TME :: Volume #15

#1462: Livelihood knight

Big brother!” “大哥!” Warrior of Chi You regiment are shouting out low and deep. 蚩尤军团的战士们低沉的呼喝着。 In their sounds cannot listen to be sorrowful and fear, only then strongest fight desire - looks is burning, they were one crowd disappeared all mental, only remaining fight instinct slaughtering tools. Chi You's falling from the sky, probably turned on the seal of their within the body, has released they craziest battle condition. 他们的声音中听不出悲哀和恐惧,只有最浓烈的战斗欲-望在燃烧,他们是一群泯灭了所有心智,只剩下战斗本能的杀戮工具。蚩尤的陨落,就好像打开了他们体内的封印,将他们最疯狂的战斗状态释放了出来。 The whole body is burning the courage vigor with the black red two color flame that the malignant influences concentrate, except for leaving behind several Warrior continues to shout the Yemo day, Warrior of other Chi You regiments throw down the shield, both hands arms with knife, just likes the rhinocero group of dashing about wildly same started the charge to Ji Hao. 周身燃烧着血气和煞气凝成的黑红二色火焰,除了留下几个战士继续呼喊耶摩天,其他蚩尤军团的战士丢下盾牌,双手持刀,犹如狂奔的犀牛群一样向姬昊发动了冲锋。 Does not dodge does not evade, does not obstruct does not keep off, most barbaric and a purest overhead blade chops. 不闪不避,不遮不挡,最野蛮、最纯粹的当头一刀劈下。 Warrior of Chi You regiment are bringing the martyr unique sacredness, is bringing frantic and infatuated of hell devil self- Destruction, the combustion life and soul, wielded the attack of most force to Ji Hao. 蚩尤军团的战士们带着殉道者特有的神圣,带着地狱恶魔自我毁灭的狂热和痴迷,燃烧生命和灵魂,向姬昊挥出了最强力的攻击。 The Ji Hao left hand lifts, catches the broadsword that the overhead chops, a wrist|skill spin, the broadsword breaks, right hand Pangu Dragon does not cover a thorn, penetrates Chi You regiment Warrior mail-armor and helmet forward with irresistible force, pierces their chests. 姬昊左手抬起,接住当头劈下的大刀,手腕一旋,大刀断折,右手盘古龙纹毫无遮挡的向前一刺,势如破竹的击穿蚩尤军团战士的甲胄,洞穿他们的胸膛。 Grasps, a thorn, a person falls from the sky \; Grasps again, punctures again, a person falls from the sky...... 一抓,一刺,一人陨落\;再抓,再刺,一人陨落…… In a flash, Ji Hao has duplicated this monotonous movement several hundred times, several hundred powerful Chi You regiment Warrior are having an inconceivable suspicion, in abundance by the Pangu Dragon disintegration body. 弹指间,姬昊重复了这个单调的动作数百次,数百名强悍的蚩尤军团战士带着一丝不可思议的怀疑,纷纷被盘古龙纹崩碎了身体。 Ji Hao in this monotonous and redundant striking kills, just likes goes to crush eggs with a mountain, he comprehends ‚the [say / way] of strength several points of phantom said suddenly flavor. Right, if absolute strength powerful to certain degree, so long as the crush can conquer all enemies in the past. 姬昊在这单调而重复的击杀中,犹如用一座大山去碾压一颗颗鸡蛋,他突然领悟了几分虚影所说的‘力量之道’的韵味。没错,如果绝对的力量强悍到一定的程度,只要碾压过去就可以战胜一切敌人。 Even if just, was the past Pangu sage, his ‚hasn't the [say / way] of strength achieved the true pinnacle? Therefore under besieging of trillion chaos demon gods, the Pangu sage died finally. 只不过,就算是当年的盘古圣人,他的‘力量之道’也没有达到真正的极致吧?所以在亿万混沌魔神的围攻下,盘古圣人最终还是陨落了。 Therefore, the absolute strength is no doubt important, but the skill and change are also noticeable. One such as Priest Hua spreading out the [say / way], the ever changing magical powers mystique, took to Ji Hao many to be convenient, has promoted his battle efficiency directly. 所以,绝对的力量固然重要,但是技巧和变化也不可忽视。一如花道人的‘衍’之道,千变万化的神通秘法,带给了姬昊多少方便,更是直接提升了他的战斗力。 Last keeps off in front Chi You regiment Warrior falls from the sky, twines exudes the cheerful long howl in the two fire dragons of Ji Hao waist, has stood in Mr. Crow of Ji Hao top of the head is face upwards the long and loud cry, flaming combustion of a continuously flame on the Mr. Crow feather, making his body fuzzy. 最后一个挡在面前的蚩尤军团战士陨落,缠绕在姬昊腰间的两条火龙发出欢快的长啸声,一直站在姬昊头顶的鸦公更是仰天长啸,一缕缕火光在鸦公的羽毛上熊熊燃烧,让他的身躯都变得模糊起来。 The foot pedal fire said that Ji Hao step by step arms to approach to Destruction. This Destruction arming, either thoroughly destroys, naturally the best choice captures him \; But the Yemo day, killed him is only electing of one after next, if can capture alive to capture alive him, that was should better means. 脚踏火云,姬昊一步步的向毁灭武装逼近。这具毁灭武装,要么彻底摧毁,当然最好的选择是将他俘获\;而耶摩天,杀了他只是下下之选,如果能够生擒活捉他,那是最好不过的办法。 Perhaps his father also a little love? Under certain difficult aspects, can Ji Hao threaten that with the Yemo day blood crown Sir? 或许他的父亲还有一点父子之情?在某些艰难局面下,姬昊可以用耶摩天来威胁那位‘血冕’大人? Several Chi You regiment Warrior of remaining kept off in front of Ji Hao, they threw down in the hand the long blade, both hands have gripped tightly the sincere shield. They witnessed their companion was struck the scene that kills by Ji Hao with ease, they know that they are not the Ji Hao match. 几名留守的蚩尤军团战士挡在了姬昊面前,他们丢下了手中长刀,双手紧握厚重的盾牌。他们目睹了自己的同伴被姬昊轻松击杀的场景,他们知道自己不是姬昊的对手。 At this time their no longer extravagant demands strike to kill Ji Hao, they only strove for with the defense of oneself most stable, can insist that the Yemo day woke up. 此时他们不再奢求击杀姬昊,他们只求用自己最坚固的防御,能够坚持到耶摩天醒来。 So long as he awoke, he can control Destruction arming to run away, their duties were also accomplished! 只要他醒了,他能操控毁灭武装逃走,他们的任务也就完成了! „The Yemo huge person, a bit faster wakes up!” Warrior of Chi You regiment gripped tightly the big shield to hit to Ji Hao, simultaneously has bellowed hoarsely. A square tower shield surface kui good statue spouts the big piece smoke cloud, the shield just liked a hill hits to Ji Hao. 耶摩天大人,快点醒来啊!”一名蚩尤军团的战士紧握大盾向姬昊撞了过来,同时声嘶力竭的大吼了一声。四四方方的塔盾表面一头夔牛雕像喷出大片烟云,盾牌犹如一座小山撞向了姬昊 A Ji Hao conveniently fist bang on shield. 姬昊随手一拳轰在了盾牌上。 A bang, reaches one foot metal heavy shield the innumerable Symbol strategies to break up thick, the shield surface of mystique alloy casting was broken by the fierce shake, turns also wanted the tiny fragment compared with the gravel. Grasps the heavy shield Chi You regiment Warrior both arms smashing, the big mouth spits blood flies to draw back backward. 一声巨响,厚达一尺的金属重盾内部无数的符文阵法崩解,秘法合金铸造的盾面被剧烈的震荡震碎,变成了比砂砾还要细小的碎片。手持重盾蚩尤军团战士双臂粉碎,大口吐血向后飞退。 „The Yemo huge person, wakes up! Walks quickly!” Another Warrior grasped big shield to hit to Ji Hao. His body is burning, his each pore is spouting the scarlet flame. Knows one are impossible to block Ji Hao, however for opportunity accidentally, this Warrior has burnt vigorously own soul and flesh and blood, he erupted in this flash all vitalities thoroughly. 耶摩天大人,醒来!快走!”又一名战士手持大盾向姬昊撞了过来。他的身体在燃烧,他的每一个毛孔都在喷出血色的火焰。知道自己不可能挡住姬昊,但是为了万一的机会,这个战士极力的燃烧了自己的灵魂和血肉,他将所有的生命力在这一瞬间彻底的爆发了出来。 Just endured to compare the Divine Magi level the strength, rose dramatically to endure to compare the standard of Human Race peak Divine Magi in this flash. 原本只是刚刚堪比巫帝级的战力,在这一瞬间飙升到了堪比人族巅峰巫帝的水准。 This Warrior flesh and blood burns down instantaneously, remaining the bloody skeleton has only bound the viscous blood flame to hit to Ji Hao. 这名战士的血肉瞬间焚烧一空,只剩下了血淋淋的骨架裹着粘稠血炎向姬昊撞来。 Ji Hao holds up Pangu Dragon, a Dragon recited the long sword to divide, this burnt own Chi You regiment Warrior to be broken out together with his shield crazily together. 姬昊举起盘古龙纹,一声龙吟长剑劈下,这尊疯狂燃烧自己的蚩尤军团战士连同他的盾牌一起被劈开。 In big strides fires into Destruction arming, Ji Hao shouts to clear the way fierce: Has sufficed, one side boils!” 大踏步的冲向毁灭武装,姬昊厉声喝道:“够了,滚开一边去!” On remaining three Chi You regiment Warrior simultaneously shone the scarlet flame, they have burnt similarly their life. Throws down in the hand the shield, three Warrior whole body flame rapidly condenses to the chest, they stretch out the arms to clash to Ji Hao, they want from exploding the body very much obviously drag Ji Hao dead together. 剩下的三名蚩尤军团战士身上同时亮起了血色火焰,他们同样燃烧了自己的生命。丢下手中盾牌,三名战士全身火焰急速的向胸膛凝聚,他们张开双臂向姬昊冲来,很显然他们想要自爆身躯拖着姬昊一起去死。 Ji Hao cold snort|hum, forehead clear light flashes through together, he has avoided embracing of three Warrior, arrived at Destruction arming directly. 姬昊冷哼一声,眉心一道清光闪过,他避开了三个战士的搂抱,直接来到了毁灭武装身上。 Rumbling three bangs transmit, three Warrior cannot control the strength that within the body wreaks havoc to erupt loudly. One group of flames fierce spreads to all around, Destruction arming that nobody controls was flushed flew dozens li (0.5km) far. ‘轰轰轰’三声巨响传来,三个战士控制不住体内肆虐的力量轰然爆发。一团火光剧烈的向四周扩散开去,就连无人操控的毁灭武装都被冲飞了数十里远。 Ji Hao stands in crystal of Destruction arming extravehicular, holds up Pangu Dragon, knits the brows to look at the unified whole the crystal cabin. 姬昊站在毁灭武装的晶舱外,举起盘古龙纹,皱着眉看着浑然一体的晶舱。 If this violence destroys, can injure to inside Yemo day? After all, Ji Hao wants to grasp lives, he does not want to let slip chopping the Yemo day head. However wants to destroy Destruction arming, Ji Hao wants to keep a strength not to be impossible, he can only shell fully, has enormously possibly injures accidentally the Yemo day. 这要是暴力破坏,会否伤损到里面的耶摩天?毕竟,姬昊想要抓活的,他可不想一失手将耶摩天的脑袋给剁了下来。但是想要破坏毁灭武装,姬昊想留点力气也不可能,他只能全力轰击,有极大的可能误伤耶摩天啊。 Hello, barbaric, if I am you, I will put down in the hand that seem very good long sword, then kneels on the ground, kowtows to beg for mercy to me, weeps and wails is giving loyalty to me, cries to hope for success for my slave, and is holding my boots, licks cleanly my boots with the tongue.” A cold sound conveys from afar: If I am you, I will not attempt to injure the Yemo huge person absolutely. You injure his hair, all your relatives will be buried along with the dead.” “喂,土著,如果我是你,我会放下手中那件看上去非常不错的长剑,然后跪在地上,向我磕头求饶,哭喊着向我效忠,哭求成为我的奴隶,并且抱着我的靴子,用舌头将我的靴子舔得干干净净。”一个冷冽的声音远远传来:“如果我是你,我绝对不会妄图伤害耶摩天大人。你伤他一根头发,你所有的亲眷都会为之陪葬。” Ji Hao body all around air coagulates suddenly, ka ka in sound, an inexplicable strength twists Ji Hao air, condenses a length of side three zhang (3.33 m) cube prisoner's cage. Iron grey transparent prisoner's cage happen to binds Ji Hao in inside, the electricity glow of faintly visible distortion flows in the prisoner's cage rapidly. 姬昊身体四周的空气突然凝固,‘咔咔’声中,一股莫名的力量扭曲姬昊身边的空气,凝聚成一个边长三丈的正六面体囚笼。灰白色透明的囚笼正好将姬昊裹在里面,隐隐可见扭曲的电芒在囚笼中急速流动。 So wonderful method, what is more important is Ji Hao had not realized that the opposite party begins, had been surrounded by the mystique. 如此神妙的手段,更重要的是姬昊没有察觉到对方动手,就已经被秘法困住。 Has turned around, Ji Hao saw 12 wear Yu Clan youth in Jinjia. 转过身,姬昊就看到了12名身穿金甲的虞族青年。 Sees their first, Ji Hao knows that they are not the Yu Dynasty 12 rule families are absolutely respective. 看到他们的第一眼,姬昊就知道,他们绝对不是虞朝12个执政家族所属。 „Are you?” Ji Hao has referred to the sky. “你们是?”姬昊指了指天空。 We are the Panyu world Saint territory respective livelihood knights, the family whose fortunes are on the decline that we treat as these lows.” A Yu Clan youth and benign smiles to Ji Hao: barbaric, you may give to me that handle sword.”( To be continued.) “我们是盘虞世界圣域所属日月骑士,可不要把我们当做那些下三滥的破落户。”一名虞族青年和和颜悦色的向姬昊笑着:“土著啊,你可把那柄剑献给我了。”(未完待续。)
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