TFO :: Volume #8

#799: Really wanted great prosperity in the northwest

Saw that this subsidiary operation teams and groups makes Ren Xiaosu realize, Kong Clan wanted more anxious than the imagination , the alert hearts of these people have been the abnormal degree. 见到这支作战班组让任小粟意识到,孔氏内部原比想象中要紧张一些,这些人的戒备心已经达到了变态的程度。 Therefore following wants to assassinate Kong Erdong, perhaps some difficulties, Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin discussed that decides first to aim at rescuing Wang Yun, Kong Erdong can kill looks at the luck. 所以后续想要刺杀孔尔东,恐怕有些难度,任小粟杨小槿商量了一下,决定还是先以救王蕴为目标,孔尔东到底能不能杀就看运气了。 At this time, swindler is walking on the Stronghold 31 street, telling fortunes white Fan in hand has disappeared does not see, attire worn-out as before, seems like a going down in the world old man actually. 此时,大忽悠正走在31号壁垒的街道上,手里的算命白幡已经消失不见,倒是装束依旧的破旧,看起来就像是一个落魄的老头。 swindler turns right on the long street turn left, walks toward east along Lishan North Road. 大忽悠在长街上左转右转,一路沿着历山北路向东走去。 On the road swindler also bought two sesame seed cake, walked while eats, walks is sizing up the Stronghold 31 street and building, probably visit. 路上大忽悠还掏钱买了两个烧饼,一边走一边吃,行走间打量着31号壁垒的街道与建筑,像是参观似的。 Walked two kilometers, in a swindler small lane on hand turned suddenly toward left, until he sought a small barber shop, finally stopped the footsteps. 就这么走了两公里,大忽悠突然向左手边的一条小巷子里拐去,直到他寻到一处小小的理发店,才终于停下脚步。 This barber shop is exceptionally towering in the worn-out small lane, the entrance is also hanging together massage the led signboard, glistens to extinguish suddenly. 这理发店在破旧的小巷子里异常突兀,门口还悬挂着一块“按摩”的led招牌,忽闪忽灭。 The barber shop is a building of residence building transforms, building of residence a total of five. 理发店是居民楼一楼改造的,居民楼总共五层。 swindler looks up, until determining in two building balconies is suspending a basin kaffir lily, feels relieved the bold entry corridor. 大忽悠抬头看去,直到确定二楼阳台上摆着一盆君子兰,才放心大胆的进入楼道。 After arriving at two buildings, swindler pulls out a key to come 201 households of door locks to open, the ornaments in room have not distinguished with the ordinary families. 来到二楼之后大忽悠掏出一把钥匙来将201户的门锁打开,屋子里的摆设跟普通人家没有区别。 After swindler enters the room, first observed, after confirming the room no one, went to the kitchen to look for a rolling pin to rap the ground. 大忽悠进屋之后先观察了一圈,确认屋子没人后,就去厨房里找了一根擀面杖来敲击地面。 Thump thump thump the sound transmits, in the living room a middle ceramic tile exudes the spatial drumbeat, swindler near the ceramic tile selects with the seam of fingernail gently, the entire ceramic tile was raised by him. 咚咚咚的声响传来,客厅里当中的一块瓷砖发出空鼓声,大忽悠用指甲盖在瓷砖边缝轻轻一挑,整块瓷砖都被他掀了起来。 But the accident lives at this time suddenly, under that ceramic tile the unexpectedly flying needle ejection, swindler avoids under by this flying needle ding-dong in to bind, swindler raised the head suddenly, that steel needle grips on his cheeks sways looks exceptionally funny. 可正是此时变故突生,那瓷砖下竟有一根飞针弹射而出,大忽悠躲避不及之下被这飞针当当正正的扎中,大忽悠豁然抬头,那钢针扎在他脸颊上晃来晃去的看起来异常滑稽。 swindler was foul-mouthed saying: Catches me to catch me, disfiguring is not right!” 大忽悠骂骂咧咧说道:“抓我就抓我,破相就不对了吧!” Finishes speaking, swindler then hears in the building the sound detonation window sound, has the sound of homespun cloth and rope friction resounds, eight fully-armed operating personnel pull the rope to jump down from the roof unexpectedly, hit two buildings from the windows of different position! 话音刚落,大忽悠便听到楼上响起破窗声,紧接着有粗布与绳索摩擦的声音响起,八名全副武装的作战人员竟扯着绳索从楼顶一跃而下,一个个从不同方位的窗户外撞进了二楼! Cannot move! Fall face down! Both hands hold the head!” The operating personnel angry roar. “不许动!趴下!双手抱头!”作战人员怒吼起来。 But swindler no matter actually did not hear, withstand/top the muzzle to plunder actually like ghosts and demons Asahidai, the operating personnel of balcony position open fire decisively, what lets their surprise is, the bullet simply has not hit swindler unexpectedly. 大忽悠却不管不闻,硬是顶着枪口如鬼魅般朝阳台掠去,阳台方位的作战人员果断开枪射击,但让他们诧异的是,子弹竟根本没有击中大忽悠 The swindler footsteps are serious, he advances the balcony time, the ceramic tile of room ground was given in a complete mess that steps on by him. 大忽悠脚步沉重,他突进阳台的时候,屋子地面的瓷砖都被他给踩的一塌糊涂。 The operating personnel think without enough time, swindler has then hit in his bosom in this narrow space, among the electric light flint, the operating personnel only felt own internal organs by the complete steamroll, the throat spigot were being oppressed, as if must unable to withstand the oppression the heart and liver taste kidney to spit oneself! 作战人员来不及多想,大忽悠便已经在这狭窄的空间里撞进他的怀中,电光火石之间,作战人员只感觉自己内脏被完全碾压,嗓子口被压迫着,仿佛要把自己不堪压迫的心肝脾胃肾全都吐出来似的! The next quarter, the operating personnel by swindler dashing, they were departed the balcony together, drops down outside small lane! 下一刻,作战人员被大忽悠冲撞之下,俩人一起飞出了阳台,直直落在外面的小巷子里! swindler puts out foul air: Also wants to catch me on this skill?” 大忽悠吐出一口浊气来:“就这点本事还想抓我?” He coldly looks the operating personnel who lane both sides outflank, the whole body muscle dragon knot spurts to open, but has not waited for him to intend to break through, swindler complexion big change tore off the steel needle on face, as if unbelievable as slowly falls down. 他冷冷的看着巷子两端包抄过来的作战人员,浑身肌肉虬结喷张,可还没等他出手突围呢,大忽悠脸色大变的拔下了脸上的钢针,似乎难以置信似的慢慢倒在地上。 Before closing the eye, periphery he can also hear transmits shouting of operating personnel: Goal the faint, the goal the faint, quest has completed, informing the secret jail to receive a level goal!” 闭上眼睛之前,他还能听到周围传来作战人员的呼喊:“目标已昏厥,目标已昏厥,任务完成,通知秘密监狱接收a级目标!” These people grasped swindler to lift up a black vehicle, was responsible for detaining his person not to feel relieved, hit an anaesthesia to relax to swindler. 这些人抓起大忽悠就抬上了一辆黑色车子,负责看押他的人还不放心,又给大忽悠打了一针麻醉才松了口气。 The vehicle drives to east, the destination east the secret jail situated in Stronghold 31, there is a comprehensive training center before cataclysm, afterward hollowed out underground, transforms the Kong Clan gloomiest terrifying the place. 车子一路向东驶去,目的地就是位于31号壁垒最东边的秘密监狱,那里原本是灾变前的一处综合训练馆,后来被挖空了地下,改造成孔氏最阴森恐怖的地方。 In the words of Kong Clan person on one's own side, as long as enters the criminal in secret jail, whom but also without seeing has come out. 孔氏自己人的话说,但凡进入秘密监狱的犯人,还没见谁出来过。 When goes to the motorcade to the secret jail, flood gate of that prison opens slowly, allowing the motorcade to pass rapidly. 待到车队行驶到秘密监狱,那监狱的闸门缓缓打开,容车队迅速通过。 The surface in this secret jail seems like giant sports complexes, but in the facilities has a road slanting toward below, in the darkness as if no end to be the same. 这秘密监狱的地表看起来就像是一个巨大的体育场馆,可场馆中间有一条路斜斜的朝下,黑暗中仿佛没有尽头一般。 Sends under custody the swindler head with chief prison warden in secret jail to speak face-to-face in the facility, and went through the handover procedures fast: This person is unidentified, should for the backbones of other information influences, we hold his winding, is that young people who before delivered, this time squatted him in his winding room, opposite party in seizing process exceptionally fierce brave, my information evaluated its hazard classification B level, hopes that you safeguarded well, later will have the senior official to come to interrogate personally.” 押送大忽悠的负责人在场馆里与秘密监狱的典狱长面谈,并快速的办理了移交手续:“此人身份不明,应为其他情报势力的骨干,我们抓住了他的下线,就是之前送进来的那个年轻人,这次又在他下线屋子里蹲守到了他,在抓捕过程中对方异常悍勇,我情报一处评定其危险等级b级,希望你们好好看管,之后会有长官来亲自进行审讯。” Chief prison warden nods: Relax, to my criminal, grew the wing not to go out. The desperados, Transcendant, can only honest, when guinea pig.” 典狱长点点头:“放心,到我这里的犯人,插上翅膀也别想出去了。亡命之徒,超凡者,都只能老老实实的当小白鼠。” Then, the chief prison warden big hand wields then some people to lift swindler to enter underground. 说完,典狱长大手一挥便有人抬着大忽悠进入地下。 These people passed through the long prison, which unlucky egg corridor both sides prisoner set out to dig up the prison cell to want in abundance to have a look at and have to come. 这些人走过长长的监狱,走廊两旁的囚犯纷纷起身扒着囚室想要看看又有哪个倒霉蛋进来了。 In the prison is gradually noisy, chief prison warden knits the brows slightly, his teaching holds up the night stick to brandish immediately, has the palm of prisoner to grab the parapet of prison cell, this stick got down to give to discount the finger of this prisoner unexpectedly. 监狱里渐渐嘈杂起来,典狱长微微皱眉,他身旁的管教立马举起警棍抡出,有囚犯的手掌抓着囚室的栏杆,这一棍子下去竟把这囚犯的手指都给打折了。 At this time Wang Yun is standing in own single room silently, is taking a look at chief prison warden who and the others pass from the corridor. 此时王蕴正默默的站在自己单间里面,打量着正从走廊通过的典狱长等人。 When he sees clearly was being carried the person, Wang Yun complexion blood red, the blue vein on neck also sticks out suddenly gradually, you special have today, you special have today! Ha! I said to you, you special wicked lacked to the family/home simply knows! 等他看清被抬着的人时,王蕴的面色一片血红,脖子上的青筋也渐渐暴起,你特么也有今天,你特么也有今天!哈哈哈哈哈!我给你说,你特么简直缺德缺到家了知道吗! A while of Wang Yun in the prison cell flies into a rage, a while laughs wildly, but a character had not said actually. 王蕴在囚室里面一会儿暴跳如雷,一会儿狂笑,不过倒是一个字都没有说。 Chief prison warden teaches to say to the side: Records this matter, Wang Yun possibly knew that this prisoner, making information one attack to interrogate Wang Yun, perhaps will set up Ma Youxin's clue!” 典狱长对身旁管教说道:“把此事记录下来,王蕴可能认识这名囚犯,让情报一处突击审讯王蕴,说不定会立马有新的线索!” This little while Wang Yun is patting the gate of prison cell violently, he wants to say to chief prison warden, oneself knows this swindler, he can confess that this person of long and short of the story, redeem oneself through good works! 这会儿王蕴正猛烈的拍着囚室的门,他想给典狱长说说,自己认识这大忽悠,他可以交代这人的来龙去脉,戴罪立功! But, Wang Yun was shocked in the meantime suddenly. 可就在此时,王蕴忽然愣住了。 Both hands both feet swindler of specially-made shackles was in the stupor by, but he hears the Wang Yun sound the flash, opens eyes unexpectedly to Wang Yun strange blinking. 双手双脚都被上了特制镣铐的大忽悠原本处在昏迷之中,可他听到王蕴声音的一瞬间,竟睁开眼对王蕴诡异的眨了眨眼睛。 Wang Yun looked at the past time again, swindler already the appearance that restored to faint, as if his Wang Yun presented the illusion to be the same a moment ago. 王蕴再看过去的时候,大忽悠已经恢复成晕厥的模样了,仿佛他王蕴刚才出现了幻觉一般。 Wang Yun no longer takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, is no longer angry. 王蕴不再幸灾乐祸,不再愤怒。 He is the smart person in smart person, therefore was only the flash he understood, this swindler was rescues own. 他是聪明人中的聪明人,所以只是一瞬间他就明白了,这大忽悠是来救自己的。 Wang Yun looked that is silent to out of the window, really wanted great prosperity in the northwest...... 王蕴看向窗外沉默不语,真要大兴西北了吗…… Originally the opposite party comes in own pit, to break own escape route...... 原来对方把自己坑进来,就是为了断自己的退路啊……
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