TME :: Volume #15

#1443: The big ramble extinguishes

Sky over the loudly discussing politics hall, the whole face is the Yemo day of blood controls Destruction arming to change into together the black laser, with high-speed in void that the average man is unable to imagine shuttles back and forth rapidly, the defenses of hit loudly discussing politics halls tie. 大议政堂上空,满脸是血的耶摩天操控着毁灭武装化为一道黑色的激光,用常人无法想象的高速在虚空中急速穿梭,一次次的撞击大议政堂的防御结界。 The Yu Zushen ray twinkle, the huge world spiritual energy emerges the defense strategy of loudly discussing politics hall unceasingly, the Yemo day hit is getting more and more fierce, the defense of loudly discussing politics hall ties is also getting more and more sincere, more and more congealing reality. 一座座虞族神塔光芒闪烁,庞大的天地灵气不断涌入大议政堂的防御阵法,耶摩天的撞击越来越猛烈,大议政堂的防御结界也越来越厚重、越来越凝实。 To, loudly discussing politics hall seemed by an iceberg common crystal light all round is surrounded finally, the hit of Destruction arming sends out to bite resounding unceasingly, probably two steel and iron mutually are hitting. Nearby the construction of black ripple Destruction arming sends out razes loudly discussing politics hall thoroughly, front throughout is actually not able to break through thick Restriction. 到了最后,大议政堂好似被一座冰山一般的晶光团团环绕,毁灭武装的撞击不断发出‘叮叮’脆响,就好像两块钢铁在相互撞击。毁灭武装散发出的黑色波纹将大议政堂附近的建筑彻底夷为平地,却始终无法冲破面前厚厚的禁制 The ultimate defense of Liangzhu City opened, only if the Yemo day can promote to the Sun and Moon Realm boundary suddenly , to promote his control proportion to the Destruction military equipment, otherwise he is impossible to break through Yu Clan to spend the set that the innumerable years have built ultimate to defend Restriction. 良渚城的终极防御开启了,除非耶摩天能够骤然提升到日月境的境界,提升他对毁灭武装的掌控比例,否则他不可能攻破虞族花费了无数年打造出的这套终极防御禁制 Yemo day spitting blood in gulps, is cursing woman Luo Duo with most virulent and most obscene language that he knows. 耶摩天大口大口的吐着血,用他所知的最恶毒、最下流的语言咒骂着婆罗哚。 Like the Yemo day, these axe stick elders crazily were also cursing woman Luo Duo this rebel. Yu Zushen is glittering the crazy ray, the god light raindrop that the innumerable [say / way] attributes vary same falls, hits their whole body to be tattered, several axe stick elders fell into being on the verge of death condition. 耶摩天一样,那些斧杖长老也在疯狂的咒骂婆罗哚这个叛徒。一座座虞族神塔闪烁着疯狂的光芒,无数道属性各异的神光雨点一样落下,打得他们浑身破烂,好几个斧杖长老已经陷入濒死状态。 Even if a pig understands that woman Luo Duo revolted thoroughly! 哪怕是一头猪都明白婆罗哚彻底叛变了! He has controlled Liangzhu City finally the defensive system, then he uses this set of might astonishing system to attack these axe stick elders extremely! 他掌控了良渚城的最终极防御体系,然后他动用这套威力惊人的体系来攻击这些斧杖长老! Rebel!” An axe stick elder was screaming hoarsely: Bookworms of woman Luo clan, you boast of being in the world the most full of wisdom person, how haven't you completely understood the heart of woman Luo Duo this young animal?” “叛徒!”一名斧杖长老声嘶力竭的尖叫着:“婆罗一族的书呆子们,你们自诩为天地之间最有智慧的人,你们怎么没有看透婆罗哚这个小崽子的心?” A diameter several feet crazy thunder is howling together falling, straight dividing on the body of this axe stick elder. This elder mail-armor and helmet of shines suddenly, light Restriction just appeared together, explodes the smashing in the crazy thunder. Half foot thick heavy armor was divided torn to pieces, this axe stick long Boss piece flesh and blood was changed into the hard coke by the thunder, the mouth spouts the billowing black smoke layer on layer to fall to the ground. 一道直径数丈的狂雷呼啸着落下,端端正正的劈在了这个斧杖长老的身上。这尊长老身上的甲胄骤然亮起,一道薄薄的禁制刚刚出现,就在狂雷中炸成粉碎。半尺厚的重甲被劈得支离破碎,这尊斧杖长老大片血肉被雷霆化为焦炭,嘴里喷出了滚滚黑烟重重倒地。 In nest instead? Loves!” Goes nonstop to the nether world world in the bronze gateway to hear the laughter that Netherworld Priest has taken pleasure in others'misfortunes, the innumerable thumb thick or thin black chains is hitting mutually, just likes the innumerable black spirit snakes jumps out from the bronze gateway, 2-3 twined on these severely wounded axe stick elders. “窝里反了?喜闻乐见呵!”直通幽冥世界的青铜门户中传来了冥道人幸灾乐祸的笑声,无数条拇指粗细的黑色锁链相互撞击着,犹如无数条黑色的灵蛇从青铜门户中窜出,三两下就缠绕在了这些重伤的斧杖长老身上。 Is the good materials, cannot such be shattered. The little darlings are obedient, come to this poor Daoist here, this poor Daoist naturally can make you with saving with the world longevity and with the livelihood!” The Netherworld Priest laughter is very cheerful, seemed saw a child of big pile of candies, delightedly that type jumped for joy joyful penetrated the bronze gateway to pass on directly. “都是好材料,可不能就这么被坏掉了。乖乖听话,来贫道这里,贫道自然能够让你们与天地共寿、与日月同存!”冥道人的笑声很欢快,就好似看到了一大堆糖果的孩子,那种欢喜雀跃的快乐直接透过青铜门户传了过来。 The black chains is beating fiercely, dozens axe stick elders are roaring hoarsely, crazy is struggling, step by step was towed to the nether world world. Ka several bangs, the Yu Clan god tower far and near simultaneously divided the violent thunder, injured to these axe stick elders on adds the wound, making them resist the strength that the nether world world swallowed to be also weak several points. 黑色锁链剧烈的跳动着,数十名斧杖长老声嘶力竭的怒吼着,疯狂的挣扎着,一步步的被拖向幽冥世界。‘咔咔’几声巨响,远近的虞族神塔同时劈下了猛烈的雷霆,给这些斧杖长老伤上加伤,让他们抵抗幽冥世界吞噬的力量又弱了几分。 Woman Luo Duo...... I pledged that I must tear to shreds you!” Saw that the bronze gateway at present, the air/Qi of rich nether world started the slow invasion body, several axe stick elders nearly desperate is calling out in grief. “婆罗哚……我发誓,我要将你碎尸万段!”眼看青铜门户就在眼前,浓郁的幽冥之气已经开始缓慢的侵入身体,几名斧杖长老近乎绝望的悲鸣着。 Smiling of Yemo day hysteria, smiles out of breath, smiles the mouth unceasing spurting blood. Do these axe stick elders have today? He continues to fiercely attack defense Restriction of loudly discussing politics hall, meaning that has not lent a hand to rescue slightly. 耶摩天歇斯底里的笑着,笑得上气不接下气,笑得嘴里不断的喷血。这些斧杖长老也有今天?他继续猛攻大议政堂的防御禁制,丝毫没有出手救援的意思。 These old codgers, dare to besiege him a moment ago unexpectedly, that makes them have bad luck! 这些老不死的,刚才居然敢围攻他,那就让他们倒霉吧! In the underground hemispheroid space, dozens called out in alarm by the spirit body hissing of greatly free all colors gassed thread penetration chest, they noticed that Ji Hao behind has braved suddenly from the big ramble, holds up under zhang (3.33 m) allow tall the luster chaos bell, but strikes rumbles the greatly free body pulpy. 地下半球形空间中,数十名被大逍遥的五彩光丝穿透胸膛的灵体嘶声惊呼,他们看到姬昊突然从大逍遥身后冒了出来,举起一口丈许高下色泽混沌的大钟,只是一击就把大逍遥的身体轰得稀烂。 The clear wind is bringing light fragrance together, bound a naked eye almost not obvious person's shadow from the flesh and blood of collapse to flee. 一道清风带着淡淡香气,裹着一条肉眼几乎不可见的人影从崩溃的血肉中窜了出来。 The big ramble nimble and resourceful graceful sound reverberates in the entire hemispheroid space: Oh? Is you? The boys, you have enraged me once more, can you oppose with me? Marquis Yao Ji Hao? I had found and your related memory from many people of innermost soul, you are an extraordinary lucky boy!” 大逍遥灵动曼妙的声音在整个半球形空间中回荡:“唷?是你?小子,你再次激怒了我,你一定要和我作对么?垚侯姬昊是吧?我从好多人的灵魂深处都找到了和你有关的记忆,你是一个了不得的幸运小子!” An all colors person's shadow threw from the limpid fragrant wind suddenly, the big ramble changed into the light color light to flee to the Ji Hao forehead fiercely together. He wanted with just to cope with the woman Luo Duo means to cope with Ji Hao, so long as can intrude the body of Ji Hao, he had self-confidently can certainly swallow the Ji Hao soul. 一条五彩人影骤然从清澈的香风中扑了出来,大逍遥猛地化为一道淡淡的彩光向姬昊的眉心窜了过来。他想要用刚刚对付婆罗哚的办法对付姬昊,只要能闯入姬昊的身体,他有自信一定能吞噬了姬昊的灵魂。 Feared that you do not come!” Ji Hao laughs loudly, simply diverged the guard immortal light, suppresses the impulsion that Tai Ji Robe has protected voluntarily forcefully, whatever rambled to sneak into own forehead greatly. Ji Hao only thinks that a body heat, warm delicate fragrance heads on slightly, at present some innumerable illusions multiply suddenly. “怕你不来!”姬昊放声大笑,干脆散去了护身仙光,强行压制了太极法衣自行护住的冲动,任凭大逍遥窜入了自己的眉心。姬昊只觉身体微微一热,一股暖洋洋的清香扑面而来,眼前骤然有无数幻象滋生。 The big ramble has entered the body of Ji Hao overjoyed, his instinct fled to Ji Hao Spiritual Space. 大逍遥欢天喜地的窜进了姬昊的身体,他本能的向姬昊神魂空间窜了过去。 However Ji Hao within the body sudden the earth shook and heavens spun shook, air/Qi of the chaos gush out from various body places, change into a chaos vortex to stir world a confusion. By the greatly free ability, where suddenly is unable to distinguish in the Ji Hao body is the head, where is the foot and five main internal organs (entrails) where. 但是姬昊体内突然一阵天摇地动,一道道混沌之气从身体各处喷薄而出,化为一个混沌漩涡搅得‘天地’一片混乱。以大逍遥的能耐,一时间都无法分辨出姬昊身体内哪里是头、哪里是脚、五脏六腑又在哪里。 He does not have the means to lock Ji Hao Spiritual Space, can only passive along with scurrying about that everywhere the chaos vortex drifts with the current. 他根本没办法锁定姬昊神魂空间,只能被动的随着混沌漩涡随波逐流的到处乱窜。 Marquis Yao Ji Hao, a little skill? Have you in your body, the cloth gotten down such strange Restriction unexpectedly? Did you already prepare to be invaded the body by my clan? Hee hee, pours is also......” big ramble also thinks that Ji Hao early had the preparation, cannot help but opens the mouth to acclaim: Pours also somewhat the wonderful idea, however in the face of the unsurpassed demon prestige of my clan, all resistances useless!” 垚侯姬昊,有点本事么?你在自己的身体里面,居然布下了这么奇怪的禁制?你早就预备着被我族侵入身体么?嘻嘻,倒也是……”大逍遥还以为姬昊早有了预备,不由得开口赞叹起来:“倒也有几分奇思妙想,但是在我族的无上魔威面前,一切抵抗都是没有用的!” Merges into one organic whole with me, becomes my part! This is I grants your glory!” Big ramble wild smiling: Must know that is not the ants gadget has the qualifications becomes main body strength part!” “和我融为一体吧,成为我的一部分!这是我赐予你的荣耀!”大逍遥猖狂的笑着:“要知道,可不是什么蝼蚁玩意都有资格成为本尊力量的一部分!” The chaos vortex dissipates suddenly, big ramble quack has smiled one, then his laughter stagnates suddenly. 混沌漩涡突然消散,大逍遥‘嘎嘎’笑了一声,然后他的笑声骤然停滞。 The strength chaotic volume of Ji Hao within the body, had the big ramble to arrive at the Ji Hao lower abdomen spot, one group of all colors god inflammations bind a small all colors round cauldron, in the cauldron mouth are spouting the innumerable all colors rays, has tied down the big ramble stubbornly. 姬昊体内的力量一通乱卷,已经带着大逍遥来到了姬昊的小腹部位,一团五彩神炎裹着一口小小的五彩圆鼎,鼎口内喷出无数条五彩光线,死死的缠住了大逍遥。 What is this? What is this?” Big ramble panic-stricken scream: This is...... This damn broken cauldron, he how...... He how......” “这是什么?这是什么?”大逍遥惊恐的尖叫起来:“这是……这该死的破鼎,他怎么……他怎么……” A few words cannot say that all colors round cauldron expresses a clear delightful light cry, a huge suction raids, the big ramble almost does not have the strength of revolt was inhaled in the round cauldron. 一句话没能说完,五彩圆鼎发出一声清脆悦耳的轻鸣,一股巨大的吸力袭来,大逍遥几乎是毫无反抗之力的被吸入了圆鼎中。 Strength of the pure and huge soul sources release from the round cauldron, flowed in Ji Hao Dao Embryo unceasingly. 一道道精纯、庞大的灵魂本源之力从圆鼎中释放出来,不断的流入了姬昊道胎 Ji Hao opens eyes, before the stride has arrived at the control entire Liangzhu City against Restriction purple crystal ball.( To be continued.) 姬昊睁开眼,大步走到了控制整个良渚城禁制的紫色水晶球前。(未完待续。)
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