TME :: Volume #15

#1467: Human form Sun

Come, come, come!” “来吧,来吧,来吧!” Ji Hao whooshes loudly, chaos Dao Embryo emits the immeasurable ray, one continuously just liked essence Divine Sense maliciously grips plate jia Sun. 姬昊大声嘶吼,混沌道胎放出无量光芒,一缕缕犹如实质的神识狠狠扎进了盘泇太阳 Regained consciousness by the plate jia Sun this my will of plate jia seal suddenly, blazing difficult to bear and vast such as the terror fluctuation of sea gushes out from the plate jia Sun deep place, just likes trillion volcanos also erupts, howls to clash to Ji Hao Spiritual Space. 被盘泇封印的盘泇太阳本我意志骤然苏醒,一股炽热难当、浩瀚如海的恐怖波动从盘泇太阳深处喷薄而出,犹如亿万座火山同时爆发,呼啸着向姬昊神魂空间冲来。 Ji Hao sees faintly, in the plate jia Sun core place, posthumous 99 pairs of great fire wing forms such as the innate life of big dragon is in the deep sleep. This terrifying soul fluctuation from the mind tumbling of this innate life, compared with the soul fluctuation of Ji Hao formidable far more than several fold? 姬昊隐隐看到,在盘泇太阳的核心处,一头背生99对巨大火翼形如巨龙的先天生灵正在沉睡。这道恐怖的灵魂波动就是从这头先天生灵的脑海翻滚而出,比姬昊的灵魂波动强大了何止数倍? Plate jia world, this is the plate jia opening, a pure water world. 盘泇世界,这是盘泇开辟的,一个纯粹的水世界。 Perhaps is the plate jia strength is insufficient, she opened the plate jia world, actually cannot scatter cleanly the heterogeneous energy of plate jia world. The juicy strength of plate jia world had the overwhelming superiority, but the strength of plate jia world is impure. 或许是盘泇的力量不够,她开辟了盘泇世界,却没能将盘泇世界的异种能量驱散干净。盘泇世界的水灵之力占据了绝对优势,但是盘泇世界的力量并不纯粹。 Therefore had plate jia Sun, results in strength of the merit good fortune plate jia Sky Opening has developed, in plate jia Sun also breeds a tyrannical exceptionally innate living thing. If all defer to dark good fortune Grand Dao to evolve, this giant incomparable innate life already should break the shell, becomes the plate jia world east sovereign too one. 所以就有了盘泇太阳,得了盘泇开天辟地的一份功德造化之力,盘泇太阳内也孕育出了一头强横异常的先天生物。若是一切都按照冥冥中的造化大道衍化,这头巨大无匹的先天生灵早就应该破壳而出,成为盘泇世界的‘东皇太一’。 How plate jia world juicy strength to be too abundant, the plate jia Sun strength was suppressed the pinnacle, the innate biology of this opening price jia Sun breeding was suppressed the innumerable years similarly, his body has not grown maturely, fell into nearly eternal sleep. 奈何盘泇世界水灵之力太雄厚,盘泇太阳的力量被压制到了极致,这头盘泇太阳孕育的先天生物同样被压制了无数年,他的身躯还没发育成熟,就陷入了近乎永恒的睡眠。 But today, Ji Hao wants to refine plate jia Sun thoroughly, wants with the aid of plate jia Sun the position of strength achievement Magus God, he must use self-awareness control plate jia Sun, takes pulley jia Sun the me. This deep sleep the innumerable year of innate lives have felt the bad meaning in Ji Hao Divine Sense, he awakened suddenly, stemmed from the instinct launched the counter-attack. 可是今日,姬昊想要彻底炼化盘泇太阳,想要借助盘泇太阳的力量成就巫神之位,他必须用自我意识掌控盘泇太阳,取代盘泇太阳的本我。这头沉睡了无数年的先天生灵感受到了姬昊神识中的不善之意,他骤然惊醒,出自本能的发动了反击。 The blazing difficult to bear spiritual fluctuation howls is swallowing to come to Ji Hao, the billowing red light submerged the body of Ji Hao instantaneously, this is from a Sun strength, although Sun of plate jia world is congenitally deficient, wanted weakly a lot of times compared with Sun of Pangu world, but he as before was Sun, contained has been possible be called the strength of inexhaustible Sun. 炽热难当的精神波动呼啸着向姬昊吞噬而来,滚滚红光瞬间淹没了姬昊的身体,这是来自一颗太阳的力量虽然盘泇世界的太阳先天不足,比起盘古世界的太阳要弱了千百倍,但他依旧是一颗太阳,蕴藏了堪称无穷无尽的太阳之力。 Ji Hao within the body the strength of scarlet date was almost swallowed in the flash, the strength of scarlet red fierce rogue scarlet date changed into a continuously strange principle fluctuation, was swallowed by plate jia Sun. Red light that plate jia Sun sends out had the strange change quietly, in the red light has taken one to wither quietly, the hot tempered red. 姬昊体内的赤日之力几乎是在一瞬间就被吞噬一空,赤红色狰狞凶恶的赤日之力化为一缕缕奇异的法则波动,被盘泇太阳吞噬。盘泇太阳散发出的红光悄然发生了奇异的变化,红光中悄然带上了一层肃杀、暴躁的赤色。 The billowing red light floods the state of mind to be void, earthshaking long howls transmit from plate jia Sun unceasingly, the terrifying giant beast of that posthumous 99 getting a light from another light wings has opened on the gigantic head difficultly the dense and numerous eyes, innumerable red light tearing are void, locks chaos Dao Embryo that the Ji Hao state of mind void center has sat cross-legged directly. 滚滚红光充斥神魂虚空,一声声惊天动地的长啸声从盘泇太阳内不断传来,那头背生99对火翼的恐怖巨兽艰难的睁开了硕大的头颅上密密麻麻的眼睛,无数条红光撕裂虚空,径直锁定了姬昊神魂虚空正中盘坐的混沌道胎 Roar roared to transmit, in the soul fluctuation of this innate monster has transmitted the boundless pleasant surprise. He felt wonderful of Ji Hao Dao Embryo, feels the opportunity of infinite good fortune in Ji Hao Dao Embryo contained. This innate monster is whooshing loudly, the roar that souls can hear told Ji Hao him extremely to swallow Ji Hao Dao Embryo urgently. ‘吼’的一声咆哮传来,这头先天巨物的灵魂波动中传来了无边的惊喜。他感受到了姬昊道胎的神妙,感受到姬昊道胎中蕴藏的无穷造化之机。这头先天巨物大声嘶吼着,一道道只有灵魂才能听到的吼声告诉姬昊他万分迫切的想要吞掉姬昊道胎 Dao Embryo, the Ji Hao complete soul fuses the Grand Dao embryo that Grand Dao concentrates, if had been swallowed by this monster, Ji Hao on true being frightened out of one's wits. Listened to the roaring sound of giant beast, Ji Hao to smile, Dao Embryo stood up slowly, the top of the head Pangu clock, grasped Pangu Dragon, protected the body by Tai Ji Universe Mirror, he welcomed the mighty current that was blotting out the sky to come to walk to the plate jia Sun core. 道胎者,姬昊全部灵魂融合大道而凝成的大道胚胎,若是被这头巨物吞噬了,姬昊就真正的魂飞魄散。听着巨兽的咆哮声,姬昊笑了起来,道胎缓缓站起身来,头顶盘古钟,手持盘古龙纹,以太极乾坤镜护体,他迎着铺天盖地而来的洪流向盘泇太阳核心走了过去。 Plate jia Sun split a slit, made way thoroughfare Grand Dao, whatever Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo enters. 盘泇太阳裂开了一条缝隙,让开了一条通衢大道任凭姬昊的混沌道胎走进。 The length of body , the body is surely bigger much giant beast difficult gaining ground, his loud gasping for breath, has opened the big mouth difficultly. Has not grown the mature he even continually complete spirit wisdom not to have, his intelligence quotient is equal to three -year-old child most, feels approaching of Ji Hao Dao Embryo, he stems from wish of instinct eating to fall Ji Hao. 体长千万里,身躯大得不可思议的巨兽艰难的抬起头来,他粗重的喘着气,艰难的张开了大嘴。没有发育成熟的他甚至连完整的灵智都没有,他的智商最多相当于三岁的小孩,感受到姬昊道胎的逼近,他只是出自本能的想要‘吃’掉姬昊 Old fogy , helping my!” Ji Hao looks at this giant beast with deep veneration, does not dare to have the slight general idea. “老家伙,帮我一把!”姬昊肃然看着这头巨兽,不敢有丝毫的大意。 phantom also slowly stands up, he points at a check, all colors round cauldron in Ji Hao lower abdomen exudes the low and deep bellow to soar, was closely hugged by his both hands in the front: Prepared? Snort, this fellow compared to the eastern sovereign of past years too one, was weak are too many.” 虚影也缓缓站起身来,他手指一勾,姬昊小腹中的五彩圆鼎发出低沉的轰鸣声腾空而起,被他双手紧紧抱在胸前:“准备好了?哼,这家伙比起当年的东皇太一,可是弱太多了。” Laughed, phantom has gripped the foot of all colors round cauldron single-handed, made an effort to wield the round cauldron, he treated as the weapon maliciously to that giant beast has divided. Ji Hao gained ground, happen to saw that phantom divided five types to unite struck. 大笑了一声,虚影单手握住五彩圆鼎的一只脚,用力挥动圆鼎,将他当做兵器狠狠的向那巨兽劈了下去。姬昊抬起头来,正好看到虚影劈出了五式合一的一击。 All colors round cauldron surface light fluctuates, Ji Hao a flower, he sees this round cauldron at present seems not a cauldron, in the phantom hand, he simply is the big axe that handle Sky Opening develops sufficiently, brought to be disillusioned all terrifying aura to cut in the monster top of the head. 五彩圆鼎表面光影变幻,姬昊眼前一花,他看到这圆鼎似乎不是一口鼎,在虚影手中的时候,他简直就是一柄足以开天辟地的大斧,带着破灭一切的恐怖气息斩在了巨物的头顶。 A wail, the monster was deducted from beginning to end two pieces, his my spirit wisdom was struck the smashing, the body loudly avalanche becomes the bulk bulk red crystal general source soul strength, was swallowed cleanly by all colors round cauldron one. 一声哀鸣,巨物从头到尾被劈成了两片,他的本我灵智被一击粉碎,身躯轰然崩塌成大块大块红色水晶一般的本源魂力,被五彩圆鼎一口吞得干干净净。 The phantom personal appearance is suddenly dim, the body almost turned into the transparency, he muttered weakly: „After this male servant refining up, half turn over to me.” 虚影的身形骤然黯淡下来,身体几乎变成了透明状,他虚弱的咕哝道:“这厮炼化后,一半归我。” Whistling breathed heavily thick air/Qi, phantom weak unusual sitting cross-legged in Spiritual Space, pupil Rivat's blue god light rapidly dim, only remaining a faint trace extremely pale flame was finally partly visible. ‘呼呼’的喘了一口粗气,虚影虚弱异常的盘坐在了神魂空间中,眸子里瓦蓝色的神光急速的黯淡了下去,最终只剩下了一丝丝极淡的火光若隐若现。 Ji Hao looks at phantom, said hurriedly: Gives you to be good completely, and you recuperate, I refine to melt plate jia Sun to come!” 姬昊看着虚影,急忙说道:“全部给你都行,你且休养,我炼化了盘泇太阳就来!” Bellowed fiercely, Ji Hao chaos Dao Embryo ‚’ split, a light person's shadow departed from chaos Dao Embryo, submerged the plate jia Sun core instantaneously. 猛地大吼了一声,姬昊混沌道胎‘咔嚓’一声裂开,一条淡淡的人影从混沌道胎中飞出,瞬间没入了盘泇太阳核心。 Plate jia Sun reduces rapidly, gradually changes into round red light to submerge the Ji Hao chest. 盘泇太阳急速缩小,渐渐的化为一轮红光没入姬昊胸口。 The billowing thermal energy pasts the whole body, the body of Ji Hao is burning violently, each fine hair is spouting the boundless roaring flame, he entire calmly turned into a diameter several feet fireball float in cave. 滚滚热力流转全身,姬昊的身体猛烈的燃烧着,每一根汗毛都在喷出无边烈焰,他整个变成了一颗直径数丈的火球静静的悬浮在山洞中。 After three days three nights, Ji Hao went out of the cave gradually. 三天三夜后,姬昊缓步走出了山洞。 Outside the hole the sunlight is just right, Ji Hao puts out a hand, a finger ball, in front of him has a wisp of sunlight to reappear quietly, just likes the substantive string same beats gently. He smiled, puts out a hand to grip this wisp of sunlight, the ray dodged, he has not used Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge, solely draws support from the omnipresent sunlight, appears in the lift-off thousand li(500 km) upper air suddenly. 洞外阳光正好,姬昊伸出手,手指一弹,他面前就有一缕阳光悄然浮现,犹如实质琴弦一样轻轻跳动。他笑了笑,伸手握住了这一缕阳光,光芒一闪,他没有动用天地金桥,单单借助无所不在的阳光,骤然出现在离地千里的高空。 Deep inspiration, Ji Hao stretches out the arms to face upward the long and loud cry. 深深的吸了一口气,姬昊张开双臂仰天长啸。 The sky shines suddenly, under Pangu Sun that in permanent ancient does not extinguish, brand-new Sun appears loudly. Compared with Pangu Sun shining Golden Light, this Sun radiance has slightly, the scarlet red ray is having the fearful high-temperature shining sidereal revolution as before. 天空骤然亮起,在恒古不灭的盘古太阳下方,一颗崭新的太阳轰然出现。比起盘古太阳的灿灿金光,这颗太阳的光亮度稍有不及,赤红色的光芒却依旧带着可怕的高温照耀周天。 Extinguishes!” “灭!” Ji Hao cried loud and long, melts in a Sun shining surrounding area 8 million li (0.5km) wooded mountain, 378,932,452 wild wolves simultaneously were all pierced the body by wisp of extremely thin red light. 姬昊长啸一声,所化太阳照耀方圆8000000里的山林中,全部的,378932452头野狼同时被一缕极细的红光洞穿了身体。 Sigh, 300 million wild wolves simultaneously change into one group of fireballs, suddenly burns cleanly, a dust has not stayed behind. ‘呼’的一声,300000000多头野狼同时化为一团火球,眨眼间烧得干干净净,一颗灰尘都没有留下。 Human form Sun, shines the sidereal revolution, the ray institute , the myriad things completely burn.( To be continued.) 人形太阳,普照周天,光芒所及,万物尽焚。(未完待续。)
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