TME :: Volume #13

#1208: Person clan dark health/guard

Near the Pu Ban southwest, the gonorrhea rocky mountain, the appearance of the mountain is not big, from east to west more than thousand li (0.5km), north-south most 3500 miles in width, in the mountain the multi- glens and cave, little big tree, the sparse bush is here main vegetation. 蒲阪西南边,有一片白石山,山势不大,从东而西不过千多里,南北最宽不过3500里,山中多幽谷、山洞,少高大乔木,稀疏的灌木是这里最主要的植被。 Baishishan most center has a profound deep valley, on the both sides mountain wall grows thickly the dragon to tie such as Gu Song of flood dragon, on the branch is hanging the big piece wisteria, on tree root nearby plump moss a spirit mushroom is clearly discernible, entire Valley is full the strongly fragrant spirit mushroom medicine to be fragrant. 白石山最中心处有一条深邃的幽谷,两侧山壁上丛生着虬结如蛟的古松,树枝上挂着大片的藤萝,树根附近肥厚的青苔上点点灵芝清晰可见,整个山谷都充盈着馥郁的灵芝药香。 From Valley entrance line, after several li (0.5km) winding track, Valley suddenly sees the light, a piece makes use of local materials, such as the stone of jade completes the pavilion that to be in sight with the shining white of Baishishan special product impressively. 山谷入口一路行进去,十几里曲折的小道后山谷豁然开朗,一片就地取材,用白石山特产的莹白如玉的石块建成的楼阁赫然在望。 Experienced the baptism of innumerable year of wind and frost rain and dew, was once pure white the adorable stone material became cannot withstand motley, in the crevice also lived completely the moss, this pavilion looked for the first time resembled the years have been contaminated the bronze, the luster dimly actually vigorously, was passing a flavor of plain vicissitudes. 经历了无数年风霜雨露的洗礼,曾经洁白可爱的石材已经变得斑驳不堪,石缝中也生满了苔藓,这一片楼阁乍一看去就好像岁月浸染过的青铜,色泽黯淡却浑厚,透着一股古朴沧桑的韵味。 Passes through this pavilion, on the mountain wall of Valley end is not a big cave entrance, often has to wear passing and out that the man of black, white and grey assorted clothing is quietly. 走过这一片楼阁,山谷尽头的山壁上是一个不大的洞口,不时有身穿黑色、白色、灰色各色衣衫的男子悄无声息的进进出出。 In cave entrance was a spacious pure road, the road both sides opened cutting leaves of gateways, all gateways were the bronze cast, above has carved the assorted beast of prey head picture. All gateways tight closed, does not know that was making anything, to hide any person or any thing. 洞口内是一条宽敞洁净的甬道,甬道两侧开凿了一扇扇门户,所有门户都是青铜铸成,上面雕刻了各色猛兽头像。所有门户都紧紧闭合,也不知道里面在做些什么、藏了些什么人或者什么东西。 The sudden leaf of gateway opens, hoary-headed old person rickets the waist, has been finding out the half body from the gate, sends out the light medicine fragrance the dragon skin to deliver one volume as before outward: 100 secret Zhilong reel, sends to place on file!” 突然一扇门户开启,一名白发苍苍的老人佝偻着腰,从门后面探出了半截身体,将一卷依旧散发出淡淡药香味的龙皮往外一送:“100张秘制龙皮卷轴,送去入档!” Wears the youth of black clothed not to know where has braved, both hands received the dragon skin reel in old person hand, the half step walks toward the road deep place. The hoary-headed old person muttered, layer on layer has closed the sincere bronze gateway. 一名身穿黑衣的少年不知道从哪里冒了出来,双手接过老人手中的龙皮卷轴,快步向甬道深处走去。白发苍苍的老人咕哝了一声,重重的关上了厚重的青铜门户。 Is thorough following the road, the road both sides gateways are getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more branch paths to appear. 顺着甬道一路深入,甬道两侧的门户越来越大,也有越来越多的分岔道路出现。 Finally the most inner layer of road, impressively is one huge, used the space to superimpose Wu Zhen the broad palace obviously. 最终甬道的最内层,赫然是一座巨大的、明显使用了空间叠加巫阵的恢弘殿堂。 Bottom of the palace in day round place length and breadth about hundred li (0.5km), the ground luster is the sincere brown color, but the circular vault presents the plain mysterious azure black. Carefully looks, the ground in this palace with the beta brass casting, the vault forges with the bronze. 天圆地方的殿堂底部长宽都在百里左右,地面色泽呈厚重的土黄色,而圆形的穹顶则呈现出古朴神秘的青黑色。仔细看去,这座殿堂的地面是用黄铜浇铸而成,穹顶则是用青铜锻造而成。 The precious pearl crustification of innumerable fist size is densely covered the assorted trace and in the Symbol vault, each precious pearl emits the eye-catching light beam cover to the ground, falls on the light beam of ground thin has one zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area in a big way, has 35 zhang (3.33 m) size. 无数拳头大小的宝珠镶嵌在密布着各色纹路、符文的穹顶上,每一颗宝珠都放出夺目的光柱罩向地面,落在地上的光柱细的有一丈方圆、大的则有35丈大小 Under each light beam, is placing one zhang (3.33 m) lignum vitae table big or small, above is piling up the thick dragon skin reel, on some reels is densely covered the luster dark red handwriting, design and Talisman , etc., some dragon skin reels also send out the light medicine to be fragrant, above is a blank. 每一根光柱下面,都摆放着一丈或大或小的铁木桌案,上面堆积着厚厚的龙皮卷轴,一些卷轴上密布着色泽殷红的字迹、图案和符箓等,有些龙皮卷轴还散发出淡淡的药香,上面是一片空白。 Many old people and middle-aged man stand by the table separately, grasps the writing brush, has moistened with witch black ink that other flood dragon Dragon Blood fluid mix Spanish reds and dozens rare and precious material configurations become, cautiously transcribes on the dragon skin reel of three chi (0.33 m) square. 好些老人和中年男子分别站在桌案旁,手持毛笔,沾了用蛟龙血液混合朱砂和其他数十种珍稀材料配制而成的巫墨,小心翼翼的在三尺见方的龙皮卷轴上抄录着。 In their each individual hand the dignified ray twinkle, Wu Li (magus power) of their within the body unceasingly penetrates the penstock to integrate Wu Mo, holds in their Wu Li (magus power) in addition, Wu Mo probably carved same prints firmly on the dragon skin reel. 他们每个人手上都有一层凝重的光芒闪烁,他们体内的巫力不断透过笔杆融入巫墨,在他们的巫力加持下,巫墨就好像雕刻一样牢牢印在了龙皮卷轴上。 Passes through the dragon skin reel that 108 processes infuse become to be tenacious with rare and precious Magus Medicine exceptionally, the blade will divide the axe to chop will not have injures slightly, burns down the blister not to have any distortion, all already termite silverfish and other thing do not dare to approach, only if above Magus King or Magus King can damage greatly intentionally, these dragon skin reels almost can forever preserve. 用珍稀巫药经过108道工序泡制而成的龙皮卷轴坚韧异常,刀劈斧剁不会有丝毫伤损,火烧水泡不会有任何变形,一切已经的白蚁蠹虫等物丝毫不敢靠近,除非巫王或者巫王以上的大能故意损毁,这些龙皮卷轴几乎可以永远保存下去。 General geological disaster, earthquake or flood, the volcano is struck by lightning, is unable to injure this type of dragon skin reel slightly. This was Human Race has spent countless year of painstaking care, finally determined the preserved Human Race knowledge that passed on the Human Race civilization the best carrier. 一般的地质灾害,无论是地震还是洪水,无论是火山还是雷劈,都无法伤损这种龙皮卷轴丝毫。这是人族花费了无数年心血,最终确定下来的保存人族知识、传承人族文明的最佳载体。 But similarly mixes witch black ink that the Dragon Blood compound becomes with the massive rare and precious materials, similarly can after the corrosion of years, but will not have the slight discoloration. 而同样用大量珍稀材料混合龙血配制而成的巫墨,同样能够历经岁月的侵蚀而不会有丝毫的褪色。 All people intensely are transcribing, the speed that but they start writing is extremely slow, each of everyone exceptionally carefully and exceptionally fine, each fell probably to grasp the heavy axe to carve a blade on the steel ingot, they will make every effort not to make any mistake, lest there is any careless mistake to create the errors of ancient book inheritance. 所有人都在紧张的抄录着,但是他们下笔的速度极慢,每个人的每一笔都异常的小心、异常的精细,他们每一笔落下去都好像手持重斧在钢锭上雕刻了一刀,他们力求不会犯任何错误,唯恐有任何的纰漏造成典籍传承的错漏。 Wore the youth of white hemp cotton garment to enter the palace hurriedly, his both hands in a big way held one to fold tan the good animal skin reel, arrived at a grey head's table rapidly, careful has placed on these animal skin reels the table. 一名身穿白色麻布衣的青年急匆匆的走进了殿堂,他双手捧着一大叠鞣制好的兽皮卷轴,迅速来到了一名白发老人的桌案边,小心的将这些兽皮卷轴放在了桌案上。 Magi palace just sent, 1789 plague antidote formulas of improvements recent three months of Magi palace mixes.” Youth respectful and prudent saying of: „The efficacy of each improvement formula is stronger than few old prescription 20%.” 巫殿刚刚送来的,最近三个月巫殿调配出的1789种改良的瘟疫解药配方。”青年恭谨的说道:“每一种改良配方的药力都比老方子强出最少两成。” Grey head be with smile on the face nod of, sinking sound track: Can complete. After the spate, must have the big epidemic disease, Magi palace can put out these many improvement prescriptions promptly, really can complete.” 白发老人面带喜色的点了点头,沉声道:“做得好。大水之后必有大疫,巫殿能及时拿出这么多的改良药方子,实在是做得好。” Together copper coin float in the sky of palace, a hair and beard with the old ivory same yellowing, the long hair beard entangle in the same place, has stacked three chi (0.33 m) high in his side, obviously already old to old person static sitting of pinnacle on copper coin, unemotionally looks at the work of below people. 一块铜板悬浮在殿堂的上空,一名头发和胡须都和老象牙一样泛黄,长发胡须缠在一起,在他身边足足堆起了三尺高,显然已经苍老到极致的老人静静的坐在铜板上,面无表情的看着下方众人的工作。 In two pupils has the youth of all colors wonderful glittering to stand in the old person faintly behind, the look ferocious bird's eye view in the palace is bustling about people. 两名眸子里隐隐有五彩奇光闪烁的青年站在老人身后,神色狞恶的俯瞰着殿堂中忙碌着的众人。 Has the extremely slight sound to spread from the mouths of these two youth, merely only then sits the old person on copper coin can hear their sounds. 有极其细微的声音从这两个青年的嘴里传出,仅仅只有坐在铜板上的老人能够听到他们的声音。 Feels relieved that the lizard old person, my clan complies with your matter, will not renege absolutely. You, your descendants, can enjoy the eternal life, will not come under the attack of my clan clansman. So long as you coordinate my clan well, captures your Human Race to the high right, making the clansmen of my clan control entire Human Race, you will certainly be surpassed the reward of anticipation.” “放心罢,石龙老人,我族答应你的事情,绝对不会变卦。你,还有你的子孙,都能享受永恒的生命,更不会受到我族族人的攻击。只要你好好配合我族,夺取你们人族的至高权利,让我族的族人掌控整个人族,你们一定会得到超出意料的奖赏。” Lizard old person look complex looks in palace the busy people. 石龙老人神色复杂的看着殿堂中忙碌的众人。 Crossed for a long time, for a long time, he muttered: This, is the Human Race dark health/guard commands. The when responsibility of this place, the responsibility of dark health/guard, is Human Race faced with the total destruction, is responsible for preserving the Human Race civilization, making the inheritance of Human Race unable to cut off.” 过了许久,许久,他才喃喃自语道:“本座,是人族暗卫统领。本座的职责,暗卫的职责,是人族面临灭顶之灾时,负责保存人族的文明,让人族的传承不会断绝。” But this time...... This place actually collaborates with you, will face Human Race of disastrous, turned toward the Destruction edge to push a palm.” Lizard old person sinking sound track: My family, for generations to Human Race loyal and devoted...... This...... Old men......” “但是这一次……本座却和你们联手,将面临重灾的人族,又向着毁灭边缘推了一掌。”石龙老人沉声道:“我这一家子,世世代代对人族忠心耿耿……本座……老夫……” Two youth surreptitious smiles, simultaneously has placed on the hand the lizard old person's shoulder: You not wrong, you do not have any mistake . The people are not oneself condemned by heaven and earth...... for own descendants descendant, betrays own race, this matter we saw a lot, did not have anything really at the worst.” 两个青年诡秘的一笑,同时将手放在了石龙老人的肩膀上:“你没有错,真的,你没有任何的错误。人不为己天诛地灭……为了自己,为了自己的子孙后裔,出卖自己的种族,这种事情我们见得多了,真没什么大不了的。” They also want to continue anything, a middle-aged man ran hurriedly, respectful and prudent worships on bended knees to salute to the old person. 两人还想继续说点什么,一名中年男子急匆匆的跑了进来,恭谨的向老人跪拜行礼。 Old ancestor, Emperor Shun came.”( To be continued.) “老祖,帝舜来了。”(未完待续。)
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