TME :: Volume #15

#1456: Mi Yi

The cities of nine catastrophe float in the upper air 300 miles of Liangzhu. 九座浩劫之城悬浮在距离良渚300里的高空中。 In the ground, is crowded such as the foreign race army of ant, they move restlessly restlessly was clamoring, in dense limitless armed forces, often can see that subpoenas flash that spirit symbol sent out. A ray just likes nighttime sky stars glitters generally, obviously the foreign race military officers of series armed forces interconnection aggressively. 地面上,是密集如蚁的异族大军,他们躁动不安的喧哗着,黑压压无边无际的军阵中,不时可以见到传讯灵发出的闪光。点点光芒犹如夜空的繁星一般闪烁,可见统军的异族将领正在紧锣密鼓的相互联系。 Once in a while, or quarter, either tea, would a scale, either 350 people, either 3500 people of demon slaves ‚’ are calling out, including from each direction that the jumping belt leaps up directly soars Liangzhu. 每隔一段时间,或者一刻钟,或者一盏茶时分,总会有一支规模不等,或者350人,或者3500人的精怪奴隶‘嗷嗷’嚎叫着,连蹦带蹿的从各个方向直奔良渚。 What without a single exception is, regardless of they, due south southeast the direction approach Liangzhu from the southwest, whenever they bridge over are away from a Liangzhu City wall 100 li (0.5km) this red line, will immediately have the thunder and various wind blades, raging fire and gas cloud attacks to tumble from the city wall, stirs the disintegrating slag these bad luck demon slaves. 毫无例外的是,无论他们从西南、正南还是东南方向逼近良渚,每当他们跨过距离良渚城墙100里这条红线,立刻会有雷霆、风刀、烈火、毒雾各种攻击从城墙上翻滚而下,将这些倒霉的精怪奴隶搅成碎渣。 The armed forces that short several time of double-hour, 12 ruling Great Emperor convene discussed the congress not to have any result, runs the demon slave who explored the way to lose several thousand people. 短短几个时辰的时间,12位执政大帝召开的军议大会还没有任何的结果,跑去探路的精怪奴隶已经损失了数万人。 Three divide to the cities of Human Race all catastrophes calmly float in upper air, discrete is maintaining and distance of foreign race main force. 三座划分给人族所有的浩劫之城静静的悬浮在高空,谨慎的保持着和异族主力的距离。 All foreign race were cleaned, in the cities of three huge catastrophe only then troop troop Human Race Shaman in anxious busy. 所有的异族都被清洗一空,三座庞大的浩劫之城中只有大群大群人族巫祭在紧张忙碌。 Magi palace Shaman headed by Candle Dragon sundial carefully and is searching each corner of city of catastrophe prudently, under their cloth overlapped strategy Restriction, isolates all possible external news, takes strict precautions against foreign race to control remotely the cities of three catastrophe with the method. 烛龙晷为首的巫殿巫祭仔细而慎重的搜索着浩劫之城的每一个角落,他们布下重重叠叠的阵法禁制,隔绝一切可能的外来讯息,严防异族用手段遥控三座浩劫之城。 Massive Human Race elite go all around, very unfamiliar operation in the city of catastrophe various city garrison instruments in city. Occasionally will have the laughing sound to transmit from various places, this was Human Race Warrior has discovered a novel city garrison appliance. 大量的人族精锐在浩劫之城内四处奔走,很生疏的操作着城内的各种城防器械。偶尔会有欢笑声从各处传来,这是人族战士又发现了一种新奇的城防器具。 And in city of the catastrophe, Emperor Shun, Shennong and shaft Saint sovereign, Si Wenming, Ji Hao and other Human Race high-ranking court officials, came from the representatives of other Dragon Clan, the phoenix clans as well as inhuman influences in addition is assemble, through the witchcraft mirage nosing Liangzhu City peripheral sound, how while the intense discussion should use this time heaven-sent opportunity. 其中一座浩劫之城内,帝舜神农氏、轩辕圣皇,加上姒文命姬昊人族重臣,还有来自龙族、凤族以及其他非人势力的代表齐聚一堂,一边通过巫术水镜查探良渚城周边的动静,一边紧张的商议应该如何利用这次的天赐良机。 Indeed is the heaven-sent opportunity. 的确是天赐良机。 In the person of presence, only then Emperor Shun and Si Wenming and other people know that Ji Hao has whirled away in Liangzhu City the massive Yu Clan aristocrat. 在场之人中,只有帝舜、姒文命等寥寥几人知道姬昊已经卷走了良渚城中大量的虞族贵族。 Other people, including Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan representative, they think that Liangzhu City fell into an interior to rebel, they only think that was the Yemo day of rebellion opened Liangzhu City city garrison Restriction. 其他人,包括龙族、凤族的代表,他们都认为良渚城只是陷入了一次内部叛乱,他们只以为是叛乱的耶摩天开启了良渚城的城防禁制 This is the foreign race malicious ghost internal turmoil, father thinks that does not need to observe to their commitments!” Ao Hao treadons on the discussing official business main hall long table, the saliva scatters was roaring: Pulls out hails, the back holds their blade, withers the man of foreign race malicious ghost completely, then, these pretty foreign race little mother, give the father to wither completely!” “这是异族恶鬼内部的动乱,老子以为,不需要遵守对他们的承诺!”敖昊一只脚踏在议事大殿正中的长桌上,口水四溅的咆哮着:“抽冷子,背后捅他们一刀,把异族恶鬼的男人全部干死,然后嘛,那些娇滴滴的异族小娘儿,全部交给老子干死!” Ka is laughing wildly, Ao Haozhi Emperor Shun was saying with a smile: Simply, tears with their treaties of alliance, many Emperor Shun made a false counter-accusation by the pledge...... Your Human Race has these many people, what dies two Human Emperor is? Ha, Emperor Shun must abdicate in any case, died died!” ‘咔咔’狂笑着,敖昊指着帝舜笑道:“干脆点,撕毁和他们的盟约,最多帝舜被誓言反噬嘛……你们人族有这么多人,死一个两个人皇算什么?哈哈哈,反正帝舜都要退位了,死了就死了呗!” The face of Ji Hao is pitch-dark, the face of Si Wenming is also pitch-dark, the corner of the eye of Emperor Shun is intermittent jumping madly. 姬昊的脸黑漆漆的,姒文命的脸也黑漆漆的,帝舜的眼角更是一阵阵的乱跳。 The bonus is Emperor Shun has the self-control much, he is also mad almost draws a sword to chop the person. These Dragon Clan Mang Huo, in their brains attire what thing is? Besides the woman and murder, what thing can they also keep thinking about other? 饶是帝舜多有涵养,他也气得差点拔剑砍人。这些龙族的莽货,他们脑子里装的都是什么东西?除了女人和杀人,他们还能惦记点别的什么东西么? Layer on layer has coughed, Ao Hao does not give other influences the representative any start to talk opportunity, negligent wields the both arms to say with a smile: Naturally, the back holds knife matter, our Dragon Clan real men excel! Has felt relieved, withers their times, we definitely to the forefront, who make our Dragon Clan real man physique strongest!” 重重的咳嗽了一声,敖昊不给其他势力的代表任何开口的机会,大咧咧的挥动着双臂笑道:“当然,背后捅刀子这种事情,我们龙族的好汉们擅长啊!放心了,干死他们的时候,我们肯定冲最前面,谁让我们龙族的好汉子身板最强壮!” Fiercely a very lower part of the body, ‚’ a resounding, Ao Hao very rough went against a very big gap the jade nature long table: Naturally, since is our Dragon Clan real man to the forefront, the gold and silver jewelry and Magic Crystals beautiful jade anything in Liangzhu City, we must account for six...... No, seven...... No, 80%!” 猛地一挺下身,‘咔嚓’一声脆响,敖昊很‘粗犷’的将玉质长桌顶出了很大的一个缺口:“当然喽,既然是我们龙族的好汉子冲在最前面,良渚城内的金银珠宝、巫晶美玉什么的,俺们要占六……不,七……不,八成!” Carried a gigantic tea mug to fill two strong tea, Ao Haoting the chest was saying with a smile: 80% movable property, all little mother, what kind, Uncle Ao Ritian is just. Ha Ha Ha Ha!” 端起一个硕大的茶缸灌了两口浓茶,敖昊挺着胸膛笑道:“八成的浮财,所有的小娘儿,怎么样,敖日天大爷最是公平合理不过。哈哈哈哈!” The full main hall is reverberating Ao Hao the wild uninhibited laughter, his complacent holds the fist in the other hand to salute to all influence representative, particularly to the representative of phoenix clan, **** goes all out has thrown several coquettish looks. 满大殿都回荡着敖昊猖狂不羁的笑声,他得意洋洋的向各方势力代表抱拳行礼,尤其是向凤族的代表,一个****拼命的抛了几个媚眼。 Emperor Shun deep inspiration, his light saying: „, This time matter, indeed needs us to give careful consideration.” 帝舜深深的吸了一口气,他淡淡的说道:“诸位,此次的事情,的确需要我们慎重考虑。” The vision like the electricity, has swept various parties on the scene, the Emperor Shun sinking sound track: We help the foreign race still civil strife wholeheartedly, seizes the chance to start to cause heavy losses to foreign race, this will be relating my Human Race in the future, has to carefully handle affairs.” 目光如电,扫了一眼在场的各方代表,帝舜沉声道:“我们是真心实意的帮助异族平定内乱,还是趁机下手重创异族,这关系着我人族未来,不得不慎重行事。” Also invited full consideration, if caused heavy losses to foreign race, they said that big energy from Panyu world, but needed my Human Race alone to resist. Especially if today starts to foreign race, how many military strength we do want buckle?” “还请诸位全盘考虑,若是重创了异族,他们所说的,来自盘虞世界的大能,可就需要我人族独自抵挡。尤其今日若是对异族下手,我们又要折损多少兵力?” „If not seize the chance to cause heavy losses even eliminates them, how if in the future they will hire oneself that to be able greatly? If after we collaborated to defeat that to be able greatly, how they were a traitor to my Human Race?” “若是不趁机重创甚至消灭他们,未来若是他们投靠了那大能又如何?若是我们联手击败了那大能之后,他们对我人族反戈一击又如何?” Even is, when we with that foreign race can fight greatly, these foreign race of present suddenly to my Human Race begin, how should this?” “甚至是,我们在和那异族大能交手之时,现在的这些异族突然对我人族动手,这又该如何?” The hand direction was hanging the Magus Law crystal in midair has referred, Emperor Shun sinking sound track: Has a look, Liangzhu here, Liangzhu in the civil strife, foreign race is just helpless, since this has been foreign race invades my Pangu world, they most chaotic, weakest and weakest time.” 手指向悬挂在半空中的巫法水晶指了指,帝舜沉声道:“看看,良渚就在这里,良渚正在内乱,异族正手足无措,这是异族侵入我盘古世界以来,他们最混乱、最虚弱、最无力的时刻。” Today, our any decision-makings, possibly affect in the future the life and death of my clan. Everybody has to discretely and again discrete...... Also invited everybody considered......” Emperor Shun much deeply to look at Ao Hao, leading cold intent saying: Multipurpose point brains!” “今日,吾等的任何决策,都可能影响到未来我族的生死存亡。大家不得不谨慎、再谨慎……还请大家多多思量……”帝舜深深的看了一眼敖昊,带着一丝冷意说道:“多用点脑子!” Emperor Shun almost this whole life has not opened the mouth to curse at people, but Ao Hao just that splendid words were really made Emperor Shun a little not enjoy, could not bear exits to taunt Ao Hao not to have the brain here. 帝舜几乎这辈子都没开口骂过人,但是敖昊刚刚那一番精彩的话语实在是让帝舜都有点消受不得,忍不住在这里出口嘲讽敖昊没有脑子。 Ao Hao has not understood the Emperor Shun words, he Ha Ha smiles, complacent said with a smile to the people in main hall: Right, hurries to think, everybody said that having a look at you to have any good method...... However must look according to father that father planned that a moment ago is absolutely safe!” 敖昊没听懂帝舜的话,他‘哈哈’笑着,得意洋洋的向大殿内的众人笑道:“没错,赶紧动动脑子,大家都说说吧,看看你们有什么好法子……不过要按老子看,老子刚才的计划那是万无一失啊!” A lower jaw, has swayed the gigantic head, gaining ground of Ao Hao is extremely charmed is muttering: Must say that these Yu Clan little mother skins may be really white and may be really tender! Pinches can water leakage...... That thin arm thin leg, making the father mouth-watering!” 吧嗒了一下嘴,摇晃着硕大的脑袋,敖昊万分神往的抬起头来喃喃自语:“要说,那些虞族的小娘儿皮肤可真白、可真嫩啊!啧啧,一掐都能出水……啧啧,那细胳膊细腿,让老子流口水哩!” In the main hall a dreariness, except for dragon clan of one group of thick arm influential or powerful people, other people was lost in thought completely. 大殿内一片沉寂,除了一群粗胳膊粗腿的龙族,其他人全部陷入了沉思。 Liangzhu chaos, this is Human Race eliminates the foreign race best opportunity, the issue is, how should this opportunity grasp?( To be continued.) 良渚大乱,这是人族消灭异族的最佳时机,问题是,这个机会应该如何把握呢?(未完待续。)
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