TME :: Volume #15

#1463: First fight livelihood

The Saint territory of Panyu world. 盘虞世界的圣域。 Ji Hao had heard this place, it is said and Ji Hao has to kill enmity of child Emperor Shi to kill, attended the livelihood term examination of Saint territory, this is promoted is the Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse. Probably, is this equal to the Human Race Magi palace place? 姬昊听说过这个地方,据说和姬昊有杀子之仇的帝释杀,就是参加了圣域的日月大考,这才晋级为日月境强者。大概,这就是相当于人族巫殿的地方吧? Regarding the livelihood knight, the person of Panyu world in September regarded as supreme existence 3rd, was their place of origin, was their source of strength. Can be classified as livelihood title, these fellows should be foreign race true elite. 至于说日月骑士,盘虞世界的人将三日九月视为至高无上的存在,是他们的起源之地个,更是他们的力量之源。能冠以‘日月’的头衔,这些家伙应该是异族真正的精锐。 Moreover listens to them to say a word the manner to Pangu world these Yu Clan aristocrat, wants to come their family backgrounds is also extremely good. 而且听他们言语之间对盘古世界这些虞族贵族的态度,想来他们的出身也是极好。 Uses Human Race as an example, the good family background means that many practice resources, can master more knowledge, one such as the emperor's children of Human Race big clan, in contemporaries also when to break through the Great Magus boundary, but cultivates diligently, they sat enjoy the Divine Magi level the strength. 人族为例,好的出身就意味着更多的修炼资源,能够掌握更多的知识,一如人族大氏族的帝子们,在同龄人还在为突破大巫境而努力修炼的时候,他们已经坐享巫帝级的实力。 The finger has delimited Pangu Dragon Jianfeng, counts on the fingers to shoot Jianfeng, a resounding sword whining noise shoots up to the sky, sweeps away the floating clouds of side accumulation slowly. Ji Hao smiles to look that Yu Clan youth shook the head: This treasure is I succeeds in obtaining with great difficulty, how can give you with no reason at all? Also, your words, I have not liked.” 手指划过盘古龙纹的剑锋,屈指一弹剑锋,一声高亢的剑鸣声冲天而起,将身边慢慢聚集的浮云一扫而空。姬昊笑看着那位虞族青年摇了摇头:“这宝贝是我好容易才到手的,怎能无缘无故的给你?再说了,你的话,我不喜欢。” Wields Pangu Dragon, bringing arc light, Ji Hao to say with a smile together: I like penetrating your head with him, but does not give to you him.” 挥动盘古龙纹,带起一道弧光,姬昊笑道:“我更喜欢用他穿透你的脑袋,而不是把他献给你。” 12 livelihood knights are not but actually annoyed, they have simultaneously smiled. Probably the big dragons of 12 hovering upper air, discovered that a wild dog is challenging to oneself, they have one to ridicule jeer and think otherwise, very happy smiling. 12个日月骑士倒也不恼火,他们同时笑了起来。就好像12条翱翔高空的巨龙,发现一头野狗在向自己挑战,他们带着一丝讥嘲和不以为然,很开心的笑着。 I know that in this cultured world, will not have had this stupid barbaric to challenge to us.” “我就知道,在这种没开化的世界,会有这种愚蠢的土著向我们挑战。” Each time this, always some people stupid to thinking them can resist our strengths, but result?” “每次都这样,总有人蠢到以为他们可以对抗我们的力量,可结果呢?” But, always some barbaric lucky fellows, the good things on their hand to be really many. Has a look at this fellow, is this handle sword, in this macrocosm also few most precious objects? Hey, a macrocosm opens, altogether can have several innate thing?” “只不过,总有一些土著幸运儿,他们手上的好东西可真多啊。看看这个家伙,这柄剑,在这个大世界也是寥寥无几的至宝吧?嘿,一个大世界开辟,总共才能有几件先天之物?” Was my, you may not probably snatch with me.” A livelihood knight treadons void, safe gradually walked to Ji Hao, approaches, he while to companion relaxed saying with a smile: Has resulted in this handle sword, I asked everybody to drink.” “是我的了,你们可不许和我抢。”一名日月骑士脚踏虚空,稳稳当当的一步一步的向姬昊走了过来,一边逼近,他一边向同伴轻松的笑道:“得了这柄剑,我请大家喝酒。” These livelihood knights a little do not abandon looked at long sword in the Ji Hao hand, talking at once gua chirp got up. They to going to battle livelihood knight requests, solely please drink, this does not match the Pangu Dragon value completely. Besides drinking, they must the most attractive Yu Clan young miss, they probably merry three months well! 那些日月骑士有点不舍的看了一眼姬昊手中的长剑,七嘴八舌的呱噪起来。他们纷纷向出战的日月骑士要求,单单请喝酒,这完全不匹配盘古龙纹的价值。除了喝酒,他们还要最漂亮的虞族小姑娘,他们要好好的快活三个月! Three months, you did not fear that dies of exhaustion?” Stands is being away from Ji Hao less than one li (0.5km) airborne, the livelihood knight who meets has ridiculed one: Was good, waits slightly, solves this barbaric, I need probably...... Three moves?” “三个月,你们也不怕累死?”站在距离姬昊不到一里的空中,出战的日月骑士笑骂了一句:“好了,稍微等一下,解决这个土著,我大概需要……三招?” Deeply inspired, the long hair of livelihood knight is calm, just likes the water plant same fluctuation in sea tide, slowly flutters: barbaric, you do not have qualifications to know my name, because you were dying quickly. However I want to ask, what did your handle sword call? Really a handle my goodness!” 深吸了一口气,日月骑士的长发无风自动,犹如海潮中的水草一样一根根的浮动,慢慢的飘荡起来:“土著啊,你没有资格知道我的名字,因为你很快就要死了。但是我想问一下,你的这柄剑叫什么?真是一柄好家伙!” Ji Hao has held up Pangu Dragon, cracks into a smile toward the opposite party: I also thought that a deceased person does not need to know the name of my treasured sword.” 姬昊举起了盘古龙纹,朝着对方咧嘴一笑:“我也觉得,一个死人没必要知道我宝剑的名字。” The livelihood knights who behind observes have simultaneously smiled, a delicate and pretty extraordinary Yu Clan youth called out loudly: Team leader, you were despised. Does not take three moves, a move has solved him, otherwise after we go back, certainly well will publicize your brilliance fact! You, but by barbaric despising.” 后面观战的日月骑士们同时笑了起来,一个俊美非凡的虞族青年大声叫道:“队长,你可是被人小看了。不要三招,一招解决了他吧,不然我们回去后,一定会好好的宣扬你的光辉事迹!你,可是被一个土著给小看了。” Livelihood knight who meets has ridiculed one, he narrowed the eyes to focus sizes up Ji Hao one up and down, the personal appearance moved suddenly. 出战的日月骑士笑骂了一声,他眯着眼上下打量了姬昊一眼,身形突然动了。 Motionless already, moves , then just likes the thunder bursts out, void transmits ‚’ a resounding, side Ji Hao suddenly simultaneously presented the remnant shades of over a hundred livelihood knights. The innumerable [say / way] fresh breeze almost simultaneously raid to various Ji Hao strategic points, refers, palm, fist, elbow, shoulder, knee, calf and foot...... Each spot of livelihood knight body turned into the sharp weapon of slaughtering, ruthless spicy unusual to Ji Hao. 不动则已,动则犹如雷霆迸发,虚空中传来‘啪’的一声脆响,姬昊身边突然同时出现了上百条日月骑士的残影。无数道劲风几乎同时向姬昊各处要害袭来,指、掌、拳、肘、肩、膝盖、小腿、脚……日月骑士身体的每一个部位都变成了杀戮的利器,狠辣异常的向姬昊袭来。 Meanwhile, surrounded the Ji Hao cube air shackles to cave in suddenly inward, has restrained his body stubbornly. 与此同时,困住了姬昊的正六面体空气牢笼骤然向内塌陷,死死的勒住了他的身体。 Ji Hao is startled secretly, these livelihood knights, are not the aristocrat masters who Yu Dynasty these have a high and respected position. 姬昊暗自吃惊,这些日月骑士,可不是虞朝那些养尊处优的贵族老爷。 Yu Dynasty Yu Clan aristocrats, each time and Human Race combat time, they assume the rear area, directs Jia Clan Warrior and these servant soldier and slave soldier goes all out before, will have extremely little Yu Clan aristocrat masters to wear armor personally goes forth to battle. Most most, they in the rear area put several big might Magic, this is they biggest contribution. 虞朝的虞族贵族们,每次和人族作战的时候,他们都坐镇后方,指挥伽族战士和那些仆兵、奴兵在前拼命,极少有虞族贵族老爷们会亲自披甲上阵。最多最多,他们在后方放几个大威力的法术,这就是他们最大的贡献。 But the present livelihood knight, with is Yu Clan, the strongest Jia Clan axe stick elder is stronger than Ji Hao has seen. 可是眼前的日月骑士,同为虞族,却比姬昊见过的最强的伽族斧杖长老还要强。 His each move and each type unusual conditions, Ji Hao purely looked with the eye that unexpectedly could not find any flaw in his style. His each move attacks, behind hid the minimum ten moves of more ruthless spicy dark hands. 他的每一招、每一式都浑然天成,姬昊单纯用眼去看,居然找不到他招式中的任何破绽。他的每一招攻出,后面都隐藏了起码十招更加狠辣的暗手。 This is one set of might enormously and extremely mature war technique, the livelihood knight every struck broke void, has left behind clearly discernible black fissures side Ji Hao. 这是一套威力极大、极其成熟的战技,日月骑士的每一击都震碎了虚空,在姬昊身边留下了一条条清晰可见的黑色裂痕。 Death!” The three eye pupils of livelihood knight open, the faint trace red light spouts from his pupil, pleased that on the delicate and pretty face has revealed slaughtering. “死!”日月骑士的三只眼眸睁开,丝丝红光从他眸子里喷出,俊美的脸上露出了一丝杀戮的快意。 Broken!” Ji Hao cried loud and long, right hand Pangu Dragon in a flash, surrounded the air shackles of his body to exude grating crashing conveniently, was broken by his sword conveniently. Pangu Dragon sword whining noise sound, one after another sword light just likes the essence float side Ji Hao, each sword light aims at referring, palm, fist and elbow that the livelihood knight has attacked...... “破!”姬昊长啸一声,右手盘古龙纹随手一晃,困住他身体的空气牢笼发出一声刺耳的碎裂声,被他随手一剑破开。盘古龙纹剑鸣声声,一道一道剑光犹如实质悬浮在姬昊身边,每一道剑光都对准了日月骑士攻来的指、掌、拳、肘…… This flash, Ji Hao resembles incarnation for the giant hedgehog, the sword that Pangu Dragon brings is only on him the sharp thorn, each sword has only aimed at the body of enemy, so long as he dares to fall the attack on the tangible, his body decides however first and Pangu Dragon hits in the same place. 这一瞬间,姬昊就好像化身为巨大的刺猬,盘古龙纹带起的剑光就是他身上的尖刺,每一道剑光都对准了敌人的身体,只要他敢将攻击落在实处,他的身体就定然首先和盘古龙纹撞在一起。 Damn thing!” The person's shadow in a flash, listens to ‚’ a sound, livelihood knight of attack around Ji Hao if quickly lightning transferred two, all attacks vanish suddenly. He saw Pangu Dragon is the good treasure, dares to hit Pangu Dragon Jianfeng with own mortal body? “该死的东西!”人影一晃,就听‘唰’的一声响,出击的日月骑士绕着姬昊快若闪电的转了两圈,所有攻击骤然消失。他已经看出了盘古龙纹是好宝贝,又怎么敢用自己的肉身去撞盘古龙纹的剑锋? Golden Light flashes through together, in the hand of livelihood knight are many a handle long to have a tall foot golden lance, produced on the labor fine lance to carve a linearity such as the python and build to be slenderer elegant strange Shou, the livelihood knight wielded the lance the time, resembled several thousand strange Shou to howl to nip to Ji Hao. 一道金光闪过,日月骑士的手中多了一柄长有一丈八尺的金色长矛,造工精美的长矛上雕刻了一条形如巨蟒、体型却更加修长秀美的奇兽,日月骑士挥动长矛的时候,就好像有数千条奇兽呼啸着向姬昊咬了下来。 Pangu Dragon swings several thousand sword light, accurate unusual moved forward to meet somebody to the lance remnant shade of livelihood knight. 盘古龙纹荡起数千道剑光,精准异常的向日月骑士的长矛残影迎了上去。 Dingdong resounding is unceasing, lance and long sword interlock rapidly, made a sound merely 18, Ji Hao aimed at the opportunity suddenly, the Pangu Dragon cold glow spout, has swept the golden lance maliciously, deducted two its sword. ‘叮叮当当’脆响不断,长矛、长剑急速交错,仅仅响了18声,姬昊突然瞅准机会,盘古龙纹寒芒喷涌,狠狠扫过金色长矛,将其一剑劈成两段。 Damn! Eats my fist! Do you dare not to use your sword?” The livelihood knight gets angry roar, the right fist brings together scarlet fist seal, just liked a hill has pounded to the Ji Hao chest maliciously. “该死!吃我一拳!你敢不用你的剑么?”日月骑士怒啸一声,右拳带起一道血色拳印,犹如一座小山向姬昊胸膛狠狠砸了下来。 Ji Hao laughed, has bumped toward the opposite party fist that the left fist met the tough head-on with toughness. 姬昊大笑一声,左拳硬碰硬的朝着对方拳头碰了上去。 A dull thumping sound, their fists clash in the same place, the body of Ji Hao slightly in a flash, the opposite party staggered was withdrawing 35 steps.( To be continued.) 一声闷响,两人拳头对撞在一起,姬昊的身体微微一晃,对方则是踉跄着退后了35步。(未完待续。)
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