TME :: Volume #15

#1459: Deconstruction and Lei Jie

In quarrel continuous main hall, the five fingers of Ji Hao tightened. 争吵不休的大殿中,姬昊的五指紧了紧。 Repairs in fine celadon ware tea that the clan master craftsmen produce silent were many five hand fingerprints, the slightest fingerprint looks clearly. 脩族大匠出品的精美青瓷茶盏上无声无息的多了五个手指印,就连最细微的指纹都看得清清楚楚。 Ji Hao has closed the eye, concentrating on control that clone. Other 71 clone simultaneously stopped all movements, among the strange relation through clone, injects hand-held Pangu Dragon clone within the body own strength unceasingly. 姬昊闭上了眼睛,全神贯注的掌控那一具分身。其他71具分身同时停下了所有动作,通过分身之间的奇异联系,将自身力量不断注入手持盘古龙纹分身体内。 A Pangu Dragon faint trace jabbed into the Destruction arming scruff, reached as high as Destruction arming of hundred zhang (333m) has spouted the innumerable sparks all over the body. With the slight report, the Destruction arming scruff shines suddenly, by the dazzling glare, can see that overlapped innumerable Symbol Restriction condenses in Destruction arming within the body, is resisting the attack of Pangu Dragon stubbornly. 盘古龙纹一丝丝的刺进了毁灭武装后颈,高达百丈的毁灭武装通体喷出了无数的火花。伴随着细微的爆裂声,毁灭武装后颈骤然亮起,透过刺目的强光,可以看到重重叠叠无数的符文禁制凝聚在毁灭武装体内,正死死抵挡着盘古龙纹的侵袭。 Since obtaining Pangu Dragon, Ji Hao has never bumped into the so difficult match. He felt that he is gripping tightly a handle rusty kitchen knife probably, was cutting an old wild boar to mount completely the old pigskin of resin and sand and crushed stone diligently, he must exhaust the complete strength, can difficult prompted forward Pangu Dragon. 自从得到盘古龙纹后,姬昊从未碰到过如此艰难的对手。他感觉自己好像紧握着一柄生锈的菜刀,正在努力的切割一头老野猪黏满了松脂和砂石的老猪皮,他要用尽全部的力量,才能艰难的将盘古龙纹向前推进。 Naturally, the clone strength was inferior that main body is so formidable, if the Ji Hao main body controls Pangu Dragon personally, may easily many. 当然,分身的力量不如本体这般强大,如果是姬昊本体亲自掌控盘古龙纹,或许会轻易许多。 chī chī in sound, gassed threads of innumerable beat hot tempered from the wound blowout of Destruction arming scruff, winding stubbornly on the Pangu Dragon sword blade. Destruction arms entire is shivering, his body just likes the volcanic eruption is ordinary, huge instead shakes the strength to attack Pangu Dragon crazily. 嗤嗤’声中,无数跳动的光丝暴躁的从毁灭武装后颈的伤口喷出,死死的缠绕在了盘古龙纹的剑身上。毁灭武装整个在颤抖,他的身体内部犹如火山爆发一般,一股巨大的反震力量疯狂的冲击着盘古龙纹 Pangu Dragon pricked Destruction to arm three chi (0.33 m) six cuns (2.5cm), destroys strength of unceasing bang all Destruction to enter Destruction arming within the body, changed into dragon shape shadows and Destruction arms internal Symbol Restriction to strangle to death one group. 盘古龙纹已经刺入毁灭武装三尺六寸,一波波摧毁一切的毁灭之力不断轰入毁灭武装体内,化为一道道龙形阴影和毁灭武装内部的符文禁制绞杀成了一团。 Ji Hao has an misconception, Pangu Dragon jabs into is not a human form dying thing, but jabbed into Small world. 姬昊有一种错觉,盘古龙纹刺进的不是一具人形死物,而是刺进了一个小世界 These foreign race of Panyu world, they indeed have the high-level civilization that present Human Race is unable to understand, Destruction arming of height hundred zhang (333m), unexpectedly was refined independent Small world by them, has the unthinkable terrifying power. 盘虞世界的那些异族,他们的确拥有如今的人族无法理解的高级文明,身高百丈的毁灭武装,居然被他们炼制成了一个独立的小世界,拥有匪夷所思的恐怖力量。 The inexhaustible strength changes into blazing light and heat spouts from Destruction arming within the body, if were not the Pangu Dragon quality of material has surpassed the innate thing in conventional significance, changed into the ordinary innate magical things, perhaps was melted by the energy of Destruction arming within the body thoroughly. 无穷无尽的力量化为炽烈的光和热从毁灭武装体内喷出,如果不是盘古龙纹的质地超出了常规意义上的先天之物,换成普通的先天灵物,或许已经被毁灭武装体内的能量彻底熔化。 Destruction arming, worthily is foreign race civilization the work of peak! 毁灭武装,不愧是异族文明的巅峰之作! Innumerable blazing and manic gassed threads following the Pangu Dragon winding on, quick shell on Ji Hao clone. The clone skin of Ji Hao broke up instantaneously, has revealed purely the translucent body of by the world spiritual energy being congealed. The gassed thread just liked the innumerable sharp knives jumps and cut on clone, cuts innumerable deeply to be possible and large shortfall of bone. 无数条炽热而狂躁的光丝顺着盘古龙纹缠绕而上,很快就轰击在姬昊分身身上。姬昊分身皮肤瞬间崩解,露出了纯粹由天地灵气凝成的半透明身躯。光丝犹如无数利刀在分身身上跳跃、切割,切出了无数深可及骨的巨大缺口。 72 clone strengths as one, sits well in main hall Ji Hao palm tight, fine celadon ware tea silent change into a wisp of azure smoke to annihilate continually thoroughly. 71 clone also dissipate, their compensations remote poured into spatially have grasped Pangu Dragon clone within the body, being outspoken have poured into Pangu Dragon. 72尊分身的力量连为一体,端坐在大殿中的姬昊手掌一紧,精美的青瓷茶盏无声无息的化为一缕青烟彻底湮灭。71尊分身同时消散,他们的全部力量遥空注入了手持盘古龙纹分身体内,毫无保留的注入了盘古龙纹 A resounding Dragon recited sound to get up, on Pangu Dragon Jianfeng spouted enormously and powerful just likes the eye-catching mighty current that Milky Way rewound, on the scruff of Destruction arming explodes the innumerable group big size small flame together, with the deafening explosive sound, Ji Hao has started out a gigantic hole on the scruff of Destruction arming stiffly. 一声高亢的龙吟声响起,盘古龙纹剑锋上喷出一道浩浩荡荡犹如天河倒卷的夺目洪流,毁灭武装的后颈上爆开了无数团大大小小的火光,伴随着震耳欲聋的爆炸声,姬昊硬生生在毁灭武装的后颈上开出了一个硕大的窟窿。 Scruff of Destruction arming blasted out the larger part, the raging fire thick smoke spouted unceasingly, viscous just likes the rock magma, the blood plasma that after the juice that the pure energy concentrates just likes the human body is injured, spouts, unceasing spouts from Destruction arming within the body. 毁灭武装的后颈被炸开了一大半,烈火浓烟不断从中喷出,一道道粘稠的犹如岩浆,纯粹能量凝成的浆汁犹如人体受伤后喷出的血浆,不断的从毁灭武装体内喷出。 These juices send out the dazzling black ray, just likes torrential downpour sprinkles to the ground. 这些浆汁散发出刺目的黑色光芒,犹如一场倾盆大雨泼向地面。 The wooded mountain of under ten thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area received the total destruction immediately, drop of mung bean size black juice falls on the ground, the shake immediately erupts slightly, the black light and heating are Destruction all shock-waves sweep across a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) wooded mountain, the place visited myriad things completely become the ashes. 下方万里方圆的山林顿时收到了灭顶之灾,一滴绿豆大小的黑色浆汁落在地上,稍微震荡就立刻爆发开来,黑色的光和热化为毁灭一切的冲击波席卷方圆数百里的山林,所过之处万物尽成灰烬。 The innumerable point mung bean size juice drops from the clouds, thick falling sprinkling on the ground. 无数点绿豆大小的浆汁从天而降,纷纷扬扬的洒在地上。 Bunch black mushroom cloud continuously erupts continuously, a surrounding area ten thousand li (0.5km) wooded mountain covers by the black light and fire, ground disappearance layer upon layer, an annihilation layer upon layer, short one in a flash, on the earth presented one diameter about ten thousand li (0.5km) a depth of the thousand li(500 km) the big hole. 一团团黑色的蘑菇云此起彼伏的连绵爆发开来,方圆万里的山林被黑色的光和火笼罩,地面一层层的消失,一层层的湮灭,短短一弹指间,大地上出现了一个直径万里左右深达千里的大坑。 ‚’ A bang, Destruction arming and Ji Hao top of the head presented huge black Yun Wo, innumerable angry dragon common electric current flowing shake of rapidly in dark cloud, sends out terrifying sound that destroys the person heart and soul. ‘咔嚓’一声巨响,毁灭武装和姬昊的头顶出现了巨大的黑色云涡,无数条怒龙一般的电流在乌云中急速的流动震荡,发出摧人心魄的恐怖响声。 Initial several thunder sounds get up, Ji Hao clone suddenly broke up, has been most probably implicated the Ji Hao main body in main hall also to receive implication, the five main internal organs (entrails) just liked the heavy hammer bombardment is swayed to keep generally, in the ear also in humming sound made noise. 只是最初的几道雷霆声响起,姬昊分身就骤然崩解了大半,就连坐在大殿中的姬昊本体也收到了牵连,五脏六腑犹如被人重锤轰击一般晃荡个不停,耳朵里也在‘嗡嗡’作响。 This is the prestige of world. 这是天地之威。 Destruction arming spouts blood plasma has posed the huge threat to the Pangu world, under wooded mountain nearby space and time had the almost avalanche distortion, the world principle in ten thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area is on the verge of the collapse. The Pangu world has made the most direct response immediately, giant Thunder Jie emerges out of thin air, consecutively after 81 huge thunderous sounds, diameter hundred li (0.5km) crazy thunder drop from the clouds. 毁灭武装喷出的‘血浆’对盘古世界造成了巨大的威胁,下方山林附近的空间和时间都发生了几乎崩塌性的扭曲,万里方圆内的天地法则都濒临崩溃。盘古世界立刻做出了最直接的反应,巨大的雷劫凭空出现,连续81声巨大的雷鸣声后,一道道直径百里的狂雷从天而降。 Thunder light at first hundred li (0.5km) thickness, but just rapidly thinned on collapse to the Cayenne whorl. 雷光最初有百里粗细,但是刚刚离开云涡就急速的塌缩变细。 Thunder light the shuttle is void, chops fiercely when the top of the head of Destruction arming, Thunder light compared with the hair silk also wanted a lot of times, the naked eye almost unable to see this Thunder light existence tiny. Listens to an earth-shattering bang, the Destruction arming whole body blowout innumerable flames, to plant from upper air one that the hands and feet shivers all over to the ground. 雷光穿梭虚空,猛劈在毁灭武装的头顶时,雷光已经比头发丝还要细小了千百倍,肉眼几乎看不到这一线雷光的存在。就听一声天崩地裂般巨响,毁灭武装浑身喷出无数火光,手脚乱颤的从高空一头栽向地面。 Ji Hao clone has held up Pangu Dragon, perhaps was the aura in Pangu Dragon makes tribulation to have the induction, Thunder light has not fallen on him, originally to Thunder light also falling that gratefully he divided in the Destruction arming top of the head. 姬昊分身举起了盘古龙纹,或许是盘古龙纹内的气息让雷劫有了感应,雷光没有落在他身上,本来向他劈来的一道雷光也毫不客气的落在了毁灭武装头顶。 In the crystal cabin Yemo day spitting blood in gulps, his hissing was screaming, the pupil full was frightened and desperate. 晶舱内耶摩天大口大口的吐着血,他嘶声尖叫着,眸子满是恐惧和绝望。 The prestige of world is astonishing, thunder light fall unceasingly, the Ji Hao bang has injured the Destruction military equipment of nape of the neck distressedly in the midair is wielded about eight handle light swords to cover, the thunderous sound with vibration world, a collapse disruption of light sword coak handle, thunder tribulation dividing maliciously in Destruction arming, chops to fall him on the place stiffly, rumbled into the deep underground him. 天地之威何等惊人,一道道雷光不断落下,被姬昊轰伤了脖颈的毁灭武装狼狈的在半空中挥动八柄光剑左右遮挡,伴随着震动天地的雷鸣声,光剑一柄接一柄的崩溃碎裂,雷劫狠狠的劈在毁灭武装上,硬生生将他劈落在地,将他轰入了深深的地下。 Ji Hao stands in the midair bird's eye view ground, he noticed that the surface of Destruction arming presented the innumerable fissures, but the whole as before maintains complete. 姬昊站在半空中俯瞰地面,他看到毁灭武装的表面出现了无数裂痕,但是整体依旧保持完好。 Those who let Ji Hao creepy feeling is the Destruction military equipment is healed by his severe wound nape of the neck, Destruction arming is swallowing all around world spiritual energy, continually multiplies the new organism organization to repair wound. 姬昊头皮发麻的是毁灭武装被他重伤的脖颈正在愈合,毁灭武装正在吞噬四周的天地灵气,不断滋生出新的机体组织修复身上的创伤。 Good fearful existence! 好可怕的存在! If not Pangu Dragon, Ji Hao is impossible to injure this everybody! 如果不是盘古龙纹,姬昊根本不可能伤损这尊大家伙! However the entire Pangu world, how many can the god soldier sharp weapon of Pangu Dragon this scale have? 但是整个盘古世界,盘古龙纹这个档次的神兵利器能有几件? Waits for the Yemo day father to arrive, how many Destruction arming ranks will he bring the war sharp weapon?( To be continued.) 耶摩天父亲降临,他会带来多少毁灭武装级别的战争利器?(未完待续。)
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