TME :: Volume #15

#1450: The matter has flicked the sleeve

World like the checkerboard, all living things is a board game piece.” The dragon Venerable foot pedal white clouds face directly the Destruction military equipment, smiles to look that the Yemo day said: My family two Founder, are the person of that true playing chess, the world common people, perform during two Founder plan.” “天地如棋盘,众生为棋子。”龙尊者脚踏白云直面毁灭武装,笑看着耶摩天说道:“我家两位祖师,乃是那真正的弈棋之人,天地苍生,尽在两位祖师算计之中。” „The Yemo day, your intelligence is still permissible, the family background does not go bad, if can the sincere be converted......” in dragon Venerable pupil the none remaining to dodge, stared at Destruction to arm stubbornly, serious saying: If can the sincere offer this treasure, in the future has your good fortune!” 耶摩天,你资质尚可,出身不坏,若是能虔心皈依……”龙尊者眸子里精光一闪,死死的盯了一眼毁灭武装,一本正经的说道:“若是能虔心献上此宝,未来自有你的造化!” Just although has not entered a city, dragon Venerable in the informer through Liangzhu City, can clearly know the prestige of Destruction arming. 刚刚虽然没有进城,龙尊者可是通过良渚城内的耳目,把毁灭武装的威能知道得清清楚楚。 Certain authority elders, hundred axe stick elders, had been hit by the Destruction military equipment actually dusty and dirty in appearance. Dragon Venerable ponders, even if their fellow apprentices four collaborates, wants to deal with these many foreign race powerhouse also not possible matters. 若干权力长老,过百斧杖长老,硬是被毁灭武装打得灰头灰脸。龙尊者自忖,就算是他们师兄弟四个联手,想要应付这么多的异族强者也是不怎么可能的事情。 Thus it can be seen Destruction arming is tyrannical, if the so heavy treasure falls into their hands, this value may too be big. 由此可见毁灭武装是何等强横,如此重宝若是落入他们手中,这价值可就太大了。 The Yemo weather results in corner of the eye tearing, he face upwards to roar, has pulled out The Soul Came Back Nine dragons water, clenching jaws has poured into the mouth. The thick auspicious sign surrounds the Yemo day whole body, his aura in reply rapidly, during the short several breath, in the Yemo heavenly body all internal injuries heals completely. 耶摩天气得眼角撕裂,他仰天怒吼一声,又掏出了一支回魂九龙水,咬牙切齿的倒进了嘴里。浓浓紫气环绕耶摩天全身,他的气息在急速的回复,短短几个呼吸间,耶摩天体内所有暗伤全部愈合。 Destruction arming vibrated slightly, the back giant wing opens slowly, all around arms to cave in void unceasingly to Destruction, the great quantity world spiritual energy was swallowed by Destruction arming unceasingly. 24 giant wings, style varies on the wing that attribute also varies unceasingly spout the lightning, raging fire, the sour wind and gas cloud...... 毁灭武装微微震动了一下,背后巨大的翅膀冉冉张开,四周虚空不断向毁灭武装塌陷下去,巨量的天地灵气不断被毁灭武装吞噬。24对巨大的翅膀,样式各异、属性也各异的翅膀上不断喷涌出闪电、烈火、酸风、毒雾…… Black, scarlet and grey three rounds Great Sun behind slowly raise in Destruction arming, in three rounds Great Sun, is the moon that nine rounds shapes and lusters constantly change. From the full moon to the waning moon, the phase of the moon is changing rapidly, the strength fluctuation shake that not measures strangely is void, compelling Dragon Hushi to look like four big Venerable again and again to retrocede. 黑、赤、灰三轮大日毁灭武装身后冉冉升起,在三轮大日的下方,是九轮形状、色泽不断变化的月轮。从满月到残月,月相急速变化着,诡异莫测的力量波动震荡虚空,逼得龙虎狮象四大尊者连连后退。 This boy must go all out, junior brother is careful!” Dragon Venerable long and loud cry, shouted to clear the way fierce: Cloth four elephants kill, four big altar disciples fast get rid, one and puts to death this liao!” “这小子要拼命,诸位师弟当心!”龙尊者长啸一声,厉声喝道:“布四象杀阵,四大法坛弟子速速出手,一并诛杀此獠!” The smoke cloud tumbles in all directions, the east , south , west and north four directions have 12,000 foreign race Warrior foot pedal smoke clouds to soar respectively, they grasp Qinglong, white tiger, rosefinch and Black Tortoise four likely law flags, has gotten down large formation according to the position cloth respectively. 四面八方烟云翻滚,东南西北四个方向各有12000名异族战士脚踏烟云腾空而起,他们手持青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四象法旗,各按方位布下了大阵 In the upper air four directions four shape stars simultaneously shine, continuously thin extremely Star Light penetrates void, fell on the foreign race Warrior top of the heads of 48,000 lineups. With the resounding songs and calls, has Qinglong, white tiger, rosefinch and Black Tortoise square Saint that beast phantom energy of the starlight concentrates to soar separately, being pleased as punch has sieged to the Destruction military equipment. 高空中四方四象星辰齐齐亮起,一缕缕极细的星光穿透虚空,落在了48000名布阵的异族战士头顶。伴随着高亢的鸣叫声,分别有星辰之力凝成的青龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四方圣兽虚影腾空而起,摇头摆尾的向毁灭武装围困了过来。 Dragon Hushi looked like four big Venerable to look at one mutually, they also opened mouth, has spouted fist size forever glorious precious pearl separately. 龙虎狮象四大尊者相互望了一眼,他们同时张开嘴,分别喷出了一颗拳头大小光芒万丈的宝珠。 Ji Hao both hands tight according to purple crystal ball, in Liangzhu large formation the innumerable [say / way] survey ripple is densely covered, analyzed four precious pearl attribute this to be the four this life Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality of immemorial square Saint beast quickly, does not know how to arrive at Dragon Hushi to look like in four people of hands. 姬昊双手紧紧按在紫色的水晶球上,良渚大阵中无数道探测波纹密布虚空,很快分析出了四颗宝珠的属性这应该是太古四方圣兽的四颗本命内丹,不知道怎么到了龙虎狮象四人的手中。 Four Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality integrated in four Saint beast phantom in upper air, with resounding songs and calls, four Saint beast phantom gradually congealing reality, when are not many becomes just likes the genuine flesh and blood, the fulls of vitality proliferate unceasingly from their within the body. 四颗内丹融入了高空中的四圣兽虚影中,伴随着高亢的鸣叫声,四圣兽虚影逐渐凝实,不多时就变得犹如真正的血肉之躯,更有一股勃勃生机不断从他们体内扩散开来。 Dragon Hushi looked like four big Venerable simultaneously to sing reads aloud the incantation, the body changes into the miraculous glow to submerge in four Great Saint carcasses together. The next flash, the length of body ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) four Great Saint beasts have the dreadful brilliance, pounces upon suddenly with the deafening long howl on, armed entire to surround Destruction. 龙虎狮象四大尊者同时唱诵咒语,身体化为一道灵光没入了四大圣兽体内。下一瞬间,体长万丈的四大圣兽带起滔天光焰,伴随着震耳欲聋的长啸声猛扑而上,将毁灭武装整个包围了起来。 Hits well!” Ji Hao both hands beat on the purple crystal ball rapidly, changes the establishment of Liangzhu large formation with the quickest speed. “打得好!”姬昊双手在紫色水晶球上急速跳动,用最快的速度改变良渚大阵的设置。 Along with his change, originally nimble and resourceful subtle, has Liangzhu large formation of infinite wondrous use becomes spiritless, he lost other all changes, can only stiff at this moment revolves according to Ji Hao establishment. 随着他的更改,原本灵动微妙,拥有无穷妙用的良渚大阵变得死气沉沉,他失去了其他的所有变化,只能僵硬的按照姬昊此刻的设置运转下去。 Ji Hao has left behind the innumerable traps and subsequent parties in large formation, even if initially designed to construct this large formation repairing clan great master to arrive at the scene, does not have 35 months, they are unable to break through the change of Ji Hao, is unable to restore to Liangzhu large formation original condition. 姬昊大阵中留下了无数的陷阱和后手,就算当初设计建造这座大阵的脩族宗匠亲临现场,没有35个月的时间,他们也无法攻破姬昊的更改,无法恢复良渚大阵的原貌。 In these 35 months, Liangzhu large formation can only according to the setting revolution of Ji Hao. 在这35个月中,良渚大阵只能按照姬昊的设定运转。 „Are you doing, are actually you doing?” Along with the Ji Hao unceasing change large formation establishment, nimble and resourceful wonderful large formation becomes will be stiff and clumsy, these crustification acts as the foreign race spirit body panic-stricken scream of energy key position in large formation. “你在干什么,你究竟在干什么?”随着姬昊不断的更改大阵设置,将原本灵动神妙的大阵变得僵硬而笨拙,那些‘镶嵌’在大阵中充当能量枢纽的异族灵体惊恐的尖叫起来。 As part of Liangzhu ultimate defensive system, these spirit bodies are usually responsible for maintaining the operation of this large formation, their each slight change to large formation knows from A to Z. Ji Hao to the change that large formation makes, making them leave thick diaphragm with large formation suddenly. 作为良渚终极防御体系的一部分,这些灵体平日里负责维护这座大阵的运行,他们对大阵的每一个细微的变化都了如指掌。姬昊大阵作出的更改,让他们突然和大阵之间多出了一层厚厚的膈膜。 They are unable to induce to existence of Liangzhu large formation again, in other words, they by Ji Hao stiffly has stripped from large formation. 他们再也无法感应到良渚大阵的存在,换句话说,他们被姬昊硬生生的从大阵中剥离了出来。 „...... Since you died, on the dust turns over to the dust, the earth to turn over to the earth, either the samsara is reincarnated, either is frightened out of one's wits. Will change into spirit body with the mystique? This matter goes against heaven's will line, is must by the retribution.” “诸位……你们既然已经死了,就尘归尘,土归土,要么轮回转世,要么魂飞魄散。用秘法将自己化为灵体?这种事情乃逆天而行,是一定要遭报应的。” Ji Hao innumerable the foreign race spirit bodies to the hemispheroid space shook the head with a smile: I am your retributions!” 姬昊笑着向半球形空间中无数的异族灵体摇了摇头:“我就是你们的报应!” All colors round cauldron shakes the cry loudly, Ji Hao opens mouth the blowout innumerable all colors multi-colored sunlight, these foreign race spirit body hissings whin are curled up by all colors multi-colored sunlight, involuntary flying has approached all colors round cauldron. 五彩圆鼎轰然震鸣,姬昊张嘴喷出无数条五彩霞光,这些异族灵体嘶声哀嚎着被五彩霞光卷起,身不由己的飞向了五彩圆鼎。 During the short several breath, in the hemispheroid space does not have a spirit body to exist again, the Ji Hao big sleeve wields, strikes the purple crystal racket must crush, thoroughly destroyed this foreign race to be used to control the entire Liangzhu large formation control key position. 短短几个呼吸间,半球形空间中再无一具灵体存在,姬昊大袖一挥,一击将紫色水晶球拍得粉碎,彻底摧毁了这个异族用来控制整个良渚大阵的操控枢纽。 Liangzhu City shivered slightly, from that moment on, large formation of Liangzhu will defer to the setting of Ji Hao to revolve continually, the bystander is hard to affect his strategy operation again. 良渚城微微颤抖了一下,从这一刻起,良渚的大阵将按照姬昊的设定持续运转,外人再难以影响到他的阵法运行。 Only if you reconstruct a control crystal, but this treasure so is not easy to refine!” Ji Hao has laughed several, greeted to the nether world founder after bronze gateway, the body leaves in a flash directly. “除非你们再造一颗控制水晶,但是这宝贝可不是这么容易炼制的!”姬昊大笑了几声,向青铜门户后的幽冥教主打了个招呼,身体一晃径直离开。 Thump the giant gateway that a bang, Ji Hao behind that leaf of gold casts shuts down loudly, in the setting of Ji Hao, only if the violence disassembles, otherwise this leaf of front door is unable to open again. If some people use violence to demolish this leaf of front door, then comes under the Liangzhu large formation craziest attack surely. ‘咚’的一声巨响,姬昊身后那扇黄金铸成的巨大门户轰然关闭,在姬昊的设定中,除非暴力拆卸,否则这扇大门再也无法开启。若有人真的动用暴力拆毁这扇大门,则必定受到良渚大阵最疯狂的攻击。 „, Ji Hao this kid......” in bronze gateway, the Netherworld Priest low and deep and hoarse sound spreads quietly. Black cold winds have blown from gate, just the nether world founder spent the dead souls puppet that the tremendous strength was unable to tow to entrain completely, does not have the strength of revolt by black cold wind light was involved in the gate. “呵,姬昊这小家伙……”青铜门户内,冥道人低沉、沙哑的声音悄然传出。一道道黑色阴风从门中吹了出来,刚刚幽冥教主花费了九牛二虎之力还没能完全拖拽进去的死灵傀儡,根本毫无反抗之力的被黑色阴风轻飘飘的卷入了门中。 After the quarter, Ji Hao arrived has adjoined the hotel of Yaichi Clan. 一刻钟后,姬昊来到了毗矢一族的宅邸。 Feng Xin and Yu Mu arrested enough many Yu Clan aristocrat, was pulls out to empty the treasure houses of many families. 风行雨牧已经抓捕了足够多的虞族贵族,更是掏空了许多家族的宝库。 Transmits in full speed to revolve one after another, unceasing will capture the treasure that and will seize to send out Liangzhu City. 一座一座传送阵正在全速运转,不断的将俘虏和缴获的宝物送出良渚城 Ji Hao has also joined busily, after a double-hour, four big Venerable and Yemo day fight are still continuing, Ji Hao led the person to evacuate Liangzhu City safely.( To be continued.) 姬昊也加入了忙碌中,一个时辰后,四大尊者和耶摩天的战斗还在继续,姬昊已经带着人安然撤离了良渚城。(未完待续。)
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