TME :: Volume #13

#1207: Appearance this

The shade Venerable is very strong, particularly everybody attacks in the soul shape mutually. 影尊很强,尤其是大家都以灵魂形态相互攻伐的时候。 Ji Hao has used Tai Ji Divine Spear and all colors round cauldron and Pangu clock three most precious objects, in addition the Emperor Shun immeasurable humane merit helps one another, as before and shade Venerable with hardship the male servant and for a long time. 姬昊动用了太极神锋、五彩圆鼎、盘古钟三件至宝,加上帝舜无量人道功德相助,依旧和影尊苦苦厮并了许久。 Outside the territory Heavenly Demon invisible does not have the nature, shape extremely gods and ghosts that they have, the common person is unable to understand that what life they are. They attainments in soul level are unparalleled in the world, Ji Hao and Emperor Shun collaborate, Venerable facing the shade fights as before is laborious. 域外天魔无形无质,他们存在的形态极其神异,寻常人无法理解他们是一种什么样的生命。他们在灵魂层面上的造诣独步天下,姬昊帝舜联手,面对影尊的时候依旧斗得很是辛苦。 The Emperor Shun soul received the severe wound, Ji Hao two big Dao Embryo split the transparent slit everywhere. 帝舜灵魂受到重伤,姬昊两大道胎到处都裂开了透明缝隙。 The Pangu clock protected Emperor Shun to know the sea fully, did not make engaging in fierce battle of both sides know the sea to cause the destruction of Destruction nature to Emperor Shun, this caused the Pangu clock, only then extremely few part of strengths can be used to protect Ji Hao and Emperor Shun. 盘古钟全力护住了帝舜识海,不让双方的鏖战对帝舜识海造成毁灭性的破坏,这就导致盘古钟只有极少一部分力量可以用来保护姬昊帝舜 Strength cuns (2.5cm) that the shade Venerable was worn, Ji Hao and Emperor Shun also vitality damages severely, the personal appearance becomes dimly drifts from place to place. Demon merit mystique that the shade Venerable in extremely strange ruthless spicy, actually many Ji Hao and Emperor Shun have not clarified the shade Venerable how start, they came under the extremely fearful attack. 影尊的实力一寸寸的被磨损,姬昊帝舜也元气大伤,身形都变得朦胧飘忽不定。影尊的魔功秘法是在太过诡异狠辣,好些次姬昊帝舜都没弄清影尊究竟是如何下手,他们就受到了极其可怕的打击。 The Ji Hao treasure are luckily many, the might of treasure is great, Emperor Shun has the great quantity humane merit to protect the body, otherwise they collaborate to be able the disastrous defeat Venerable the subordinate in the shade. 幸好姬昊宝贝很多,宝贝的威力宏大,帝舜更有巨量人道功德护体,否则两人联手都会惨败在影尊手下。 The head and arm that the shade Venerable explode one after another, unceasingly has the fearful impact on Ji Hao and Emperor Shun. Ji Hao and Emperor Shun resist the crazy attack that shade is revering with hardship, the strength that all colors round cauldron turnover rapidly the shade is revering. 影尊的头颅和手臂接连爆开,不断对姬昊帝舜造成可怕的冲击。姬昊帝舜苦苦抵挡着影尊的疯狂攻击,五彩圆鼎急速的吞吐着影尊的力量。 The Pangu clock exudes low and deep bellow unceasingly, is maintaining the Emperor Shun knowledge sea stubbornly. The shade Venerable black demon light that emits to dash the Pangu clock crazily, the chaos air/Qi roamed the innumerable ripples, in the Emperor Shun knowledge sea the huge complex starry sky chart in the fierce shake, the innumerable stars creakied, some stars almost must disrupt. 盘古钟不断发出低沉的轰鸣声,死死维持着帝舜的识海。影尊放出的黑色魔光疯狂冲撞盘古钟,混沌气流荡起了无数涟漪,帝舜的识海中庞大复杂的星空图在剧烈的震荡,无数星辰摇摇欲坠,更有一些星辰几乎要碎裂开来。 How long engaged in fierce battle not to know, all colors round cauldron Venerable the whole body strength to swallow finally the shade, stayed behind jet black did not have the light, sent out the source brand mark of air/Qi of immeasurable evil yin static float in front of Ji Hao. 鏖战了不知道多久,五彩圆鼎终于将影尊全身力量吞噬一空,就留下了一点漆黑无光、散发出无量阴邪之气的本源烙印静静的悬浮在姬昊面前。 You lost!” Ji Hao two big Dao Embryo go forward slowly, dignified looks at the shade Venerable the source brand mark that. “你输了!”姬昊两大道胎缓缓上前,凝重的看着影尊的本源烙印。 I refuse to accept.” Wipes extremely weak and slight soul fluctuation to transmit from the source brand mark, Ji Hao heard the shade Venerable not willingly roaring and sad hiss faintly. He has the reason not to be convinced, there is a reason not to be willingly, if were not all colors round cauldron happen to restrains the shade Venerable, Ji Hao and Emperor Shun early were revered to accept uncritically by the shade. “我不服。”一抹极其微弱、细微的灵魂波动从本源烙印中传来,姬昊隐隐听到了影尊不甘心的怒吼和悲嘶。他有理由不服气,也有理由不甘心,如果不是五彩圆鼎正好克制住了影尊,姬昊帝舜早已经被影尊生吞活剥。 Ji Hao must acknowledge that the shade Venerable is these years, he bumps into most formidable and most fearful enemy. If not all colors round cauldron prestige can strong, moreover does not need to consume Ji Hao least bit Magic Power to revolve voluntarily, Ji Hao at is not the match who the shade Venerable. 姬昊必须要承认,影尊是这些年来,他碰到的最强大、最可怕的敌人。如果不是五彩圆鼎威能超强,而且还不需要耗费姬昊的半点儿法力就能自行运转的话,姬昊根本不是影尊的对手。 Refuses to accept also uselessly, I won. I cultivate to be inferior to you, I the understanding to the soul am also inferior to you, but, who makes my treasure numerous?” Ji Hao worked with a laugh float Venerable black ring in the shade, this soul treasure cut off by Tai Ji Divine Spear when battle, but he tenacious repair voluntarily, thus and such and such repeatedly dozens times, Ji Hao cannot help but exclaimed in surprise this soul treasure once again hard to deal with. “不服也没用,我赢了。我修为不如你,我对灵魂的理解也不如你,但是,谁让我宝贝众多呢?”姬昊笑呵呵的抓起了悬浮在影尊身边的黑色圆环,这件魂宝在厮杀时被太极神锋斩断,但是他又一次次顽强的自行修复,如此这般反复数十次,姬昊都不由得惊叹这件魂宝的难缠。 You will not have good end.” The source brand mark that the shade Venerable shook shaking gently, all colors round cauldron in the colored vortex spouted dozens smoke clouds to bind his source brand mark firmly, slowly drew to entrain him. “你们不会有好下场。”影尊的本源烙印轻轻的晃了晃,五彩圆鼎所化的彩色漩涡中喷出数十条烟云牢牢裹住了他的本源烙印,慢慢的将他拉拽了进去。 You will not have good end!” Source brand mark that the shade Venerable fierce is struggling, he has sent out the final wail hoarsely: „The Saint of my clan Venerable to induce your world, the supreme and formidable incomparable Saint Venerable will soon carry my clan armies to arrive at this, your souls become my clan game......” “你们不会有好下场!”影尊的本源烙印剧烈的挣扎着,他声嘶力竭的发出了最后的哀鸣:“我族的圣尊已经感应到了你们的世界,至高无上、强大无比的圣尊即将携带我族大军降临此界,你们的灵魂都将成为我族猎物……” All colors vortex swallows source brand mark one that the shade Venerable, afterward the color comparison Venerable and wants revere to be huge, the complex hundred times of memory mighty currents to come. Ji Hao hurriedly after massive useless hunting and killing scene dispelling, starts the part of slow digestion most essence. 五彩漩涡将影尊的本源烙印一口吞下,随后比色尊和欲尊加起来还要庞大、复杂百倍的记忆洪流呼啸而来。姬昊急忙将其中大量无用的猎杀场景祛除后,开始缓慢的消化其中最精华的部分。 When are not many, can translate «Me To speak Appearance This To revere This Theory demon merit with the Human Race language Greatly» has printed Ji Hao Primordial Spirit. 不多时,一部用人族语言可以翻译成《我讲色相本相大尊本论》的魔功就印入了姬昊元神 Ji Hao recognizes this demon merit silently the origin, this demon merit actually non- shade Venerable to create, but is the shade Venerable from outside the territory some Heavenly Demon Saint Venerable to the high inheritance that the level can there probably come greatly, may be called outside the territory one of the Heavenly Demon most top methods. 姬昊默默辨识这魔功的来历,这部魔功却非影尊所创,而是影尊从域外天魔某位圣尊级大能那里得来的至高传承,堪称域外天魔最顶级的法门之一。 This family merit law is strange, inherits different from Grand Dao that Ji Hao passing studies, what art is quenchings demon to plant by all sort of illusions, but here demon plants, almost can be equal to Ji Hao Primordial Spirit. 这门功法怪异绝伦,和姬昊过往所学的大道传承迥异,讲究的是以诸般幻象淬炼‘魔种’,而这里的魔种,几乎可以等同于姬昊元神 Outside the Heavenly Demon talent magical powers by the territory evolve appearance all Tian, may open all things, may develop six samsara, may transform trillion all living things, making oneself demon plant struggles to ask to save in that ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) bustling place and buddhist monk world, the experience 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 tribulations, such as Lang Tao Sha verse cleaning dust, ultimately obtains surely really [gold/metal]. 以域外天魔天赋神通衍化色相诸天,可开辟三千世界,可演六道轮回,可幻化亿万众生,让自身‘魔种’于那万丈红尘、浮屠世界中挣扎求存,经历千万1e+20劫,如大浪淘沙洗净尘埃,最终得到真金。 Really [gold/metal] must become, may melt this. This, since the shade Venerable the nowadays boundary, read the myriad things to live, read the myriad things to extinguish, lives the myriad things all was the entity, not the half minute was false. Flowers and plants trees and birds beasts, all sort of lives also along with reading, but, along with reading to extinguish, to this boundary, this has been possible to evolve real Small world, has not measures the prestige energy. 真金得成,可化本相。本相者,既是影尊现今的境界,一念万物生,一念万物灭,所生万物皆是实体,并无半分虚伪。花草树木、飞禽走兽,诸般生灵也是随念而起、随念而灭,到了这种境界,本相可衍化真实小世界,拥有莫测威能。 This demon merit is mysterious exceptionally, are many various types strangely, evil different and subtle but the inobservable place, Ji Hao naturally cannot discard own basis to practice this strange Heavenly Demon merit law, however all sort of ingenious method also some strange magical powers secret techniques, can actually make Ji Hao understand by analogy, making him go a step further in practice on Primordial Spirit and Dao Embryo. 这部魔功玄妙异常,其中多各种怪异、邪异、微妙而不可测的地方,姬昊自然不会丢弃自己的根本去修炼这门怪异的天魔功法,但是这其中的诸般妙法还有一些稀奇古怪的神通秘术,却能让姬昊触类旁通,让他在元神道胎上的修炼更进一步。 The memory that the shade Venerable continuously, Ji Hao throws down the memory that some have been able to glance through in the future slowly to ignore, glances through the shade Venerable to arrive at all sort of experiences after Pangu world rapidly. 影尊的记忆源源不断,姬昊丢下了一些日后可以慢慢翻阅的记忆置之不理,迅速翻阅影尊来到盘古世界后的诸般经历。 Pictures show in front of Ji Hao, the Ji Hao complexion becomes more and more ugly. 一幅幅画面在姬昊面前展现,姬昊的脸色变得越来越难看。 Originally, you arrive at the Pangu world to have 300 years.” “原来,你来到盘古世界已经有300年之久。” Your «I Spoke Appearance This To revere This Theory Greatly», originally once had received in exchange for one by Priest Hua and Daoist Wood with the enormous benefit. No wonder falls the Dao Embryo law of dragon and crouching tiger...... So resembles with nine first 36 arms that the shade Venerable. Priest Hua and Daoist Wood, you want to unify outside the territory the demon merit, paves a new way to be inadequate?” “你的《我讲色相本相大尊本论》,原来曾被花道人木道人用巨大利益换取过一部。难怪降龙、伏虎的道胎法相……和影尊的九头36臂如此相像。花道人木道人,你们想要结合域外魔功,开辟一条新的道路不成?” No wonder read evolves all things, this view I always thought so familiar.” “难怪一念衍化三千世界,这说法我总觉得如此熟悉。” Snort, with the Pu Ban traitor within who you collude with...... Is......” “哼,和你勾结的蒲阪内奸……是……” Ji Hao gained ground suddenly, looked with amazement to the Emperor Shun soul: Shun, the lizard old person he is......” 姬昊突然抬起头来,骇然看向了帝舜的灵魂:“舜,石龙老人他是……” Saw that the shade Venerable by all colors vortex is embezzled, Emperor Shun also relaxed, he sits cross-legged in knowing the sea, the whole body merit Dexiang glittering, with the aid of the soul that the strength of unceasing nourishing vitality merit damages severely. 眼看影尊被五彩漩涡吞没,帝舜也松了一口气,他盘坐在识海中,周身功德祥光闪烁,正在借助功德之力不断的滋养元气大伤的灵魂。 Listened to the Ji Hao words, the Emperor Shun complexion similarly becomes extremely ugly: Lizard old person, he...... Isn't he?” 听了姬昊的话,帝舜的脸色同样变得极其难看:“石龙老人,他……不会是他吧?” The Emperor Shun vision becomes extremely complex, is anxious is shocking, more promiscuous sad and vacant, he looks at Ji Hao dull, shaking the head of gently: Isn't he? Will lizard old person this clan, how he betray Human Race?” 帝舜的目光变得极其复杂,又是紧张又是震惊,更混杂了伤心和茫然在内,他呆呆的看着姬昊,轻轻的摇了摇头:“不会是他吧?石龙老人他这一族,他怎会背叛人族?” Ji Hao looks at Emperor Shun silently, Golden Light departs from his forehead together, he has given Emperor Shun part of memory shares that the shade Venerable.( To be continued.) 姬昊默然看着帝舜,一道金光从他眉心飞出,他将影尊的一部分记忆分享给了帝舜。(未完待续。)
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