TME :: Volume #15

#1465: The heavy losses kill one

To slaughtering the infinite enthusiasm, to the endless hope of violence, exists in the innermost soul, all lives most primitive, most instinct fighting will. 对杀戮的无穷热情,对暴力的无尽渴望,存在于灵魂深处,一切生命最原始、最本能的战斗意志。 The fist of scarlet thunder penetrated the body of Ji Hao chest, had actually kept off by a Ji Hao rib. His fist sends out the eye-catching scarlet-red colored light glow, one ** the strength of wild and fierce scarlet date just liked the Tsunami follows his fist to crash in the body of Ji Hao generally, ignited in the Ji Hao body, strange strength that some he usually in cannot discover. 赤雷的拳头击穿了姬昊胸膛的皮肉,却被姬昊一根肋骨挡了下来。他的拳头散发出夺目的赤红色光芒,一**狂暴、狰狞的赤日之力犹如海啸一般顺着他的拳头冲进姬昊的身体,引燃了姬昊身体内,一些他自己平日里都没能发现的奇异力量。 Slaughters, crazy slaughtering, kills all lives \; The violence, the most direct violence, conquers all use violence. 杀戮,疯狂的杀戮,杀死一切生灵\;暴力,最直接的暴力,用暴力征服一切。 Slaughters just likes with the will of violence outside territory the Heavenly Demon demon flame, ignited the instinct of Ji Hao innermost soul, the body of Ji Hao has shone suddenly, his each pore sprayed the scarlet red brilliance outside playing, with brilliance that scarlet thunder red light was without change. 杀戮和暴力的意志犹如域外天魔的魔焰,引燃了姬昊灵魂深处的本能,姬昊的身体骤然亮了起来,他的每个毛孔都在玩外喷射出赤红色的光焰,和赤雷身上的红光一般无二的光焰。 The eye of Ji Hao is red one piece, slaughters just likes with the thought of violence the weeds multiplies, in his heart spread rapidly, must cover his spirit wisdom inevitably, making him only knows that slaughters wild animal that and destroys. 姬昊的眼睛更是通红一片,杀戮和暴力的意念犹如野草滋生,在他的心头急速的蔓延,势必要遮盖住他的灵智,让他成为一头只知道杀戮和破坏的野兽。 Once the strength of scarlet date has ruled the Ji Hao spirit wisdom thoroughly, his soul, his Blood Essence, his flesh and blood, all by strength of ignition scarlet date. Ji Hao by the strength of assimilation scarlet date, he became one group small scarlet date, became the scarlet date of Panyu world in the projection of Pangu world! 一旦赤日之力彻底统治了姬昊的灵智,他的灵魂,他的精血,他的骨肉,全都会被赤日之力引燃。姬昊将被赤日之力同化,他将成为一团小小的‘赤日’,成为盘虞世界的赤日在盘古世界的一个投影! He becomes scarlet thunder strength part, or was swallowed the digestion by the scarlet thunder, either whipped on into his puppet by the scarlet thunder. 他将成为赤雷力量的一部分,或者被赤雷吞噬消化,或者被赤雷驱策成为他的傀儡。 Has the possibility, delightedly the scarlet thunder will jump for joy lets the Ji Hao spirit and meat directly burns thoroughly the ashes, hits him is frightened out of one's wits, then receives Ji Hao all relics! Pangu Dragon and Pangu clock, Tai Ji Creation Cauldron, Tai Ji Universe Mirror and Tai Ji Robe...... On the Ji Hao good treasure to be many. 更有可能,赤雷会欢喜雀跃的直接让姬昊的灵和肉彻底燃烧成灰烬,将他打得魂飞魄散,进而接收姬昊的一切遗物!盘古龙纹盘古钟、太极造化鼎太极乾坤镜太极法衣……姬昊身上的好宝贝多着呢。 Damn barbaric......” scarlet thunder spitting blood in gulps, stubbornly stared is put on Ji Hao of chest by the half fist bang: Your fist...... Quite heavy! Will this world, how have your such monster? Including the world that the primitive sages of opening world die, should not have such high-level strength!” “该死的土著……”赤雷大口大口的吐着血,死死的盯着被自己半个拳头轰穿了胸口的姬昊:“你的拳头……好重!啊,这个世界,怎么会有你这样的怪物?一个连开辟世界的原始圣人都陨落的世界,不应该有这么高级的力量!” The body of Ji Hao is burning, in the strange change, however getting rid of Ji Hao compared with scarlet Thunder Kuai the several fold, his strength was also the scarlet thunder several fold, before the fist of scarlet thunder fell into oneself chest, the fist of Ji Hao pierced the scarlet thunder body. 姬昊的身体在燃烧,在发生奇异的变化,但是姬昊的出手比赤雷快了数倍,他的力量也是赤雷的数倍,在赤雷的拳头陷入自己胸膛之前,姬昊的拳头已经洞穿了赤雷的身体。 The scarlet thunder has half fist to fall into the body of Ji Hao, but the fist of Ji Hao has punctured the scarlet thunder, the bloody fist penetrated his spine directly, searched from his back. 赤雷只是有半个拳头陷入姬昊的身体,而姬昊的拳头打穿了赤雷,血淋淋的拳头直接击穿了他的脊椎骨,从他的后背探了出来。 Strength of the faint trace chaos ascends on the arm of Ji Hao slowly, the wound of scarlet thunder bright and clean like the mirror, the flesh and blood that the Ji Hao fist moves is all vaporized by the strength of chaos, the sediment does not have remaining. Under the corrosion of strength of chaos, transparent wound on scarlet thunder chest also in unceasing expansion. 一丝丝混沌之力在姬昊的手臂上冉冉升腾,赤雷的伤口光洁如镜,姬昊拳头碰触的血肉全都被混沌之力汽化,一点儿渣滓都没有剩下。在混沌之力的侵蚀下,赤雷胸膛上的透明伤口还在不断的扩大。 Damn, barbaric...... Monster!” The scarlet thunder and Ji Hao simultaneously are staggering the backlash, scarlet was foul-mouthed spits blood, while the stride evacuated backward. He pulls rank, he thinks that he ate Ji Hao sufficiently, has not thought that Ji Hao actually truly was monster general existence, a neat fist directly has almost not killed the scarlet thunder. “该死的,土著……怪物!”赤雷和姬昊同时踉跄着后退,赤雷骂骂咧咧的一边吐着血,一边向后大步撤离。他太托大,他认为自己足以吃定了姬昊,没想到姬昊却真正是怪物一般的存在,干净利落的一拳差点没直接打死赤雷。 Oh!” Observing 11 livelihood knight complexions become extremely splendid, they flushed rapidly, protected the scarlet thunder all round. They looked that from contemptuous, does not spare a glance to the Ji Hao vision, becomes the incomparable dignity and vigilance. “哇哦!”观战的11位日月骑士脸色变得极其精彩,他们迅速冲了上来,团团护住了赤雷。他们看向姬昊的目光从轻蔑、不屑一顾,变得无比的凝重和警惕。 The world is different from they had conquered in the past, the Pangu world cannot be underestimated, in the middle of barbaric of Pangu world, evidently many monstrous fetuses! Present Ji Hao is the typical freak, he unexpectedly already scarlet date a scarlet thunder fist severe wound! 和他们过去征服过的世界不同,盘古世界不容小觑,盘古世界的土著当中,看样子有不少怪胎!眼前的姬昊就是典型的怪胎,他居然将已经‘赤日化’的赤雷一拳重伤! Fantasy is really, scarlet date the scarlet thunder, his body no longer is the flesh and blood, his body had the larger part is the strength of pure scarlet date concentrates. The body of half energy, the common weapon and technique law is unable to injure him. 活见鬼了真是,‘赤日化’的赤雷,他的身体已经不再是血肉之躯,他的身躯有一大半是纯粹的赤日之力凝成。半能量化的躯体啊,一般的兵器和术法根本无法伤损他。 However a Ji Hao fist, actually opened the number of people size transparent hole the body of scarlet thunder half energy! 但是姬昊一拳,却把赤雷半能量化的身躯打开了人头大小的透明窟窿! Makes the person not know what reason why is half energy body should have certainly the strong repair capability, the trivial number of people size wound, should be Ji Hao draws out the fist at the same time can voluntarily repair. But the wound of scarlet thunder not only has not repaired, instead in unceasing expansion! 更让人不知所以然的是半能量化的身躯应该有着绝强的修复能力,区区人头大小的伤口,应该是姬昊拔出拳头的同时就能自行修复。可是赤雷的伤口不仅没有修复,反而在不断的扩大! Monster!” An eye pupil of livelihood knight suddenly becomes profound exceptionally, black ripple proliferate unceasingly from his within the body, short one in a flash, his body changes into a distortion the shadow. “怪物!”一名日月骑士的眼眸骤然变得深邃异常,一圈圈黑色的波纹不断从他体内扩散开来,短短一弹指间,他的身体就化为一条扭曲的黑影。 The body in a flash, changes into the livelihood knight shuttle of shadow to be void gently, to Ji Hao behind, his both arms strange stretch, two arms was turning into two handles instantaneously has been several chi (0.33 m) black sword shade, silent punctures to the backs of the head and back of the body two strategic points of Ji Hao. 身体轻轻一晃,化为黑影的日月骑士穿梭虚空,瞬间到了姬昊身后,他的双臂奇异的拉伸着,两条手臂变成了两柄长达数尺的黑色剑影,无声无息的向姬昊的后脑勺、后心两处要害刺来。 I am the quiet cloud, the descendants of quiet date!” Shade livelihood knight gets rid, while thinking aloud in a low voice: You is a genuine powerhouse, in barbaric, you is also hero general existence of? Therefore, you have the qualifications to know that my name, you can read my name dies!” “我是幽云,幽日的子孙!”影化的日月骑士一边出手,一边低声的自言自语:“你是一名真正的强者,在土著中,你也是英雄一般的存在吧?所以,你有资格知道我的名字,你可以念着的我的名字去死!” Thump the sword shade that a sound, two handle shadows concentrate layer on layer punctured on the Pangu clock, clouds quiet the strength of sword was greatly strengthened, the Pangu clock moved slightly, a resounding clock resounded suddenly, one ** the white sound wave howled is sweeping off to all around, the place visited changed into the chaos void, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind stirs generally just likes the thin rice gruel is chaotic. ‘咚’的一声响,两柄黑影凝成的剑影重重刺在了盘古钟上,幽云出剑的力量极强,盘古钟微微一动,骤然一声高亢的钟鸣响起,一**白色声波呼啸着向四周扫去,所过之处虚空都化为混沌,地水火风搅得犹如稀粥一般混乱。 ‚’ Calls out in alarm, the quiet cloud was curled by the ding of Pangu clock, his shade body in chaos piece of Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind distressed is struggling, saw that his body edge has by the sign of Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind assimilation faintly. ‘哇呀’一声惊呼,幽云被盘古钟的钟声卷了进去,他影化的身躯在混沌一片的地水火风中狼狈的挣扎着,眼看着他的身躯边缘隐隐有被地水火风同化的迹象。 So most precious object! Damn, barbaric, your treasure were also too many!” The scream of quiet cloud hysteria, was looking that full was greedy scarlet said to the look of Pangu clock he wanted Pangu Dragon, then the Pangu clock should belong to his quiet cloud? “如此至宝!该死的,土著啊,你的宝贝也太多了!”幽云歇斯底里的尖叫着,看向盘古钟的眼神中满是贪婪赤雷说了他要盘古龙纹,那么盘古钟应该属于他幽云吧? Is struggling forcefully, the quiet cloud laughs in the face of death reached out the Pangu clock. 强行挣扎着,幽云舍生忘死的向盘古钟伸出了手。 A shadow fled from the Ji Hao shadow suddenly, Yemo killed the area together the scarlet sword glow maliciously thorn to the quiet cloud body: Proud superior aristocrat, lets my this lowly old servant, takes your life!” 一条黑影突然从姬昊的影子里窜了出来,耶摩杀一带起一道血色剑芒狠狠刺向了幽云的身体:“骄傲的上位贵族啊,让我这个卑贱的老奴仆,取走你的性命吧!” Yemo kills a laughter such as crazily, the scarlet sword shade arrived on the quiet cloud Chest shortly. 耶摩杀一笑声如狂,血色剑影眼看就到了幽云的心口上。 Quiet cloud body slightly in a flash, in Yemo kills suddenly again presented a quiet cloud the black form. The strength of quiet date was the space and shadow, the control to shadow and surpassed Yemo to kill an imagination to the space assurance of quiet cloud by far! 幽云的身体微微一晃,在耶摩杀一的身后突然再次出现了一条幽云所化的黑色身影。幽日的力量是空间和阴影,幽云对阴影的掌控、对空间的把握远远的超过了耶摩杀一的想象! In the final analysis, Yemo kills one in Sun and Moon Realm that the Pangu world is promoted, he regarding Panyu world true Sun and Moon Realm can greatly the understanding is too few, are too few! 说到底,耶摩杀一只是在盘古世界晋级的日月境,他对于盘虞世界真正的日月境大能的了解还是太少、太少! The innumerable black sword shade silent penetration is void, Yemo kills a body fiercely is shivering, innumerable sword shade penetration his bodies, the big piece blood sprays, suddenly Yemo killed one to be penetrated several thousand times by the sword shade, the body was been common with the honeycomb by to bind. 无数条黑色剑影无声无息的穿透虚空,耶摩杀一的身体剧烈的颤抖着,无数条剑影一次次的穿透他的身体,大片鲜血喷洒,眨眼间耶摩杀一被剑影穿透了数千次,身体被扎得和蜂窝一般。 Sends out the Ji Hao long and loud cry of scarlet ray all over the body, his head hit on the Pangu clock, worked on Yemo to kill one, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge in a flash, Ji Hao and Yemo killed one to vanish suddenly. 通体散发出血色光芒的姬昊一声长啸,他一脑袋撞在了盘古钟上,一把抓起耶摩杀一,天地金桥一晃,姬昊耶摩杀一骤然消失。 The Pangu clock sends out more resounding sounding, the billowing voice covered the quiet cloud, the black form was collapsed to curl void, quiet Yun Jingkong who destroyed wanted scream certainly again and again.( To be continued.) 盘古钟发出一声更加高亢的鸣叫,滚滚声浪覆盖住了幽云,黑色的身影被崩毁的虚空卷了进去,幽云惊恐欲绝的尖叫连连。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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