TME :: Volume #15

#1453: Fair treaty of alliance

Through transmission that erects specially, from Liangzhu to Yao Mountain City. 通过特意架设的传送阵,从良渚一直到垚山领 Yu Clan one after another captures miserably goes out from transmission, when they see the Yao Mountain city style different tall building, when sees innumerable Human Race Warrior that the nearby is ready in full battle array, many Mr. Yu Clan exudes the sad and shrill calling out in grief sound all. 一队一队的虞族俘虏凄凄凉凉的从传送阵中走出,当他们看到垚山城风格迥异的高大建筑,看到附近严阵以待的无数人族战士时,好些虞族老人无不发出凄厉的悲鸣声。 Captives! 俘虏! Top aristocrat who the how strange status, their these keep aloof, unexpectedly one day by the Human Race captive! 多么陌生的身份,他们这些高高在上的顶级贵族,居然会有一天被人族俘虏! Ignorant, dirty, uncouthly, savage...... Can with barbaric Human Race that in society all negative glossaries described, their these wisdom, pure, graceful, the graceful Yu Clan aristocrat, reduced unexpectedly became the barbaric Human Race captive. 愚昧的,肮脏的,粗鲁的,凶残的……可以用世间一切负面词汇形容的土著人族,他们这些睿智的、洁净的、优雅的、雍容的虞族贵族,居然沦落成为了土著人族的俘虏。 To high great blood moon/month!” Old person's high holding up both hands of blood moon/month lineage/vein emperor clan, are whinning toward the sky hissing, implored the blood moon/month that they believed to be able to be remarkable desperately, saved from this nightmare him. He is not willing to be the captive, he has a high and respected position since childhood, he is unable to endure itself becomes the Human Race captive. “至高伟大的血月啊!”一名血月一脉帝氏一族的老人高高的举起双手,向着天空嘶声哀嚎着,苦苦祈求他们信奉的血月能够大显神威,将他从这噩梦中救出去。他不愿意做俘虏,他从小就养尊处优,他无法忍受自己成为人族的俘虏。 Bad old man!” How Monguor Warrior from Pan Xi world very good to teach this old person to cultivate the behavior, had baby arm thick or thin poisonous Dragon Pibian to bring grating sound pulling out maliciously from out of the blue in carrying on the back of this Mr. Yu Clan. Clothing smashing, a three chi (0.33 m) body by leather whip stiffly pulls, Mr. Yu Clan exudes one sad and shrill miserable howling, the pain resulted in the faint in the past. “糟老头子!”一名来自盘羲世界的土族战士很好的教训了这个老人如何做人,足足有婴孩手臂粗细的毒龙皮鞭带着刺耳的破空声狠狠的抽在了这个虞族老人的背上。衣衫粉碎,一条三尺长的皮肉被皮鞭硬生生的拉扯下来,虞族老人发出一声凄厉的惨嚎,痛得昏厥过去。 Various clan Warrior of the battalion's from Pan Xi world are wielding the leather whip and wooden bat, the stern voice and appearance is scolding, drives away Yu Clan who from transmission goes out to capture, moves toward the city main palace following the spacious street gradually the direction. 大队大队来自盘羲世界的各族战士挥动着皮鞭和木棒,声色俱厉的呵斥着,驱赶着从传送阵中走出的虞族俘虏,顺着宽敞的街道缓步走向城主府的方向。 Under the city main palace of Yao Mountain city, just collaborated with the Holy Ghost by the ancestor spirit of Pan Xi world Monguor, opens the huge underground space, constructed has held the underground prison cell that all Yu Clan captured sufficiently. How they treat traded Human Race slave in Liangzhu, Ji Hao in treats them who the Yao Mountain city is without change. 垚山城的城主府下面,刚刚由盘羲世界土族的祖灵和圣灵们联手,开辟出了庞大的地下空间,构造了足以容纳所有虞族俘虏的地下囚室。他们是如何在良渚对待被贩卖的人族奴隶的,姬昊就在垚山城一般无二的对待他们。 By Grand Dao, innumerable Yao Mountain City subjects static is standing, curious looks that these looks thin and pale, look the panic-stricken color captive. 大道两旁,无数垚山领的子民静静的站着,好奇的看着这些神色憔悴、面露惊恐之色的俘虏。 Many Yu Clan, repairs the captives of clan to be brushed by the leather whip wails bitterly and has tears streaming down the face, Yao Mountain City subjects laughing has smiled, originally these biographies the wonderful foreign race malicious ghost, they will also be afraid, will fear, they will also bleed, will burst into tears! 好些虞族、脩族的俘虏被皮鞭抽打得哭天喊地、泪流满面,垚山领的子民们就‘嘻嘻哈哈’的笑了起来,原来这些传得神乎其神的异族恶鬼,他们也会害怕,也会恐惧,他们也会流血,更会流泪啊! They are only a neck are also going against a head, except for were more than a two three eye Human Race, their heads will be chopped similarly by a blade, their bones will be broken and discounted similarly! 他们也只是一个脖子顶着一颗脑袋,除了比人族多了一只两只三只的眼睛,他们的脑袋同样会被一刀剁下,他们的骨头同样会被打断、打折! Gradually, above reverberation of laughter in Yao Mountain city, the subjects in Yao Mountain city heartily, is cheering with a smile, they fear to the foreign race malicious ghost and suspect are swept away, unprecedented strong confidence and between courage full hearts. 渐渐的,笑声在垚山城的上空回荡,垚山城的子民们尽情的笑着、欢呼着,他们对异族恶鬼的畏惧和猜疑被一扫而空,前所未有的强烈信心和勇气充盈心间。 Shaosi and Man Man lead the disciple in brigade Yao Mountain palace to sit in the entrance of underground jail, material that careful registration these Yu Clan capture. Which branch vein they were on the 3rd in September, which family they were, blood relationship friend or stranger distance of they and 12 ruling Great Emperor, they whether had the relatives to relate with which authority elder or the axe stick elder...... 少司蛮蛮带着大队垚山道宫的弟子坐在地下监牢的入口处,仔细的登记这些虞族俘虏的资料。他们属于三日九月哪一支脉,他们属于哪一个家族,他们和12位执政大帝的血缘关系亲疏远近,他们是否和哪位权力长老或者斧杖长老有亲眷关系…… Material of Shaosi registration even detailed had many to the credibility of these people, their family properties have many, for their freedoms, they want as well as them can put out many ransom money, to Yao Mountain City many advantage wait / etc.. 少司登记的资料甚至详细到了这些人的个人资产有多少,他们的家族资产有多少,为了他们的自由,他们愿意以及他们能够拿出多少赎金,给垚山领多少好处等等。 All affairs big or small, after all Yu Clan capture is compelled own details transfer are clean, this shut in the underground jail. 事无巨细,所有的虞族俘虏都被逼将自家的底细交待得一干二净后,这才被关进了地下监牢。 Ji Hao has not returned to the Yao Mountain city, he is bringing Feng Xin and Yu Mu and does not have to pray, returns to Chi Ban Mountain and Emperor Shun and the others can with. In Chi Ban Mountain, he saw again 12 ruling Great Emperor and a numerous authority elder who badly battered, debates unceasingly. 姬昊并没有返回垚山城,他带着风行雨牧和无支祈,返回赤坂山帝舜等人会和。在赤坂山,他再见到了焦头烂额、争论不休的12执政大帝和一众权力长老。 Emperor Shun and the others stayed out, holds the matter not to close the thoughts that oneself hangs up high, static sitting watches the fun in the one side. 帝舜等人置身事外,抱着事不关己高高挂起的心思,静静的坐在一旁看热闹。 The innumerable Yu Zutong soldier military officer, the heads of household and elders of various respected families gather round 12 ruling Great Emperor nearly to clamor crazily, they dance with joy bellows to yell, the hissing that their saliva scatters yells, they strongly request 12 ruling Great Emperor to order, immediately returns to Liangzhu to suppress the rebellion! 无数虞族统兵将领,各大家族的家主和长老们围着12执政大帝近乎疯狂的喧哗着,他们手舞足蹈的大吼大叫,他们口水四溅的嘶声叫喊,他们强烈的要求12执政大帝下令,立刻返回良渚平息叛乱! Their clansmen, their family members, their sweethearts, their spouses, in Liangzhu. Their justifiable sons and daughter, or unknown illegitimate child and illegitimate daughter, in Liangzhu. The base industry of their family, the property of their family, the wealth of their family, they blow the resources that these many years saved in the Pangu world flay, in Liangzhu. 他们的族人,他们的亲人,他们的情人,他们的爱人,都还在良渚呢。无论是他们名正言顺的儿子、女儿,或者不为人知的私生子、私生女,也都在良渚呢。他们家族的基业,他们家族的资产,他们家族的财富,他们在盘古世界刮地皮刮了这么多年积攒起来的资源,也都在良渚呢。 If the proper family conflict, these Yu Clan aristocrats are not afraid anything, their family the security of individual life and property can be safeguarded. 若是正经的家族冲突,这些虞族贵族并不害怕什么,他们家族的个人生命财产的安全能够得到保障。 The issue is, the present is not the normal family conflict, Yemo day fellow...... Who knows that what matter he will do? 问题是,现在并非正常的家族冲突,耶摩天这家伙……谁知道他会干出什么事情来? The messenger who outside several hundred Liangzhu City the foreign race feudal lord sends was being surrounded by the aristocrats of troop troop, they shout oneself hoarse, repeatedly duplicates them personally to see the fact that they see to have the quantity unclear authority elder and axe stick elder with own eyes by the severe wound, Yemo day Destruction arming are wreaking havoc in Liangzhu City. 数百名良渚城异族领主派来的信使被大群大群的贵族包围着,他们声嘶力竭的,一遍一遍的重复着他们亲眼所见的事实是的,他们亲眼见到有数量不详的权力长老和斧杖长老被重伤,耶摩天的毁灭武装正在良渚城内肆虐。 They saw in Liangzhu City everywhere the flame, the innumerable luxurious palace pavilions are collapsing in the raging fire. 他们更是看到了良渚城内遍地火光,无数奢华的宫殿楼阁正在烈火中坍塌。 They also heard the innumerable Warrior war cries, they saw many fully-armed Human Race Warrior shuttle back and forth in the Liangzhu City main street and small alley. 他们也听到了无数战士的喊杀声,他们看到了好多全副武装的人族战士良渚城的大街小巷内穿梭。 Must acknowledge that among the Yu Dynasty foreign race aristocrats are quite some astute competent characters. These messengers also brought their masters not to know that with any way preliminary confirmation the Human Race army in news Liangzhu City, was coming from the fang basin and black mountain mine, as well as other dozens Yu Dynasty important ore deposits Human Race slaves. 必须要承认,虞朝异族贵族们当中还是颇有一些精明能干的人物。这些信使也带来了他们的主人不知道用什么途径初步证实的消息良渚城内的人族军队,是来自獠牙盆地和黑山矿场,以及其他数十个虞朝重要矿产地的人族奴隶。 Some people armed these Human Race slaves, took into Liangzhu City to launch the rebellion them. 有人武装了这些人族奴隶,把他们带进了良渚城发动了叛乱。 Various the innumerable Yu Clan military officers and heads of household beat the chest to weep and wail, these mines are any situations, they are well aware \; These mines, total darkness mine tunnel, skeleton countless Human Race slave...... It can be imagined after these Human Race slaves arm enters Liangzhu, they will make anything! 无数的虞族将领、各家家主捶胸哭喊起来,那些矿场是什么情况,他们心知肚明\;那些矿场,暗无天日的矿洞,尸骨累累的人族奴隶……可想而知这些人族奴隶武装起来进入良渚后,他们会做什么! Had a color with deep veneration, woman Ka to arrive in front of Emperor Shun as the representatives of 12 ruling Great Emperor. 带着一丝肃然之色,婆罗迦作为12位执政大帝的代表来到了帝舜面前。 Deep bowed good a ritual to Emperor Shun, to Emperor Shun Si Wenming, Ji Hao and the others, the woman Ka sinking sound track: Although is very awkward, but we must acknowledge that some beyond control matter occurred. We are willing to form fair treaty of alliance with Human Race, deals with the forthcoming enemy together. As the exchange, we hope that Human Race can set out the elite army, helping us recapture Liangzhu.” 深深的向帝舜、向帝舜身边的姒文命姬昊等人鞠躬行了一礼,婆罗迦沉声道:“虽然很尴尬,但是我们必须承认,有些无法控制的事情发生了。我们愿意和人族结成公平盟约,共同应付即将到来的敌人。作为交换,我们希望人族能够出动精锐军队,帮助我们夺回良渚。” Deeply inspired, woman Ka looks at Emperor Shun, cheek suddenly red, soft-spoken saying: We also hope that Emperor Shun your majesty can go to Liangzhu, Human Race Warrior in persuasion city, do not make to destroy our two clan treaties of alliance the matters.” 深吸了一口气,婆罗迦看着帝舜,面皮突然一红,细声细气的说道:“我们还希望,帝舜陛下能够去良渚,劝说城内的人族战士,不要做出破坏我们两族盟约的事情。” Emperor Shun unemotionally looks at woman Ka, Ji Hao and Si Wenming looked at one mutually, simultaneously cracks into a smile! 帝舜面无表情的看着婆罗迦,姬昊、姒文命相互望了一眼,同时咧嘴一笑! Proud and wildly arrogant Yu Clan, do you have today? 骄傲而骄狂的虞族,你们也有今天? Coughed gently, Ji Hao said indifferently: Fair treaty of alliance? Very good...... However Emperor Shun your majesty honored......” 轻轻咳嗽了一声,姬昊淡然道:“公平的盟约?很好……但是帝舜陛下何等尊贵……” Did Ji Hao spread out the palm not to have the advantage, why Emperor Shun to help you to woman Ka restrain the Human Race army in Liangzhu City?( To be continued.) 姬昊向婆罗迦摊开了手掌没有好处,帝舜凭什么帮你们收敛良渚城内的人族军队?(未完待续。)
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