TME :: Volume #15

#1454: Treaty signed under coercion

This thing, does not go bad really!” “这东西,真不坏!” Stood in belonging to scarlet date lineage/vein the city of catastrophe, Ji Hao curious stroked one is reaching as high as the golden statue of hundred zhang (333m). 站在属于赤日一脉的浩劫之城上,姬昊好奇的抚摸着一具高达百丈的金色雕像。 According to witnessing Yi Di of city of attack catastrophe said that is these stands erect in the golden statue in city of city wall catastrophe, strikes to collapse with ease destroys the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) earth, strikes to kill over a thousand own defensive power astonishing star elusive turtles. 按照亲眼目睹了浩劫之城攻击的羿地所言,就是这些矗立在浩劫之城城墙上的金色雕像,一击可以轻松崩毁方圆数百里的大地,击杀上千头自身防御力惊人的星空灵龟。 Ji Hao very gentle is stroking the golden statue, close trace that the sensitive finger careful feelings the statue surface average person is unable to see clearly. Divine Sense like the water, corrodes the golden statue cautiously, Ji Hao is wanting to clarify the structures of these metal statues, if can analyze their detailed blueprint that it would be the best. 姬昊很温柔的抚摸着金色雕像,敏感的手指仔细的感触着雕像表面普通人无法看清的细密纹路。神识如水,小心翼翼的侵蚀着金色雕像,姬昊想要弄清这些金属雕像的构造,如果能够解析出他们的详细图纸那就最好不过了。 Pulled rank the free luck, Ji Hao obtained the woman Luo Duo complete memory, as the titan who spread out moon/month lineage/vein, woman Luo Duo almost takes down Yu Dynasty all ancient books, Ji Hao obtained the innumerable knowledge from the woman Luo Duo memory. 托大逍遥的福,姬昊得到了婆罗哚的全部记忆,作为一个衍月一脉的大智者,婆罗哚几乎记下了虞朝所有的典籍,姬昊从婆罗哚的记忆中得到了无数的知识。 The strategy, Symbol, Potion-Making, puppet, the large-scale battleship, floats the air fight fort wait / etc., Yu Dynasty all foundation almost catches the whole lot in a dragnet by Ji Hao. 阵法,符文,药剂,傀儡,大型战舰,浮空战堡等等,虞朝的所有底蕴几乎被姬昊一网打尽。 What what a pity is, the city of catastrophe is the Yu Dynasty aristocrats came from the Panyu world expenditure large sum of money purchase, they obtained the city of catastrophe, does not have the corresponding blueprint of city of catastrophe, actually therefore Ji Hao cannot clarify the city of catastrophe how to design and how construct. 可惜的是,浩劫之城是虞朝的贵族们从盘虞世界花费重金购置而来,他们得到了浩劫之城,却没有浩劫之城的对应图纸,所以姬昊也弄不清浩劫之城究竟是如何设计、如何建造的。 An invasion golden color statue of Divine Sense faint trace, Ji Hao careful is spying on the mystery of golden statue. 神识一丝丝的侵入金色雕像,姬昊小心的窥探着金色雕像的奥秘。 The city of catastrophe breaks the astral wind and cloud layer of upper air, returns to Liangzhu City with the quickest speed, in city full load has packed the foreign race army, in the ground innumerable foreign race Warrior are puffing with the quickest speed returns to the north. 浩劫之城破开高空的罡风和云层,用最快的速度返回良渚城,城内满负荷的装满了异族的军队,地面上无数异族战士正喘着粗气用最快的速度向北方返回。 Woman Representative Ka 12 ruling families serious sends out the request to Emperor Shun, inviting Human Race to help foreign race still the rebellion of Liangzhu. 婆罗迦代表12个执政家族郑重的向帝舜发出请求,邀请人族帮助异族平定良渚的叛乱。 Ji Hao gratefully puts the bite on at the scene, he said the Emperor Shun status is honored, Shennong and shaft Saint sovereign is Human Race old and renowned scholar, does not have enough advantage, do not think that Emperor Shun they act to help foreign race draw in the city wantonly destruction Human Race Warrior. 姬昊毫不客气的当场敲竹杠,他表示帝舜身份尊贵,神农氏、轩辕圣皇更是人族耆宿,没有足够的好处,别想帝舜他们出面帮异族收拢正在城内大肆破坏的人族战士 After bargained back and forth, the cities of three catastrophe were turned over Human Race, handed over presides by Si Wenming directly. 一通讨价还价后,三座浩劫之城被移交给了人族,交由姒文命直接统辖。 Ji Hao and the others rode the city of catastrophe, rushes toward Liangzhu along with the foreign race army. 姬昊等人乘上了浩劫之城,随着异族大军奔赴良渚。 Really is the good treasure...... Really puts the bite on is kingly way of enrichment.” Reaches as high as the golden statue interior structure of hundred zhang (333m) is extremely complex, wants slender a lot of times of energy return routes to flood compared with the hair silk innumerably, dense and numerous size Symbol with extremely complex multiple spiral structure nesting in the same place, the centralism complete attention that Ji Hao needs to concentrate on, can not touch these function unclear Symbol. “果然是好宝贝……果然敲竹杠才是发家致富的王道。”高达百丈的金色雕像内部构造极其复杂,无数比头发丝还要纤细千百倍的能量回路充斥其中,密密麻麻的大小符文用极其复杂的多重螺旋结构嵌套在一起,姬昊需要全神贯注的集中全部注意力,才能不触动这些作用不详的符文 A serious cough sound transmits, adjoins the arrow nu look drearily after a purely pot statue for decorative or ornamental purpos transferred. 一声沉重的咳嗽声传来,毗矢伮神色阴郁的从一座纯粹装饰用的花盆雕像后转了出来。 Sir Marquis Yao!” Perhaps is because needs help from the relations of Human Race, adjoined arrow nu to be politer to the name of Ji Hao. 垚侯大人!”或许是因为有求于人族的关系,毗矢伮对姬昊的称呼客气了许多。 Aha, adjoins arrow nu your majesty, is quite skillful, unexpectedly here bumps into you! Really is a fine weather, not?” Ji Hao both hands are stroking the golden statue, does not lift full mouth is making up wild stories. “啊哈,毗矢伮陛下,好巧,居然在这里碰到您!真是个好天气啊,不是么?”姬昊双手抚摸着金色雕像,头也不抬的满口胡诌着。 Adjoined arrow nu the corner of the eye to pull out pulling out fiercely. 毗矢伮的眼角剧烈的抽了抽。 From Chi Ban Mountain, is the sunlight is indeed genial, weather is good. However now is the mid-night, the sky thick cloud is densely covered, the innumerable electric lights sway from side to side in the thick dark cloud, torrential downpour is imminent. 赤坂山出发的时候,的确是阳光和煦、天气蛮不错的。但是现在已经是午夜时分,天空浓云密布,无数电光在厚厚的乌云中扭动,一场倾盆大雨迫在眉睫。 Is this also the fine weather? 这也算是好天气? Adjoins arrow nu very brightly has smiled: Really is a fine weather...... Here has the best hundred ratafia, comes? When this is my paternal great-grandfather, with the best quality goods good wine of ten thousand years of Zhu Guowei mother stock brewing, cultivates to the soul to very have the advantage.” 毗矢伮很灿烂的笑了起来:“果然是一个好天气……我这里有最好的百果酒,来一点?这是我曾祖父时,用万年朱果为主料酿造的极品美酒,对灵魂修为很有好处。” Has the words to speak frankly!” Ji Hao very impolite saying: I am busy explaining the structure of city of your catastrophe, has no free time to waste the saliva with you.” “有话直说吧!”姬昊很不客气的说道:“我忙着破解你们浩劫之城的构造,没空和你浪费口水。” Adjoined arrow nu the face to twitch, his hollow laugh: Aha, good, I spoke frankly...... You must know that as adjoining the ruling Great Emperor of Yaichi Clan, I no doubt every year have the extremely rich income, however my personal income cannot control by me completely. In the Panyu world, our hometown, I have the family to provide.” 毗矢伮的脸抽搐了一下,他干笑了起来:“啊哈,好吧,我就直说了……您要知道,作为毗矢一族的执政大帝,我固然每年都有极其丰厚的收益,但是我的个人收入并不能完全由我支配。在盘虞世界,我们的故乡,我还有一大家子要供养。” Um, snort|hum, continue.” Ji Hao has almost gathered the face on the golden statue, a forehead pupil opens, the limpid god illumination on the golden statue, several Symbol shines together in the statue surface, statue of one foot square range turned into the translucent shape probably, revealed in also wanted the complex thousands of times of Symbol strategy structure compared with the termite lair. “嗯,哼,继续。”姬昊几乎将脸都凑到了金色雕像上,眉心道眸张开,一道清澈的神光照在金色雕像上,几点符文在雕像表面亮起,大概有一尺见方范围的雕像变成了半透明状,露出了里面比白蚁巢穴还要复杂千万倍的符文阵法结构。 Saw Ji Hao unscrupulous is spying on the wisdom crystallization of Panyu world Yu Clan great master, adjoined arrow nu anger (Fire Qi) to clash at heart, but he suppressed anger (Fire Qi) quickly. Is having a charming smiling face, adjoins arrow nu to say with a smile: Therefore, I saved many years, but also makes the mortgage with my future income, this sufficiently collected the money, has purchased......” 看到姬昊肆无忌惮的窥探着盘虞世界虞族宗匠的智慧结晶,毗矢伮心里一股火气冲了起来,但是他很快就压制住了火气。带着一丝迷人的笑容,毗矢伮笑道:“所以,我积攒了很多年,还用我未来的收益做抵押,这才凑足了一大笔钱,购买了……” Your life soul beast?” Ji Hao has turned head finally, looked has adjoined arrow nu one. “你的本命魂兽是吧?”姬昊终于扭过头来,看了毗矢伮一眼。 Yes, the Lord of my vault of heaven!” Adjoins arrow nu to see that Ji Hao responded itself finally, stack that he was too busy brightest smiling face: Hopes that you can forgive, did not have him, my strength at least weakened 70%, I cannot do without him!” “是的,我的苍穹之主!”毗矢伮见到姬昊终于搭理自己了,他忙不迭的堆砌起了最灿烂的笑容:“希望您能体谅,没有了他,我的实力起码削弱了七成,我不能没有他!” The finger of Ji Hao left the golden statue finally, he drew out the body, joins hands behind the back sizes up up and down is adjoining arrow nu. 姬昊的手指终于离开了金色雕像,他直起了身体,背着手上下打量着毗矢伮。 Advantage?” Passed enough one tea time, Ji Hao has opened the mouth finally: Does not have the advantage, why do I give back to you Lord of vault of heaven? You looked, to invite Emperor Shun helps you convince the Human Race army in Liangzhu City, you have discarded the cities of three catastrophe. The cities of entire three catastrophe!” “好处呢?”过了足足一盏茶时间,姬昊终于开口了:“没有好处,我干嘛把苍穹之主还给你?你看,为了请帝舜帮你们说服良渚城内的人族军队,你们舍弃了三座浩劫之城。整整三座浩劫之城!” Ji Hao stretched out three fingers, stressed that the cities of three catastrophe is a how huge wealth. 姬昊伸出了三根手指,强调三座浩劫之城是多么巨大的一笔财富。 Adjoins arrow nu the complexion slightly changes, his sinking sound track: I am willing to pay certain price to redeem the Lord of vault of heaven, but......” 毗矢伮的脸色微微一变,他沉声道:“我愿意付出一定的代价赎回苍穹之主,但是……” Ji Hao shook the head, he has lowered the sound similarly: But you do not have money now? Good, I do not need you to spend to redeem your life soul beast. I, Marquis Yao Ji Hao, may never be a greedy person!” 姬昊摇了摇头,他同样压低了声音:“但是你现在没有钱,是不是?好吧,我不需要你花钱赎回你的本命魂兽。我,垚侯姬昊,可从来不是一个贪婪的人!” Adjoins arrow nu by Ji Hao shocked him to blackmail the cities of three catastrophe from the hands of 12 ruling families shameless, he dares saying that unexpectedly he wasn't a greedy person? 毗矢伮被姬昊的无耻震惊了他从12执政家族的手上足足敲诈走了三座浩劫之城,他居然敢说他不是一个贪婪的人? However, good, city of that three catastrophe are the public property...... From individual income, Ji Hao also is really not a greedy person. 不过,好吧,三座浩劫之城那是公共财产……从个人收益上来说,姬昊还真不是一个贪婪的人。 Deep inspiration, adjoined arrow nu to lower the sound: Good, please state clearly, what do you want? However I must explain the words that the Lord of vault of heaven is very no doubt important to me, but do not go too far.” 深深的吸了一口气,毗矢伮压低了声音:“好吧,请您明说,您想要什么?但是我必须把话说明,苍穹之主对我固然很重要,但是您也别太过分了。” How will I go too far?” Ji Hao narrows the eyes to focus sizes up up and down is adjoining arrow nu: We are the friend!” “我怎么会太过分呢?”姬昊眯着眼上下打量着毗矢伮:“我们做朋友吧!” Ji Hao smiles very much brightly to adjoining arrow nu extended a hand: „Everyone, needs the friend, not?” 姬昊笑得很灿烂的向毗矢伮伸出了一只手:“每一个人,都需要朋友,不是么?” Adjoins arrow nu stunned looks at Ji Hao, passed the long time, he has gripped the hand of Ji Hao fiercely: „Are you want me to betray the Yu Dynasty information? I must tell you, my dignity does not allow me to betray any with adjoining the arrow family related information!” 毗矢伮愕然的看着姬昊,过了半晌,他猛地握住了姬昊的手:“你是想要我出卖虞朝的情报么?我必须告诉您,我的尊严不允许我出卖任何与毗矢家族有关的情报!” That has sufficed, I only need other 11 information!” Ji Hao smiles even more brightly.( To be continued.) “那就够了,我只需要其他11家的情报!”姬昊笑得越发的灿烂。(未完待续。)
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