TME :: Volume #15

#1460: Meets again Chi You

Has destroyed him.” “毁了他。” In the noisy main hall, the Ji Hao long body, the change flowing light of not saying a word dissipates together rapidly. 吵吵闹闹的大殿内,姬昊长身而起,一言不发的化为一道流光急速消散。 Has a little drunk half drunk Ao Hao to turn head, ambiguous greeted one to Ji Hao: Ji date day, where did you go to? Ha Ha, drinks, drinks! You said that Yemo luo coconut tree that little mother, you do like not liking?” 已经喝得有点半醺的敖昊回过头来,含含糊糊的向姬昊招呼了一声:“姬日天,你去哪里?哈哈,喝啊,喝!你说耶摩椤椰那小娘儿,你喜欢还是不喜欢?” Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge starts fully, the Ji Hao shuttle void speed has achieved the pinnacle in some boundary. One in a flash, he has been far away from Liangzhu, arrived by own clone. Received Pangu Dragon, clone changes into a wisp of azure smoke to scatter, Ji Hao stood under the billowing thunder clouds, after the brain, suddenly had the golden corona together to shine. 天地金桥全力发动,姬昊穿梭虚空的速度已经达到了某个境界上的极致。只是一弹指间,他已经远离良渚,来到了自己的分身旁。接过盘古龙纹,分身化为一缕青烟飘散,姬昊站在滚滚雷云下方,脑后突然有一道金色光轮亮起。 Golden Light is sincere, but the shiny smooth, the big piece auspicious sign spouts from the golden corona, behind congealed in Ji Hao ten thousand li (0.5km) rosy clouds. Golden Light tzeyun, the thunder clouds in upper air are far away from Ji Hao suddenly, lest probably injures accidentally to his fine hair is ordinary. 金光厚重而莹润,大片紫气从金色光轮中喷出,在姬昊身后凝成了一片万里云霞。金光紫云一出,高空中的雷云骤然远离姬昊,就好像唯恐误伤到他一根汗毛一般。 This has been Ji Hao for many years struck to kill innumerable foreign race, has revived the innumerable common people common people in the regulating waterways great undertaking, merit unusual brightness that the world grants. After a [gold/metal] round auspicious sign appears, Ji Hao is only the heart is moved slightly, has the immeasurable world spiritual energy to howl to well up to him. 这是姬昊多年来击杀无数异族,更在治水大业中救活了无数苍生黎民,天地赏赐的功德宝光。金轮紫气浮现后,姬昊只是心头微微动念,就有无量天地灵气呼啸着向他涌来。 Forcefully is different from the Destruction arming swallowing world spiritual energy, the world spiritual energy of this moment Pangu world cheers is fusing with Ji Hao on own initiative. Without feeling that least bit does not adapt , the great quantity world spiritual energy turns to pour into the Ji Hao body by merit Debao, very transformation easily for his strength. 毁灭武装强行的吞噬天地灵气不同,此刻盘古世界的天地灵气是欢呼雀跃着主动与姬昊融合。没有半点儿不适应的感觉,巨量的天地灵气透过功德宝轮注入姬昊身体,很轻易的就转化为他的力量。 Clang a sword cry, Pangu Dragon obtains the Ji Hao boundless Magic Power in addition to hold, the sword glow spouts the thousand li(500 km) length from Jianfeng together. The sword glow place visited, upper air class cloud breaks, void seemed is cut a transparent slit. ‘锵’的一声剑鸣,盘古龙纹得到姬昊无边法力加持,一道剑芒从剑锋喷出千里长短。剑芒所过之处,高空流云断折,虚空都好似被斩开了一条透明的缝隙。 Thunder Jielai also goes to the quick, short three breath quickly wild Thunder Jie disappeared, the thunder clouds of upper air one such as his towering comes, very towering disappearance baseless. 雷劫来得快也去得快,短短三个呼吸间狂暴的雷劫就已经消失,高空的雷云一如他突兀的来,也很突兀的凭空消失。 The ground are many a depth of ten thousand li (0.5km) big hole, lying down of Destruction arming being sprawled in Dakengnei, emits the billowing black smoke all over the body unceasingly. The innumerable electric lights in the Destruction arming surface caper twinkle, reach as high as the Destruction arming body surface of hundred zhang (333m) have the innumerable fissures as before, unceasing emits the electric light raging fire. 地上多了一个深达万里的大坑,毁灭武装四仰八叉的躺在大坑内,通体不断冒出滚滚黑烟。无数电光依旧在毁灭武装表面跳跃闪烁,高达百丈的毁灭武装体表有无数的裂痕,正不断的喷吐出电光烈火。 ‚’ In sound, Destruction arming gradually fluttered, slowly floats to the sky. ‘咔嚓’声中,毁灭武装缓缓的飘了起来,慢慢的向天空飘来。 In crystal cabin, Yemo day once more faint. He probably falls into cloth child in Xiong child hand to be the same, the entire body just likes the bread twist same is twisting, the whole body skeleton almost disrupts completely, the innumerable bone sediment from his skin Riza, seemed are very fierce. 晶舱内,耶摩天再次昏厥。他就好像沦入熊孩子手中的布娃娃一样,整个身体犹如麻花一样扭曲着,浑身骨骼几乎全部碎裂,无数骨渣子从他的皮肤里扎了出来,看上去很是狰狞。 This Thunder Jie has caused moderately the medium damage to Destruction arming, but the complementary waves infiltrate Destruction arming, actually gave the Yemo day to create the greatest attack. The Yemo day at this moment do not say that controls the Destruction military equipment to continue to battle, so long as Ji Hao strikes to hit hard to Destruction arming, Destruction military equipment the strength of making a false counter-accusation can grind the smashing him. 这一通雷劫对毁灭武装只是造成了不轻不重的中等伤害,但是余波透入毁灭武装,却给耶摩天造成了莫大的打击。此刻的耶摩天不要说操控毁灭武装继续作战,只要姬昊毁灭武装一击重击,毁灭武装的反噬之力就能将他碾成粉碎。 Pangu Dragon sounds loud, Ji Hao stares at the wound that the Destruction arming surface is wriggling and heals unceasingly unceasingly stubbornly. 盘古龙纹高声鸣叫,姬昊死死盯着毁灭武装表面不断蠕动、不断愈合的伤口。 The crystallization of Yu Clan peak civilization, this type of Destruction arming has really achieved the pinnacle of man-made war instrument. If the Yemo day becomes a useful person slightly, his individual strength can, be able to withstand the strength of stronger armed making a false counter-accusation again, his sufficiently Heng Xing Pangu world, few some extremely people can become the threats to other party. 虞族巅峰文明的结晶,这种毁灭武装实在已经达到了人造战争器械的极致。如果耶摩天稍微成器一点,他的个人实力能再强一点,能够承受更强的武装反噬之力,他就足以横行盘古世界,极少有人能够对他造成威胁。 Can minus is!” Ji Hao looks that the Yemo day muttered low and deep, Pangu Dragon brings resounding sounding maliciously punctured to the Destruction arming forehead crystal cabin. “能少掉一个是一个!”姬昊看着耶摩天低沉的咕哝了一声,盘古龙纹带起一声高亢的鸣叫狠狠的向毁灭武装眉心晶舱刺了下去。 The evil customs come from the slanting thorn together, handle broken wind big axe dividing maliciously has approached the Ji Hao soft rib. The big axe is also away from the Ji Hao several li (0.5km), Ji Hao felt that kills intent almost to congeal dreadfully the essence, extremely overbearing invasion his Spiritual Space. 一道恶风从斜刺里呼啸而来,一柄破风大斧狠狠的劈向了姬昊的软肋。大斧距离姬昊还有十几里距离,姬昊已经感到一股滔天杀意几乎凝成实质,极其霸道的侵入了他的神魂空间 Changes into the average person, solely this substantialize killing intent, is powerful enough to destroy their soul. 换成普通人,单单这股实质化的杀意,就足以摧毁他们的灵魂。 Ji Hao cold snort|hum, Pangu Dragon continues to the Yemo day cuts, his left hand like the eagle claw, having the sad and shrill sound from out of the blue to deduct to the big axe. 姬昊冷哼一声,盘古龙纹继续向耶摩天斩下,他左手如鹰爪,带起凄厉的破空声向大斧扣下。 Thump a dull thumping sound, a person's shadow emits from void suddenly, his shoulder maliciously hit in Destruction arming, the complete dependence instinct gradually fluttered the sky Destruction military equipment to be hit by him, has displaced several feet far to one side. ‘咚’的一声闷响,一条人影从虚空中突然冒出,他狠狠的一肩膀撞在了毁灭武装上,完全依靠本能缓缓飘上天空的毁灭武装被他撞动,向一侧偏移了十几丈远。 The Pangu Dragon sword glow scratches the head of Destruction arming to delimit. 盘古龙纹的剑芒擦着毁灭武装的头颅划过。 Miserable howling, hit leaning the Destruction military equipment, rescued the Yemo day the person's shadow to be cut by a sword. Sharp incomparable Pangu Dragon his one sword two, his soul one and cuts to kill. 一声惨嚎,撞偏了毁灭武装,救下耶摩天的人影被一剑斩了个正着。锋利无比的盘古龙纹将他一剑两段,连带他的灵魂都一并斩杀。 Stinking ninth category!” Grasps the big axe to divide the Ji Hao tall and strong person's shadow to call out in grief fiercely, killing intent on big axe was even more strong the several fold. “老九!”手持大斧猛劈姬昊的魁梧人影悲鸣一声,大斧上的杀意越发浓烈了数倍。 Working as a bang, Ji Hao left hand accurate incomparable covered the axe blade edge of big axe. On scarlet axe blade edge blood light four shoot, grasps the tall and strong person's shadow of big axe to use fully to promote the big axe to chop the palm of Ji Hao, but the big axe is entirely still. ‘当’的一声巨响,姬昊左手精准无比的扣住了大斧的斧刃。血色的斧刃上血光四射,手持大斧的魁梧人影倾尽全力推动大斧想要剁下姬昊的手掌,但是大斧纹丝不动。 Ji Hao vision deep looks to grasp the person of big axe: Chi You? For a long time does not see, you as if do not have anything to progress. When Pan Xi world you are any appearance, as if you now or old style!” 姬昊目光深沉的看着手持大斧的人:“蚩尤?好久不见,你似乎没什么长进。在盘羲世界的时候你是什么样子,似乎你现在还是老样子啊!” Wears heavy armor, both hands grip tightly the Chi You face distortion of big axe looks at Ji Hao. 身披重甲,双手紧握大斧的蚩尤面孔扭曲的看着姬昊 Initially in Pan Xi world, Chi You had self-confidently, if direct engagement, he can relaxed chopping turn Ji Hao. But then how many year of times? Ji Hao can a hand receive unexpectedly his strikes fully! 当初在盘羲世界,蚩尤有自信若是正面交战,他能轻松的剁翻姬昊。可是这才几年功夫?姬昊居然能一只手就接下他的全力一击! Human Race no doubt has the infinite potential, no doubt in the Human Race history also many hundred years grow into the monster of peak powerhouse, for example past shaft Saint sovereign, Shennong, Suirenshi wait / etc. Human Emperor, they only used a short dozens years of growth to be Human Race held up the day of jade column. 人族固然有无穷的潜力,固然人族历史上也不乏百年时间就成长为巅峰强者的怪物,比如说当年的轩辕圣皇、神农氏燧人氏等等人皇,他们都只用了短短数十年就成长为人族的擎天玉柱。 The speed that however Ji Hao grows was also too fast, wanted quickly one section compared with the antiquity these Human Emperor growth speeds! 但是姬昊成长的速度也太快了,比上古那些人皇的成长速度还要快了一截! Marquis Yao Ji Hao...... Your this freak...... Yemo huge person, but can you injure?” 垚侯姬昊……你这个怪胎……耶摩天大人,可是你能伤害的?” Several hundred big tall and strong person's shadows whiz whiz put on the midair, they grasp the heavy shield and broadsword, protected Destruction arming all round. Some people stand in the forehead of Destruction arming, the rap of effort the transparent crystal cabin, loud shouts the Yemo day the name. 数百条高大魁梧的人影在半空中‘嗖嗖’穿出,他们手持重盾、大刀,团团护住了毁灭武装。更有人站在毁灭武装的头部,用力的敲击着透明的晶舱,大声的呼喊耶摩天的名字。 I must injure him, can you be what kind of?” Ji Hao looks at Chi You, feels on the Chi You big axe to raid one after another vigorously, cracks into a smile suddenly. “我要伤他,你能怎样?”姬昊看着蚩尤,感受着蚩尤大斧上一波又一波袭来的大力,突然咧嘴一笑。 The five fingers turn, the palm of Ji Hao turned into the translucent shape suddenly, air/Qi of blowout a continuously chaos, the five fingers of Ji Hao suddenly fell into the sincere axe blade edge. Works as lang a bang, in Chi You hand the big axe broke off stiffly by Ji Hao. 五指一翻,姬昊的手掌骤然变成了半透明状,一缕缕混沌之气喷出,姬昊的五指骤然陷入了厚重的斧刃。‘当啷’一声巨响,蚩尤手中大斧硬生生被姬昊掰断。 Oh!” Chi You's eyes stare suddenly are perfectly round he big axe the god soldier, but the world produces, by repairing the clan great masters quenchings for many years with the mystique. Ji Hao is solid, is only with own flesh and blood, with any magical powers mystique, has not broken off purely his big axe with the human body brute force! “天哪!”蚩尤的眼睛骤然瞪得溜圆他的大斧可是天地生成的神兵,更由脩族宗匠用秘法淬炼多年而成。姬昊实实在在的,只是用自己的血肉之躯,没有用任何的神通秘法,单纯用肉体蛮力将他的大斧掰断! This handle big axe, even if the common Magus God body can break out! 这柄大斧,就算是寻常巫神的身躯都能劈开! However in the Ji Hao subordinate, this big axe becomes is the same with the wood chip? 但是在姬昊手下,这大斧怎么就变得和木片一样? What boundary did the Ji Hao human body intensity arrive at? Chi You this whole life has never feared anyone, but at this moment, his two legs a little become tender suddenly. 姬昊的肉体强度到底到了什么境界?蚩尤这辈子从未惧怕过谁,但是这一刻,他的两条腿突然有点发软。 To Chi You any opportunity, the Ji Hao group body has not hit in Chi You huai, right hand Pangu Dragon deep his chest. 没给蚩尤任何机会,姬昊团身撞在了蚩尤怀中,右手盘古龙纹深深的扎进了他的胸膛。 A sword, Yu Clan Chi You regiment present age Chi You falls from the sky.( To be continued.) 只是一剑,虞族蚩尤军团当代蚩尤陨落。(未完待续。)
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