TME :: Volume #15

#1464: Genuine powerful enemy

barbaric, big strength!” The livelihood knight looks at Ji Hao astonished. 土著,好大的力气!”日月骑士惊愕的看着姬昊 The time seemed in this moment slows down several thousand times, the right hand of livelihood knight was vibrating gently, on his fist the skin split slowly, the massive naked eye obvious skin separation of fragments, has revealed the scarlet red flesh and blood. 时间在这一刻好似放慢了数万倍,日月骑士的右手轻轻的抖动着,他的拳头上皮肤缓缓裂开,大量肉眼可见的皮肤碎片飞散开来,露出了赤红色的血肉。 Puff crashes, the scarlet red flesh and blood splits, the palm skeleton of livelihood knight just likes the best quality goods pigeon blood red gem is equally glittering and translucent carving, presents the complete transparency, some innumerable mobile golden Symbol glitter in his skeleton rapidly. ‘噗噗’碎裂声中,赤红色的血肉裂开,日月骑士的手掌骨骼犹如极品鸽子血红宝石一样晶莹剔透,呈现出完全透明状,更有无数流动的金色符文在他骨骼中急速闪烁。 In clear fulmination sound, the palm skeleton of livelihood knight splits, the innumerable clear spider web common fissures continuously appear, the fissure spreads following the palm skeleton upwardly rapidly, the small arm bone, the elbow bone and shoulder blade, the skeleton disrupts all the way, the scarlet red flesh and blood flying in all directions, fair such as the skin of jade just likes the chinaware fragment that breaks to pieces same departs. 清脆的爆鸣声中,日月骑士的手掌骨骼裂开,无数清晰的蜘蛛网一般的裂痕不断出现,裂痕顺着手掌骨骼向上急速蔓延,小臂骨、手肘骨、肩胛骨,一路上骨骼纷纷碎裂,赤红色的血肉横飞,白皙如玉的皮肤犹如碎掉的瓷器碎片一样飞出。 The livelihood knight is tolerating the severe pain, staggered was retroceding once more several steps, has spread out and Ji Hao. 日月骑士强忍着剧痛,踉跄着再次后退了好几步,拉开了和姬昊的距离。 In his forehead vertical wipes the obscure scarlet aura to beat, his deep looks at Ji Hao, reiterated: barbaric, your big strength! In I have travelled for pleasure 372 by the world that in my clan conquers, you are I have seen human body strength most formidable barbaric.” 他眉心竖目中一抹晦涩的血色气息跳动着,他深深的看着姬昊,再次重申:“土著,你好大的力气!在我游历过的372个被我族征服的世界中,你是我见过的肉体力量最强大的土著。” The left hand of Ji Hao is shivering gently, severe pain beyond description makes him one become dark at present intermittently. 姬昊的左手轻轻颤抖着,难以形容的剧痛让他眼前一阵阵发黑。 His strength was bigger, just a fist the opposite party, the Ji Hao brute force had given the opposite party to hit hard directly, the arm that the opposite party split unceasingly proved the Ji Hao victory sufficiently. However similarly had an extremely evil different strength to rumble in the Ji Hao hand from the opposite party fist. 他的力气比对方大了许多,刚刚一拳,姬昊的蛮力给了对方迎头重击,对方不断裂开的手臂足以证明姬昊的战果。但是同样有一股极其邪异的力量从对方拳头上轰进了姬昊手中。 Bloody and overbearing, verve and fierce, the viscous scarlet red evil strength just likes the vortex that the innumerable handle knives concentrate, howled has been crashing in the body of Ji Hao, was revolving rapidly, was harming the body of Ji Hao crazily. The skin of left hand does not have red red, but the flesh and blood, skeleton, meridians and blood vessel skin in fast Beng Hui, disruption. 血腥、霸道、刚猛、狰狞,粘稠的赤红色邪力犹如无数柄小刀凝成的漩涡,呼啸着冲进了姬昊的身体,急速的旋转着,疯狂的破坏着姬昊的身体。左手的皮肤红都没红一点,但是皮肤下的血肉、骨骼、经络、血管都在快速的崩毁、碎裂。 In the fist of Ji Hao has heard the parched beans same clear fulmination sound, the vortex that during the short several breath, the evil strength concentrates rushed to the shoulder blade of Ji Hao, his shoulder strange hollow, all skeletons of shoulder crush completely, the flesh and blood was stirred one group of pastes. 姬昊的拳头里传来了炒豆子一样的清脆爆鸣声,短短几个呼吸间,邪力凝成的漩涡就冲到了姬昊的肩胛骨上,他的肩膀怪异的凹陷了下去,肩头的所有骨骼全部粉碎,就连血肉都被搅成了一团糨糊。 The heart is beating fiercely, the blazing chaos blood unceasing firing into left shoulder, Ji Hao transfers the complete vigor to wash out the evil strength of invasion body one after another. Silent, a brutal war breaks out in Ji Hao within the body. 心脏剧烈的跳动着,一波一波炽热的混沌血液不断的冲向左肩,姬昊调动全部的精气神冲刷着侵入身体的邪力。无声无息中,一场残酷的战争在姬昊体内爆发开来。 Opposite party evil strength has filled with the aura that violence and slaughtered, just liked a well-trained army wreaks havoc in Ji Hao within the body. The Ji Hao Blood Essence aura just likes the day tribulation general vast verve, thunder falling maliciously on this army, unceasing paring opposite party flesh and blood, slowly becomes the smashing their body grinding. 对方的邪力充满了暴力和杀戮的气息,犹如一支训练有素的军队在姬昊体内肆虐。姬昊精血气息则犹如天劫一般浩瀚刚猛,一波波雷霆狠狠的落在这支军队头上,不断的削去对方一块块血肉,将他们的身躯慢慢的碾成粉碎。 All said that is very long, regulations is a time in a flash. The opposite party bang enters the evil strength of Ji Hao within the body to be smoothed by grinding and swallowed forcefully, Ji Hao shakes the left arm, the shoulder blade fast rebirth of collapse, ka ka in sound, from the shoulder to the fist, all destroyed skeletons, flesh and blood, meridians and blood vessel returned to a flash normal. 一切说起来很漫长,实则就是一弹指间的功夫。对方轰进姬昊体内的邪力被强行磨平、吞噬,姬昊一抖左臂,塌陷的肩胛骨快速重生,‘咔咔’声中,从肩膀到拳头,所有被毁坏的骨骼、血肉、经络、血管弹指间恢复了正常。 Bah, Ji Hao has put out viscous extravasated blood. He shook the left arm, vitality is unobstructed, skeleton vigorous and healthy powerful, physique tenacious such as beginning, the process that because even this destruction rebuilds again, the intensity of left arm obtained certain promotion. ‘呸’的一声,姬昊吐出了一口粘稠的淤血。他晃了晃左臂,气血通畅、骨骼健壮有力、筋骨强韧如初,甚至因为这一次的毁坏再重建的过程,左臂的强度得到了一定的提升。 Scarlet date lineage/vein?” Ji Hao deep looks at the opposite party. “赤日一脉?”姬昊深沉的看着对方。 Since body of Little to become Pangu, Ji Hao and many powerful enemies have fought, even if Kunpeng, Xiang Liu and legendary creature ancestor's such old codger, cannot become the so serious injury to other party. This livelihood knight, is very strong. 自从盘古之躯小成后,姬昊和很多强敌交手过,哪怕鲲鹏、相柳、蜮祖这样的老不死,都没能对他造成如此惨重的伤势。这个日月骑士,很强。 barbaric, you are very strong, therefore your some qualifications know my name.” In the opposite party three eye pupils is sparkling the scarlet ominous light, his sinking sound said: Right, I was the descendant of scarlet date, I was the scarlet thunder.” 土著,你很强,所以你有资格知道我的名字。”对方三只眼眸中闪耀着血色凶光,他沉声说道:“没错,我是赤日的后裔,我是赤雷。” Proud throwing out the chest chest cavity , the scarlet thunder right arm flings maliciously, the bloody ray spouts from his within the body together, bound unceasingly Beng Hui the right arm rapidly. His injury also started the fast repair, although does not have Ji Hao to be like this quick, but during short breath, his right arm also restored such as beginning. 骄傲的挺起了胸膛,赤雷右臂狠狠一甩,一道血淋淋的光芒从他体内喷出,迅速裹住了不断崩毁的右臂。他的伤势也开始了快速的修复,虽然没有姬昊这样快,但是短短一个呼吸间,他的右臂也已经恢复如初。 Panyu world, livelihood that only then the genuine higher aristocrat, can believe by oneself named surname.” Scarlet thunder hey smiles, the corner of the eye has swept Ji Hao behind Destruction arming: As for any Yemo, any woman Luo, any Emperor Shi...... These surnames, but is the surnames of some family whose fortunes are on the decline inferior young aristocrats.” 盘虞世界,只有真正的高等贵族,才能以自己信奉的日月之名为姓。”赤雷‘嘿嘿’一笑,眼角扫了一眼姬昊身后的毁灭武装:“至于什么耶摩,什么婆罗,什么帝释……这些姓氏,不过是一些破落户下等小贵族的姓氏。” „The higher aristocrat of Panyu world, does have 12 surnames?” Ji Hao very curious looks at scarlet thunder. “这么说,盘虞世界的高等贵族,只有12个姓氏?”姬昊很好奇的看着赤雷。 Um, our 12 clans, are most honored and most legitimate aristocrat. Naturally, some of some of our also branch clans, they multiplied to develop many families, but this was unimportant.” Scarlet Thunder Mi focuses to look at Ji Hao: These old pedants who does not spread out, does not study the antique of Panyu world family change history, these things, do not need to understand.” “嗯,我们12个氏族,是最尊贵、最正统的贵族。当然,我们也有一些分支氏族,他们繁衍发展出了很多很多的家族,但是这并不重要。”赤雷眯着眼看着姬昊:“又不是衍氏的那些老学究,又不是研究盘虞世界家族变迁史的老古董,这些东西,没必要明白。” You, so long as knows, scarlet, one of the Panyu world most honored 12 clans, great arrived high scarlet date blood relationship purest descendant. But my scarlet thunder, is the scarlet present age youngest livelihood knight, I am the glory of scarlet!” The scarlet thunder has blown own horn, effort has swayed the nape of the neck: barbaric, you had the qualifications to ask for advice the strength of true scarlet date.” “你只要知道,赤氏,盘虞世界最尊贵的12氏族之一,伟大而至高的赤日血统最纯正的后裔。而我赤雷,是赤氏当代最年轻的日月骑士,我是赤氏的荣耀!”赤雷自吹自擂了一通,用力的摇晃了一下脖颈:“土著,你有资格领教真正的赤日之力。” Ji Hao received Pangu Dragon, very with deep veneration looks at the scarlet thunder: I do not need the weapon to bully you, I want to experience very much, the strength of true scarlet date was any appearance.” 姬昊收起了盘古龙纹,很肃然的看着赤雷:“我不用兵器欺负你,我很想见识一下,真正的赤日之力是什么模样。” Adjoined arrow nu is a Yu Dynasty scarlet date lineage/vein ruling Great Emperor, Ji Hao and many adjoins the powerhouses of Yaichi Clan to fight. The strength of scarlet date they control, nobody can like the scarlet thunder, the strength of his scarlet date be able to infiltrate the body of Ji Hao certainly unexpectedly, becomes the so serious injury to other party. 毗矢伮就是虞朝赤日一脉的执政大帝,姬昊和好些毗矢一族的强者交手过。他们掌控的赤日之力,绝没有一个人能够像赤雷一样,他的赤日之力居然能够透入姬昊的身体,对他造成如此惨重的伤害。 If adjoined the strength of scarlet date arrow nu they controlled is an intermittent rill, the strength probably sea of scarlet thunder, vast profound and copious not can work as. This is the growth in the higher aristocrat of Panyu world, with growth in Pangu world the difference of family whose fortunes are on the decline aristocrat? 如果说毗矢伮他们掌控的赤日之力是一条时断时续的小溪,赤雷的力量就好像一片大海,浩瀚深邃、沛莫能当。这就是生长在盘虞世界的高等贵族,和生长在盘古世界的破落户贵族的差别么? Ji Hao simply also received Tai Ji Robe, he reveals the upper part, the muscle that the dragon ties is fluctuating gently, is gripping tightly the double fist, his stride approaches to the scarlet thunder. This is a genuine powerful enemy, Ji Hao wants to clarify, these livelihood knights fierce. 姬昊干脆将太极法衣也收了起来,他袒露上半身,虬结的肌肉轻轻起伏着,紧握着双拳,他大步向赤雷逼近。这是一个真正的强敌,姬昊想弄清楚,这些日月骑士到底有多厉害。 Hey sneers, scarlet thunder both hands pull, his golden heavy armor and under the magnificent tight-fitting battle dress also falls off, he reveals the body similarly, has worn tight-fitting underpants merely, exposed the healthy body. ‘嘿嘿’一声冷笑,赤雷双手一扯,他身上的黄金重甲和下面华丽的紧身战袍同时脱落,他同样袒露身躯,仅仅穿了一条紧身的裤头,暴露出了健美的身躯。 Similarly grips tightly the double fist, scarlet thunder deep inspiration. 同样紧握双拳,赤雷深深的吸了一口气。 The crystal that his body resembles the heat is the same, sprays the dazzling red light, his body turned into the translucent shape, head long hair are fluttering, sent the silk to turn into the dazzling ray, gradually elongated the number hundred zhang (333m) length. 他的身体就好像烧红的水晶一样,喷射出刺目的红光,他的身躯变成了半透明状,头上的长发一根根飘动着,发丝变成了刺目的光线,逐渐拉长到了数百丈长短。 Ji Hao bellows fiercely, one step rushed to front of the scarlet thunder, washes one's hands of a fist to go to his chest bang. 姬昊猛地一声大吼,一步冲到了赤雷面前,抖手一拳向他胸膛轰去。 The scarlet thunder does not dodge does not evade, a self-confident fist has pounded to the chest of Ji Hao. 赤雷不闪不避,自信满满的一拳向姬昊的胸膛砸了下来。 Two dull thumping sounds transmit, a Ji Hao fist bang has put on the scarlet thunder chest, the scarlet thunder just likes the fist of heat iron, submerged the body of Ji Hao. 两声闷响传来,姬昊一拳轰穿了赤雷的胸膛,赤雷犹如烧红烙铁的拳头,也没入了姬昊的身体。 They simultaneously the pain shouted, big mouth spat blood the stride to retrocede backward.( To be continued.) 两人同时痛呼,大口吐血向后大步后退。(未完待续。)
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