TME :: Volume #15

#1440: Greatly free to

Woman Luo Duo extends both hands, the authority elder awards his jurisdiction coat of arms in his hand splendid, he has shouted out low and deep, is fluttering line of spirit bodies of simultaneously to look at one in everywhere to him, moved rapidly. 婆罗哚伸出双手,权力长老授予他的权限纹章在他手上熠熠生辉,他低沉的呼喝了一声,正在漫天飘行的灵体们同时向他望了一眼,迅速的动了起来。 Is headed by 36 to repair clan spirit body, innumerable foreign race spirit bodies float in midair. 以36位脩族灵体为首,无数异族灵体悬浮在半空。 A Ji Hao forehead pupil opens, he sees these foreign race spirit body positions, the place of side thin ray gathering in the midair the common flesh eye is unable to see. Extremely thin light wire harness enter their bodies, these spirit bodies have shone suddenly all over the body, they send out low and deep chants - recited the sound, the huge world spiritual energy wound through their bodies, has brought the huge pressure to them. 姬昊眉心道眸张开,他看到这些异族灵体所处的位置,正是半空中寻常人肉眼无法看到的极细光线汇聚之地。一根根极细的光线扎进他们的身体,这些灵体骤然通体亮了起来,他们发出低沉的呻-吟声,庞大的天地灵气流过他们的身体,给他们带来了巨大的压力。 However is very obvious, these to these spirit bodies also quite have the advantage after the world spiritual energy that large formation transforms. 但是很显然,这些经过大阵转化的天地灵气对这些灵体也颇有好处。 Along with world spiritual energy scrubbing and impact repeatedly, the bodies of these spirit bodies little become precise, but stable, the ray in pupil gradually has also shone. 随着天地灵气一遍一遍的洗刷和冲击,这些灵体的身体一点点变得凝炼而坚固,眸子里的光芒也逐渐亮了起来。 Buzz a bang, having mystical powers body both hands uncontrolled opening, the full long hair just likes the water plant that is bewitched equally crazy is waving, the innumerable bands of light spout from their long hair, the intense fluctuation of energy makes the entire hemispheroid space wriggle fiercely. ‘嗡’的一声巨响,所有灵体双手不受控制的张开,满头长发犹如着魔的水草一样疯狂的舞动着,无数条光带从他们的长发中喷出,强烈的能量波动让整个半球形空间剧烈的蠕动着。 Mounts the animal statue big mouth on wall to open innumerably, was formerly sturdier than the light beam of several fold to howl, pours into 124 photospheres unceasingly. Situated in the large formation core place, the body passed through several thousand rays strong overhaul clan spirit bodies to read aloud an incantation with the incisive sound densely and numerously, the woman Luo Duo front had a diameter three chi (0.33 m) purple crystal ball to reappear baseless. 无数镶嵌在墙壁上的禽兽雕像大嘴张开,比先前粗壮了数倍的光柱呼啸而出,不断注入124颗光球中。一名位于大阵核心处,身上密密麻麻穿过了数万根光线的强大脩族灵体用尖锐的声音念诵了一句咒语,婆罗哚的面前就有一颗直径三尺的紫色水晶球凭空浮现。 Innumerable tiny Symbol tumble in the crystal ball, innumerable ray links crystal ball. The ground of this space shines suddenly, the ray is getting stronger and stronger, the innumerable deep line crustifications in the ground, constituted a huge incomparable chart. 无数细小的符文在水晶球中翻滚,无数条光线联通了水晶球。这个空间的地面骤然亮起,光线越来越强,无数深色的线条镶嵌在地面上,构成了一个巨大无比的阵图。 By the ground that shivers fiercely, Ji Hao can feel just likes the land features spiritual energy of innumerable going crazy big dragon is roaring in the underground ebullition. Liangzhu City defense Restriction was extremely opened finally, all perform in woman Luo Duo front purple crystal ball control. 透过剧烈颤抖的地面,姬昊能感受到犹如无数条发狂巨龙的地脉灵气正在地下沸腾怒吼。良渚城最终极的防御禁制被开启了,一切都尽在婆罗哚面前的紫色水晶球掌控中。 Woman Luo Duo both hands according to the purple crystal ball, his body trembled slightly, an intense ray spreads to his body from the crystal ball brightly, the woman Luo Duo body suddenly, his each pore starts to spray the intense ray outward. 婆罗哚双手按在了紫色水晶球上,他的身体微微一颤,一道强烈的光芒从水晶球中传入他的身体,婆罗哚的身体骤然亮起,他的每个毛孔都开始向外喷射强烈的光芒。 In the induction of Ji Hao, woman Luo Duo disappeared suddenly, his aura becomes is extremely obscure and weak, he and present large formation continually as one. In this moment, woman Luo Duo is Liangzhu City, Liangzhu City turns into the body that woman Luo Duo extended. 姬昊的感应中,婆罗哚骤然消失了,他的气息变得极其的晦涩、微弱,他和眼前的这座大阵连为一体。在这一刻,婆罗哚就是良渚城,良渚城则是变成了婆罗哚外延的躯体。 Woman Luo Duo keeps outside several trusted friend secret Wei, stature tall Shou secret Wei has loosened the mask suddenly, has swayed the neck gently. Moreover these secret Wei look immediately to this fellow: 93 rd, what do you make?” 婆罗哚留在外面的十几名心腹秘卫中,一名身材高瘦的秘卫突然解下了面罩,轻轻的摇晃了一下脖子。另外那些秘卫立刻看向了这个家伙:“93号,你做什么?” No. 93 secret health/guard treacherous smiling, in his pupil flashes through wipes the strange dim light, several secret Wei body suddenly one stiff, has revealed the panic-stricken peerless desperate color. 93号秘卫诡谲的笑了笑,他眸子里闪过一抹奇异的幽光,十几名秘卫的身体骤然一僵,露出了惊恐绝伦的绝望之色。 Their involuntary looks at the 93 rd pupil, looks that he entire turns into jet black piece of eye pupil. 93 rd eye probably bottomless black hole, rolling has swallowed their vigor of soul and whole body. 他们身不由己的看着93号的眸子,看着他整个变成漆黑一片的眼眸。93号的眼睛就好像一个无底黑洞,将他们的灵魂和全身的精气神一骨碌的吞噬了了下去。 chī chī in sound, continuously dim light departs from these secret Wei eye sockets, just liked the bird throws the forest to pour into No. 93 secret Wei eyes. Grinned on the 93 rd strange smiling, silent smiling, his body slightly is shivering, wipes the strange seven color flowing light to shine gradually on his skin. 嗤嗤’声中,一缕缕幽光从这些秘卫的眼眶中飞出,犹如飞鸟投林注入了93号秘卫的眼里。93号咧开嘴怪异的笑着,无声的笑着,他的身体微微的颤抖着,一抹怪异的七彩流光在他的皮肤上逐渐亮起。 Passed short 35 the time of breath, several secret Wei body became and mummy is equally withered. These secret Wei bodies shook shaking, the withered body layer on layer falls down, exploded fragment everywhere. 过了短短35个呼吸的时间,十几个秘卫的身体已经变得和木乃伊一样干瘪。这些秘卫身体晃了晃,干枯的身躯重重摔倒在地,炸成了满地的碎片。 No. 93 secret Wei has swayed the body, chī chī has smiled strangely: Interesting place, entire Liangzhu City final defends Restriction? If kills people with this Restriction, how many souls I can plunder?” 93号秘卫摇晃了一下身体,‘嗤嗤’的怪笑了起来:“有趣的地方,整个良渚城的最终防御禁制?如果用这个禁制来杀人,我能掠夺多少灵魂呢?” Soft armor cuns (2.5cm) disruption that ka ka several sounds, No. 93 secret protects oneself, he body, the manner freely is only smiling, went down the steps gradually, before quick arrived at that golden great door. ‘咔咔’几声响,93号秘卫身上的软甲寸寸碎裂,他光着身躯,神态自若的微笑着,一步一步的走下了阶梯,很快就来到了那扇黄金巨门前。 The eyes of 36 human form puppets shine suddenly, they simultaneously forward tread one step, the terrifying fluctuation of energy congealed a suppression on No. 93 secret Wei body. Wipes the obscure fluctuation to proliferate from these human form puppet within the body, they in the unique mystique, ordering No. 93 secret Wei to put out the general permission. 36尊人形傀儡的眼睛骤然亮起,他们同时向前踏出一步,恐怖的能量波动凝成一股压制在了93号秘卫的身上。一抹晦涩的波动从这些人形傀儡体内扩散开来,他们以独特的秘法,勒令93号秘卫拿出通行的许可。 But, nobody allows me to come to here!” No. 93 secret health/guard Ha Ha has smiled one, his ** suddenly the disintegration, one group of diameter several feet all colors light groups' from the body of collapse run out, the light group dodges slightly, wipes the strange person's shadow around 36 human form puppets in a flash, the gods in these human form puppet eye sockets light suddenly dissipate, one after another numerous pouring on the ground. “可是,没人允许我来这里!”93号秘卫‘哈哈’笑了一声,他的**突然崩解,一团直径数丈的五彩光团从崩溃的身躯中冲出,光团微微一闪,一抹怪异的人影绕着36尊人形傀儡一晃,这些人形傀儡眼眶中的神光骤然消散,一个接一个重重的倒在地上。 The fluctuations of energy of these puppet within the body as before formidable incomparable, but they are the through death thing, their all intelligence were eliminated by this group of all colors light groups in the flash, turned into the motionless death thing. 这些傀儡体内的能量波动依旧强大无比,但是他们已经是彻头彻尾的死物,他们所有的灵性在一瞬间被这团五彩光团剥夺,变成了一动不动的死物。 All colors light group exudes the chuckle sound that drifts from place to place, if quickly lightning has run into the golden great gate. 五彩光团发出飘忽不定的轻笑声,快若闪电的冲进了黄金巨门。 The gold cast, mounts on the golden gateways of innumerable gem lethality huge law to be triggered, the aurora of innumerable [say / way] shining silent to all colors light group crush under. 黄金铸成,镶嵌了无数宝石的黄金门户上一道道杀伤力巨大的法阵被触发,无数道流光溢彩的极光无声无息的向五彩光团碾压而下。 All colors light group just likes the illusory image is common, whatever these aurora penetrate themselves, has not actually received any injury. 五彩光团犹如幻影一般,任凭这些极光穿透自己,却没有受到任何伤害。 The whole person and Liangzhu City ultimate defends Restriction to merge into one organic whole, is familiar in this huge and complex Restriction woman Luo Duo of various details calls out in alarm one suddenly, he turned head fiercely, looked with amazement to this group of all colors glares. 整个人和良渚城的终极防御禁制融为一体,正在熟悉这个庞大而复杂的禁制中各处细节的婆罗哚突然惊呼一声,他猛地回过头来,骇然看向了这团五彩强光。 A fist size golden lotus flower blooms in the woman Luo Duo forehead, the golden immortal light surrounds the whole body together, bound woman Luo Duo firmly. 一枚拳头大小的金色莲花在婆罗哚的眉心绽放开来,一道金色仙光环绕全身,牢牢裹住了婆罗哚。 All colors light roll hee hee smile, leaps fiercely forward, sees an all colors person shadow band the innumerable riotous light rain, penetrated the golden immortal light with ease, has jumped in the woman Luo Duo forehead. 五彩光团‘嘻嘻’一笑,猛地向前一跃,就看到一条五彩人影带着无数缤纷的光雨,轻轻松松的穿透了金色仙光,跳进了婆罗哚的眉心。 Woman Luo Duo screamed hoarsely, his eye pupil turned into an all colors brilliant gem suddenly, the skin faintly has taken all colors dim light. 婆罗哚声嘶力竭的尖叫了一声,他的眼眸骤然变成了一块五彩绚烂的宝石,就连皮肤都隐隐带上了一层五彩幽光。 These crustification the spirit body in large formation also calls out in alarm, the especially thoses formidable unusual spirit body also shouts a question: Woman Luo Duo, you how?” 那些‘镶嵌’在大阵中的灵体同时惊呼,尤其是那些强大异常的灵体同时喝问:“婆罗哚,你怎么了?” The woman Luo Duo body in a flash, after a while, he is having a strange smiling face slightly, gaining ground of slowly. One such as the bloodthirsty hyena saw the small rabbit of delicacy, woman Luo Duo sound hoarse muttered: These many soul bodies? You are really...... Too polite. Such being the case, the main body is impolite.” 婆罗哚的身体微微一晃,过了一会儿,他带着一丝怪异的笑容,缓缓的抬起头来。一如嗜血的鬣狗见到了美味的小兔子,‘婆罗哚’声音沙哑的喃喃自语道:“这么多灵魂体?你们真是……太客气了。既然如此,本尊也就不客气了。” Ha Ha laughs, woman Luo Duo shouted to clear the way fierce: Comes, comes, these many fresh and tender hot souls! Turns into the main body part! The main body big ramble, grants especially eternal and others......” ‘哈哈’一声大笑,‘婆罗哚’厉声喝道:“都来吧,都来吧,这么多鲜嫩火辣的灵魂!都变成本尊的一部分吧!本尊大逍遥,特赐予尔等永恒的……” „? Is the person who this boy colludes with, waiting unexpectedly still outside?” The big ramble smiled suddenly: „, Making them enter a city!”( To be continued.) “呃?这小子勾结的人,居然还在外面等着?”大逍遥突然笑了:“那么,让他们进城吧!”(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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