TME :: Volume #15

#1447: The analysis of Ye Moluo coconut tree

Ding-dong, shaft Saint sovereign draws a sword once more, with adjoining the arrow day, adjoining Brother Yaji two has made into one group. Golden sword air/Qi everywhere sweeps randomly, the shaft Saint sovereign shouted to clear the way fierce: Does not do in me in front and others, shows off your small thoughts.” ‘当当当当’,轩辕圣皇再次拔剑而起,和毗矢天、毗矢地兄弟两个打成了一团。金色剑气漫天乱扫,轩辕圣皇厉声喝道:“休要在我等面前,卖弄你们的小心思。” Your these foreign race fight for power and profit, why my does Human Race take the chestnut for your fire in?” “你们这些异族自家争权夺利,我人族凭什么为你们火中取栗?” Divulged the day to go, your so-called that great person came , must first tidy up was also you. These many years, who we do not know who? Your these three malicious ghosts are greedy, that great person arrived , the first matter completely accepts uncritically all your net worth, invades all your benefits.” “说破天去,你们所谓的那大人物真个来了,首先要收拾的也是你们。这么多年了,我们谁不知道谁?你们这些三眼恶鬼贪婪无度,那位大人物真个到了,第一件事情就是把你们的所有身家全部生吞活剥,侵占你们所有的利益。” What our does Human Race fear? Comes and two and 34, comes many foreign race malicious ghosts, we straightened up the backbone in brief and they do are! Does not break the backbone of my Human Race, we do dead with you!” “我们人族怕什么?来一个、两个、34个,来多少异族恶鬼,我们总之是挺直了脊梁骨和他们干上就是!打不断我人族的脊梁骨,我们就和你们干到死!” Wants my Human Race excellent soldier, makes your foreign race shield, fights for power and profit for you, when my Gongsun Xuanyuan is stupid or silly?” “想要我人族的大好儿郎,做你们异族的挡箭牌,替你们去争权夺利,当我公孙轩辕是蠢还是傻呢?” The sword air/Qi flies high, shaft Saint sovereign and adjoins the arrow day, to adjoin Yaji to rail each other with the most virulent language, hits everywhere murderous aura randomly get lost. The shaft Saint sovereign no doubt is only clone, he has the immeasurable Human Race merit to protect the body, obtains Pangu world Heavenly Dao principle in addition to hold, he by a person of strength, with adjoining the arrow day, adjoining Yaji hits well-matched, does not drop the wind. 剑气凌空,轩辕圣皇和毗矢天、毗矢地相互用最恶毒的语言谩骂对方,打得漫天杀气乱滚。轩辕圣皇固然只是一具分身,他有无量人族功德护体,得到盘古世界天道法则加持,他以一人之力,和毗矢天、毗矢地打得旗鼓相当,丝毫不落下风。 This time also nobody persuaded them to call a halt, 12 ruling Great Emperor saw that the military force is unable Emperor Shun and the others to submit, they were well aware the Human Race stubborn temperament, knows that these Pangu world barbaric inborn straight backbone, what wanting them to be subservient was foreign race makes the shield is the unlikely matter. 这一次也没人去劝说他们停手了,12执政大帝眼看武力无法让帝舜等人屈服,他们心知肚明人族的犟脾气,知道这些盘古世界的土著天生一条笔直的脊梁骨,想要他们奴颜婢膝的为异族做挡箭牌是不大可能的事情。 Since is unable military conquest, that only to convince with the benefit. 既然无法武力征服,那就只能用利益说服。 Sighed one lightly, the Yemo luo coconut tree has drawn up the second plan, her winning smile sweet looks at Emperor Shun, has thrown a coquettish look to Emperor Shun that in the pupil light circulation maintains composure. 轻叹了一声,耶摩椤椰拿出了第二套方案,她巧笑嫣然的看着帝舜,眸光流转中不动声色的向帝舜抛了个媚眼。 Emperor Shun Ha Ha has laughed, shaking the head that he makes an effort, said with a smile to the Yemo luo coconut tree: „The Yemo luo coconut tree, I passes that youth young good time, I am keeping wholeheartedly only thinking about the Human Race important matter now, to female sexual attractiveness actually not in heart. Some words said well, other, Ha Ha, I totally do not receive.” 帝舜‘哈哈’大笑了起来,他用力的摇着头,向耶摩椤椰笑道:“耶摩椤椰,吾已经过了那青春年少的好时光,吾如今一心只惦记着人族大事,对女色却是不怎么在心了。有话好好说,其他的嘛,哈哈,吾是一概不收的。” Ao Hao is being too busy jumped, his both hands according to the long table, having one to look greedily the Yemo luo coconut tree said with a smile: Young girl, do you ask Emperor Shun this old fogy to do really? My haughty date Tianlong fine tiger was fierce, was the young and strong year, you wanted the man, looked for me!” 敖昊则是忙不迭的跳了起来,他双手按在长桌上,带着一丝贪婪看着耶摩椤椰笑道:“小妞,你找帝舜这老家伙干甚?俺敖日天龙精虎猛,正是少壮之年,你想要男人,找我啊!” The smiling face of Yemo luo coconut tree is suddenly stiff, Emperor Shun helpless gaining ground looked at the day, grabs Ao Hao the arm, stiffly him according to seat. Hollow laugh several, Emperor Shun sinking sound track: „, Had the words to say well. In brief also looks understands, to use force, my Human Race accompanies.” 耶摩椤椰的笑容骤然僵硬,帝舜无奈的抬头看了看天,一把抓着敖昊的胳膊,硬生生将他按在了座位上。干笑了几声,帝舜沉声道:“诸位,有话好好说。总之还望诸位明白,若是想要动用武力,我人族奉陪到底。” The south side has heard the resounding luan Fengming cry, several thousand jet black luan phoenixes are emitting all over the body the viscous black flame, carried on the back several thousand initially witch lineage/vein Shaman to fly to here. 南边传来了高亢的鸾凤鸣叫声,数千头通体漆黑的鸾凤喷吐着粘稠的黑色火焰,驮着数万名初巫一脉的巫祭向这边飞了过来。 Initially witch lineage/vein evil and evil different, they are away from the platform also over a thousand li (0.5km) of negotiations, the aura that the body that type seems the poisonous snake is equally creamy, ice-cold evil yin tumbled to well up. The Yemo luo coconut tree, the complexions of other 11 ruling Great Emperor simultaneously slightly change. 初巫一脉邪恶、邪异,他们距离谈判的平台还有上千里地,那种好似毒蛇的身躯一样滑腻腻、冰冷阴邪的气息就已经翻滚涌来。耶摩椤椰,还有其他11位执政大帝的脸色同时微微一变。 Saw that Human Race assembles the army from the major clans, converges in the Chi Ban Mountain military force is more and more formidable. Moreover these foreign race high levels also look clearly, in the past repeatedly fought, never in Chi Ban Mountain has presented the armies of these top big clans, they have also braved. 眼看着人族从各大氏族调集军队,云集在赤坂山的军力是越来越强大。而且这些异族高层也看得清楚,就连往年多次大战,从未在赤坂山出现过的那些顶级大氏族的军队,他们也冒了出来。 Then, the big flood simply has not created to the Human Race military force any weakens, instead along with joining of these big clans, Emperor Shun this Human Race advocated the military force of subordinates to obtain the enhancement of several fold. 如此一来,大洪水根本没有对人族军力造成任何削弱,反而随着这些大氏族的加入,帝舜这个人族共主麾下的军力得到了数倍的增强。 That, we chatting well in a kindly manner.” The Yemo luo coconut tree has softened the sound: First, hopes that Emperor Shun your majesty acknowledged a point, for so many years, our Yu Dynasty 12 big ruling families, already all that was used to us to enjoy now. The war that the ruling Great Emperor who except that ascends the throne newly routine launches, the recent several hundred years, our Yu Dynasty has not launched the large-scale attack.” “那么,我们就好声好气的好好谈谈。”耶摩椤椰放软了声音:“首先,希望帝舜陛下承认一点,这么些年来,我们虞朝的12大执政家族,已经习惯了如今我们享有的一切。除了新登基的执政大帝例行发动的战争,最近数百年,我们虞朝并没有发动大规模的进攻。” Yemo luo coconut tree very sincere saying: Because we have been used to the present all, we had, from the resources to the authority, we, has our clansmen, has satisfied the resources that we enjoy now. Therefore, we do not want, for more resources pay with the life the price.” 耶摩椤椰很‘诚恳’的说道:“因为我们已经习惯了现在一切,我们拥有了很多,从资源到权力,我们、还有我们的族人,都已经满足了现在我们享有的资源。所以,我们不愿意为了更多的资源而付出生命的代价。” The Yemo luo coconut tree looks at Emperor Shun, very earnest saying: You, acknowledgment this point?” 耶摩椤椰看着帝舜,很认真的说道:“您,承认这一点么?” Emperor Shun has pondered over, dignified nod. 帝舜思忖了一阵,凝重的点了点头。 In recent years, these years that at least Emperor Shun reigns, except for the Emperor Shi Yama just ascended the throne into a blood moon/month lineage/vein rule Great Emperor the time have launched a war, when other times except for the Yu Dynasty hunting for slave team have the harassment, between Yu Dynasty and Human Race not large-scale war appear. 这些年来,起码帝舜在位的这些年,除了帝释阎罗刚刚登基成为血月一脉执政大帝的时候发动过一次战争,其他时候除了虞朝的猎奴队时有骚扰,虞朝人族之间并无大规模的战争出现。 Moreover is that war that the Emperor Shi Yama launches, the military force level that he sets out also is only restricted in the Divine Magi level. Sun and Moon Realm big energy, is equal to the strength of Human Race Magus God rank has not appeared, that is one time purely to show off martial arts, celebrates the routine war that oneself ascend the throne to launch. 而且就算是帝释阎罗发动的那一次战争,他出动的军力层次也仅限于巫帝级。日月境的大能,也就是相当于人族巫神级别的战力并没有出现,那是一次纯粹为了炫耀武功、庆祝自己登基而发动的例行战争。 Therefore Emperor Shun approves the words of Yemo luo coconut tree. 所以帝舜认可耶摩椤椰的话。 Present Yu Dynasty, these top core high levels, they have no intention to erupt into and Human Race all-out war. The resources that because they enjoy at this moment enough they have used, they do not need to pay with the thousands life to grab more resources. 现在的虞朝,那些顶尖的核心高层,他们并无意爆发和人族的全面战争。因为他们此刻享受的资源已经足够他们使用,他们没有必要付出数以万计的生命去攫取更多的资源。 But newly arrived that difference.” The Yemo luo coconut tree sighed one lightly: „The magnitude of his back family influence and we are different, if the Pangu world is a piece of lush prairie, our families are only one flock of strong rabbits, we had a lawn to enjoy for us are enough.” “但是新来的那位不同。”耶摩椤椰轻叹了一声:“他背后的家族势力的量级和我们不同,如果说盘古世界是一片肥美的草原,我们的家族只是一群强壮的兔子,我们有一片草地供我们享受就足够了。” However that Sir behind family, is a Prehistoric giant beast, their appetites are our thousands of times, they must occupy compared with our pasture huge thousands of times of prairies, can satisfy their appetites.” The Yemo luo coconut tree looks at Emperor Shun, very earnest saying: You also acknowledged that is the formidable biology, the resources that he needs are more, not?” “而那位大人身后的家族,是一头洪荒巨兽,他们的食量是我们的千万倍,他们必须占据比我们的草场庞大千万倍的草原,才能满足他们的胃口。”耶摩椤椰看着帝舜,很认真的说道:“您也承认,越是强大的生物,他所需的资源就越多,不是么?” Emperor Shun nodded, he turned head to refer to standing Luneberg people on rear summit. 帝舜点了点头,他回头指了指站在后方山巅上的龙伯国人。 Luneberg people couples, they need a surrounding area hundreds of thousands li (0.5km) wooded mountain to support their family. Their volumes are too huge, their appetites are too astonishing, provides for the game without hundreds of thousands li (0.5km) size wooded mountain, they must starve to death. 一对儿龙伯国人夫妇,他们需要方圆十几万里的山林才能养活他们一家子。他们的体积太庞大,他们的食量太惊人,没有十几万里大小的山林供养猎物,他们就要饿死。 But how many Human Race tribes can a surrounding area hundreds of thousands li (0.5km) wooded mountain support? In the past the Ji Hao respective sun unit added in the Southern Wastelands territory, so is not big, the sun unit major branch tribes added to have several billions people, their territories did not have a Luneberg people couple's hunting ground to be big. 而方圆十几万里的山林能养活多少人族部落?当年姬昊所属的金乌部在南荒的领地加起来,也没有这么大,金乌部各大分支部落加起来有数亿人丁,他们的领地还没有一对儿龙伯国人夫妇的猎场大。 Is the formidable biology, the hunting space and resources that domain needs is huge, Emperor Shun deep to be so. 越是强大的生物,需要的狩猎空间、资源地盘越是庞大,帝舜对此深以为然。 If therefore they arrive, their goals are to invade the entire Pangu world surely.” The Yemo luo coconut tree looks that Emperor Shun sneers saying: If Human Race does not help us resist, then we immediately kneel surrender. We with for Yu Clan subjects, pledge allegiance to that Sir, is very wise choice.” “所以若是他们到来,他们的目标必定是侵占整个盘古世界。”耶摩椤椰看着帝舜冷笑道:“如果人族不帮我们抵抗,那么我们就立刻跪地投降。我们同为虞族子民,归顺那位大人,是很明智的选择。” The Emperor Shun complexion suddenly changes, has the Yemo luo coconut tree they hit the preparation of surrender? 帝舜的脸色骤然一变,耶摩椤椰他们已经打好了投降的准备? This to Human Race, absolutely is not the good news.( To be continued.) 这对人族来说,绝对不是什么好消息。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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