TME :: Volume #15

#1441: Seizes the merit

Ji Hao deep looked at woman Luo Duo. 姬昊深深的看了‘婆罗哚’一眼。 No, present he is not of woman Luo Duo Yu Dynasty big adjudication division three big presiding judges, but is fearful, from the day, had once swallowed the pioneer of plate jia world, has outside the territory of unsurpassed demon prestige the demon to be greatly free. 不,现在的他不是虞朝大审判庭三大审判长之一的婆罗哚,而是可怕的,来自天外的,曾经吞噬了盘泇世界的开辟者,拥有无上魔威的域外魔头大逍遥。 Big ramble both hands according to the purple crystal ball, ten fingers are beating rapidly, had extremely thin halos in the crystal ball. Hemispheroid space slightly is shivering, the huge world spiritual energy continually wells up, by midair in float the light screen, can see Liangzhu City to have the huge change. 大逍遥双手按在紫色的水晶球上,十指急速的跳动着,在水晶球内带起了一条条极细的光晕。半球形空间微微的颤抖着,庞大的天地灵气不断涌来,透过半空中悬浮着的光幕,可以看到良渚城发生了巨大的变化。 In the main street and small alley, grounds collapse, reach as high as thousand zhang (3.33 m) Yu Clan god tower from underground stretches out slowly. Each god tower thick was reached the hundred zhang (333m) knot to wrap, the innumerable electricity glow in tying shuttle back and forth to roll, just likes the innumerable tentacles to all around recklessly insolent is brandishing. 大街小巷中,一块块地面坍塌,一座座高达千丈的虞族神塔冉冉从地下伸出。每一座神塔都被厚达百丈的结界包裹着,无数条电芒在结界中穿梭滚动,犹如无数条触手向四周肆意张狂的挥舞着。 Especially nearby loudly discussing politics hall in Liangzhu, Yu Zushen density has been an astonishing degree, every other one li (0.5km) has Yu Clan god tower that size varies from underground to brave, on the bases of these god towers, some innumerable big size small Symbol is partly visible. 尤其是良渚的大议政堂附近,虞族神塔的密度达到了一个惊人的程度,每隔一里地就有一座大小不一的虞族神塔从地下冒出来,在这些神塔的基座上,更有无数大大小小的符文若隐若现。 Come, actually making me have a look at this so-called ultimate to defend some Restriction strong strengths!” The big ramble has smiled one cheerfully, his both hands numerous rackets on the purple crystal ball, the big piece purple halo changed into raging tide to spread fiercely to all around. “来吧,让我看看这所谓的终极防御禁制究竟有多强的力量!”大逍遥欢快的笑了一声,他双手重重的拍在了紫色水晶球上,大片紫色光晕化为一波波狂潮向四周猛地扩散开。 The foreign race spirit body that dozens encircle exudes the panic-stricken cry, they were flushed by the purple raging tide, the body light and shade uncertain fluctuation, they stagger suddenly are backing up backward again and again, the statures of many spirit bodies resembled the disruption the chinaware same to present the innumerable fissures. 数十名围上来的异族灵体发出惊恐的叫声,他们被紫色狂潮一冲,身体骤然明暗不定的波动起来,他们踉跄着向后连连倒退,好些灵体的身躯就好像碎裂的瓷器一样出现了无数裂痕。 Woman Luo Duo...... No, not well-known existence, what do you want to make?” A Mr. Yu Clan the spirit body of shape scolds fierce: „Can you know our Yu Clan prestige? Any tribal group does not dare to oppose with us! Never has!” “婆罗哚……不,不知名的存在,你到底想要做什么?”一名虞族老人形态的灵体厉声呵斥起来:“你可知道我们虞族的威名?从来没有任何一个族群敢与我们作对!从来没有!” In the greatly free pupil flashes through wipes the strange all colors ray, continuously delicate fragrance spreads from his within the body, in the air the delicate fragrance is soft, the pure white flowers of fist size from the sky bloom quietly. He smiles is seeing this Mr. Yu Clan, said with a smile in a soft voice: That was really too skillful, my clan also never encountered the rival!” 大逍遥的眸子里闪过一抹奇异的五彩光芒,一缕缕清香从他体内扩散开来,空气中清香冉冉,一朵朵拳头大小的洁白花朵悄然在空中绽放。他微笑着看着这个虞族老人,轻声笑道:“那真是太巧了,我族也从未遭遇敌手!” chī chī strange smiling, the big ramble said with a smile lightly: Innumerable years, we have destroyed the innumerable civilizations, has swallowed the innumerable lives, the world that so long as was discovered by our clansmen, will have been swallowed the source by us finally, changes into a nihility. Yu Clan? Panyu world? Has the opportunity, we will certainly go to your world strolling well!” 嗤嗤’的怪笑着,大逍遥轻笑道:“无数年来,我们摧毁了无数的文明,吞噬了无数的生灵,只要被我们族人发现的世界,最终都会被我们吞噬了本源,化为一片虚无。虞族么?盘虞世界?有机会,我们一定会去你们的世界好好的逛一逛!” Cracks into a smile, the big ramble contemptuously looked at these spirit body conditions foreign race: „The memory of fellow from this being called woman Luo Duo, I read your history. Have you conquered these many world? Really waste time and strength. My clan never conquers, my clan only has Destruction.” 咧嘴一笑,大逍遥轻蔑的看了一眼这些灵体状态的异族:“从这个叫做婆罗哚的家伙的记忆中,我读到了你们的历史。你们征服了这么多世界?真是浪费时间和力气。我族从不征服,我族唯有毁灭。” Three eyes open suddenly, innumerable extremely thin all colors gassed threads from greatly free eye socket **** however leaves, pierced the statures of these foreign race spirit bodies instantaneously. These soul fluctuation tyrannical unusual spirit body hissings were screaming, their bodies fierce was twitching, did not have the strength of revolt was rambled to drive to his surface to lead the way greatly step by step. 三只眼睛骤然睁开,无数条极细的五彩光丝从大逍遥的眼眶中****而出,瞬间洞穿了这些异族灵体的身躯。这些灵魂波动强横异常的灵体嘶声尖叫着,他们的身体剧烈的抽搐着,却毫无反抗之力的被大逍遥一步步拖动向他面前行去。 Ji Hao narrowed the eye, outside territory Heavenly Demon, they were the natural enemies of all souls. 姬昊眯起了眼睛,域外天魔,他们是一切灵魂的天敌。 If these foreign race retained mortal body as before, they are also insufficient such suffering a defeat and fleeing easily. They now are spirit body conditions, to the big ramble, these spirit bodies is wicked wolf front fresh meat, delivers to the fine food of mouth completely. 如果这些异族依旧保留了肉身,他们还不至于这么轻易的败亡。偏偏他们现在是灵体状态,对大逍遥而言,这些灵体就是恶狼面前的鲜肉,完全是送到嘴边的美餐。 Come, come, merges into one organic whole with me! Your souls so formidable, your smells so tasty!” The greatly free corners of the mouth had the big piece saliva to spurt, slightly he thought little has wiped the mouth with the sleeve, chī chī said with a smile: Come, becomes my part, making your strengths my strength!” “来吧,来吧,和我融为一体!你们的灵魂是如此的强大,你们的气味是如此的鲜美!”大逍遥的嘴角有大片涎水喷了出来,他丝毫不以为意的用袖子擦了擦嘴,‘嗤嗤’笑道:“来吧,成为我的一部分,让你们的力量成为我的力量!” Big ramble excited incomparable was laughing heartily, he was trembling saying with a smile: Come, come, come, so long as kills you, I have the merit to enter the body! Ha Ha, because the Pangu world I struck to kill your clansmen, but granted me the merit!” 大逍遥兴奋无比的欢笑着,他哆嗦着笑道:“来,来,来,只要杀死你们,我就有功德入体!哈哈,盘古世界会因为我击杀了你们的族人,而赏赐我功德!” Gaining ground of the big ramble is extremely infatuated with, looks that the hemispheroid space the roof muttered: You are the intruder of this world, therefore strikes to kill you, I will obtain the reward of this world, the clansmen of my clan...... Unexpectedly will obtain the Heavenly Dao merit of barbaric world, is really unthinkable, unthinkable!” 大逍遥万分陶醉的抬起头来,看着半球形空间的屋顶喃喃自语道:“你们是这个世界的入侵者,所以击杀你们,我就会得到这个世界的奖励,我族的族人……居然会得到土著世界的天道功德,真的是匪夷所思,匪夷所思啊!” Gives my enough Heavenly Dao merit, the Heavenly Dao principle of Pangu world will again not continue to suppress my strength, I can display my complete charm in the Pangu world!” The greatly free body is shivering slightly, in the pupil is glittering the dangerous ray: So long as I can display peak the charm, my clansmen...... Hee hee, that several old enemy, they I swallow, they will certainly be surprised!” “给我足够的天道功德,盘古世界的天道法则就不会再继续压制我的力量,我就能在盘古世界发挥我全部的魔力!”大逍遥的身体微微颤抖着,眸子里闪烁着危险的光芒:“只要我能发挥出巅峰的魔力,我的族人们……嘻嘻,那几个老对头,他们被我吞噬的时候,他们一定会大吃一惊!” Greatly comfortable, is extremely greatly happy, greatly propitious...... They hid, but I can feel their aura, they in this world.” Big ramble complacent smiling: So long as I have swallowed them, I can evolve to a higher level, I can have hundred times of even thousand times and ten thousand times of strengths.” “大自在,大极乐,大吉祥……他们藏起来了,但是我能感受到他们的气息,他们就在这个世界。”大逍遥得意洋洋的笑着:“只要我吞噬了他们,我就能进化到更高的层次,我能拥有百倍甚至千倍、万倍的力量。” To that time, even if the Heavenly Dao principle of this world continues to suppress me, all lives that I can also swallow this world! I can certainly evolve to the maximum level, becomes with existence of first ancestor equality!” “到了那时候,就算这个世界的天道法则继续压制我,我也可以吞噬这个世界的所有生灵!我一定能进化到最高的层次,成为和始祖平等的存在!” Greatly free face rapid distortion, he was muttering: That supreme existence, all world in the primordial chaos treats as the game, in the primordial chaos all powerhouses are only existences of food.” 大逍遥的面孔急骤的扭曲着,他喃喃自语道:“那种至高无上的存在,将鸿蒙中所有的世界都当做猎物,鸿蒙中所有的强者都只是食物的存在。” In the brain of Ji Hao wipes miraculous glow to flash through, good big ramble, his actually good wishful thinking. 姬昊的脑子里一抹灵光闪过,好一个大逍遥,他倒是好如意算盘。 Simultaneously the Ji Hao heart also fiercely twitched, this damn fellow, if his wishful thinking to become true, the Pangu world feared that really will also bump into the unprecedented crisis. 同时姬昊心脏也剧烈的抽搐了一下,这个该死的家伙,如果他的如意算盘成真了,盘古世界怕是还真会碰到前所未有的危机。 Dozens foreign race spirit bodies whinned to be rambled to tow to entrain greatly front, the big ramble was twitching complacently the nose, just likes the wild dog that looked for food same has gathered in front of these spirit bodies, carefully appraisal their aura. 数十名异族灵体哀嚎着被大逍遥拖拽到了面前,大逍遥得意洋洋的抽动着鼻子,犹如觅食的野狗一样凑到了这些灵体面前,仔细的品鉴他们身上的气息。 Meanwhile, on the big ramble finger a golden lotus flower blooms slowly, afterward changed into four extremely thin Golden Light to fly to the east , south , west and north four directions. 与此同时,大逍遥手指上一朵金色莲花冉冉绽放开来,随后化为四条极细的金光向东南西北四个方向飞了出去。 Big ramble finger point gently on the purple crystal ball, has been able to see from the light screen that several hundred Yu Zushen Tower near loudly discussing politics hall simultaneously spouts the dazzling glare, chops on axe stick elder who maliciously, in these have besieged the Yemo day. 大逍遥手指轻轻的点在了紫色的水晶球上,从光幕中可以看到,大议政堂附近的数百座虞族神塔同时喷出刺目的强光,狠狠劈在了那些围攻耶摩天的斧杖长老身上。 About hundred axe stick elders were hit one to be caught off guard, their mail-armor and helmets blast out, the terrorist attack by god tower was hit the flesh and blood flying in all directions, body in confusion brings the thick black smoke to crash from the upper air, extremely distressed falling cannot move in the place in the morning. 近百名斧杖长老被打了一个措手不及,他们身上的甲胄炸开,被神塔的恐怖攻击打得血肉横飞,狼藉的身体带着浓浓的黑烟从高空坠落,万分狼狈的摔在地上半天动弹不得。 Come, merges into one organic whole with me!” The big ramble smiled has been opening both hands, he opened the mouth, attracted to a recent spirit body maliciously. “来吧,和我融为一体!”大逍遥微笑着张开了双手,他张大嘴,向最近的一条灵体狠狠一吸。 Ji Hao personal appearance silent behind appears from the big ramble, he brandishes the Pangu clock, pounding maliciously on greatly free back of the head. 姬昊的身形无声无息的从大逍遥身后浮现,他抡起盘古钟,狠狠的砸在了大逍遥的后脑勺上。 This Saint Venerable, merit type of thing, no one dislikes many, did you say? Also asked you to become part of my merit!” “这位圣尊,功德这种东西,谁也不嫌多,你说是不是呢?还请你成为我功德的一部分罢!” A Zhong called resoundingly resonant, the greatly free body broke up suddenly.( To be continued.) 一声钟鸣高亢嘹亮,大逍遥的身体骤然崩解。(未完待续。)
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