TME :: Volume #15

#1439: Does not extinguish the spirit body

We will die.” Spacious The heaven sinks slowly to the place, woman Luo Duo very deep saying: If, does not make any change, arrogant getting down that such continues, we will be annihilated.” “我们都会死。”宽大的天庭缓缓向地下沉去,婆罗哚很深沉的说道:“如果,不做任何的变化,就这么继续的自高自大下去,我们会全军覆没。” secret Weimen did not speak, they look at woman Luo Duo very much at a loss. 秘卫们不吭声,他们很茫然的看着婆罗哚。 Woman Luo Duo is a wise, he is full of wisdom, has the profound knowledge, therefore he can become one of the Yu Dynasty three big presiding judges. He can through the ancient book backward time of Yu clan, look through behind the historical dense fog some unknown things. 婆罗哚是智者,他有智慧,更有渊博的知识,所以他能成为虞朝三大审判长之一。他能通过虞族的典籍追溯时光,看破历史迷雾后面一些不为人知的东西。 But they are only secret Wei, is the big adjudication division respective secret agent, although they are the woman Luo Duo trusted friends, followed him to do obeisance into Priest Hua and Daoist Wood hanger-on, but they did not have this ability in the ravelling woman Luo Duoxin concealed worry. 而他们只是秘卫,是大审判庭所属的暗探,他们虽然是婆罗哚的心腹,更追随着他拜入了花道人木道人的门下,但是他们并没有这个能力去弄明白婆罗哚心中的隐忧。 Ok, does not talk clearly with you.” Woman Luo Duo beckoned with the hand, very indifferent saying: In any case, so long as you believe that I am walking on the correct path, I am eagerly anticipating you to walk on the correct path, this was enough.” “算了,和你们也说不清。”婆罗哚摆了摆手,很淡然的说道:“反正,只要你们相信,我正行走在正确的道路上,我正引领你们走在正确的道路上,这就足够了。” The ground shivered slightly, spacious The heaven sank to the underground 3000 zhang (3.33 m), wall that all around sincere alloy casts, above has carved the extremely complex and exquisite trace. The formidable strength shuttles back and forth in extremely thin traces rapidly, all traces on wall are sending out the eye-catching ray, just likes the innumerable fireflies in cheerful dancing in the air. 地面微微颤抖了一下,宽大的天庭已经沉入地下3000丈,四周是厚重合金铸成的墙壁,上面雕刻了极其复杂而优美的纹路。强大的力量在一道道极细的纹路中急速穿梭,墙壁上的所有纹路都在散发出夺目的光芒,犹如无数萤火虫在欢快的飞舞。 The Ji Hao tip of the toe takeoffs three cuns (2.5cm) float, he is away from woman Luo Duo, only then less than one zhang (3.33 m) far, he has restrained all aura, is lest woman Luo Duo has certain unknown talent magical powers, his vision has not placed on woman Luo Duo, but is staring at the boots on woman Luo Duo foot, stares dark golden precious pearl that on his boots is mounting. 姬昊脚尖离地三寸悬浮着,他距离婆罗哚只有不到一丈远,他收敛了所有的气息,更是唯恐婆罗哚有某些不为人知的天赋神通,他的目光都没有放在婆罗哚身上,而是凝视着婆罗哚脚上的靴子,盯着他靴子上镶嵌的一枚暗金色的宝珠。 Woman Luo Duo has raised both hands, these authority elders entrust with his jurisdiction coat of arms to release the intense ray, in front of him void just likes the wave is wriggling equally fiercely, woman Luo Duo read aloud a few words low and deep. 婆罗哚举起了双手,那些权力长老赋予他的权限纹章释放出强烈的光芒,他面前的虚空犹如水波一样剧烈的蠕动着,婆罗哚低沉的念诵了一句话。 The ear of Ji Hao has shaken shaking, this is Yu Clan native language word, moreover should be some Panyu world before the Flood general ancient language type. Ji Hao learns the commonly used language that Yu Clan nowadays has used in Magi palace, language that but this moment woman Luo Duo uses, he actually can only hear clearly several simplest sound symbol, other knowing nothing. 姬昊的耳朵抖了抖,这是虞族的本族语言,而且应该是盘虞世界某种上古时代通行的古老语言种类。姬昊巫殿学习过虞族现今使用的通用语,可是此刻婆罗哚使用的语言,他却只能听清几个最简单的音,其他的一无所知。 The shutter opens before the woman Luo Duo body together, woman Luo Duo stands outside the shutter carefully, both hands have put in the light shining in all directions shutter. With ka ka sound, woman Luo Duo the pull-off from the shutter was densely covered the strange machinery of gear and tension bar, his both hands moved on several turntables fast several, has lagged behind several tension bars. 一道光门在婆罗哚的身前开启,婆罗哚小心的站在光门外,双手伸进了光芒四射的光门中。伴随着‘咔咔’声响,婆罗哚从光门中拖出了一个密布着齿轮、拉杆的奇异机械,他双手在几个转盘上快速的拨动了几下,又拉下了几个拉杆。 ‚’, Woman Luo Duo front ground splits suddenly, downward steps sparkle the light fluorescence to appear before woman Luo Duo. Woman Luo Duo makes an effort front the complex machinery will drive back in the shutter, afterward the shutter is closed quietly. ‘咔嚓’一声,婆罗哚面前的地面突然裂开,一条向下的阶梯闪耀着淡淡的荧光出现在婆罗哚面前。婆罗哚用力的将面前复杂的机械推回了光门中,随后光门悄然关闭。 On woman Luo Duo front stair palm of the hand size Symbol shines one after another, he told to behind secret Wei, these secret Wei drew out the weapon to stand near the steps entrance, woman Luo Duo all alone has gone down the steps. 婆罗哚面前的台阶上一枚一枚巴掌大小符文亮起,他向身后的秘卫吩咐了一声,这些秘卫纷纷拔出兵器站在了阶梯入口附近,婆罗哚孤身一人走下了阶梯。 Ji Hao follows in woman Luo Duo behind, 72 clone change into faint trace haze to attach in his long hair, such silently followed. 姬昊跟在婆罗哚身后,72条分身化为一丝丝烟气附着在他的长发上,就这么无声无息的跟了下去。 Walked following the steps downward the period of time, the front suddenly sees the light, a fan pass body casts with the gold, the surface has mounted hundreds of thousands of assorted gems, is bedecked with jewels, the gorgeous giant gateway to appear in front of Ji Hao. 顺着阶梯向下行走了一阵子,前方豁然开朗,一扇通体用黄金铸成,表面镶嵌了数十万枚各色宝石,珠光宝气、华美至极的巨大门户出现在姬昊面前。 Entire 36 shining, body appears the translucent shape all over the body, height three zhang (3.33 m) high and low, the aura that lends endures compared with human form puppet character dispelling of Sun and Moon Realm powerhouse stands before the gateway, saw that woman Luo Duo walked, the eye sockets of these human form puppets simultaneously shine. 整整36尊通体流光溢彩,身躯呈半透明状,身高三丈上下,散发出的气息堪比日月境强者的人形傀儡一字儿排开站在门户前,见到婆罗哚走了过来,这些人形傀儡的眼眶同时亮起。 Buzz, on the human form puppet sends out the formidable fluctuation of energy, the void distortion and spiritual energy disorder, woman Luo Duo is compelled by the aura that these human form puppets send out, his body suddenly in a flash, eye fiercely bulge more than one inch high. ‘嗡’的一声,人形傀儡身上散发出强大的能量波动,虚空扭曲、灵气紊乱,婆罗哚被这些人形傀儡散发出的气息一逼,他身体骤然一晃,眼睛猛地凸起了一寸多高。 Outstretch both hands that he is too busy, vertical stroke eye of coats of arms shine, the rays in these human form puppet eye sockets dim, about them a point, made way a channel. 他忙不迭的伸出双手,一枚枚竖目纹章亮起,这些人形傀儡眼眶中的光芒黯淡了下去,他们左右一分,让开了一条通道。 Before woman Luo Duo has arrived at the golden great gate, his both hands according to two have gotten sucked into three cuns (2.5cm) deep being in charge on the doorframe, gently pushes, enough hundred zhang (333m) high, several feet thick golden great gate on silent to two sideslips, has revealed behind the huge hemispheroid space. 婆罗哚走到了黄金巨门前,他双手按在了门框上两个深陷下去三寸深的掌印中,轻轻的一推,足足百丈高、数丈厚的黄金巨门就无声无息的向两侧滑开,露出了后面巨大的半球形空间。 124 ten li (0.5km) size multi- color photospheres float in midair, as ever the ancient invariable stars, are still fast in the hemispheroid space following the specific path from time to time are rotating from time to time slowly. 124颗十里大小的多彩光球悬浮在半空中,犹如恒古不变的星辰,循着特定的轨迹在半球形空间中时而快速时而缓慢的转动着。 On the wall of sphere space, is mounting over 100,000 different model dragon, phoenix, qilin Qilin, legendary wild animal and ya zi, chaos wait / etc. rare bird strange animal the head statues. These statues have communicated under Liangzhu surely the huge spirit lineage/vein, each statue has opened the mouth, spouts just likes the essence world spiritual energy, pours into 124 photospheres unceasingly. 球形空间的墙壁上,镶嵌着超过100000个造型各异的龙、凤、麒、狻猊、睚眦、混沌等等珍禽异兽的头颅雕像。这些雕像必定是沟通了良渚下方庞大的灵脉,每一个雕像都张大了嘴,喷出一道道犹如实质的天地灵气,不断注入124颗光球中。 In the midair of hemispheroid space, the innumerable big size small light screens are partly visible, immediate image in entire Liangzhu each main street and small alley and each ditch ditch corner can see clearly in these light screens. 在半球形空间的半空中,无数大大小小的光幕若隐若现,整个良渚每一条大街小巷、每一个沟沟角落里的即时影像都能在这些光幕中看得清清楚楚。 Without a doubt, here is not only the entire Liangzhu finally extremely city garrison large formation control core, is the Yu Dynasty highest elder institute monitoring entire Liangzhu every action and every movement monitor center. 毫无疑问,这里不仅仅是整个良渚最终极城防大阵的操控核心,更是虞朝最高长老院监控整个良渚一举一动的监控中心。 A Ji Hao forehead pupil opens, he is saw that innumerable also wanted the slender several thousand times of assorted ray links compared with the hair silk these 124 photospheres. These rays from the sky twist erratically, outlined as complex as the extreme strategy trace innumerably. 姬昊眉心道眸张开,他更是看到有无数比头发丝还要纤细数万倍的各色光线联通了这124颗光球。这些光线在空中扭曲不定,勾勒出了无数复杂到极点的阵法纹路。 In this over 500 miles in diameter hemispheroid space, wears the translucent ash-gray long gown innumerably, the personal appearance is also in the translucent shape the person's shadow lithe intercourse to flutter. Woman Luo Duo shoves open the front door enters here time, these person's shadows also slightly look askance to him shot a look at one, nobody comes up to greet to him, nobody flushed him to speak a few words. 这个直径超过500里的半球形空间中,无数身披半透明灰色长袍,身形也处于半透明状的人影轻盈的往来飘动着。婆罗哚推开大门走进这里的时候,这些人影也只是微微侧目向他瞥了一眼,没人上来向他打招呼,更没人冲他说一句话。 Um? Woman Sir Luo Duo...... Here seems not the big adjudication division control area.” “嗯?婆罗哚大人……这里似乎并不属于大审判庭的管辖范围。” Low and deep and sincere, just likes the sounds of two big iron ingot hits from airborne transmits mutually. 一个低沉、厚重、犹如两块大铁锭相互撞击的声音从空中传来。 Ji Hao gains ground, saw dozens heights exceed five zhang (3.33 m), sends out the rich astonishing soul fluctuation all over the body, the body translucent person's shadow from the airborne slow landing. In the middle of these people have Yu Clan, to repair the clan, but has occupied the larger part repairs the clan clansman. 姬昊抬起头,就看到了数十条身高超过五丈,通体散发出浓郁惊人的灵魂波动,身躯半透明的人影从空中缓慢的降落。这些人当中有虞族、有脩族,而占了一大半的则是脩族族人。 They, are not the strangers. 他们,不是生人。 After they were the human body deaths of foreign race, with soul body that some mystique preserved! 他们是异族的肉体死亡后,用某种秘法保存下来的灵魂体! Also does not know that they have used the what kind mystique, although these fellows are only the frail spirit body conditions, however his soul is formidable makes Ji Hao praise to the heavens they are only the frail spirit body, but their soul source strength at least is over ten times of outside these authority elders! 也不知道他们用了何等秘法,这些家伙虽然只是脆弱的灵体状态,但是他的灵魂强大得让姬昊都叹为观止他们只是脆弱的灵体,可是他们的灵魂本源力量起码是外面那些权力长老的十倍以上! If gives them a recast appropriate mortal body, their strengths will also be over these Sun and Moon Realm authority elder ten times! 如果给他们重铸一具合适的肉身,他们的力量也将超过那些日月境的权力长老十倍! Ji Hao understood suddenly faintly, during the stay in Kuimen, why Wiese Ding Jia zu person, the representative of many Yu Clan family, they to bloodshed meat spirit mushroom so frantic. 姬昊突然隐隐明白了,在夔门的时候,为什么威斯丁家族的人,还有好些虞族家族的代表,他们对血海肉灵芝是如此的狂热。 All colors small cauldron in lower abdomen beat slightly, the Ji Hao clear point sensation to all colors small cauldron to these spirit bodies appetite.( To be continued.) 小腹中的五彩小鼎微微跳动了一下,姬昊清楚点感知到了五彩小鼎对这些灵体的‘食欲’。(未完待续。)
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