TME :: Volume #13

#1209: Live holds to read

This is the restricted area, not having head of the clan to order, anybody can not step into...... Even if Human Emperor, cannot!” “此乃禁地,没有族长命令,任何人不得踏入……就算是人皇,也不能!” In the profound road, two wear black Dragon Piruan armor, grasps the eyebrow same line delicate long blade, the terse color middle-aged man kept off in the Ji Hao front wear a look. Their horizontal blade, is sideways, body gathers the strength, the double pupil such as the brave fighter before killing game is staring at Ji Hao stubbornly. 幽深的甬道中,两名身披黑色龙皮软甲,手持眉毛一样线条秀气的长刀,面带精悍之色的中年男子挡在了姬昊的面前。他们横刀,侧身,身体蓄力,双眸如扑杀猎物前的猛虎死死盯着姬昊 If Ji Hao dares to go forward again one step, they will get rid fully. 若是姬昊再敢上前一步,他们将全力出手。 Emperor Shun here, I am Marquis Yao Ji Hao, I must see your lizard head of the clan.” Ji Hao sinking sound track: Making way path!” 帝舜就在这里,我乃垚侯姬昊,我要去见你们石龙族长。”姬昊沉声道:“让开道路!” Emperor Shun wears whole set Human Emperor ceremonial garments, in the road full is wears heavy armor, to stand the entire simultaneously Human Race armed soldier. These Warrior from the Emperor Shun clan and tribe, are side Emperor Shun the most reliable blood members of the same family. 帝舜身穿整套的人皇冕服,身后甬道中满是身披重甲、站得整整齐齐人族甲士。这些战士来自帝舜自家部族,是帝舜身边最可靠的血裔亲族。 Middle-aged man of blocking the way no longer spoke, their deep inspiration, on the fair cheek have emitted beast marks suddenly, with the low and deep breathing, their faces turned into the black brave fighter head rapidly. 拦路的中年男子不再吭声,他们深深的吸了一口气,白皙的面皮上突然冒出了一条条兽纹,伴随着低沉的呼吸声,他们的面孔迅速变成了黑色的猛虎头颅。 The corner of the eye of Ji Hao beat fiercely this is belongs to collateral branch Magus Law of beast witch lineage/vein in Southern Wastelands. 姬昊的眼角剧烈的跳动了一下这是在南荒都属于旁支的兽巫一脉的巫法 The choice most formidable beast of prey spirit, and Human Race youth fuses it by Magus Law, can obtain beast of prey spirit in addition to hold in the development process of youth gradually, the strength, agile, response and various vitality targets all can surpass the Human Race limit. 挑选最强大的猛兽精魂,以巫法将其和人族少年相融合,在少年的成长过程中就能逐渐得到猛兽精魂的加持,力量、敏捷、反应、生命力各项指标全都能超越人族极限。 Because in the development process, the soul of Human Race youth momentarily will receive the threat of beast of prey spirit, momentarily possibly was swallowed by the beast soul, becomes monstrous fetuses of-and-a-half-and-a-half person of beasts, therefore this beast witch mystique was ordered to freeze by a Zhu Rong clan, except for the mountain wild animal witch tribes of few savageness, other foundation enough big clans and tribes except for training the trusted friend person ready dead, little uses this mystique extremely. 因为在成长过程中,人族少年的灵魂随时会受到猛兽精魂的威胁,随时可能被兽魂吞噬,成为一头半人半兽的怪胎,所以这门兽巫秘法被祝融一族下令封冻,除了极少数未开化的山野兽巫部落,其他底蕴足够的大部族除了训练心腹死士,极少使用这门秘法。 At present the clansman of Emperor Shun so-called Human Race dark health/guard, they outrageously in own within the body seal brave fighter spirit! 眼前帝舜所谓的人族暗卫的族人,他们悍然就在自己身体内封印了猛虎精魂! Buzz a sound, in two middle-aged man hand the long blade spouted a continuously black spirit, on the knife point appears innumerably densely and numerously just liked black Symbol of ant. Along with the mutation of long blade, in all around stone wall has continuously black air/Qi unceasingly to gush out, bought by two handle long blades fast. ‘嗡’的一声响,两名中年男子手中长刀喷出一缕缕黑色锐气,刀锋上浮现出了无数密密麻麻犹如蚂蚁的黑色符文。随着长刀的异变,四周石壁中有一缕缕黑气不断涌出,快速被两柄长刀吸纳。 Extremely cloudy malignant influences, cloudy ghost enters the body.” Ji Hao is cloudy the face to look at two middle-aged men, they not only in own within the body seal dangerous beast of prey fright, daily majors in Magus Law is the evil and cruel ruthless offense and consumes an enormous cloudy ghost malignant influences kind of witchcraft to own life. “极阴煞气,阴鬼入体。”姬昊阴沉着脸看着两个中年男子,他们不仅仅在自己身体内封印了危险的猛兽惊魂,日常的主修巫法更是歹毒狠戾、对自身寿命耗损极大的阴鬼煞气一类的巫术。 This witchcraft lethality is enormous, when practice, once will have slightly is swallowed whole body Blood Essence by the cloudy ghost carelessly, will be much bigger than a spirit risk of beast witch lineage/vein. 这种巫术杀伤力极大,但是修炼时一旦稍有不慎就会被阴鬼吞噬了全身精血,比兽巫一脉的精魂危险性还要大得多。 These two fellows, walk are the most violent person ready dead routes! 这两个家伙,走得是最极端的死士路线! Makes way!” Looked at two eye pupils to turn into the miserable white middle-aged man, Ji Hao no longer wastes the time, he cried loud and long, the body leaned forward, both hands had a remnant shade according to their chests, the palm spat, an outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted strength just liked broken dike flood silent gushing out. “让开!”看了一眼两个眼眸都变成惨白色的中年男子,姬昊不再浪费时间,他长啸一声,身体向前一倾,双手带起条条残影按在两人胸膛上,掌心一吐,一股阴柔至极的力道犹如破堤洪水无声无息的涌出。 Two middle-aged men are cultivating of Divine Magi level are, moreover what they practice is extremely violent big might Magus Law, although just stepped into the Divine Magi boundary, however their actual battle efficiencies endure compared with ordinary high level Divine Magi. 两个中年男子都是巫帝级的修为,而且他们修炼的是极其极端的大威力巫法,虽然只是刚刚踏入巫帝境界,但是他们的实际战斗力堪比普通高阶巫帝 The strength that however the Ji Hao palm gushes out actually just likes the day collapses general irresistible, they do not base steadily, is compelled again and again to back up by the strength that Ji Hao sends out stiffly backward, continually withdrew the number hundred zhang (333m). 但是姬昊掌心涌出的力量却犹如天崩一般势不可挡,两人立足不稳,被姬昊发出的力量硬生生逼得向后连连倒退,一连退后了数百丈。 Dozens stand in them behind, wears black Dragon Piruan armor similarly the dark health/guard by them, as soon as hits, dozens people simultaneously catch up to block their bodies, as before is actually pushed by the vigorous strength that Ji Hao sends out backward retreats. 数十名站在他们身后,同样身披黑色龙皮软甲的暗卫被两人一撞,数十人同时发力想要挡住他们的身体,却依旧被姬昊发出的雄浑力量推得向后退去。 Staggered was backing up the number hundred zhang (333m), dozens bodies pushed one group of dark health/guard not to have the coming to a stop footsteps with enough time, fearful piercing yin cold erupted, sigh cold brightness lightened from their within the body together, their bodies simultaneously were frozen , was bringing in silver flash thick ice together all over the body gloomily blue slightly. 踉跄着倒退了数百丈,数十名身体挤成一团的暗卫还没来得及站稳脚步,一股可怕的刺骨阴寒爆发出来,‘呼’的一下一道寒光从他们体内闪出,他们的身体同时被冻在一块通体幽蓝微微带着一丝银色闪光的玄冰中。 Ka in sound, in thick ice has the innumerable mysterious white color marks to flash through faintly. ‘咔咔’声中,玄冰内隐隐有无数条玄奥至极的白色道纹闪过。 This on behalf of this group of thick ice is not being an ordinary ice piece, but contained the world Grand Dao principle, the non- big magical powers or certain rare and precious rare day God of the Earth fire and day earth deities flame can break. 这代表着这团玄冰并非普通冰块,而是蕴藏了天地大道法则,非大神通或者某些珍稀罕见的天地神火、天地灵炎才能破开。 The crowd that in the road the intercourse runs stopped the footsteps with amazement, wears soft armor Warrior to be different from these, the people who these intercourses run is a dark health/guard clan perhaps civilized seed, they have in the profound knowledge and brain to record the innumerable information, among them any person can step up a whole culture of clan and tribe enormously, however their battle efficiencies miss in a complete mess. 甬道内往来奔走的人群骇然停下了脚步,和这些身披软甲的战士不同,这些往来奔走的人们是暗卫一族的‘文明种子’,他们或许都有着渊博的知识、脑子里记载了无数的信息,他们当中任何一个人都能极大的提升一个部族的整体文明水平,但是他们的战斗力差得一塌糊涂。 Thorough blockade here, wanders about aimlessly moving heedlessly......” Emperor Shun to pull a long face, transports foot Wu Li (magus power) to open the mouth slowly. He silent period of time, has boiled up the last character: Kills!” “彻底封锁此处,乱走乱动者……”帝舜绷着脸,运足巫力缓缓开口。他沉默了好一阵子,才迸出了最后一个字:“杀!” Wanders about aimlessly moving heedlessly, kills! ‘乱走乱动者,杀’! Changes into usually in Emperor Shun, he will not issue the so combative order, in Baishishan a clansman of dark health/guard clan, not necessarily all guilty, each one has colluded with outside the territory Heavenly Demon, each one is the traitors within. Usually in Emperor Shun association to these person of opportunities of resolutions, after careful interrogation acts according to their charges to determine guilt. 换成平日里的帝舜,他不会下达如此杀气腾腾的命令,白石山中暗卫一族的族人,不见得个个有罪,个个都勾结了域外天魔,个个都是内奸。平日里的帝舜总会给这些人一个分辨的机会,经过仔细的审讯后才根据他们的罪名定罪。 However today, Emperor Shun is very angry, paces back and forth. 但是今天,帝舜很愤怒,更加彷徨。 He a little chaotic discretion, lest there is not a controllable matter occurrence, therefore he has issued so the evil spirit execution command. 他有点乱了分寸,唯恐有更多不可控的事情发生,所以他下达了如此凶煞的格杀令。 The Emperor Shun own health/guard half step one after another flushed, they intrude secret rooms, closes off roads, takes over control of witch Restriction of various places, and arranges new Magus Law Restriction, blocks airtight the Valley that the dark health/guard is. 一队一队的帝舜亲卫快步冲了进来,他们闯入一间间密室,封锁一条条甬道,接管各处的巫阵禁制,并且布置新的巫法禁制,将暗卫所在的这一处山谷封锁得密不透风。 Ji Hao is the head, Emperor Shun follows, behind with over a thousand strength powerful Emperor Shun members of the same family Warrior, group enormous and powerful has rushed to the road. 姬昊为首,帝舜紧随其后,后面跟着上千名实力强悍的帝舜亲族战士,一行人浩浩荡荡的闯过甬道。 Has Warrior of dark health/guard clan to act to intercept along the way unceasingly, but all people were prohibited with the strength of condensation thick ice Taiji by Ji Hao, does not have one person is a Ji Hao move of enemy. 沿途不断有暗卫一族的战士出面拦截,但是所有人都被姬昊太极之力凝聚玄冰封禁起来,没有一人是姬昊的一招之敌。 Bang, a Ji Hao foot tramples, the palace front door of road end that day round place is ajar ajar, finally the gateway was trampled by a Ji Hao foot, the door leaf strenuous exercise brings together the strong winds, a beard and hair of dark health/guard clan clansman dishevel in the palace was numerous bustle about. ‘轰’的一声,姬昊一脚踹出,甬道尽头那间天圆地方的殿堂大门本来是半开半掩的,结果门户被姬昊一脚踹开,门扇剧烈运动带起一道狂风,吹乱了殿堂中众多正在忙碌的暗卫一族族人的须发。 All is bustling about the person gained ground, stunned looks at Ji Hao. 所有忙碌着的人纷纷抬起头来,愕然的看着姬昊 Since there is a Human Race dark health/guard, since this foothold establishes, dares, to intrude here one step from nobody from nobody, do not say like Ji Hao the trampling gate of violence. 自从有了人族暗卫,自从这处据点建立起来,从没有人胆敢、从没有人能够闯入这里一步,更不要说像姬昊这样暴力的踹门了。 The lizard old person sits on that copper coin, calmly greeted to Emperor Shun: Shun, days has not seen. Um, your complexion is not quite good, but fell ill? You are my Human Race Human Emperor, must take care absolutely is.” 石龙老人坐在那块铜板上,若无其事的向帝舜打了个招呼:“舜,有一段日子没见了。嗯,你脸色不太好,可是生病了么?你可是我人族人皇,万万要保重身体才是。” Emperor Shun has gone forward slowly several steps, looks up the lizard old person sinking sound track: Reason!” 帝舜缓缓上前了几步,抬头看着石龙老人沉声道:“理由!” The lizard old person looked at Ji Hao, has a look at Emperor Shun to be after death rapid elite Warrior that spreads again to all around, his look stands after behind two youth, long sighing of: You know...... My life does not grow. Although you, before you several Human Emperor, sought the rare and precious thing of various long lives for me vigorously. Hot jujube of East China Sea, Southern Wastelands [gold/metal] pear, Bi Ou of northern ocean, western wild Yuzhi......” 石龙老人看了看姬昊,再看看帝舜身后迅速向四周扩散开的精锐战士,他看看站在身后的两名青年,悠悠的叹了一口气:“你知道……我的寿命不长了。虽然你,还有你之前的几位人皇,极力为我寻来了各种延寿的珍稀之物。东海的火枣,南荒的金梨,北溟的碧藕,西荒的玉芝……” Shakes the head, lizard old person sinking sound track: But I know that I could not live for several years...... I want to continue to go on living, forever going on living.” 摇摇头,石龙老人沉声道:“但是我知道,我活不了几年了……我想继续活下去,永远的活下去。” Looks at Emperor Shun, the lizard old person spreads out both hands, saying gently: I fear death, that is all.”( To be continued.) 看着帝舜,石龙老人摊开双手,轻轻的说道:“我怕死,仅此而已。”(未完待续。)
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