TME :: Volume #15

#1457: Alone escapes

Argument, endless argument. 争论,无休止的争论。 Ji Hao calm sitting sits in repose with eyes closed in the main hall, in Spiritual Space sitting cross-legged of chaos luster Dao Embryo faint smile sits, the static absorption refining up the pure soul strength that all colors round cauldron releases. 姬昊镇定的坐在大殿内闭目养神,神魂空间中混沌色泽的道胎似笑非笑的盘膝而坐,静静的吸收炼化五彩圆鼎释放出的精纯魂力。 Regardless of Emperor Shun their final conclusions, Ji Hao is how self-confident he to have room for maneuver. After all, some these many foreign race captives control in his hands, he grasping foreign race soft rib awfully. 无论帝舜他们的最终结论如何,姬昊自信他能进退自如。毕竟,有这么多异族俘虏掌控在他手中,他已经把拿住异族的要命软肋。 Faint trace Divine Sense changes into the invisible big net to perfuse void, Ji Hao is nosing exhaltedly the foreign race sound. 一丝丝神念化为无形大网洒遍虚空,姬昊居高临下的查探着异族的动静。 Finally had the smart person to crop up, several thousand cow tall Mada Jia Clan Warrior treadonned the metal round small dish, nearness cautiously to a Liangzhu City 100 li (0.5km) little distance. They were in the midair the entire simultaneously platoon a straight line, aroused has been mad, the uniform loudness cried out. 总算是有聪明人冒头了,数千名牛高马大的伽族战士脚踏金属圆碟,小心翼翼的靠近到了良渚城100里多一点点的距离。他们在半空中整整齐齐的排成了一条直线,鼓足了中气,整齐划一的大声呐喊起来。 „The Yemo day, the wrong path knowledge returns, not yet late! Fast is without a fight, the Yemo luo coconut tree your majesty promised, you status in family as always.” 耶摩天,迷途知返,尚未晚矣!速速束手就擒,耶摩椤椰陛下许诺,你在家族中的地位一如既往。” Glory control office has the member to hear, you and other behaviors, guilty of the most heinous crime, presents the lives of 12 ruling Great Emperor, if some people open Liangzhu City against the first surrender, all indictments do not go into one's past. If besotted, wholeheartedly rebellion, then eliminates and other on the lawful right. Once the army breaks the city, you were lightest the fate that is also life-long detains!” “荣耀主宰会所有成员听得,尔等所为,罪大恶极,奉12执政大帝之命,若有人开启良渚城防出首投降,一切罪状既往不咎。若是执迷不悟,一心叛乱,则剥夺尔等一应权柄。一旦大军打破城池,尔等最轻也是终生圈禁的下场!” „Does the Yemo day, has not opened the door the surrender, when treat?” 耶摩天,还不开门投降,更待何时?” As long as 12 ruling family respective juniors, the fast opening city gate go out of town the surrender, does not do from harming!” “但凡12执政家族所属子弟,速速开启城门出城投降,休要自误!” Has an lineage/vein wizard behind to use the mystique in these Jia Clan Warrior in January, several hundred times expanded their voice. The huge sound just liked billowing thunderous biography to Liangzhu, shakes smoke cloud one that sky over Liangzhu filled to shiver all over. 有元月一脉的大法师在这些伽族战士身后施展秘法,数百倍的扩大了他们的声音。巨大的声响犹如滚滚雷鸣传向了良渚,震得良渚上空弥漫的烟云一阵乱颤。 By the translucent black curtain, vaguely can see that had the brigade to wear heavy armor Warrior to step onto the Liangzhu City wall, was away from reaches ten li (0.5km) black to tie thick, they gesticulated does not know that was saying anything. The foreign race master who however is sharp-eyed clearly saw that the complexions of these people a little are very strange. 透过半透明的黑色帷幕,依稀可以看到有大队身披重甲的战士走上了良渚城墙,隔着厚达十里的黑色结界,他们比手画脚的也不知道在说些什么。但是眼尖的异族高手分明看到,这些人的脸色很有点古怪。 Several Jia Clan Warrior treadon the metal round small dish, subconscious approached several steps to Liangzhu City, one of them loudly was also roaring: Sound, what were you saying greatly? Hello? You gesticulate is doing?” 几个伽族战士脚踏金属圆碟,下意识的向良渚城靠近了几步,其中一人还大声的咆哮着:“声音大一点,你们在说什么?喂?你们比手画脚的在干什么?” The complexions of these people even more strange, they are gesticulating rapidly the hand signal, looks at their movements, they were also shouting loudly, but was away from thick knot, in the city the least bit sound cannot pass on. 那些人的脸色越发的古怪,他们急速的比划着手势,看他们的动作,他们也在大喊大叫,但是隔着厚厚的结界,城内半点儿声音都没能传出来。 Ji Hao has smiled, he leaves Liangzhu time, but started Restriction to isolate the inside and outside all sounds. Reaches ten li (0.5km) translucent knot thick , can only inside or outside the city to see clearly the movement of opposite party reluctantly, but wants to communicate the inside and outside relations, that is the impossible matter. 姬昊就笑了,他离开良渚的时候,可是发动禁制隔绝了内外的一切声音。厚达十里的半透明结界,也只能让城内城外的人勉强看清对方的动作,但是想要沟通内外联系,那是不可能的事情。 A crazy thunderclap resounds suddenly, several Jia Clan Warrior extremely in the impatience, they did not bridge over hundred li (0.5km) red line carefully, several hundred water jar size lightning-flame falls from Liangzhu City, pounded maliciously on them. 骤然间一阵狂雷声响起,几个伽族战士太过于心急,他们不小心跨过了百里红线,数百颗水缸大小雷火良渚城上空落下,狠狠砸在了他们身上。 lightning-flame explodes, touches Restriction several Jia Clan Warrior no doubt is the skeleton not saves, their companion also ruptured lightning-flame bang has killed several hundred people. Listens to one to rail transmits, turning around that just the platoon became a row loud shouted propaganda at Jia Clan Warrior that is too busy to the city, controlled the metal round small dish to flee with the quickest speed. 雷火爆开,触动禁制的几个伽族战士固然是尸骨无存,他们身边的同伴也被爆裂的雷火轰杀了数百人。就听一阵谩骂传来,刚刚排成一排大声向城内喊话的伽族战士忙不迭的转过身,操控金属圆碟用最快的速度逃离。 Also the less than half double-hour, had the brigade Yu Clan aristocrat float in the midair, they grasp various strange contact Buddhist musical instruments, starts the mystique of respective family in abundance. Saw that the Daoist believers light unceasingly fly together to Liangzhu, has the assorted flash, a [say / way] breeze and intermittent fluctuation according to the specific pass-along message of way to Liangzhu City. 又过了小半个时辰,有大队虞族贵族悬浮在半空,他们手持各色各样稀奇古怪的联络法器,纷纷发动各自家族的秘法。就看到一道道流光不断向良渚飞去,更有各色闪光、道道微风、阵阵波动按照特定的方式向良渚城内传送信息。 How for the Liangzhu City security, foreign race these years uses the ultimate defensive system that builds fully extremely in perfect. Usually in does not start fortunately, defends after now Restriction starts fully, Liangzhu City is really impregnable, in the word do not want to pass on enters a city. 奈何为了良渚城的安全,异族这些年倾尽全力打造的终极防御体系太过于完美。平日里不发动的时候还好,如今防御禁制全力发动后,良渚城真的是固若金汤,只言片语都别想传进城内。 Saw that on the Liangzhu City above black curtain splashed the ignition light, that was the information that Yu Clan aristocrats transmitted by the ray that Restriction twisted to break into pieces sends out. Also is an angry railing sound gets up, this group of Yu Clan aristocrat returned to the city of catastrophe dejectedly. 眼看着良渚城上空的黑色帷幕上溅起了点点火光,那是虞族贵族们传送的信息被禁制绞碎散发出的光芒。又是一阵愤怒的谩骂声响起,这群虞族贵族垂头丧气的返回了浩劫之城。 The time little past, the flame in city were getting more and more, preserves not many palace pavilions to be lit, was the smoke and fire winds around everywhere. 时间一点点的过去,城内的火光越来越多,存留不多的宫殿楼阁被点燃,到处都是烟火缭绕。 Especially the direction of loudly discussing politics hall is the smoke wave is treacherous, saw that the multi-colored sunlight ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) and good luck thousand, the billowing world spiritual energy congealed several thousand big size small eddy currents sky over the loudly discussing politics hall, the vortex that the luster varied was revolving fiercely, jumped unceasingly projects the dazzling ray. 尤其是大议政堂的方向更是烟波诡谲,眼看着霞光万丈、瑞气千条,滚滚天地灵气在大议政堂上空凝成了数千个大大小小的漩涡,色泽各异的漩涡剧烈的旋转着,不断迸射出刺目的光芒。 Saw suddenly loudly discussing politics hall there dozens groups of giant flames clash, is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) flowing light direct impact upper air, just likes arrow shoots up to the sky, maliciously hit on Liangzhu black curtain. 骤然间就看到大议政堂那里数十团巨大的火光冲起,一道长达万丈的流光直冲高空,犹如一枚箭矢冲天而起,狠狠撞击在了良渚上空的黑色帷幕上。 The thick black curtain is shaking fiercely, swarming innumerable foreign race Warrior calls out in alarm with one voice. 厚厚的黑色帷幕剧烈的震荡着,远远近近无数异族战士齐声惊呼。 Center that flowing light is one reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333m) black person's shadow, 24 dissimilar in shape and form wings open, are emitting the thunder, flame, electric light and strong winds, the assorted energy mighty current is binding the huge black person's shadow extreme twist, just likes drill bit same one foot one foot boring through of settles. 那条流光正中是一尊高达百丈的黑色人影,24对形态各异的翅膀张开,喷吐着雷霆、火焰、电光、狂风,各色能量洪流裹着巨大的黑色人影急速旋转着,犹如钻头一样一尺一尺的钻透了结界。 How possible!” Repairs the clan old people to stand on a metal round small dish, body cannot help but inclines in the direction of Liangzhu: City garrison knot of Liangzhu may not destroy! What military equipment is that? How he can...... How he can......” “怎么可能!”一名脩族老人站在一枚金属圆碟上,身体不由自主的向着良渚的方向倾斜:“良渚的城防结界是不可摧毁的!那是什么武装?他怎么能……他怎么能……” Reaches ten li (0.5km) black curtain to shake thick fiercely, the huge black person's shadow penetrated nearly 50% black curtains. 厚达十里的黑色帷幕剧烈的震荡着,巨大的黑色人影已经穿透了将近一半的黑色帷幕。 The person of being sharp-eyed can see the huge armed forehead position by the translucent curtain, in the transparent crystal cabin, the Yemo day pricks the hand the foot-binding float there. His whole body is the blood, on skin everywhere is the deep wound, massive blood unceasing spouts from the wound. 眼尖的人可以透过半透明的帷幕看到巨大的武装眉心位置,透明的晶舱内,耶摩天扎手扎脚的悬浮在那里。他浑身都是血,皮肤上到处都是深深的伤口,大量鲜血不断的从伤口中喷出。 Everything to foreign race the people who arming has understood know that this urges round of high-level arming excessively, was shaken the wound standard injury by armed the strength of making a false counter-accusation. The Yemo day fell into faint condition obviously, arming that he controls according to self-awareness conduct! 凡是对异族的‘武装’有所了解的人都知道,这是过度催发高级武装,被武装的反噬之力震伤的标准伤势。耶摩天显然陷入了昏厥状态,他控制的武装正在按照自我意识行事! Below of Destruction arming, had Qinglong, white tiger, rosefinch and Black Tortoise four Saint beasts to shoot up to the sky likely, changes into four color mighty currents to arm to pursue to Destruction. Four color mighty current hits maliciously on Liangzhu City knot, not having the least bit sound to spread, but saw that the knot of limitless four color mighty currents sky over following Liangzhu spread to all around rapidly, place visited all were submerged by the ray. 毁灭武装的下面,有青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四象圣兽冲天而起,化为四色洪流向毁灭武装追了上来。四色洪流狠狠的撞击在良渚城的结界上,没有半点儿声音传出,只是看到无边无际的四色洪流顺着良渚上空的结界向四周急速扩散,所过之处一切都被光芒淹没。 Bang a bang, hoodwinked a light Golden Light Destruction military equipment to run out of Liangzhu City all over the body! ‘轰’的一声巨响,通体蒙着一层淡淡金光毁灭武装冲出了良渚城 The Destruction military equipment is shaking fiercely, in the crystal cabin the faint Yemo day was shaken to wake, he has opened the eye worn out, vacant looked at one to all around, he has smiled suddenly loudly: Ha Ha, I came out, I came out safely! Ha, the dragon, tiger, lion and shape, Emperor Shi jin, adjoins the arrow fog moon/month and woman Luo You, flatter safe...... Your these rebels, you are waiting to me!” 毁灭武装剧烈的震荡着,晶舱内昏厥的耶摩天被震荡弄醒,他有气无力的睁开了眼睛,茫然的向四周望了一眼,他突然大声笑了起来:“哈哈,我出来了,我平安的出来了!哈哈哈,龙、虎、狮、象,还有帝释堇、毗矢雾月、婆罗侑、阿泰……你们这些叛徒,你们给我等着!” Destruction arming shoots up to the sky, the Yemo day does not have the sincerity very much and has thrown down a few words: My brothers, you insist that I will have the person to rescue your! I pledged, if you died, I will certainly revenge for you!” 毁灭武装冲天而起,耶摩天很没诚意的又丢下了一句话:“我的兄弟们,你们坚持住,我会带人来救你们的!啊,我发誓,如果你们死了,我一定会为你们报仇的!” Does not return, the Yemo day such flees in panic. The Destruction arming speed is extremely fast, 12 ruling Great Emperor have not prevented with enough time.( To be continued.) 头也不回的,耶摩天就这么仓皇逃窜。毁灭武装速度极快,12执政大帝根本没来得及阻止。(未完待续。)
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