TME :: Volume #15

#1458: Sword broken arming

Ji Hao suddenly wants to hold the belly to laugh wildly one. 姬昊突然想抱着肚皮狂笑一通。 The Yemo day ran, dingy all alone ran, has thrown down all members of glory control meeting, very ignominious escaping alone. 耶摩天跑了,灰溜溜的孤身一人跑了,丢下了荣耀主宰会的所有成员,很不光彩的独自逃生。 He walked, these hardcore trusted friends who these playboy sons of the influential of glory control meeting, they are collector of may have bad luck. Now in the city floods the believers disciple who Dragon Hushi is looking like four big Venerable development, these eyeballs were hated burn the red fellow, how god knows they will concoct keep Liangzhu City foreign race. 他走了,荣耀主宰会的那些纨绔公子哥,还有他们收罗的那些铁杆心腹可就倒霉了。现在城内充斥着龙虎狮象四大尊者发展的信众弟子,这些眼珠被仇恨烧得通红的家伙,天知道他们会怎么炮制留在良渚城异族 Carries tea, the palm of Ji Hao slightly is shivering, he has held with great difficulty in laughing wildly of oneself hysteria. 端起茶盏,姬昊的手掌都在微微颤抖,他好容易才憋住了自己歇斯底里的狂笑。 Obvious, most bad luck is also not the son of the influential of glory control meeting, most bad luck should be Dragon Hushi looks like four big Venerable? They have developed the innumerable disciples among the foreign race slave laboriously, has stormed with great difficulty into Liangzhu. 明摆着,最倒霉的还不是荣耀主宰会的公子哥,最倒霉的应该是龙虎狮象四大尊者吧?他们辛辛苦苦在异族的奴隶当中发展了无数弟子,好容易才攻入了良渚。 But Ji Hao horizontally inserts a blade, now all disciples of four big altars by Liangzhu City ultimate defends the Restriction blockade in the city. 可是姬昊横插一刀,现在四大法坛的所有弟子都被良渚城的终极防御禁制封锁在城内。 Perhaps Dragon Hushi looks like has the guard rare treasure or spirit symbol that Daoist Wood and Priest Hua bestow, they may escape from Liangzhu City. But do they dare to run away? Do they dare to throw down these many disciple disciples to escape? 龙虎狮象或许有木道人花道人赐下的护身异宝或者灵,他们有可能从良渚城内逃脱。可是他们敢逃么?他们敢丢下这么多的门人弟子逃跑么? They are not the Yemo days. Some of others Yemo day back people support, he makes any irresponsible matter to be perfectly justified. Dragon Hushi looks like four big Venerable unable to do, these many disciple disciples, they dare to discard these many disciples in Liangzhu City, even if they are Daoist Wood and Priest Hua passes on the disciple, they will also pour the blood mildew! 他们可不是耶摩天。人家耶摩天背后有人撑腰,他作出任何不负责任的事情都是天经地义的。龙虎狮象四大尊者可不能这么干,这么多的门人弟子,他们敢把这么多弟子丢弃在良渚城内,就算他们是木道人花道人的亲传弟子,他们也会倒血霉! Drank big tea maliciously, Ji Hao has narrowed the eye, was curling upwards leg very satisfied was swaying. Now in Liangzhu City certainly is piece of chaos? Dragon Hushi does seem like certainly roaring to roar? How can they be able to get rid of the predicament? In the Ji Hao heart extremely anticipates really! 狠狠喝了一大口茶,姬昊眯起了眼睛,翘着一条腿儿很惬意的摇晃着。现在良渚城内一定是一片大乱吧?龙虎狮象一定在怒吼咆哮吧?他们要怎么样才能摆脱困局呢?姬昊心中真的是万分期待呵! Stays in the city of catastrophe, is the Ji Hao main body. 留在浩劫之城内的,是姬昊的本体。 His 72 clone, then already dispersed Liangzhu City in all directions. The Yemo day is controlling Destruction military equipment stampede, happen to bumped into Ji Hao clone. 他的72条分身,则是早就分散去了良渚城四面八方。耶摩天操控着毁灭武装狼狈逃窜的时候,正好迎面撞上了姬昊的一具分身 Without hesitation, a Ji Hao clone long and loud cry, the consecutively nine Yu Yu divine thunderbolts overheads chop. Swift and fierce such as Thunder light of sword stays behind in the upper air has been hundred li (0.5km) light, accurate unusual dividing in the Destruction arming forehead has been mounting in crystal cabin. Thunder light breaks up, the innumerable sword glow same electric light is tearing the crystal cabin maliciously, sends out unceasingly gratingly sonorous sound. 毫不犹豫的,姬昊分身一声长啸,连续九道禹馀神雷当头劈下。凌厉如剑的雷光在高空中留下了长达百里的光影,精准异常的劈在了毁灭武装眉心镶嵌着的晶舱上。雷光崩解,无数剑芒一样的电光狠狠撕扯着晶舱,不断发出刺耳的‘铿锵’声。 The Destruction military equipment rocked fiercely, the speed of flight reduced the several fold suddenly. In crystal cabin ignorant Yemo day deep inspiration, he filled six bottles of tops therapy Potion-Making continuously, wound was contracting slowly, he gained ground, looked by the thick crystal cabin to being in the way person's shadow. 毁灭武装剧烈的晃动了一下,飞行的速度骤然降低了数倍。晶舱中浑浑噩噩的耶摩天深深的吸了一口气,他连续灌下了六瓶顶级的疗伤药剂,身上的伤口缓缓的收缩着,他抬起头来,透过厚厚的晶舱看向了挡路的人影。 Marquis Yao, Ji Hao? How can you here?” Yemo day a little vacant looks at Ji Hao, here is the territorial airspace of Liangzhu, the Human Race uncle marquis should not brave here. 垚侯,姬昊?你怎么会在这里?”耶摩天有点茫然的看着姬昊,这里是良渚的领空,人族的伯侯不该在这里冒出来。 I have wanted to try your Destruction arming. So-called knows oneself and other side to be ever-victorious, in the future I might the father to, should his person, not lack Destruction arming?” Ji Hao clone raises the hand slowly, Pangu Dragon silent appears from his palm. “我一直想试试你的毁灭武装。所谓知己知彼百战百胜,未来我有可能对上你的亲生父亲,他的人,应该不缺少毁灭武装吧?”姬昊分身缓缓举起手,盘古龙纹无声的从他掌心浮现。 Both hands grip tightly the sword hilt, felt Pangu Dragon of Ji Hao strong war intent to shiver slightly, two dragon shades reappeared by Jianfeng quietly, slight Dragon recited the acoustic shock neighbor the floating clouds piece by piece disintegration, in the upper air presented a huge blank ring. 双手紧握剑柄,感受到了姬昊浓烈战意的盘古龙纹微微颤抖着,两条龙影在剑锋两侧悄然浮现,一声声轻微的龙吟声震得附近浮云片片崩碎,高空中出现了一个巨大的空白圆环。 The Yemo day seemed heard in the world the funniest joke, he could not bear in the crystal cabin sways back and forth has smiled. 耶摩天好似听到了世界上最好笑的笑话,他忍不住在晶舱里打着滚儿的笑了起来。 You, Marquis Yao Ji Hao, trivial barbaric, ignorant stupid cultured, has not evolved the good biology, do you dare to speak such words unexpectedly? You to my father? Do you want with oppose to the high and great father? You know that what you were saying?” The Yemo day smiled the eye tears to flow. In the crystal cabin is flooding the viscous lavender juice, limpid teardrops float in purple juice, splendor. “你,垚侯姬昊,区区土著,愚昧愚蠢的没开化、没进化好的生物,你居然敢说这样的话?你会对上我的父亲?你想要和至高、伟大的父亲作对?你知道你在说什么?”耶摩天笑得眼泪水都流了出来。晶舱内充斥着粘稠的淡紫色汁液,清澈的泪珠悬浮在紫色汁液中,一颗颗的熠熠生辉。 You do not know my father formidable! You are unable to understand that the descendants of genuine aristocrats and these families whose fortunes are on the decline from Panyu world has the big disparity.” The Yemo day holds up the head proudly, says the information that Ji Hao has most wanted to know. “你根本不知道我的父亲有多强大!你也无法了解来自盘虞世界的真正贵族和这些破落户的后代有多大的差距。”耶摩天傲然昂着头,说出了姬昊最想知道的情报。 „Do you know? The brilliance of September is unable to shine on the 3rd the Pangu world, therefore in the families whose fortunes are on the decline of Pangu world birth, their descendants has not bathed truly on the 3rd the brilliance of September. If in the genuine aristocrat of Panyu world birth, they were hovers high in the big dragon of sky, in Pangu world birth the descendants of family whose fortunes are on the decline, they were the mouse of ground, was nothing to speak of lowly!” “你知道么?三日九月的光辉无法照耀盘古世界,所以在盘古世界出生的破落户们,他们的子孙并没有真正沐浴三日九月的光辉。如果说,在盘虞世界出生的真正贵族,他们是高高翱翔在天空的巨龙,在盘古世界出生的破落户的后代们,他们就是地上的老鼠,卑贱而不值一提!” You are unable to understand that this disparity, each corner of body soaked on the 3rd fully in September the brilliance Yu Clan aristocrat is how honored and how great existence. Said simply that similarly is Sun and Moon Realm, the Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse of Panyu world, they understanding to rule and to strength grasps, their actual strengths, are ten times of Pangu world these families whose fortunes are on the decline, even is hundred times and thousand times!” “你无法理解这种差距,身体的每一个角落都浸满三日九月光辉的虞族贵族是多么尊贵、多么伟大的存在。简单的说,同样是日月境,盘虞世界的日月境强者,他们对规则的理解、对力量的掌握,他们实际的力量,是盘古世界这些破落户的十倍,甚至是百倍、千倍!” My father subordinates any knight, can sweep the entire Liangzhu with ease!” The Yemo day is away from the thick crystal cabin, maliciously points at Ji Hao to shout to clear the way fierce: These incompetent families whose fortunes are on the decline, they spent these many years not to conquer your lowly barbaric, but after and other my father arrived, he sent out an army casually, soon, can thoroughly destroy your civilizations!” “我父亲麾下任何一名骑士,都能轻松的扫荡整个良渚!”耶摩天隔着厚厚的晶舱,狠狠的指着姬昊厉声喝道:“这些无能的破落户,他们花费了这么多年都没有征服你们这些卑贱的土著,但是等我父亲降临后,他随便派出一支军队,用不了几年,就能彻底摧毁你们的文明!” Holds up the head proudly, the Yemo day sneers saying: Naturally, destroys your civilizations in less than how much time, most wastes the time, hurries along! The Pangu world was too huge, how many years my father's army must bustle about, can eradicate your civilizations?” 傲然昂着头,耶摩天冷笑道:“当然,摧毁你们的文明用不了多少时间,最浪费时间的,是赶路!盘古世界太巨大了,我父亲的军队要东奔西走多少年,才能把你们的文明连根拔起?” Ji Hao eyebrow first choice selecting: „Are they, so really strong? On the 3rd was the strength of September, really so mysterious?” 姬昊的眉头挑了挑:“他们,真的有这么强?三日九月的力量,就真的有这么神奇?” Yemo day arrogant looks at Ji Hao: You do not have personally to see the Panyu world, you never will know him greatly.” 耶摩天倨傲的看着姬昊:“你没有亲眼见过盘虞世界,你就永远不知道他有多伟大。” Injury healed, the Yemo day grips tightly the double fist fiercely, three eyes stare the circle fiercely, has bellowed to Ji Hao maliciously. Destruction arms back wing blowout big piece raging fire Thunder light, the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) is vibrating void fiercely, just likes the running water arms to cave in equally to Destruction. 身上的伤势已经愈合,耶摩天猛地紧握双拳,三只眼睛猛地瞪圆,狠狠冲着姬昊大吼了一声。毁灭武装背后的翅膀喷出大片烈火雷光,方圆千里的虚空剧烈的抖动着,犹如流水一样向毁灭武装塌陷下来。 In eight palms of Destruction arming simultaneously spouts the long sword that the black god has only congealed, the Yemo day is whooshing loudly, eight handle light sword overheads cut to Ji Hao. 毁灭武装的八只手掌中同时喷出了黑色神光凝成的长剑,耶摩天大声嘶吼着,八柄光剑当头向姬昊斩下。 The body of Ji Hao was covered by one group of clear light, his body in a flash, wonderful has passed through twisted void, appears in the back of Destruction arming. The Pangu Dragon blowout is thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, thorn maliciously to scruff of Destruction arming. 姬昊的身体被一团清光笼罩,他身体一晃,神乎其神的穿过了被扭曲的虚空,出现在毁灭武装的背后。盘古龙纹喷出长达千丈的剑芒,狠狠的刺向了毁灭武装的后颈。 Creaking a sound, the scruff spot blowout innumerable electric lights of Destruction arming, in the air a hexagon of layer upon layer Bo Ru cicada wing ties appears unceasingly, black transparent knot is shaking fiercely, exudes the fearful fulmination sound unceasingly. ‘嘎吱’一声响,毁灭武装的后颈部位喷出无数电光,空气中一层层薄如蝉翼的六角形结界不断浮现,黑色的透明结界剧烈的震荡着,不断发出可怕的爆鸣声。 Pangu Dragon penetrated the entire 240,000 strange thin incomparable black to tie, gripped maliciously on the scruff of Destruction arming. 盘古龙纹穿透了整整240000层奇薄无比的黑色结界,狠狠扎在了毁灭武装的后颈上。 Selects point sparks to spout, Pangu Dragon deep submerged Destruction arming.( To be continued.) 点点火星喷出,盘古龙纹深深的没入了毁灭武装。(未完待续。)
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