TME :: Volume #15

#1446: Wrangling

Fart!” “放屁!” You talk nonsense!” “你放屁!” Puts the smelly fart!” “放臭屁!” Puts the smelly fart greatly!” “大放臭屁!” Sky over Chi Ban Mountain, in the circular platform, Yu Dynasty and Human Race negotiator attended a banquet the imprecations that on often hears frankly, not minces. 12 ruling Great Emperor just like the class of street - bum vagabond, shaft Saint sovereign and the others just like the most vulgar marketplace ordinary men, the finger of both sides almost poked on the nose of opposite party, with the biggest strength loud was cursing. 赤坂山上空,圆形平台上,虞朝人族的谈判代表坐席上不时传来直率、丝毫不掩饰的咒骂声。12执政大帝犹如街头的流-氓地痞,轩辕圣皇等人犹如最粗俗的市井匹夫,双方的手指几乎杵到了对方的鼻子上,用最大的力气大声的咒骂着。 Sonorous a sound, the disposition most violent shaft Saint sovereign draws a sword to divide, Yu Clan aspect decides however 1-2 authority elders to wield a sword to welcome. Clang clang in sound Jianfeng clashes, splashes sparks to be innumerable, some both sides separately people stand persuasion two of good words good language, therefore everybody puts down the weapon, returning to the seat to continue to wrangle. ‘铿锵’一声响,性格最为暴烈的轩辕圣皇拔剑就劈,虞族方面定然有一两个权力长老挥剑迎上。‘锵锵’声中剑锋对撞,溅起火星无数,双方又分别有人站起来好言好语的劝说两句,于是大家又放下兵器,回到座位上继续扯皮。 Yu Clan wants Human Race to send out elite army to act as the cutting edge, meets head-on enemy who in the future will soon arrive. But Human Race grasps a key point, why must make the Human Race army bear the brunt brings death? 虞族要人族派出精锐军队充当先锋,迎战未来即将降临的敌人。而人族这边就抓住一个关键点,凭什么要让人族的军队首当其冲的去送死? The Yu Clan 12 ruling Great Emperor see Human Race representative to be intractable, the oil salt not to enter, they frequently on the racket table of being in a towering rage, point at Human Race representative to threaten them to compel Human Race to submit with the military force. 虞族的12执政大帝见人族代表软硬不吃、油盐不进,他们动辄就怒气冲天的拍桌而起,指着人族代表威胁他们要用武力强逼人族屈服。 Human Race represents to make an effort to whip the table that does not show weakness, is shouting out to make Yu Clan army who the saliva scatters graze a horse by all means that if who soft, has taken, who is the turtle bastard who the grandson raises. 人族代表毫不示弱的用力拍打着桌子,口水四溅的呼喝着让虞族大军只管放马过来,谁若是软了、服了、谁就是孙子养的乌龟王八蛋。 Saw that Human Race represents does not show weakness, Yu Clan 12 rule Great Emperor gentle breeze drizzle, soft-spoken explained things fiercely to them, they wanted proof vigorously, if that can lead the subordinates elite to arrive at the Pangu world greatly, the Human Race tribe alliance will face the total destruction and so on. 眼看人族代表丝毫不示弱,虞族12执政大帝又和风细雨、细声细气的向他们分说厉害,他们想要极力的证明,如果那位大能带着麾下精锐降临盘古世界,人族部落联盟将面临灭顶之灾云云。 Emperor Shun has smiled loudly, the expression that he and shaft Saint sovereign disdains very much, Yu Dynasty cannot crash Human Race, many can the foreign race strengths be what kind of? Human Race has enough confidence to meet all challenges, that so-called Yu Clan big energy, making him come freely! 帝舜就放声笑了,他和轩辕圣皇很不屑的表示,虞朝没能压垮人族,多一份异族的力量又能怎样?人族有足够的信心迎接一切挑战,那所谓的虞族大能,让他尽管来吧! Emperor Shun is takes advantage of opportunity to point out that that Yu Zuda can, if arrived, most bad luck who can be? Since has not been many years continuously by Yu Dynasty crazy suppression Human Race, but is took root the base, to have the Yu Dynasty aristocrat of huge net worth in the Pangu world! 帝舜更是顺势指出,那位虞族大能若是真的到来了,最倒霉的会是谁?不会是多年以来一直被虞朝疯狂打压的人族,而是已经在盘古世界扎下了根基、有了庞大身家的虞朝贵族! Present Human Race year to year was threatened by Yu Dynasty, the innumerable Human Race tribes often hunted for slave team attack, the innumerable Human Race subjects turned into the slave \; The Human Race tribe alliance year to year prepares and Yu Dynasty war, every year has the massive energy consumptions in resisting the military threat of Yu Dynasty. 现在的人族常年受到虞朝的威胁,无数人族部落时常被猎奴队攻击,无数人族子民变成了奴隶\;人族部落联盟常年准备和虞朝的战争,每年都有大量的精力消耗在对抗虞朝的军事威胁上。 Even if that Yu Zuda can arrive , the situation of Human Race tribe alliance is bad, the Human Race aspect as before and present phase difference is similar. 就算那位虞族大能真个到来了,人族部落联盟的局势再坏,人族的局面依旧和现在相差彷佛。 But the present Yu Dynasty aristocrats may not be different, present they keep aloof, enjoy all. But that harbored Yu Clan of heart of sneaking a look to arrive greatly, bore the brunt bad luck is the present 12 ruling Great Emperor, as well as they for all Yu Dynasty aristocrats of representative! 而现在的虞朝贵族们可就不一样了,现在的他们高高在上,享有一切。而那位怀着窥觑之心的虞族大能真个降临了,首当其冲倒霉的就是现在的12执政大帝,以及他们为代表的所有虞朝贵族! All that they have will be eliminated thoroughly, they from the ruler of keeping aloof, will turn into the lowly ruled. All authorities and all wealth that they have, are displaced by the person who will come newly-arrived. 他们所拥有的一切都将被彻底剥夺,他们将从高高在上的统治者,变成卑贱的被统治者。他们所拥有的一切权力、一切财富,都将被新到来的人取而代之。 Emperor Shun very explicit pointed out that forthcoming Yu Zuda can, he regarding Human Race perhaps is the disaster, is to the present Yu Dynasty aristocrats, that big energy is their total destruction! 帝舜很明确的指出即将到来的虞族大能,他对于人族而言或许是灾难,可是对现在的虞朝贵族们而言,那位大能才是他们的灭顶之灾! Therefore Emperor Shun told 12 ruling Great Emperor and their behind authority elders, wish let Human Race and they collaborates to resist the newly arrived Yu Clan big energy, they must express enough sincerity. This time, Human Race will not serve as the cannon fodder absolutely, will not be the cutting edge absolutely. 所以帝舜告诉12执政大帝和他们身后的权力长老们,想要让人族和他们联手对抗新来的虞族大能,他们必须表示出足够的诚意。这一次,人族绝对不会充当炮灰,绝对不会做先锋。 Emperor Shun exhausted possibly the simple language to indicate their manner, 12 ruling Great Emperor and their behind authority elders the manner to Emperor Shun were unsatisfactory, therefore they jumped in abundance, again the manner to Emperor Shun made unwarranted criticisms. 帝舜用尽可能精简的语言表明了自己的态度,12执政大帝和他们身后的权力长老们对帝舜的态度大为不满,于是他们纷纷跳了起来,再一次的对帝舜的态度横加指责。 Therefore shaft Saint sovereign is furious, he draws a sword once more, but chops it maliciously, changed 1-2 authority elders to draw a sword to welcome, both sides dingdong after having divided two swords mutually, everybody hurried well distributed, sitting that therefore everybody was also foul-mouthed returned to the home position. 于是轩辕圣皇震怒,他再次拔剑而起狠狠劈之,又换了一两位权力长老拔剑迎上,双方‘叮叮当当’的相互劈了两剑后,大家急忙调和,于是大家又骂骂咧咧的坐回原位。 So mutually accuses, wrangled mutually, the time passed by day-by-day, several days, any useful conclusion had not achieved in brief. 如此相互指责,相互扯皮,时间一天一天过去,好几天了,总而言之任何有用的结论都没达成。 Yu Clan aristocrats want in the Human Race fire to take the chestnut, makes their shields to launch the attack on own initiative \; The Human Race leaders are not stupid, this matter clearly is your Yu Clan internal benefit struggle, why to make the Human Race good son go all out for you? 虞族贵族们想要人族火中取栗,做他们的挡箭牌主动发起进攻\;人族的首领们也不蠢啊,这种事情分明是你虞族的内部利益斗争,凭什么让人族的好男儿为你们拼命呢? Yu Zuzhi wants to profit, Human Race is not stupid, cheap will not make you occupy. 虞族只想占便宜,人族可不蠢,一点儿便宜都不会让你占。 Therefore Yu Clan 12 ruling Great Emperor and authority elders frequently on according to threat in force Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign and other Human Race representatives, but Emperor Shun and the others were intractable, whatever you said give an exaggerated account of things, in brief they do not relent. 于是虞族的12执政大帝和权力长老们动辄就以武力威胁帝舜和轩辕圣皇等人族代表,而帝舜等人软硬不吃,任凭你说得天花乱坠,总之他们就是不松口。 Once for a while, adjoins arrow nu also suddenly to scream one: Lets Marquis Yao Ji Hao, comes back my life soul beast! Otherwise, my scarlet date lineage/vein and he did not die continuous, did not die with your Human Race continuous! My life soul beast, but also comes back!” 时不时的,毗矢伮还会突然尖叫一声:“让垚侯姬昊,将我的本命魂兽还回来!不然的话,我赤日一脉和他不死不休,和你们人族不死不休!我的本命魂兽,还回来!” „The Lord of my vault of heaven, I spent many prices to bring here him!” Adjoins arrow nu just likes the deep palace resentful woman generally verbose is calling out, regardless of Yu Clan, is Human Race, nobody responds him radically. “我的苍穹之主啊,我花费了多少代价才把他带来这里!”毗矢伮犹如深宫怨妇一般絮絮叨叨的嚎叫着,但是无论虞族这边,还是人族这边,根本没人搭理他。 To return to the Lord of vault of heaven, you look for Ji Hao, you spend the high price to redeem your life soul beast, here shouted that what makes? 想要回苍穹之主,你去找姬昊啊,你去花大价钱赎回你的本命魂兽啊,在这里叫嚷做什么? Does not stop, useless argument, the time wastes on such Ping Bai, everybody was speaking the completely useless idle talk infuriated. 毫无休止、毫无用处的争论,时间就这么平白浪费,大家都火冒三丈的说着完全无用的废话。 Along with passing of time, Human Race major clans elite gathers Chi Ban Mountain. In shaft Saint sovereign and the others under the supervisions, the big clan that the past many wars never make an appearance elite appears one after another, the large-scale war instrument of Human Race manufacture also has revealed voluntarily the fang in Chi Ban Mountain. 随着时间的流逝,人族各大氏族的精锐纷纷汇聚赤坂山。在轩辕圣皇等人的监督下,过去好多次大战从未露面的大氏族精锐纷纷出现,人族自行制造的大型战争器械也在赤坂山露出了獠牙。 Along with the unceasing enhancement of Human Race military force, 12 ruling Great Emperor could not sit still. 随着人族军力的不断增强,12执政大帝坐不住了。 Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign they are intractable, they cling to tenaciously a bottom line, Human Race is impossible to make Yu Clan shield is. Emperor Shun is firm pointing out, this is Yu Clan internal benefit struggle, is their Yu Dynasty aristocrats' trouble, but also asked them to clearly recognize the reality, be not thinking drew in Human Race this big morass. 帝舜和轩辕圣皇他们软硬不吃,他们死守一条底线,人族怎么也不可能做虞族的挡箭牌就是。帝舜更是坚定的指出,这是虞族内部的利益斗争,是他们虞朝贵族们的麻烦,还请他们认清现实,别想着把人族拖进这个大泥坑里面。 Therefore 12 ruling Great Emperor are furious, quiet date Great Emperor Yan Mosha issued an order, subordinates a city of golden color statue his catastrophe to turn the head suddenly, in a Human Race big camp toward Chi Ban Mountain launched an attack of small equivalent. 于是12执政大帝震怒,幽日大帝阎摩刹一声令下,直属他的浩劫之城一座金色雕像突然转过头来,朝着赤坂山中一座人族大营发动了一次小当量的进攻。 Bellows the vibration clouds, ten Luneberg guo giant about 30 miles in height, they collaborate to carry a giant shield of shining, reaches as high as hundred li (0.5km) great shield keeps off the god who before the city of catastrophe has emitted light attacks, has eaten up this attack stiffly. 一声大吼震动云霄,十尊龙伯国的巨人身高30里上下,他们联手扛着一座流光溢彩的巨大盾牌,高达百里的巨盾挡在了浩劫之城放出的神光攻击前,硬生生吃下了这道攻击。 Ten Luneberg guo giant body fierce is shivering, their puffing in gulps. 十尊龙伯国的巨人身体剧烈的颤抖着,他们大口大口的喘着粗气。 This strikes them to keep off has enough to do, but they have blocked the frontal attack of city of catastrophe after all. 这一击他们挡得很吃力,但他们毕竟挡住了浩劫之城的正面攻击。 Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign laughs loudly, the complexions of 12 ruling Great Emperor become are very ugly, if the threat in force of city of catastrophe is unable to make Human Race submit, how then they must be able to force Human Race to act as the cutting edge, resists forthcoming sneaking a look for them? 帝舜、轩辕圣皇放声大笑,12执政大帝的脸色变得很是难看,如果浩劫之城的武力威胁都无法让人族屈服,那么他们要怎么样才能逼迫人族充当先锋,为他们抵挡即将到来的窥觑者? The time continues to pass, both sides represent continue to wrangle in Chi Ban Mountain as before, continue to rail and beat mutually.( To be continued.) 时间继续流逝,双方代表依旧在赤坂山继续扯皮,继续相互谩骂、殴打。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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