TME :: Volume #15

#1455: Liangzhu is chaotic

In the secret room in city of catastrophe, Ji Hao and adjoins arrow nu to be away from small square table sitting face-to-face. 浩劫之城的密室中,姬昊和毗矢伮隔着一张小小的方桌面对面的坐着。 On the square table is placing the fragmentary words paper inkstone, on two dragon skin reel straight place square tables. Adjoins the arrow nu forehead unceasing exudation cold sweat, brings to look at these two dragon skin reels that is frightened and feels helpless. 方桌上摆放着零碎的笔墨纸砚,两份龙皮卷轴端端正正的放在方桌上。毗矢伮额头不断的渗出冷汗,带着一丝惊惶和不知所措的看着这两份龙皮卷轴。 The reel that the dragon leather becomes is sparkling the light ray, the bright red handwriting marked has adjoined arrow nu to redeem the Lord of this life soul beast vault of heaven, formed an alliance with Ji Hao on own initiative, betrayed to Ji Hao besides adjoining Yaichi Clan the important intelligence of other 11 ruling families. 龙皮制成的卷轴闪耀着淡淡的光芒,嫣红的字迹标明了毗矢伮为了赎回本命魂兽苍穹之主,主动与姬昊结盟,向姬昊出卖除毗矢一族外其他11个执政家族的重要情报。 Ji Hao sympathizes, good intention has indicated on the reel, adjoins arrow nu to several important intelligence that he disclosed. These information relate completely besides adjoining Yaichi Clan, the lives of other 11 ruling families. 姬昊更‘体贴、好心’的在卷轴上注明了,毗矢伮向他透露的好几份重要情报。这些信息全部关系着除毗矢一族外,其他11个执政家族的命脉。 Each information detailed writing on reel, these information, once reveals, other 11 ruling families decide the mortal enemy who however turns into adjoins arrow nu, will adjoin Yaichi Clan becomes the entire Yu Dynasty rebel is always chased down. 每一条信息都详细的书写在了卷轴上,这些信息一旦泄露,其他11个执政家族定然变成毗矢伮的死敌,毗矢一族将成为整个虞朝的叛徒被永世追杀。 After all, in these information includes a high moon/month lineage/vein Ashi clan has fought the body of spirit the life gate strategic point, has included a weakness of evening moon/month lineage/vein woman tuo clan soul reincarnation mystique, included lived moon/month lineage/vein to cultivate the strength of clan life to overdraw the weak time of secret technique and so on important intelligence. 毕竟,这些情报中包括了亢月一脉阿氏一族‘战灵之躯’的命门要害,包括了夕月一脉婆陀一族灵魂转生秘法的弱点,包括了生月一脉修氏一族生命之力透支秘术的虚弱期等等重要情报。 Lord for own the vault of heaven, adjoined other 11 ruling families that arrow nu was outspoken has sold a none remaining. But as the repayment, in the treaty of alliance has also indicated that Ji Hao will help to adjoin arrow nu to gain a higher status fully, a bigger authority. 为了自己的苍穹之主,毗矢伮毫无保留的将其他11个执政家族卖了个精光。而作为回报,盟约上也注明了,姬昊会全力帮助毗矢伮获取更高的地位、更大的权力。 Ji Hao has broken by biting own finger, a blood outlined round scarlet red Great Sun Symbol in the air, a Divine Sense fluctuation brand mark in Great Sun Symbol, then falling maliciously on dragon skin reel duplicate. 姬昊咬破了自己的手指,一点鲜血在空气中勾勒出了一轮赤红色的大日符文,一点神识波动烙印在大日符文中,然后狠狠的落在了一式两份的龙皮卷轴上。 Fist size Great Sun badge on dragon skin reel splendid, sends out the blazing steam unceasingly. 拳头大小大日徽章在龙皮卷轴上熠熠生辉,不断发出炽烈的热气。 Ji Hao handed two reels has adjoined arrow nu gently the front, the finger on the dragon skin reel has knocked knocking: Come, adjoins arrow nu your majesty, to you...... Since the matter has been done, do not regret! You have not betrayed your family, not? Therefore, you are one have the moral integrity and moral noble person very much.” 姬昊将两份卷轴递到了毗矢伮的面前,手指轻轻的在龙皮卷轴上敲了敲:“来,毗矢伮陛下,到您了……事情既然已经做了,就不要后悔!您并没有背叛您的家族,不是么?所以,您还是一个很有节操、道德高尚的人。” Adjoined the arrow nu corners of the mouth to pull pulling, he gained ground fiercely, stubbornly was staring at Ji Hao: You know that I do want to do now? I want to renege on a promise very much, then rips the fragment you personally, your corpse and soul with mystique promiscuous in the same place, drags to feed the gusano!” 毗矢伮嘴角扯了扯,他猛地抬起头来,死死的盯着姬昊:“你知道我现在想要干什么?我很想反悔,然后亲手把你撕成碎片,把你的尸体和灵魂用秘法混杂在一起,拖出去喂蛆虫!” Adjoins the arrow nu clenching teeth ferocious sound track: Right, I have not betrayed my family, but I betrayed my race...... A soul reincarnation mystique of woman tuo clan, this is my clan conquers sidereal revolution innumerable world biggest taking advantage , because of this secret technique, our lives to the elder of limit, they have been able to continue to survive by the spirit body condition, when the opportunity is appropriate, they can have the healthy and formidable body!” 毗矢伮咬着牙狞声道:“没错,我没有背叛我的家族,但是我背叛了我的种族……婆陀一族的灵魂转生秘法,这是我族征服周天无数世界最大的依仗,正是因为这份秘术,我们那些寿命到了极限的长老,他们才能以灵体状态继续存活下去,当时机合适的时候,他们就能重新拥有健康、强大的躯体!” Deep inspiration, adjoins arrow nu to have a ferocious expression to stand up slowly, he struggles was reaching out Ji Hao: I should tear into shreds you, I should not betray these news...... My life soul beast, the Lord of my vault of heaven...... However, my clansman...... You know that the reincarnation mystique that a woman tuo clan grasps is not best, but...... This mystique is this important!” 深深的吸了一口气,毗矢伮带着一丝狞恶的表情缓缓站起身来,他挣扎着向姬昊伸出了手:“我真该撕碎你,我不该出卖这些消息……我的本命魂兽,我的苍穹之主……但是,我的族人……你知道么,婆陀一族掌握的转世秘法不是最好的,但是……这秘法是这样的重要!” Ji Hao has smiled, he has stood fiercely, a palm of the hand has pulled out maliciously. 姬昊笑了,他猛地站了起来,一巴掌狠狠的抽了出去。 Adjoins arrow nu only to think that at present the remnant shade flashes through, he cannot see clearly the path of Ji Hao palm, a Ji Hao palm pulls out on his face, him layer on layer knocks down. 毗矢伮只觉眼前残影闪过,他没能看清姬昊手掌的轨迹,姬昊一掌抽在了他脸上,将他重重打倒在地。 Awakes, adjoins arrow nu! Since the matter has been done, simply, do not shrink like the woman.” Ji Hao impatient saying: „Do you want to kill me to eliminate a potential informant? Do you have this ability?” “醒醒吧,毗矢伮!事情既然做了,就干脆一点,不要像个娘们一样畏畏缩缩的。”姬昊不耐烦的说道:“你想要杀我灭口?你有这个能耐么?” Shook two dragon skin reels maliciously, Ji Hao looks that face inconceivable adjoining arrow nu sneered saying: Gets angry with me, you do not have this qualifications. Your only outlet, is I cooperates! Otherwise, I sold to my these information to expose now you, I ensure the Human Race army will coordinate other 11 ruling families, adjoins Yaichi Clan to kill cleanly you!” 狠狠的抖了抖两份龙皮卷轴,姬昊看着一脸不可思议的毗矢伮冷笑道:“和我翻脸,你没这个资格。你唯一的出路,就是和我合作!不然的话,我现在就把你卖给我的这些情报抖落出去,我保证,人族大军会配合其他11个执政家族,把你毗矢一族杀得干干净净!” Adjoins arrow nu intermittently the complexion one fluctuates uncertain, he traces the swelling face, clenches teeth to groan saying: Your strength......” 毗矢伮的脸色一阵阵的变幻莫定,他摸了摸自己肿胀的面孔,咬着牙哼哼道:“你的实力……” Ji Hao has placed his front two dragon skin reels, leading a landlord landlord to seize the countenance of daughter to sneer saying: My strength exceeds your imagination, few idle talk, hurry to leave behind your soul brand mark. Coy what makes? Also wants your Lord of vault of heaven?” 姬昊将两份龙皮卷轴放在了他的面前,带着一份地主老财强抢民女的嘴脸冷笑道:“我的实力超出你的想象,少废话,赶紧留下你的灵魂烙印。扭扭捏捏的做什么?还想要回你的苍穹之主么?” Looks as in hesitant adjoining arrow nu, Ji Hao impatient sighing of: Good, clever, is obedient, respect adjoining arrow nu your majesty, you have the advantage after all, not? You have a look, in our treaties of alliance writes? I help you become the Yu Dynasty supreme control fully! This may shares the authority to be happier than other you and people!” 看着依旧在犹豫的毗矢伮,姬昊不耐烦的叹了一口气:“好了好了,乖,听话,尊敬的毗矢伮陛下,总归你也有好处,不是么?你看看,我们的盟约上是怎么写的?我全力帮你成为虞朝至高无上的主宰!这可比你和其他人分享权力痛快多了!” Adjoined arrow nu to hesitate a while, his vision twinkle looks at Ji Hao: „Won't you, renege on a promise afterward, dismantle the bridge after crossing?” 毗矢伮迟疑了一会儿,他目光闪烁的看着姬昊:“你,不会事后反悔,过河拆桥吧?” Ji Hao simply has drawn out Pangu Dragon, strikes an attitude to want the thorn to adjoining the arrow nu Chest. 姬昊干脆的拔出了盘古龙纹,作势就要刺向毗矢伮的心口。 Adjoined arrow nu one to grasp two dragon skin reels, has broken by biting own finger, maliciously on dragon skin reel in brand mark own soul symbol. Numerous gasping for breath, adjoined arrow nu to be cloudy the face to receive a dragon skin reel, maliciously has approached the face of Ji Hao another dragon skin reel pounding: „The Lord of my vault of heaven, hurries to give back to me!” 毗矢伮一把抓过了两份龙皮卷轴,咬破了自己的手指,狠狠的在龙皮卷轴上烙印上了自己的灵魂标志。重重的喘了一口气,毗矢伮阴沉着脸将一份龙皮卷轴收了起来,将另外一份龙皮卷轴狠狠的砸向了姬昊的面孔:“我的苍穹之主,赶紧还给我!” Ji Hao smiled Lord vault of heaven to trade has adjoined arrow nu. 姬昊微笑着将苍穹之主换给了毗矢伮。 Adjoined arrow nu to read aloud an incantation, Lord toward the vault of heaven has spouted a blood from the pores of the feet, with a low and deep roaring sound, nine first 18 wings the Lord of vault of heaven slowly from adjoining arrow nu has after death braved. 毗矢伮念诵了一声咒语,朝着苍穹之主喷出了一道血箭,伴随着一声低沉的怒吼声,九头18翼的苍穹之主缓缓的从毗矢伮身后冒了出来。 Thump, the front door of secret room had been rapped several maliciously. Adjoined arrow nu silent a while, he opened the door fiercely, adjoined the arrow day, to adjoin Yaji to stand in out of the door, simultaneously to adjoining arrow nu nodded: Liangzhu arrived, a dead souls army of deep moon/month lineage/vein, started to set out to the city!” ‘咚咚咚’,密室的大门被人狠狠的敲击了几下。毗矢伮沉默了一会儿,他猛地开启了房门,毗矢天、毗矢地站在门外,同时向毗矢伮点了点头:“良渚到了,冥月一脉的死灵大军,已经开始向城内进发!” The words have not said that hears outside the city of catastrophe an earthshaking bang to transmit. 话没说完,就听到浩劫之城外一声惊天动地的巨响传来。 Outside Liangzhu City, deep moon/month lineage/vein had just assembled a scale huge corpse army, just gathered at the Nanmenwai of Liangzhu, sees on the Liangzhu City wall entire 100 reaches as high as thousand zhang (3.33 m) Yu Clan god tower glare dodges, several thousand mileage allow Cuxi thunder fly to fall from the city wall, accurate incomparable has dropped the core spot of corpse army. 良渚城外,冥月一脉刚刚纠集了一支规模庞大的僵尸大军,刚刚在良渚的南门外聚集,就看到良渚城墙上整整100座高达千丈的虞族神塔强光一闪,数万道里许粗细的雷霆从城墙上飞坠,精准无比的落进了僵尸大军的核心部位。 One black mushroom clouds tumble to clash more than hundred li (0.5km) high, black red two color promiscuous flames are spraying the innumerable electric lights, ka ka has the sound to wells up in all directions. 一团黑色的蘑菇云翻滚着冲起来百多里高,一圈圈黑红二色混杂的火光喷洒着无数的电光,‘咔咔’有声的向四面八方涌去。 Deep moon/month lineage/vein buddhist clan people who directs corpse army array in the ground wept and wailed is whirled away by the shock-wave, the flame mixed the electric light to wreak havoc on them, several thousand buddhist clan people changed into a continuously flying ash in the flame suddenly. 在地面上指挥僵尸大军列阵的冥月一脉梵氏族人哭喊着被冲击波卷走,火光混着电光在他们身上肆虐,数万名梵氏族人眨眼间就在火光中化为了一缕缕飞灰。 Ji Hao and the others arrived in the city wall in city of catastrophe rapidly. 姬昊等人迅速来到了浩劫之城的城墙上。 Bird's eye view Liangzhu that the innumerable Yu Clan aristocrat occupies a commanding position, they discovered panic-stricken that the entire Liangzhu was buckled by a huge black curtain stubbornly below, by the translucent black curtain, they sees in the city everywhere is the flames, preserves complete construction already not remaining several. 无数虞族贵族居高临下的俯瞰良渚,他们惊慌失措的发现,整个良渚被一个巨大的黑色帷幕死死扣在下面,透过半透明的黑色帷幕,他们看到城内到处都是火光,保留完好的建筑已经不剩下几座。 In entire Liangzhu City hears the huge explosive sound everywhere, stream of people that carelessly runs everywhere. 整个良渚城内到处传来巨大的爆炸声,到处都是胡乱奔跑的人流。 A big city confusion, one such as the end arrives.( To be continued.) 偌大的城池一片混乱,一如末日降临。(未完待续。)
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