TME :: Volume #15

#1445: General attack

Beyond the highest heavens, in The heaven. 九霄云外,天庭之中。 Emperor Shi kills to carry one glass of good wines, sat on once central God throne, static looks at center the main hall Fang Shenguang a bright treasure mirror. The mad dog same clamored to whoosh, did not give a thought to the body and soul that was unable to withstand the load, stimulated to movement Yemo day every action and every movement that the Destruction military equipment chaotic disrupted to pound crazily, performed takes in everything at a glance in the valuable mirror. 帝释杀端着一杯美酒,坐在曾经的中央天帝宝座上,静静的看着大殿正中一方神光熠熠的宝镜。疯狗一样叫嚣嘶吼,不顾不堪重负的身体和灵魂,疯狂催动毁灭武装乱打乱砸的耶摩天一举一动,尽在宝镜中一览无遗。 What kind of?” Emperor Shi killed sip a The heaven cellaring not to know the best quality goods god who many years fermented, asked one leisurely. “怎么样?”帝释杀抿了一口天庭窖藏了不知道多少年的极品神酿,慢条斯理的问了一句。 Stands kills Chi You both hands to hug in Emperor Shi in the front, the nose casts aside, disdains has sneered: Simply is a hair - the buffalo of sentiment. Without the tactic, does not have the strategy, I suspected very much that he is really the son of that Sir?” 站在帝释杀身边的蚩尤双手抱在胸前,鼻子一撇,不屑的冷笑了起来:“简直就是一头发-情的野牛。没有战术,更没有战略,我很怀疑,他真是那位大人的儿子?” Emperor Shi killed sighed one lightly, non- how spread out both hands, in the pupil has wiped the strange ray to sparkle: To the high blood moon/month on, he indeed is the blood relative flesh and blood of that Sir. Perhaps, was his mother's bloodlines was too bad?” 帝释杀轻叹了一声,无奈何的摊开了双手,眸子里一抹奇异的光芒闪了闪:“至高的血月在上,他的确是那位大人的嫡亲血肉。或许,是他母亲的血脉太差了一些?” Chi You hey has smiled several, shows neither approval nor disapproval to the words that Emperor Shi kills. Emperor Shi killed also hey to smile, he looked at Chi You, similarly has cast off this sensitive issue. No matter what, the Yemo day is the flesh and blood of that Sir, his performance is disappointing, he is also the flesh and blood of that Sir. 蚩尤‘嘿嘿’的笑了几声,对帝释杀的话不置可否。帝释杀也‘嘿嘿’笑了起来,他看了看蚩尤,同样甩开了这个过于敏感的问题。不管怎样,耶摩天都是那位大人的骨肉,他的表现再差劲,他也是那位大人的骨肉。 As long as involves any topic of that Sir, is discrete again discrete good. Even if that Sir also has the extremely remote distance from the Pangu world, who knows that he can hear Emperor Shi to kill with the words that Chi You quite a little disrespects?, 但凡牵扯到那位大人的任何话题,还是谨慎再谨慎一些的好。哪怕那位大人距离盘古世界还有极其遥远的距离,可是谁知道他是否能听到帝释杀和蚩尤颇有点不敬的话?、 Leads your person, goes to Liangzhu. That so-called glory control office some people can die, the Yemo huge person cannot injure half hair.” Emperor Shi kills to wave, light saying: He vented similarly, leads him to come back.” “带你的人,去良渚。那所谓的荣耀主宰会所有人都可以死,耶摩天大人不能伤损半根头发。”帝释杀挥了挥手,淡淡的说道:“等他发泄得差不多了,就带他回来。” Shrugs the shoulders, Emperor Shi kills the god in wine class ferments tosses down, providing much food for thought a lower jaw: I can understand that the young people demonstrate own ability before own father eagerly...... However, cannot use own life risk.” 耸耸肩膀,帝释杀将酒杯里的神酿一饮而尽,回味无穷的吧嗒了一下嘴:“我能理解年轻人急于在自己的父亲面前展示自己的能力……但是,总不能用自己的生命冒险。” Chi You hey has smiled several, went out of the main hall in big strides. He and Emperor Shi kills to be well aware, the Yemo day with own life risk, was actually equal to is taking their poor life risks, if the Yemo day has any accident, Emperor Shi kills with Chi You is lives to might as well die. 蚩尤又‘嘿嘿’的笑了几声,大踏步的走出了大殿。他和帝释杀心知肚明,耶摩天用自己的生命冒险,其实也等于在拿他们两个的小命冒险如果耶摩天有任何的三长两短,帝释杀和蚩尤都是生不如死。 All constructions of Liangzhu in slight shivering, part because of underground city garrison large formation in full revolution, huge world spiritual energy transmission of rapidly in underground energy network \; Part is because, Dragon Hushi looked like four big Venerable to bring innumerable Warrior to crash in Liangzhu. 良渚的所有建筑都在轻微的颤抖,一部分是因为地下的城防大阵在全力的运转,庞大的天地灵气在地下的能量网络中急速的传送\;一部分则是因为,龙虎狮象四大尊者带着无数的战士冲进了良渚。 Emperor Shi jin were converted Yu Clan aristocrats of four big Venerable is the head, they are familiar with Liangzhu City each main street and small alley, under their leadership, the disciples of blue lotuses, bailian, red violets and Jin Lian four big altars has taken over control of the strategic point of Liangzhu most surrounding smoothly. 帝释堇等皈依了四大尊者的虞族贵族为首,他们熟悉良渚城的每一条大街小巷,在他们的带领下,青莲、白莲、红莲、金莲四大法坛的弟子顺利的接管了良渚最外围的战略要点。 Lookout towers were attacked and occupied, a everywhere fortress was captured, the quantity many foreign race garrison troops were submerged by the limitless tide of people, foreign race Warrior that innumerable pupil red Human Race Warrior will raise hand to surrender towed to entrain the spacious place, nearly crazy chopped the meat sauce them. 一座座瞭望塔被攻占,一处处堡垒被攻陷,数量不多的异族守军被无边无际的人潮淹没,无数眸子通红的人族战士将举手投降的异族战士拖拽到了空旷处,近乎疯狂的将他们剁成了肉酱。 Crazy, thorough crazy. 疯狂,彻底的疯狂。 From the black mountain mine, from fang basin, mine tunnel the Human Race slaves from Yu Dynasty these total darkness just likes the malicious ghost who in the hell flees, all that the crazy crashing in Yu Clan hotel one after another, the destruction of hysteria they are seeing. 来自黑山矿场,来自獠牙盆地,来自虞朝那些暗无天日的矿洞中的人族奴隶犹如地狱中窜出来的恶鬼,疯狂的冲进一座又一座的虞族宅邸,歇斯底里的破坏着他们所见的一切。 They were shouting loudly Daoist Wood and Priest Hua name in religion, shouted loudly Dragon Hushi to look like [say / way] numbers of four big Venerable, has destroyed all constructions in their field of vision, attacks all foreign race that they saw. They set on fire in all directions, forcing the foreign race clansman who hid to escape from the hiding place, they took advantage of the superiority in population to close, kills foreign race that these were panic-stricken completely. 他们高呼着木道人花道人的法名,高呼着龙虎狮象四大尊者的道号,摧毁了他们视野中的所有建筑,袭击他们所见的所有异族。他们四处纵火,逼迫躲藏起来的异族族人逃出了藏身之地,他们依仗着人数上的优势一拥而上,将那些惊慌失措的异族全部杀死。 Lotus flower law flags from the sky drift in the wind, the innumerable reverent disciples are lifting the long wooden rod, above is hanging Daoist Wood and Priest Hua true body image. 一面面莲花法旗在空中飘拂,无数虔诚的弟子举着长长的木杆,上面挂着木道人花道人的真身图影 Many full hand bloody Human Race Warrior are carrying the covered with blood foreign race head, reverent kneeling down before Daoist Wood and Priest Hua true body image, pray of muttering. Their vision are also frantically dedicated, they give to Daoist Wood and Priest Hua the head of foreign race, when they lie prostrate in worship their portraits, resembles the immemorial time also to be at the uncivilized state Human Race the deity that prostrates oneself to keep aloof! 好些满手血腥的人族战士拎着血肉模糊的异族头颅,虔诚的跪倒在木道人花道人的真身图影前,喃喃自语的祈祷着。他们的目光狂热却又专注,他们将异族的头颅献给木道人花道人,他们顶礼膜拜两人的画像时,就好像太古时代还处于蒙昧状态的人族在膜拜高高在上的天神! Just likes Tsunami the strength of belief changes into the naked eye obvious Purple gold color mighty current, pours into Daoist Wood and in the Priest Hua huge portrait unceasingly. 犹如海啸的信仰之力化为肉眼可见的紫金色洪流,不断注入木道人花道人巨大的画像中。 Different with the common time, the Human Race Warrior seven emotions ebullition and six sexual attractions that today slaughters dissolutely are demented, in their strength of belief floods various strong mood to fluctuate. These mood fluctuations change into continuously seven color clouds and mist, combines, in the Purple gold color belief read in the strength, similarly is accepted by swallowing that their portrait brook drop did not remain. 和寻常时候不同,今日放肆杀戮的人族战士们七情沸腾、六欲癫狂,他们的信仰之力中充斥着各色各样强烈的情绪波动。这些情绪波动化为一缕缕七彩烟霞,混杂在紫金色的信仰念力中,同样被两人的画像涓滴不剩的吞纳一空。 The Human Race slave who runs out of the mine tunnel, they and foreign race have the intense and deep-seated hatred. 这些从矿洞中冲出的人族奴隶,他们和异族有着血海深仇。 Today they used the craziest method to strike to kill innumerable foreign race, their mood already resoundingly to the extreme. They to the belief of Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, were demented to the pinnacle. 今日他们用最疯狂的手段击杀了无数的异族,他们的情绪已经高亢到了极点。他们对木道人花道人的信仰,更是癫狂到了极致。 At this moment, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua are only in their heart, their complete lives centralized in two people. 此刻,木道人花道人就是他们心中的唯一,他们的全部性命都集中在了两人身上。 But ascension the belief read strength blazingly so like the fire, several thousand huge portraits shone eye-catching brilliance, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua in portrait seemed lived, Liangzhu City that their vision nimble and resourceful gaze the flame was soaring to the heavens, their corners of the mouth in faintly visible portrait turned upwards slightly, have shown the implicit smile. 升腾而起的信仰念力是如此的炽烈如火,以至于数万张巨大的画像亮起了夺目的光华,画像上的木道人花道人好似活了过来,他们目光灵动的注视着火光冲天的良渚城,隐隐可见画像上的他们嘴角微微翘起,露出了含蓄的微笑。 Kills the malicious ghost, kills the malicious ghost!” “杀恶鬼,杀恶鬼!” In Liangzhu City, has resounded these military equipment everywhere the Human Race slave shocking war cry. 良渚城中,到处响起了这些武装起来的人族奴隶震天的喊杀声。 These size aristocrats in pitiful Liangzhu City, first were Feng Xin and Yu Mu have controlled the core clansman of part of big aristocrats, making part of foreign race aristocrats lose the direction. Afterward is glory control can rebel, is only remains behind the guard, had the majority and person of glory control meeting had the conflict. 可怜良渚城中的那些大小贵族,首先是风行雨牧控制了一部分大贵族的核心族人,让这一部分异族贵族失去了指挥。随后是荣耀主宰会作乱,仅有的一些留守卫兵,有大部分和荣耀主宰会的人发生了冲突。 Is the Yemo day disrupts to pound in loudly discussing politics hall one randomly, Liangzhu City final remained behind the strength to concentrate the past completely, finally fought with the fists the casualties to be serious by Ji Hao one randomly, these authority elder and axe stick elder was damaged horrible to look. 紧接着是耶摩天在大议政堂一通乱打乱砸,良渚城最后的留守力量全部集中了过去,结果被姬昊一通乱拳打得伤亡惨重,那些权力长老、斧杖长老被祸害得惨不忍睹。 This time Liangzhu City almost does not garrison! 此时的良渚城几乎不设防! Innumerable Human Race Warrior change into mighty current that seethes with excitement, dashes about wildly following the main street and small alley, the place visited they set on fire and slaughter recklessly, all that the destruction they see recklessly. Magnificent constructions jump da in the flame, the innumerable foreign race clansmen whin to fall to the ground in the fierce combat. 无数人族战士化为沸腾的洪流,顺着大街小巷一路狂奔,所过之处他们肆意的纵火、杀戮,肆意的破坏他们所见的一切。一座座辉煌的建筑在火光中蹦跶,无数异族的族人在刀光剑影中哀嚎倒地。 Yemo day Destruction arming stopped the crazy attack of making a futile effort, huge Destruction arms float in airborne of lift-off hundred zhang (333m), the Yemo day a little ignorant looks at an all around confusion: Does? Does? I have not ordered to attack comprehensively! The bastards, I have not controlled city garrison of Liangzhu, is whose ordering does make the person attack?” 耶摩天的毁灭武装停止了徒劳无功的疯狂进攻,庞大的毁灭武装悬浮在离地百丈的空中,耶摩天有点懵懂的看着四周的一片混乱:“干什么?干什么?我还没有下令全面进攻!混蛋,我还没有掌控良渚的城防,是谁下令让人进攻的?” Crossed well long time, the Yemo day awakens to kick the Liangzhu City person suddenly, unexpectedly is not the army of his glorious control meeting! 过了好半晌,耶摩天突然醒悟攻进良渚城的人,居然不是他荣耀主宰会的军队! Who is? Is who is taking advantage? Do the bastards, who dare to account for my Yemo day the small advantage?” “是谁?是谁在趁火打劫?混蛋,谁敢占我耶摩天的便宜?” Attack, general attack! Kills off in the city is not we brothers' person!” “进攻,全面进攻!杀光城内所有不是咱们自家兄弟的人!” The Yemo day stands in the transparent crystal cabin, flying into a rage is yelling.( To be continued.) 耶摩天站在透明的晶舱内,暴跳如雷的叫喊着。(未完待续。)
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