be imagined and Yemo kills a strength suitable these Yu Dynasty authority elder and axe stick elder, they also absolutely will not be the matches of quiet clouds and scarlet thunder these people. 姬昊看了一眼耶摩杀一,心情变得极其沉重。窥一斑而知全豹,耶摩杀一被幽云干净利落的重伤,可想而知和耶摩杀一实力相当的那些虞朝权力长老、斧杖长老,他们也绝对不会是幽云、赤雷这些人的对手。 No wonder Yu Dynasty these fellows brazen-faced and shameless will draw in the Human Race anti- powerful enemy, the sentiment they are also well aware the higher aristocrat who these come from the Panyu world, is far from object who they single-handedly can resist. 难怪虞朝的这些家伙会死皮赖脸的拉上人族共抗强敌,感情他们也心知肚明这些来自盘虞世界的高等贵族,绝非他们独力能够对抗的对象。 Felt Yemo to kill one breath that stabilized, Ji Hao has sat cross-legged to sit. 感受到耶摩杀一已经稳定下来的呼吸,姬昊盘膝坐了下来。 The scarlet red brilliance in within the body flaming combustion, each bone, each muscle and each bloodlines, each cell of body was burnt by the scarlet red brilliance red. Ji Hao could not control own impulsion faintly, he wants to slaughter, wants to divulge the heart the violence, wants to discard all spirit wisdom, erupts the complete fondness of countryside, by own incarnation to be slaughtered beast of prey! 赤红色的光焰在体内熊熊燃烧,每一根骨头、每一块肌肉、每一根血脉,身体的每一个细胞都被赤红色的光焰烧得通红。姬昊隐隐已经控制不住自己的冲动,他想要去杀戮,想要去宣泄心头的暴力,想要丢弃一切的灵智,将自己全部的野性爆发出来,让自己化身为杀戮的猛兽! Scarlet Thunder Hongru Ji Hao within the body the strength of scarlet date just liked the most virulent curse, while injured his body unceasingly, was obliterating him as a foundation of intelligent living thing. Whole body each corner such as the raging fire burning down general severe pain is hard to take, Ji Hao felt that own each cell resembles the bean in grinding pan, by strength of crazy crush scarlet date. 赤雷轰入姬昊体内的赤日之力犹如最恶毒的诅咒,在不断伤损他身体的同时,更在磨灭他作为一个智慧生物的基础。浑身每一个角落都如烈火焚烧一般剧痛难耐,姬昊感到自己的每一个细胞都好像磨盘中的豆子,被赤日之力疯狂的碾压着。 However and compared with the pain in soul, the pain on body is actually not anything. 但是和灵魂中的痛苦相比,身体上的痛苦却不算什么。 The thoughts of fearful slaughtering and violence continually well up from void, the innumerable crazy war cries resound in Spiritual Space directly. One ** viscous scarlet red flame changes into reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) raging tide of emotion, is attacking Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo crazily. 一股股可怕的杀戮和暴力的意念从虚空中不断涌来,无数疯狂喊杀声直接在神魂空间中响起。一**粘稠的赤红色火焰化为高达万丈的怒潮,疯狂的冲击着姬昊的混沌道胎 Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo sits cross-legged boundlessly in void, one ** the strength of scarlet red scarlet date was washing out Dao Embryo unceasingly, wanted to obliterate his spirit wisdom, to only know to slaughter the beast of prey that his incarnation and destroy. 姬昊的混沌道胎盘坐在茫茫虚空中,一**赤红色的赤日之力不断的冲刷着道胎,想要磨灭他的灵智,将他化身为只知道杀戮和破坏的猛兽。 The strength of strength of scarlet date was huge, Ji Hao seemed alone standing in the boundless wilderness, the entire sky collapsed, pounding maliciously on his body. He must single-handedly haunch this sky, if cannot support, he immediately by strength of assimilation scarlet date. 赤日之力的力量庞大无比,姬昊好似孤零零的站在茫茫荒野中,整个天空坍塌了下来,狠狠的砸在了他的身上。他必须独力撑起这一片天空,若是撑不住,他就会立刻被赤日之力同化。 The consequence is dreadful. 后果不堪设想。 The viscous scarlet red juice seeps out from within the body unceasingly, the Ji Hao face distortion, the full long hair turned into the scarlet red. 粘稠的赤红色汁液不断从体内渗出,姬昊面孔扭曲,满头长发都变成了赤红色。 His long breath, every time is pulling out the air in cave cleanly, strong winds supplement unceasingly from the hole. Air/Qi of chaos Dao Embryo internal surface layer upon layer chaos spreads, was resisting stubbornly the corrosion of strength of scarlet date. 他悠长的呼吸着,每一次都将山洞中的空气抽得干干净净,一道道狂风不断从洞外补充进来。混沌道胎内表面一层层混沌之气扩散开来,死死抵挡着赤日之力的侵蚀。 phantom has braved quietly, he looks at the strength of Ji Hao state of mind void limitless scarlet date, cannot help but frowned: In the past these foreign race, may not have such method. Your within the body the strength of scarlet date, compared with strength of mellow ten thousand times and pure that ten thousand times scarlet date I knew, the destructive power was formidable far more than ten thousand times. Um...... To go to their Panyu world to have a look , did in September, actually exist on the 3rd?” 虚影悄然冒了出来,他看着姬昊神魂虚空中无边无际的赤日之力,不由得皱起了眉头:“当年那些异族,可没有这样的手段。你体内的赤日之力,比我所知的赤日之力醇厚万倍、纯净万倍,破坏力更是强大了何止万倍。嗯……真想去他们盘虞世界看看,三日九月,究竟是何等存在?” Ji Hao was corroded by the strength of scarlet date crazily, he replied phantom weak. 姬昊被赤日之力疯狂侵蚀,他已经无力回答虚影 The entire Pangu world, Ji Hao is first directly faced ‚the strength of true scarlet date the person. Does not guard, Ji Hao suffered a loss. 整个盘古世界,姬昊是第一个直接面对‘真正的赤日之力’的人。一个不提防,姬昊就吃了大亏。 Scoffing, in Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo wisp of haze flies slowly, the Ji Hao pain must look fierce, almost does not have the hissing to be miserably howling. ‘嗤’的一声,姬昊的混沌道胎中一缕烟气冉冉飞起,姬昊痛得龇牙咧嘴,差点没嘶声惨嚎起来。 The strength of scarlet date was overbearing, Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo started to be damaged. 赤日之力过于霸道,姬昊的混沌道胎已经开始受损。 This is not good, Ji Hao, this is also your opportunity!” phantom exclaimed loudly: Take-off tray jia Sun, swallows him, refining up him, official achievement Magus God. With plate jia Sun, swallowed to absorb the strength of these scarlet dates. Perhaps, you can also obtain an accidental advantage!” “这样可不行,姬昊,这也是你的机会!”虚影大声吼道:“取出盘泇太阳,吞噬他,炼化他,正式成就巫神。用盘泇太阳,吞噬吸收这些赤日之力。或许,你还能得到一点意外的好处!” The Ji Hao brow selects, hears the phantom words, he did not have any hesitant sacrifice Tai Ji Creation Cauldron. 姬昊眉头一挑,听到虚影的话,他没有任何犹豫的祭出了太极造化鼎 A long and loud cry, Tai Ji Creation Cauldron inflates suddenly, suddenly changes into several feet high, Ji Hao jumps to leap jumps in the big cauldron, straight standing in front of plate jia Sun. In space that in Tai Ji Creation Cauldron is self-contained, Ji Hao opens both hands, to diameter over a hundred million li (0.5km), red illustrious goal plate jia Sun hugged the past all over the body. 一声长啸,太极造化鼎骤然膨胀,眨眼间化为数丈高下,姬昊纵身一跃跳进大鼎中,端端正正的站在了盘泇太阳面前。在太极造化鼎内自成一体的空间中,姬昊张开双手,向直径上亿里,通体红光耀目的盘泇太阳拥抱了过去。 Tai Ji Creation Cauldron slightly is shivering, thrust of shifting plate jia Sun huge imprisonment, pushes to the body of Ji Hao it slowly. 太极造化鼎微微的颤抖着,一股巨大的禁锢之力推动盘泇太阳,将其缓缓推向姬昊的身体。 Ji Hao huge Divine Sense changes into just likes the essence ray, deep to the plate jia Sun core, quick Ji Hao moved the me of plate jia Sun deep sleep to realize.( To be continued.) 姬昊庞大的神识化为一道道犹如实质的光线,深深的扎向了盘泇太阳的核心,很快姬昊就碰触到了盘泇太阳沉睡的本我意识。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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