TME :: Volume #15

#1451: Startled day sad news

Chi Ban Mountain, in midair. 赤坂山,半空中。 The shaft Saint sovereign stopped the hand, looks at the woman Ka's behind authority elder curiously. 轩辕圣皇已经停下手,好奇的看着婆罗迦身后的权力长老。 The ruby in wrist|skill is glittering rapidly the unlucky red light, has the grating alarm sound to transmit unceasingly. The named woman Luo Di authority elder was cloudy the face, the right hand index finger is outlining dozens mystique Symbol in the ruby rapidly. 手腕上的红宝石急速的闪烁着不祥的红光,更有刺耳的警报声不断传来。名为婆罗碲的权力长老阴沉着脸,右手食指在红宝石上急速勾勒出了数十枚秘法符文 chī chī in sound, continuously thin extremely red light flows out from the ruby, just likes the smog circles regarding the woman Luo Di wrist|skill equally slowly. The quick red light encircled square light screen, but in anything did not have. 嗤嗤’声中,一缕缕极细的红光从红宝石中流出,犹如烟雾一样围绕着婆罗碲的手腕缓缓盘旋。很快红光围成了一块四四方方的光幕,但是里面什么都没有。 Nobody?” Woman Luo Di a little distressed is scolding in a low voice: This group of damn fellows, even if we are not, also cannot such recklessly profligate. Every day, in the government affairs hall of family, always should over ten clansmen take turns on duty!” “没人么?”婆罗碲有点狼狈的低声呵斥着:“这群该死的家伙,就算我们不在,也不能这么肆意放荡。每天,家族的政务厅内,总应该有十名以上族人轮值!” Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign looked at one mutually, the pupil has fast flashed through wipes the strange none remaining. They know certainly that what Ji Hao made, now looks like, as if did the matter make? 帝舜和轩辕圣皇相互望了一眼,眸子飞快闪过一抹奇异的精光。他们当然知道姬昊去做什么了,现在看起来,似乎事情做成了? The Yu Dynasty 12 rule families, each ruling family has own government affairs hall, specifically was responsible for on the 3rd in the September 12 branch veins the daily administration. Woman Ka leads the family elite south to draft Human Race, in a government affairs hall of woman Luo clan some people are on duty after all. 虞朝12个执政家族,每个执政家族都有属于自家的政务厅,专门负责三日九月12个支脉的日常行政事务。婆罗迦带领家族精锐南征人族,婆罗一族的政务厅内总归有人值班。 On the woman Luo Di forehead has seeped out cold sweat, his continuous change nine mystique Symbol, but does not have a place to give him any response. 婆罗碲的额头上渗出了一层冷汗,他连续变化了九种秘法符文,但是没有一处地方给他任何回应。 The body is shivering slightly, woman Luo Di looked up woman Ka: Family government affairs hall, Commercial Office, the military affairs hall, the books hall, hides away the hall...... Clansman who nine key organizations, take turns on duty every day at least over 120 people, a place has not had the reply.” 身体微微颤抖着,婆罗碲抬起头来看着婆罗迦:“家族政务厅,商务厅,军务厅,图书厅,秘藏厅……九个重要机构,每天轮值的族人起码在120人以上,没有一个地方有回信。” The woman Ka's complexion suddenly becomes the pale piece. 婆罗迦的脸色骤然变得惨白一片。 He He, will not be at while us, the kids in clan...... Yesterday evening played goes too far?” The Emperor Shi Yama does intentionally calm standing up, he said with a smile to an behind authority elder: Clansman who demon elder, relates remaining...... Um, contacts with the elders who the elder institute remains behind directly.” “呵呵,不会趁着我们不在,族里的小家伙们……昨晚上玩得太过火了吧?”帝释阎罗故作镇定的站起身来,他向身后的一名权力长老微笑道:“魔长老,联系一下留守的族人……嗯,直接联系长老院留守的长老们。” The Emperor Shi Yama makes the Emperor Shi demon relate an emperor clan to remain behind the elder of family specially. 帝释阎罗特意让帝释魔联系帝氏一族留守家族的长老。 This elder institute, naturally is not the Yu Dynasty highest elder institute, but is a Emperor Shi clan own elder organization. Can enter a Emperor Shi head of the clan old institute, is powerful, in the experienced steady clan the old person. 这个长老院,自然不是虞朝的最高长老院,而是帝释一族自家的长老机构。能够进入帝释一族长老院的,都是实力强大、老成稳重的族中老人。 The Emperor Shi Yama has in the troop clan elite south to draft, young people nobody in clan has restrained, the wild horse that probably runs away is the same, makes any absurd matter to have possibility everybody to be well aware after all, Yu Clan race disposition is so, romantic and dissolute already inscribed in their bones, is absent without authorization anything is not strange. 帝释阎罗带着大群族中精锐南征,族中的年轻人没人约束了,就好像脱缰的野马一样,作出任何荒唐的事情都有可能毕竟大家都心知肚明,虞族的种族性格就是如此,浪漫和浪荡早已铭刻在了他们的骨子里,擅离职守什么的并不稀奇。 Just, the elders of various clans were old, even if many people are also retaining the romantic instinct, will have 35 reasonable elders. 只不过,各家各族的长老们毕竟年纪大了,就算其中有不少人还保留着浪漫的天性,怎么也会有35个靠谱的长老。 The Emperor Shi demon has pulled out a fist big scarlet crystal, after reading aloud several incantations, the ring-like light screen spews out from the crystal together. In light screen peaceful, without any sound, does not have any image and sound transmits. 帝释魔掏出了一块拳头大的血色水晶,念诵了几声咒语后,一道环形光幕从水晶中喷涌而出。光幕中安安静静,没有任何动静,也没有任何的影像和声音传来。 The face of Emperor Shi demon is suddenly stiff. 帝释魔的脸骤然僵硬。 On the forehead of Emperor Shi Yama drop of cold sweat infiltrated, he does to say with a smile: What demon elder relates is the dropping elder? Ha, dropping elder likes good wine beautiful woman, perhaps did he just get drunk?” 帝释阎罗的额头上一滴冷汗渗了出来,他干笑道:“魔长老联系的是墮长老么?哈,墮长老喜欢美酒美人,或许他刚刚喝醉了?” All people, regardless of Human Race or foreign race looked up the weather, this noon, Emperor Shi did drop gets drunk? 所有人,无论人族还是异族纷纷抬头看了看天色,这大中午的,帝释墮就喝醉了? The Emperor Shi demon hollow laugh several, he same changed secret Zhou with woman Luo Di continuously, called several to remain behind an elder of Emperor Shi clan one after another, but did not have an elder to give him to reply in writing. 帝释魔干笑了几声,他和婆罗碲一样连续变动秘咒,接连呼叫了十几名留守帝释一族的长老,但是没有一个长老给他回信。 This, 12 ruling Great Emperor all cannot repress, they cannot attend to Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign, Shennong and the others in the front, being too busy has pulled out own contact rare treasure, remains behind the clansman in Liangzhu with various mystique crazy calls. 这一下,12执政大帝全按捺不住,他们顾不得帝舜、轩辕圣皇、神农氏等人就在面前,忙不迭的掏出了自家的联络秘宝,用各种秘法疯狂的呼叫留守良渚的族人。 How Ji Hao to open city garrison large formation of Liangzhu, not only has isolated the Liangzhu space and underground all difference channels, totally has blocked void, a least bit Magic Power fluctuation is unable to pass on. The contact rare treasures of 12 ruling Great Emperor are incapable of penetrating the ultimate of Liangzhu to defend Restriction radically, all signals thoroughly were embezzled by bottomless pit same large formation. 奈何姬昊开启了良渚的城防大阵,不仅仅隔绝了良渚天上、地下一切出入通道,更是彻底封锁了虚空,一丝半点儿法力波动都无法传出来。12执政大帝的联络秘宝根本无力穿透良渚的终极防御禁制,所有讯号都被无底洞一样的大阵彻底吞没。 Do not say that the glory control that the clansmen of 12 ruling families and certain foreign race aristocrats were abducted by Ji Hao, has escaped most probably by luck the lucky fellow who is captured also to be killed to get angry to be able with Warrior of four big altars to overtake the day to enter roadless does not have the gate, who has this time to respond the Emperor Shi Yama and woman Ka their call? 更不要说12个执政家族、若干个异族贵族的族人被姬昊掳走了大半,一些幸免被俘的幸运儿也被杀红了眼的荣耀主宰会和四大法坛的战士追得上天无路入地无门,谁有这个功夫来搭理帝释阎罗、婆罗迦他们的呼叫? Has not replied in writing! 没有回信! Has not replied in writing!! 没有回信!! Has not replied in writing!!! 还是没有回信!!! You!” Yemo luo coconut tree first changed Emperor Shun the vision, her lip slightly flood white, clenches teeth to shout to clear the way fierce: Is you...... No, is impossible, your Human Race is impossible to break through Liangzhu! Even if we have carried off most elite, but in Liangzhu City also some these many authority elder and axe stick elder remains, has the ultimate defensive system that we build for these years...... Your Human Race is impossible to achieve this point!” “你们!”耶摩椤椰第一个将目光转向了帝舜,她的嘴唇微微泛白,咬着牙厉声喝道:“是你们……不,不可能,你们人族不可能攻破良渚!哪怕我们带走了绝大部分的精锐,但是良渚城内还有这么多权力长老和斧杖长老留守,更有我们这么多年来打造的终极防御体系……你们人族还不可能做到这一点!” Ultimate defensive system? Emperor Shun and in the eyes of shaft Saint sovereign the none remaining flashes through Ji Hao this boy together, achieves? ‘终极防御体系’?帝舜和轩辕圣皇的眼睛里一道精光闪过姬昊这小子,是怎么做到的? Can make these ruling Great Emperor confident, city garrison Restriction that self-confident Human Race is unable to attack and capture, it can be imagined has strong defensive power. Actually Ji Hao does, can let Liangzhu falls into one type unusually deathly stillness condition? 能够让这些执政大帝信心满满,自信人族无法攻克的城防禁制,可想而知拥有多强的防御力。姬昊究竟是怎么做的,能够让良渚陷入一种异样的‘死寂’状态? An audiences rule Great Emperor and authority elder startled anger occurring together called the clansman in Liangzhu City again and again, but had not replied in writing. 一众执政大帝、权力长老惊怒交集的连连呼叫良渚城内的族人,但是一直没有回信。 The unlucky dark clouds cover in the top of the head of foreign race army, heard here news in the foreign race army who north Chi Ban Mountain pitches camp, many senior generals soar in abundance, the heart such as burns down has caught up, actually inquired Liangzhu City to have anything. 不祥的阴云笼罩在异族大军的头顶,在赤坂山北麓扎营的异族大军已经听到了这里的消息,好些高级将领纷纷腾空而起,心如火烧的赶了过来,纷纷打探良渚城究竟发生了什么。 When are not many, has caught up, they who one crowd the repairing clan great master hot sharp fire that assumes to singe in the city of catastrophe have brought the large-scale early warning Buddhist musical instrument in city of news catastrophe truly, indeed examines the fierce world spiritual energy that the Liangzhu direction has transmitted to fluctuate. 不多时,一群在浩劫之城内坐镇的脩族宗匠火急火燎的赶了过来,他们带来了更加确实的消息浩劫之城上的大规模预警法器,的确检测到了良渚方向传来的剧烈的天地灵气波动。 According to the scope of world spiritual energy fluctuation, can conclude that the final defensive system of Liangzhu City indeed fully opened. 按照天地灵气波动的幅度,可以断定良渚城的最终防御体系的确全力开启了。 12 ruling Great Emperor and authority elders on the scene even more startled, the final defensive system of Liangzhu City, least also takes 12 the authority elders of remaining to be authorized to open jointly. But since has time of joint authorization, why they don't communicate to themselves? 12执政大帝和在场的权力长老越发的惊慌不已,良渚城的最终防御体系,最少也要12名留守的权力长老联名授权才能开启。可是既然有联合授权的时间,为什么他们也不给自己通个信? Actually in Liangzhu City to have what? 良渚城内究竟发生了什么? An authority elder jumps eight chi (0.33 m) high suddenly, calling out that he shouts oneself hoarse: Sends a quickest flying apsaras battleship, hurries to return to Liangzhu to have a look, actually to have what? Hurries, hurries!” 一名权力长老突然一跳八尺高,他声嘶力竭的叫道:“派一条最快的飞天战舰,赶紧返回良渚看看,究竟发生了什么?赶紧去,赶紧去!” A slender metal flying boat opens the sail, ship innumerable Symbol glistens, promoting the flying boat to fly to north with the quickest speed. 一条纤长的金属飞舟张开风帆,舰身上无数符文闪亮,推动着飞舟用最快的速度向北飞去。 Ao Hao muttered in a low voice: „Didn't this group of idiots, their speeds compared with this tattered gadget, how they personally go back to have a look quickly?” 敖昊低声咕哝道:“这群蠢货,他们的速度比这破烂玩意快多了,他们怎么不亲自回去看看?” Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign and Shennong have not spoken Yu Clan these big aristocrats to fear death, you counted on that they do go to the place of investigation enemy intelligence danger personally? Haughty Hao you were really think many. 帝舜、轩辕圣皇、神农氏都没吭声虞族的这些大贵族是多怕死啊,你指望他们亲自去危险之地探查敌情?敖昊你实在是想得太多了。 After here flying boat sends more than double-hour, finally had the foreign race young feudal lord outside Liangzhu City to feed in the information: 这里飞舟派出去一个多时辰后,终于有良渚城外的异族小领主传回了信息: The Liangzhu chaos, Liangzhu falls to the enemy, casualty situation unclear...... It is said that the chaos of Liangzhu are related with the Yemo day.( To be continued.) 良渚大乱,良渚沦陷,死伤情况不明……据说,良渚的大乱和耶摩天有关。(未完待续。)
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