TME :: Volume #15

#1452: Situation dumping tray

Liangzhu City extremely in huge, the so-called ultimate defensive system merely has also covered the city in Liangzhu City wall. 良渚城太过于庞大,所谓的终极防御体系也仅仅覆盖了良渚城墙内的城区。 Outside Liangzhu City, the manor and castle of innumerable big size small foreign race feudal lord, in Liangzhu City the war cries are shocking, many foreign race feudal lords sent out to scout the team going sentry post to search in abundance. 良渚城外,还有无数大大小异族领主的庄园和城堡,当良渚城内杀声震天的时候,好些异族领主纷纷派出了斥候队伍前去哨探。 Because Ji Hao started the relations of all Restriction, these scout unable to step into Liangzhu half step, actually also approximately clarified in the city what happened in brief, some people revolted. 因为姬昊开启了所有禁制的关系,这些斥候无法踏入良渚半步,却也大致的弄清了城内发生了什么事情总而言之,有人造反了。 Heard that the turbulence in Liangzhu was related with the Yemo day, there are innumerable scouting to see with one's own eyes Destruction arming and hundred axe stick elders is in the midair the dogfight scene, the complexion of Yemo luo coconut tree ‚’ one became the pale piece. 听说良渚的动荡和耶摩天有关,有无数的斥候亲眼看到了一具毁灭武装和过百斧杖长老在半空中缠斗的场景,耶摩椤椰的脸色‘唰’的一下变得惨白一片。 The slender body in a flash, Yemo luo coconut tree top of the head round black vortex Great Sun runs out slightly, the faint trace viscous black air/Qi fills the whole body. The strength of Dark Sun just likes the black hole, is towing all around is wriggling void fiercely, unceasingly to the body collapse of Yemo luo coconut tree. 窈窕的身体微微一晃,耶摩椤椰头顶一轮黑色漩涡般的大日冲出,丝丝粘稠的黑气弥漫全身。闇日之力犹如黑洞,牵引着四周的虚空剧烈的蠕动着,不断向耶摩椤椰的身体塌陷。 Yemo day, your this bastard!” The Yemo luo coconut tree cannot attend to acting with constraint, clenching jaws was cursing in a low voice. 耶摩天,你这个野种!”耶摩椤椰顾不得矜持,咬牙切齿的低声诅咒着。 The complexion of nearby 11 ruling Great Emperor and numerous authority elder becomes extremely strange, they had as if forgotten is falling into turbulent Liangzhu City, is very curious, is very excited looks at the Yemo luo coconut tree. 一旁的11位执政大帝和众多权力长老的脸色变得极其的古怪,他们似乎忘记了正陷入动荡的良渚城,一个个很是‘好奇’、很是‘激动’的看着耶摩椤椰。 The authority elder who even the eye pupil shines cannot help but muttered one: Aha, the Yemo family opens the mouth to acknowledge finally that this boy was a bastard? Ha Ha, respect Yemo da ( da ) your majesty, hopes that you and your wife can maintain this chaste marriage!” 甚至有一个眼眸放光的权力长老不由自主的咕哝了一声:“啊哈,耶摩家族总算开口承认,这小子是个野种了?哈哈,尊敬的耶摩亣(da)陛下,希望您和您妻子能够维持这段纯洁的婚姻!” The face of Yemo luo coconut tree becomes the jet black piece, her ten writer's cramps, on hand back blue vein bulge. Can look, she has used the complete willpower, this reluctantly controls itself not to start to this authority elder. 耶摩椤椰的脸变得漆黑一片,她十指痉挛,手背上一条条青筋凸起。看得出来,她用了全部的意志力,这才勉强控制住自己没有对这权力长老下手。 Yemo da, the father of Yemo luo coconut tree, on Yemo family a ruling Great Emperor, after promoting Sun and Moon Realm, the Yemo da choice returns to the Panyu world, the throne of ruling Great Emperor will give own daughter to inherit. 耶摩亣,耶摩椤椰的父亲,耶摩家族上一任执政大帝,在晋升日月境之后,耶摩亣选择回归盘虞世界,将执政大帝的宝座交给了自己的大女儿继承。 Many well-informed Yu Clan aristocrat said in secret, reason that Yemo da returns to the Panyu world , because of the Yemo day relations. Even if Yu Clan aristocrats are romantic and are loose, own wife bewildered has added a son to oneself, this matter is always hard saying that sees the person. 很多‘消息灵通’的虞族贵族私下里都说,耶摩亣之所以返回盘虞世界,正是因为耶摩天的关系。哪怕虞族的贵族们再浪漫、再风流,自己的妻子莫名其妙的给自己添了一个儿子,这种事情总是难以说出去见人的。 Because the relations of face, Yemo da is not noisy the matter, he clenches teeth to acknowledge that the Yemo day is own own flesh and blood, but he loses the Yemo day in Liangzhu makes in the family|home the old person foster, but he kept the Panyu world, intimate companion in the Panyu world convalescent body wife! 因为面子的关系,耶摩亣并没有将事情闹大,他咬牙承认耶摩天是自己的亲生骨肉,但是他把耶摩天丢在良渚让家中老人抚养,而他自己却留在了盘虞世界,‘亲密陪伴’自己在盘虞世界‘疗养身体’的妻子! This love matters, as a side that suffering a loss to be swindled, the Yemo family did not acknowledge on a housewife of head of household has any illegal behavior, they did not acknowledge the Yemo day is some housewife and unclear background lover lives. 这种风流韵事,作为吃亏上当的一方,耶摩家族绝不承认上一任家主的主妇有任何不轨的行为,他们绝不承认耶摩天是自家主妇和某个不明来路的野男人所生。 The Yemo luo coconut tree has displayed since a vice- eldest sister outward the style, to the Yemo day quite affection and care, in Liangzhu, anybody dares to dash a Yemo day least bit, the Yemo luo coconut tree will use the family strength to suppress fully. 一直以来,耶摩椤椰对外都表现出一副大姐风范,对耶摩天颇为慈爱、关心,在良渚,任何人胆敢冲撞耶摩天一丝半点,耶摩椤椰都会动用家族力量全力镇压。 Because of spoiling of Yemo luo coconut tree, the Yemo day can establish the glory control meeting, leading one group of playboys to be illegal in Liangzhu City Heng Xing. Because of Yemo day status quite a little issue, therefore other 11 ruling families and under various respected families bring to look at the good play the bored psychology, any matter to Yemo day tolerance especially. 正因为耶摩椤椰的娇惯,耶摩天才能成立荣耀主宰会,带着一群纨绔子弟在良渚城横行不法。正因为耶摩天的身份颇有点问题,所以其他11个执政家族和下面的各大家族才带着看好戏的无聊心理,什么事情都对耶摩天格外的容忍。 However today, the Yemo luo coconut tree opens the mouth to curse the Yemo day finally personally is bastard! 但是今天,耶摩椤椰终于亲自开口咒骂耶摩天是‘野种’! Emperor Shun, Shennong and shaft Saint sovereign, a haughty Hao look of brain surreptitious looks that these Yu Dynasty great person these fellows shouldn't lead troops Liangzhu to put down a rebellion burning with impatience? 帝舜神农氏、轩辕圣皇,还有一个愣头愣脑的敖昊神色诡秘的看着这些虞朝的大人物这些家伙不是应该心急如焚的带兵回去良渚平乱么? Why, do these fellows seem a face are comfortable? Moreover are their smiling faces so strange? 为什么,这些家伙看上去一脸舒爽?而且他们的笑容还是如此的古怪? Own den had been copied, a Liangzhu City confusion, weren't these fellows worried? 自家老巢都被人抄了,良渚城正一片混乱,这些家伙一点儿都不担心? The Emperor Shun complexion becomes extremely serious in his opinion, these Yu Dynasty ruling Great Emperor and authority elders are really the extraordinary characters, has peaceful landslide in Qian, but color invariable bearing. Emperor Shun ponders, if he heard that Pu Ban piece of chaos, have the Human Race big clan rebellion, he definitely cannot achieve like the Emperor Shi Yama them the whole face belt smiles self-poise. 帝舜的脸色变得极其的严肃在他看来,这些虞朝的执政大帝和权力长老果然都是了不得的人物,颇有泰山崩于前而色不变的气度。帝舜自忖,若是他听说蒲阪一片大乱,有人族大氏族造反的话,他肯定做不到像帝释阎罗他们这样满脸带笑、镇定自若。 Really is one group of fearful enemies.” Emperor Shun was muttering secretly: Liangzhu City falls into piece of chaos, they can also be able to sit still unexpectedly. Really, is turbulent aspect, more must deal calmly...... Cannot think that my cultivating for a lifetime is, mood might as well these for Yu Clan who empty boasting, is famous frivolously!” “真是一群可怕的敌人。”帝舜暗自咕哝着:“良渚城陷入一片大乱,他们居然还能坐得住。果然,越是动荡的局面,越是要冷静应对……想不到吾一辈子的修为,心境还不如这些以浮夸、轻浮著称的虞族!” Fierce Ding, woman Ka Ha Ha has not smiled, his frivolous has thrown a coquettish look to the Yemo luo coconut tree: „The Yemo luo coconut tree of respect your majesty, your younger brother launched the rebellion, his glory control meeting, his small secret organization, is called this name? The glory control can attack and occupy Liangzhu! Oh, our clansmen have become his captive, Ha Ha, how many ransom money do we need to pay?” 猛不丁的,婆罗迦‘哈哈’笑了起来,他轻佻的向耶摩椤椰抛了个媚眼:“尊敬的耶摩椤椰陛下,啊,您的弟弟发动了叛乱,他的荣耀主宰会,他的那个小小的秘密组织,是叫做这个名字吧?荣耀主宰会攻占了良渚!天哪,我们的族人都成了他的俘虏,哈哈,我们需要付出多少赎金呢?” An audiences rule Great Emperor has all smiled, the authority elders have also smiled. 一众执政大帝全笑了,权力长老们也都笑了起来。 Reason that they were not worried about the situation in Liangzhu, because just this is the rebellion of Yemo day launch. 他们之所以对良渚的局势毫不担心,正因为这是耶摩天发动的叛乱。 According to the unspoken rule of Yu clan, rebellion, but the Yemo day must assure the safety of all Yu Clan aristocrat. All Yu Clan aristocrats in Liangzhu City have become the Yemo day captive, that can also negotiate. Pays a ransom money, any matter is open to discuss! 按照虞族的潜规则,叛乱可以,但是耶摩天必须保证所有虞族贵族的生命安全。良渚城内的所有虞族贵族都成了耶摩天的俘虏,那也都是可以谈判的。缴纳一笔赎金,什么事情都好商量嘛! Regardless of the Yemo day wants to make anything, so long as in any case the clansman is all right, nothing but is the exchange of authority and benefit. 无论耶摩天想要做什么,反正只要自家族人没事,无非就是权力和利益的交换而已。 Does the Yemo day want into a ruling Great Emperor of Yemo clan? Can discuss! 耶摩天想要成为耶摩一族的执政大帝?可以商量嘛! This even is a good deed! If the Yemo luo coconut tree chased off the stage...... 这甚至是一件好事!如果耶摩椤椰被赶下台…… The vision of several ruling Great Emperor become extremely subtle, is sizing up the Yemo luo coconut tree slender and beautiful body. If the Yemo luo coconut tree is deposed, then perhaps they have the opportunity well is intimate with her? 好几个执政大帝的目光变得极其微妙,上上下下的打量着耶摩椤椰窈窕而绝美的身体。如果耶摩椤椰被赶下台,那么他们或许有机会好好的和她亲热亲热? Yemo luo coconut tree by this crowd of colors - the vision of stick makes infuriated, she exclaimed fierce: Do not forget that the father of this bastard is very possible is that...... This bastard launched rebellion at this time, has controlled Liangzhu, you think that what he did want to make?” 耶摩椤椰被这群色-棍的目光弄得火冒三丈,她厉声吼道:“不要忘记,这个野种的父亲很可能是那一位……这个野种在这个时候发动叛乱,控制了良渚,你们以为他想要做什么?” Exclaiming that the Yemo luo coconut tree stamps one's foot: You thought that he according to the custom of my clan, after collecting part of ransom money, safely releases your clansmen? You thought that what condition he will put forward? If he does want us to disarm all?” 耶摩椤椰跳着脚的吼道:“你们觉得,他会按照我族的规矩,在收取一部分赎金后,就把你们的族人安全释放么?你们觉得,他会提出什么样的条件?如果他要我们解除所有武装?” Naturally is impossible!” Yan Mosha is decisive saying immediately decidedly: Naturally was impossible, has disarmed, making his father win all our with ease? We such big territory, these many subjects, these many servants, these many slaves, such huge army, we every year the benefit that seizes from the Pangu world as well as the peripheral dozens world......” “当然不可能!”阎摩刹立刻果断决然的说道:“当然不可能,解除了武装,让他的父亲轻轻松松的夺走我们的一切么?我们这么大的领地,这么多的子民,这么多的奴仆,这么多的奴隶,这么庞大的军队,还有我们每年从盘古世界以及周边数十个世界攫取的利益……” Yan Mosha sneers saying: Did not have the benefit of Pangu world, do we in the family of Panyu world, endure the hardships of fieldwork?” 阎摩刹冷笑道:“没有了盘古世界的利益,我们在盘虞世界的家族,都去餐风饮露么?” The Yemo luo coconut tree spreads out both hands, lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles. 耶摩椤椰摊开双手,冷冷的一笑。 The complexion of ruling Great Emperor and authority elders simultaneously becomes serious, saying that an authority elder clenches jaws: Everybody collaborates, first killed Yemo day young animal to say again!”( To be continued.) 执政大帝和权力长老们的脸色同时变得严肃起来,一个权力长老咬牙切齿的说道:“大家联手,先弄死耶摩天这小崽子再说!”(未完待续。)
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