TME :: Volume #15

#1461: Cutting edge arrival

The primordial chaos is void, greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist are leading the disciple separately, cruises around the Pangu world, strikes to kill all by the primordial chaos biology that the Pangu world fierce fluctuation of energy brings. 鸿蒙虚空,大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人分别带着门徒,在盘古世界四周巡弋,击杀一切被盘古世界剧烈的能量波动引来的鸿蒙生物。 By the boundless dense air/Qi package, the whole body aura nature was been all over the body comfortable, seems Daoist static sitting that does not have on a grass rush cushion, in the double pupil the faint trace miraculous glow twinkle, often looks slightly to all directions. 一名通体被茫茫氤氲之气包裹,周身气息自然闲适,好似不存在的道人静静的坐在一个草蒲团上,双眸中微微有一丝丝灵光闪烁,不时望向四面八方。 Occasionally his vision suddenly will focus on some, puts out a hand to that side silent one finger. Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist decide however will have one person to lead the disciple to speed along to go to that direction, raids the primordial chaos giant beast that to cut to kill that side entirely. 偶尔他的目光会突然锁定某个方向,伸手向那边无声的一指。大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人就定然会有一人带着门人向那个方向飞驰而去,将那边袭来的鸿蒙巨兽统统斩杀。 Enough over ten thousand capitiforms like the hyena, tail are actually the primordial chaos monsters of nine variegated poisonous snakes curl up the big piece black thunder clouds, exudes the resounding resonant dog's bark sound to speed along to the Pangu world. These monsters occasionally passed by giant photostars in some primordial chaos, they open advantage tooth densely covered big mouth optional one to hold in the mouth, these giant photostars 2-3 were gnawed by them pulpy. 足足上万头形如鬣狗,尾巴却是九条斑斓毒蛇的鸿蒙怪兽卷起大片黑色雷云,发出高亢嘹亮的犬吠声向盘古世界飞驰而来。这些怪兽偶尔路过一些鸿蒙中的巨大星体,他们张开利齿密布的大嘴随意一口叼下去,那些巨大星体三两下就被他们啃得稀烂。 In primordial chaos void, these primordial chaos photostars were been neat by the innumerable chaos tidal scours day and night, they already became hard incomparable, even if the ordinary innate spirit soldier divided to chop to be hard to injure the slightest. 在鸿蒙虚空中,这些鸿蒙星体日夜受无数混沌潮汐冲刷洗炼,他们早就变得坚硬无比,就算普通先天灵兵劈砍上去都难以伤损分毫。 These hyena common monsters can actually 32 the smashing that these photostars chew, obviously the lethality of their full mouth advantage tooth huge. 这些鬣狗一般的怪兽却能32口将这些星体嚼的粉碎,可见他们满口利齿的杀伤力有多巨大。 Po lets loose Divine Sense, distant saw this flock of demented monsters, he notes these monster mouth dense and numerous advantage teeth, saw on these advantage teeth smooth powerful chaos trace this is natural shatter Symbol, had to crush all visible invisible thing the huge prestige energies. 阿宝放开神识,远远的就看到了这群癫狂的怪兽,他注意到那些怪兽嘴里密密麻麻的利齿,更看到了这些利齿上一条条流畅有力的混沌纹路这是天然的破碎符文,有粉碎一切有形无形之物的巨大威能。 If takes material these advantage teeth, certainly can refine a might huge innate rank the most precious object. 若是将这些利齿作为材料,一定能炼制出一件威力巨大的先天级别的至宝。 However looks at these hyena ferocious aura, had a look at they over ten thousand quantities, Po hurriedly to hit to bow to Yu Yu Daoist again: Teacher! Had the good treasure to come!” 但是看这些鬣狗穷凶极恶的气息,再看看他们上万头的数量,阿宝急忙向禹馀道人打了个稽首:“师尊!有好宝贝过来了!” The Yu Yu Daoist double pupil sweeps, immediately has smiled: „, Really is good treasure, this is the chaos swallows the descendant who the beast and extremely cloudy Jiuqu snake mixes to hand over, their full mouth big tooth, their stomach pouch embodiment is also void, is the side good material of refinement dwelling place of Buddhist immortals paradise!” 禹馀道人双眸一扫,顿时笑了起来:“呵,果然是好宝贝,这是混沌吞噬兽和极阴九曲蛇混交的后代,他们满口大牙也就罢了,他们的胃囊内蕴虚空,可是炼制洞天福地的极佳材料!” The big sleeve wields, Yu Yu Daoist in big strides hurries to these hyenas: Po, when this time matter, you hurried to refine over ten thousand dwelling places of Buddhist immortals to come out, for the master divination calculates that the secret ability was not what kind, actually can also figure out, in the future may be many for the master hanger-on disciple, must refine some dwelling places of Buddhist immortals, in the future can place your numerous junior brother junior sister!” 大袖一挥,禹馀道人大踏步的向这些鬣狗赶去:“阿宝啊,等此番事了,你赶紧炼制上万个洞天出来,为师卜算天机的本领不怎样,却也能算出,未来为师门下弟子可不少,得多炼制一些洞天,未来才能安置你的众多师弟师妹啊!” Po hey has smiled one, hurried and a numerous same side followed Yu Yu Daoist. 阿宝‘嘿嘿’笑了一声,急忙和一众同门跟上了禹馀道人 A sword cloth gets up, four color sword light tearing are void, the smashing chaos, wail of a leader fierce unusual monster in the sword light falls from the sky. 剑阵布起,四色剑光撕裂虚空、粉碎混沌,一头头凶猛异常的怪兽在剑光中哀鸣陨落。 Sits cross-legged Daoist on rush cushion to show a faint smile, has Yu Yu Daoist to get rid, this flock of monsters actually do not need to be worried that they will intrude the Pangu world. He has turned the head, looked to another direction. 盘坐在蒲团上的道人微微一笑,有禹馀道人出手,这一群怪兽却是不用担心他们会闯入盘古世界了。他转过头去,向另外一个方向看了过去。 A blood of monster flies along with sword light, Gui Ling both hands gather, Thunder Yinhong, Yu Yu divine thunderbolts exploded continuously the flying ash the big piece blood together, the big piece ashes were tumbling, was swallowed to accept by the Pangu world along with the rapid chaos tide together. 一蓬怪兽的鲜血随着一片剑光飞起,龟灵双手一合,一道雷印轰出,一道禹馀神雷将大片鲜血炸成了缕缕飞灰,大片灰烬翻滚着,随着一道湍急的混沌潮汐被盘古世界吞纳了过去。 Yu Yu Daoist was negligent, after this ashes were inhaled the Pangu world, chaos tide disintegration rapidly, changed into five lines of spiritual energies rapidly by the Pangu world absorption. The most ashes also thoroughly melt, was swallowed the digestion by the Pangu world. 就连禹馀道人都大意了,这一片灰烬被吸入盘古世界后,混沌潮汐急速的崩解,迅速化为五行灵气被盘古世界吸收。绝大部分的灰烬也都彻底消融,被盘古世界吞噬消化。 Only the tiniest dust suddenly stagnate in the midair, continuously dim extremely Golden Light seeps from the dust, the volume of dust increases slowly, during the short several breath, this tiny dust turned into a golden flying shuttle of palm of the hand length. 唯有一颗最细小的灰尘骤然凝滞在半空中,一缕缕极其黯淡的金光从灰尘中渗透出来,灰尘的体积缓缓变大,短短几个呼吸间,这颗细小的灰尘变成了一颗巴掌长短的金色飞梭。 The innumerable complex and gorgeous patterns highlight in the flying shuttle surface, only listens to scoffing a resounding, this flying shuttle penetrated void, grazed 1 million li (0.5km) remote in a flash. The next flash, the flying shuttle jumps from void, a faint trace world spiritual energy was swallowed unceasingly by the flying shuttle, after a breath, this flying shuttle submerges once more void, his shuttle flickered to move to over a hundred million li (0.5km) directly void. 无数复杂而华美的花纹在飞梭表面凸显,只听‘嗤’的一声脆响,这枚飞梭击穿了虚空,弹指间飞掠出去了1000000里之遥。下一瞬间,飞梭从虚空中跳跃出来,一丝丝天地灵气不断被飞梭吞噬进去,一个呼吸后,这枚飞梭再次没入虚空,这一次他直接穿梭虚空瞬移了上亿里地。 The time of short several double-hour, the flying shuttle escaped into from the heaven of Pangu world the Prehistoric starry sky, from Prehistoric starry sky fast flying to land world. When he approaches the land world, the flying shuttle inflated to several feet length, the gorgeous pattern of surface unceasingly spout the eye-catching colored glaze brilliance, what seems the end is tall and pleasing to the eye. 短短几个时辰的功夫,飞梭就从盘古世界的苍天之上遁入了洪荒星空,又从洪荒星空快速的飞向中陆世界。当他逼近中陆世界的时候,飞梭已经膨胀到十几丈长短,表面的华美花纹不断喷涌出夺目的琉璃光彩,看上去端的是美轮美奂。 One flock of wild star elusive turtles treadon Star Light, satisfied in the highest heaven clouds slow glide of land world. 一群野生的星空灵龟脚踏星光,惬意的在中陆世界的九霄云端缓慢的滑翔。 This flock of star elusive turtles open the big mouth, optional gnawing eats rarely and preciously is drifting in the clouds in the highest heaven some plants spirit, the spirit of fresh sweet juiciness planted to contain the huge world spiritual energy, the star elusive turtles has eaten satisfied incomparable, assuming an air of self approbation sends out pleased groaning sound. 这群星空灵龟张开大嘴,随意的啃食着飘浮在九霄云中的一些珍稀灵植,鲜甜多汁的灵植蕴藏了庞大的天地灵气,星空灵龟们吃得满足无比,一个个摇头晃脑的发出快意的‘哼哼’声。 Golden flying shuttle ‚’ one passed over gently and swiftly from this flock of star elusive turtles, the ice-cold heartless soul fluctuation has swept their huge statures together. 金色飞梭‘唰’的一下从这群星空灵龟身边掠过,一道冰冷无情的灵魂波动扫过他们庞大的身躯。 Wipes the scarlet sword light to dodge to pass from the golden flying shuttle, listens to one miserably to transmit howlingly, several star elusive turtle bodies suddenly one stiff, suddenly changes into one piece not to have the vitality ashes in the scarlet sword light. 一抹血色剑光从金色飞梭中一闪而逝,就听一阵惨嚎传来,十几头星空灵龟身体骤然一僵,眨眼间就在血色剑光中化为一片毫无生机的灰烬。 In the Golden Light twinkle, the extremely fast shuttle void golden color flying shuttle stagnates suddenly, static float direction a mountain mountainside southwest Liangzhu City. 金光闪烁中,极速穿梭虚空的金色飞梭骤然停滞,静静的悬浮在良渚城西南方向的一座大山山腰。 chī chī several sounds, the outer covering of flying shuttle just liked the flower petal same blooms slowly, has revealed inside dark golden crystal common capsule. Luster extremely deep dark golden color trace crustifications in the transparent capsule, these traces glisten slightly, the formidable energy undulatory motion results in the surrounding area hundred zhang (333m) void also along with it beat gently. 嗤嗤’几声响,飞梭的外壳犹如花瓣一样冉冉绽放,露出了里面暗金色水晶一般的舱体。一条条色泽极深的暗金色纹路镶嵌在透明的舱体中,这些纹路微微闪亮,强大的能量波动震得方圆百丈内的虚空也随之轻轻的跳动。 On the capsule the gateway opens together, 12 wear Yu Clan men in Jinjia to flutter one after another from the flying shuttle. 舱体上一道门户开启,12名身穿金甲的虞族男子从飞梭中鱼贯飘出。 Last a male move, the flying shuttle changes into an extremely tiny Jinsha to submerge the palm conveniently rapidly. 最后一名男子随手一招,飞梭迅速化为一颗极其细小的金沙没入掌心。 This Pangu world, is really uncommon.” A Yu Clan man is infatuated with deep inspired, deep saying: Primitive, but is wild, nature and fresh, here air is passing a full of vitality aura, I have fallen in love with here.” “这个盘古世界,果然不凡。”一名虞族男子陶醉的深深吸了一口气,深沉的说道:“原始而蛮荒,自然而新鲜,这里的空气都透着一股生机勃勃的气息,我爱上了这里。” Right, I have been sick of the Panyu world spiritless flavor.” Another Yu Clan man cold smiles: Decayed and ancient world, the resources that even if with plunders innumerably build the full of vitality to come, artificial divine creative force where can compared with such natural vitality breath?” “没错,我已经厌烦了盘虞世界死气沉沉的味道。”另外一名虞族男子冷冽的一笑:“腐朽而古老的世界,就算用无数掠夺来的资源堆砌出勃勃生机来,人工造物哪里能和这样自然的生命力息相比?” We came, therefore this world is our!” Last goes out of the Yu Clan man of flying shuttle to stretch out the arms, toward the Pangu world extended the arm, seems must embrace this side world: But before then, we must complete our tasks...... The Yemo huge person, cannot injure a hair, he is we reasonable legitimate holds this world takes advantage most greatly!” “我们来了,所以这个世界就是我们的!”最后一个走出飞梭的虞族男子张开双臂,向着盘古世界的伸出了手臂,好似要拥抱这一方世界:“但是在这之前,我们必须完成我们的任务……耶摩天大人,不能伤损一根头发,他是我们合理合法的占有这个世界的最大依仗!” Yemo? This plants and other despicable surnames of aristocrat......” Yu Clan man contemptuous shaking the head of initial start to talk: „...... He after is the male offspring of master.” 耶摩?这种下等贵族的下贱姓氏……”最初开口的虞族男子轻蔑的摇了摇头:“不过……他毕竟是主人的子嗣。” 12 people no longer open the mouth, they simultaneously look to the direction that Destruction arming was.( To be continued.) 12个人不再开口,他们同时望向了毁灭武装所在的方向。(未完待续。)
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