TME :: Volume #15

#1442: Please Senior enter the jar

Outside Liangzhu City, dragon Venerable grasps one scroll sutra that the bodhi leaf is made, assuming an air of self approbation reading aloud of silently. 良渚城外,龙尊者手持一本用菩提叶制成的经卷,摇头晃脑的默默诵读。 On green bodhi leaf, the golden tiny handwriting emits a continuously ray, whenever dragon Venerable read the advantage, since wisp of Golden Light will fly from the page, changed into one long to know how things stand an inch dragonet to circle to dance in the air around his finger. 青色的菩提叶上,金色的细小字迹放出一缕缕光芒,每当龙尊者读到好处,都会有一缕金光从页面上飞起,化为一条长有数寸的小龙绕着他的手指盘旋飞舞。 Several hundred such golden dragonets circled in flight regarding both hands of dragon Venerable, a faint trace rich dragon prestige spreads unceasingly from these Xiaolong, stands in dragon Venerable Emperor Shi jin extremely envies, the incomparable respect looks that dragon Venerable just like the gold carves becomes, not slightly slight defect both hands, in the pupil has been full of the expectation and enthusiasm. 已经有数百条这样的金色小龙围绕着龙尊者的双手飞旋,一丝丝浓郁的龙威不断从这些小龙身上扩散开来,站在龙尊者身边的帝释堇万分羡慕、无比尊敬的看着龙尊者宛如黄金雕琢而成、没有丝毫瑕疵的双手,眸子里充满了憧憬和热情。 Wisp of Golden Light flies from the Liangzhu City direction, dragon Venerable gained ground suddenly, the right hand belt light Jinhui kept off before Golden Light together. ‚’ A resounding, Golden Light blooms in the fingertip of dragon Venerable, a wash bowl size golden lotus flower revolves slowly, woman Luo Duo the sound flutters from the golden lotus flower. 一缕金光良渚城的方向飞来,龙尊者突然抬起头来,右手带起一道淡淡的金辉挡在了金光前。‘啪’的一声脆响,金光在龙尊者的指尖绽放开来,一朵脸盆大小的金色莲花缓缓旋转,‘婆罗哚’的声音从金色莲花中飘出。 Goes well, four Shanghai Normal College fast enters a city, ten thousand cannot bleed off one person!” Woman Luo Duo in sound is completely self-satisfied and acts with constraint. “得手矣,四位上师速速进城,万不能放走一人!”‘婆罗哚’的声音中满是得意和矜持。 Goes well! So sprinkles the sky-high price the merit!” Dragon Venerable rises with a spring, the straight firm face just likes the springtime ice of defrosting, bloomed suddenly the incomparably bright smiling face: Ha Ha, disciple enters the city along with this place, in all foreign race malicious ghosts the city captures entirely, but there is a resister, kills without the amnesty!” “得手矣!如此泼天价的功劳!”龙尊者一跃而起,端正刚硬的面孔犹如解冻的春冰,骤然绽放开了无比灿烂的笑容:“哈哈,诸位弟子随本座入城,将城内所有异族恶鬼统统擒拿,但有反抗者,杀无赦!” Deeply inspired, dragon Venerable shouted to clear the way fierce: This time the merit becomes, has the immeasurable merit, when we can the magical skill strive, receives the world destiny to bless, in the future will practice, is ten thousand li in a day, the immortal is henceforth free, extremely happy limitless!” 深深吸了一口气,龙尊者厉声喝道:“此番功成,自有无量功德,吾等当能道行精进,更受天地气运庇佑,日后修炼,也是一日千里,从此长生逍遥,极乐无极!” The big hand wields, the dragon Venerable left hand pulls out an earthen bowl container, the right hand is carrying a monk's staff, the stride has arrived at oneself Feilong mount top of the head along. This plate face upwards to exude one to drink to heart's content in Feilong that on the giant stone dozes off, flees to the sky furiously, four tread Juntto dragon Venerable to fly fully to Liangzhu City. 大手一挥,龙尊者左手掏出一个钵盂,右手拎着一根禅杖,大步走到了自己随身的飞龙坐骑头顶。这条盘在巨石上打瞌睡的飞龙仰天发出一声畅饮,奋力向天空一窜,四足踏云托着龙尊者向良渚城飞去。 Emperor Shi jin similarly deep inspiration, he looks that his both hands muttered: Truth that things have gotten to this point, not turns head again. Road that I choose, not wrong. The Emperor Shi family was already decayed, only had in the red violet fire of karma refining up the Emperor Shi family boundless sin, the Emperor Shi family has the date of rebirth. I, Emperor Shi jin, is future formidable hundred times and first ancestor of ten thousand times of new Emperor Shi families!” 帝释堇同样深深的吸了一口气,他看着自己的双手喃喃自语道:“事已至此,再无回头的道理。我选的路,没有错。帝释家族已然腐朽,唯有在红莲业火中炼化帝释家族无边罪孽,帝释家族才有重生之日。我,帝释堇,将是未来强大百倍、万倍的新帝释家族的始祖!” Face upwards to bellow, Emperor Shi jin draws out the saber to Liangzhu one finger, the left hand in a flash, reaches as high as several feet flagpole appears at the same time in his hands. The blue lotus law flag that ‚’ a sound, the brocade makes at the same time flutters in the breeze, Emperor Shi jin holds up the flag furiously, in big strides follows closely dragon Venerable to rush to Liangzhu City. 仰天大吼一声,帝释堇拔出佩剑向良渚一指,左手一晃,一面高达数丈的旗杆出现在他手中。‘呼啦啦’一声响,一面锦缎制成的青莲法旗迎风招展,帝释堇奋力举起大旗,大踏步的紧随着龙尊者向良渚城奔去。 Shouted ~ bellowed, from the fang basin, the counted by the 100 million Human Race Warrior starting to walk both legs, was forming the entire simultaneously line, just liked impregnable bastion, in big strides approached to Liangzhu. ‘呼~哈’一声大吼,来自獠牙盆地,数以亿计的人族战士迈开双腿,排着整整齐齐的队伍,犹如一座座铜墙铁壁,大踏步的向良渚逼近。 Wears heavy armor, grasps the sharp knife, degenerated into the ore slave's Human Race Warrior double pupil torching innumerably, mouth humming sound has the sound is praying in a low voice, exhausts the strength stepping on ground maliciously, whistling puffs to Liangzhu approaches. They have exhausted the strength, steps on everything may become vulnerable, steps on the earth to thunder, the giant footsteps acoustic shock results in the day to swing shakes, far and near frightens innumerable birds beast stampede. 身披重甲,手持利刀,无数原本沦为矿奴的人族战士双眸喷火,嘴里‘嗡嗡’有声的低声祈祷着,用尽力量狠狠的踩踏地面,‘呼呼’喘着粗气向良渚逼近。他们用尽了力量,踩得地动山摇,踩得大地轰鸣,巨大的脚步声震得天摇地晃,吓得远近无数飞禽走兽狼狈逃窜。 These Human Race Warrior, some are just sent to the fang basin by the foreign race hunting for slave team in recent years, loud whooshing that they one's blood bubbles up to the brim, just likes mighty current that seethed with excitement, impatient wanted to crash in Liangzhu, for crime retaliation and vent that well these year of received. 这些人族战士,有些是最近几年刚刚被异族的猎奴队送去獠牙盆地,他们热血沸腾的大声嘶吼,犹如沸腾的洪流,迫不及待的想要冲进良渚,为这些年自己受的罪好好的报复、发泄。 But many Human Race Warrior, they already in the mine tunnel that in the fang basin suffers injustice survived several generations, dozens generations of even is several hundred generations. Their ancestors by the foreign race captive, sent in the fang basin, they again have not left. 而更多的人族战士,他们已经在獠牙盆地不见天日的矿洞中生存了好几代人、好几十代人甚至是数百代人。他们的先祖被异族俘虏,被送入了獠牙盆地,他们就再也没有离开过。 Before today, these never had seen for generations the beautiful scenery for the slave for the person of servant, has never seen the blue sky, they have not seen the ancestor place of clan and tribe, had many years not to go to the ancestral temple of oneself clan to worship the ancestor. 在今日之前,这些世世代代为奴为仆的人从未见过青山绿水,从未见过蓝天白云,他们更没有见过自家部族的祖地,也已经有很多年没有去自家氏族的宗庙祭拜祖先。 In the dark, moist and cloudy and cold mine tunnel, these for generations were the slaves, just likes Human Race that the gusano same struggled to ask to save actually sincerely records ancestor generations of things directly from master to disciple they are being Human Race, they had their surname, where their ancestors once lived! 在黑暗、潮湿、阴冷的矿洞中,这些世世代代为奴隶,犹如蛆虫一样挣扎求存的人族却谨记着先祖一代代口耳相传的东西他们是人族,他们有自己的姓氏,他们的祖先曾经居住在哪里! They sincerely record the last words that his father and ancestor are leaving behind, they are the person, their ancestors once lived in the incomparably happy beautiful scenery, walk that their ancestors once chinned up and chested out under blue sky. No matter, regardless of inherited many for the person, once there is an opportunity to leave the fang basin, that is certain the strategic place to exit, return native land. 他们就谨记着自己的父、祖留下的遗言,他们是人,他们的祖先曾经居住在无比美好的青山绿水之间,他们的先祖曾经昂首挺胸的行走在蓝天白云之下。无论什么时候,无论传承了多少代人,一旦有机会离开獠牙盆地,那就一定要冲出去,回归故土。 Many these multiplied to inherit several generations and dozens generations in the mine tunnel of fang basin, even are several hundred generations of Human Race Warrior waists, but also was entangling the rough pottery clay jars. In pottery clay jar that these size vary, packs bone ash that their ancestors have left behind. 好多这些在獠牙盆地的矿洞中繁衍传承了数代、数十代、甚至是数百代的人族战士腰间,还缠着一个个粗糙的陶土罐子。这些大小不一的陶土罐子里,装满了他们先祖留下的骨灰。 In the mine tunnel of fang basin the condition is crude, they do not have the condition to be enjoyed a treatment of independent earthenware jar by their ancestry everyone. In these earthenware jars is combining the bone ashes of their ancestor, the father, grandfather, paternal great-grandfather, great-grandfather...... The bone ash combinations of many ancestry and person of father's generation in the earthenware jar, they must bring these bone ashes to go back their ancestor places, buried these bone ashes in the ancestor buried the place of bone for generations. 獠牙盆地的矿洞中条件简陋,他们根本没条件让自己的祖辈每人都享受一个单独陶罐的待遇。这些陶罐中混杂着他们先祖的骨灰,父亲的、祖父的、曾祖父的、太祖父的……好多祖辈、父辈的骨灰混杂在陶罐中,他们要带着这些骨灰回去他们的祖地,将这些骨灰埋在先祖世世代代埋骨之地。 Even if just likes the fallen leaf is equally faded and fallen, if there is an opportunity, must bury the remnant body in the place of clan taking root. 哪怕犹如落叶一样飘零,若有机会,一定要将残躯埋在氏族生根之地。 This is Human Race basest and lowest, most tenacious, is most precious insistence, is this point not worthy of mentioning insistence, had present Human Race. 这就是人族最卑微、也最坚韧、更是最珍贵的坚持,就是这一点微不足道的坚持,才有了现在的人族 However before then! 但是在这之前! The waist ties up Human Race Warrior of earthenware jar to shake hand tightly the weapon, the nostril, because mood extreme is expanding excitedly, just likes the bull that gets angry same gasps for breath before delivering own ancestry returns to the innermost soul inscribes stubbornly the ancestor, they must go to dun to these foreign race malicious ghosts first. 腰间绑着陶罐的人族战士们紧握手中兵器,鼻孔因为心情的极度激动而扩张着,犹如发怒的公牛一样喘着气在送自己的祖辈回归灵魂深处死死铭刻着的祖地之前,他们先要去向那些异族恶鬼讨债。 Own ancestor and own person of father's generation just like the gusano are the same, was very pitiful and does not have the dignity death in that pitch-dark and gloomy moist mine tunnel, why can these foreign race malicious ghosts actually enjoy the boundless luxury in the so big gorgeous city? 自己的祖先、自己的父辈犹如蛆虫一样,无比凄惨、毫无尊严的死在了那黑漆漆、阴暗潮湿的矿洞里,为什么这些异族恶鬼却能在如此高大华美的城池中享受无边的奢华? This world is the Pangu world, the Pangu world is the Human Race world! 这个世界是盘古世界,盘古世界是属于人族的世界! Human Race does not have the dignity death in mine tunnel, does the foreign race malicious ghost keep aloof enjoys heartily? These Human Race Warrior do not understand any Grand Dao principle, they only know, own ancestor so aggrieved death, living that then these foreign race cannot have one's wish again! 人族毫无尊严的死在矿洞里,异族恶鬼高高在上尽情享受?这些人族战士不懂什么大道理,他们只知道,自己的先祖如此憋屈的死了,那么这些异族就不能再随心所欲的活! The anger from the heart, changes into kills intent boundlessly. 怒气从心头冲起,紧接着化为无边杀意。 The counted by the 100 million ore slave top of the head flutters is just liking the essence black fog, this is the resentment that the innumerable years the innumerable ore slaves saved for generations, the resentment evolves for red murderous aura quickly, just likes a flag reverberates in a huge armed forces sky. 数以亿计的矿奴头顶飘荡着犹如实质的黑色云雾,这是无数年来无数矿奴世世代代积蓄下来的怨气,怨气很快就衍化为红色的杀气,犹如一面大旗在庞大的军阵上空回荡。 The dragon, tiger, lion and shape, four big Venerable are leading such a combative large team separately, irresistible has crashed in Liangzhu City.( To be continued.) 龙、虎、狮、象,四大尊者分别带领着这么一支杀气腾腾的庞大队伍,势不可挡的冲进了良渚城。(未完待续。)
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