TFO :: Volume #8

#798: Small sun-dried shelled shrimp

Ren Xiaosu looks at Liang Ce, the latter sits by the bonfire seems very happy that asking that he a little wonders: What are you happy?” 任小粟看着梁策,后者坐在篝火旁边看起来还挺高兴呢,他有点纳闷的问道:“你高兴什么呢?” The bonfire complements the orange red the face of Liang Ce, seems like also some jubilations, he replied with a smile: Can help Meng Nan, I am happy!” 篝火把梁策的面庞映衬成橙红色,看起来还有一些喜庆,他笑着回答道:“能帮到孟楠,我开心啊!” This saying gave Ren Xiaosu to say confused, his speechless say/way: „Are you big this year?” 这话都给任小粟说迷了,他无语道:“你今年多大了?” Liang Ce replied: 25 years old, how?” 梁策回答:“25岁,怎么了?” Ren Xiaosu also asked: These years do you anticipate several girl?” 任小粟又问:“这些年你追过几个女孩?” Liang Ce: Three, starting from 16 years old, but failed each time.” 梁策:“三个吧,从16岁开始,不过每次都失败了。” Then after pursuing these three girl is defeated, what do you understand?” Ren Xiaosu guides beam incite defection to think of itself. “那在追这三个女孩都失败后,你有没有明白点什么?”任小粟引导着梁策反思自己。 Finally Liang Ce thinks a while replied: I am a good person.” 结果梁策想了一会儿回答道:“我是个好人。” ,” this time could not listen Yang Xiaojin, she said: You should not to her the personal stereo, have a moment ago cannot to her, has not listened to her saying that wants you to chat with her, at this time gave back to what personal stereo.” “噗,”这次连杨小槿都听不下去了,她说道:“刚才你就不该给她随身听,有也不能给她,没听她说要你陪她聊聊天吗,这时候还给什么随身听啊。” Then Liang Ce also responded, as soon as he patted the thigh annoying say/way: Yes, haven't I thought? Now what to do should I?” 这下梁策也反应过来了,他一拍大腿懊恼道:“是啊,我怎么没想到呢?那我现在该怎么办?” The Ren Xiaosu comfort said: Washes to rest.” 任小粟安慰道:“洗洗睡吧。” Liang Ce: „......” 梁策:“……” This goods go to Yang Xiaojin the vision of seeking help, Yang Xiaojin thinks saying: Starting today is more initiative, you cannot let the type that girl falls in love, that can only make up through the day after tomorrow effort, this girl will leave the hometown surely not to have the security sense all the way, you will chat with her contact, would making some good impressions.” 这货又把求助的目光投向杨小槿,杨小槿想了想说道:“从今天开始主动一些吧,你这人不是能让女孩一见钟情的类型,那就只能通过后天的努力去弥补了,这一路上女孩离开家乡肯定会没有安全感,你跟她多聊天多接触,总会留下一些好印象的。” The Ren Xiaosu innermost feelings sighed, he was the first time sees Yang Xiaojin to speak so many idle talks to the bystander, as if Yang Xiaojin was a little also unable to continue watching. 任小粟内心叹息,他还是头一次见杨小槿跟外人说这么多闲话,似乎杨小槿也有点看不下去了。 However he asked Yang Xiaojin low voice: „Am I that type can let the type that girl falls in love?” 不过他小声问杨小槿:“那我是那种能让女孩一见钟情的类型吗?” Yang Xiaojin shows the whites of the eyes to go inside in the tent to sleep. 杨小槿翻了个白眼就钻进帐篷里睡觉去了。 Next morning, after Liang Ce awakes, ran the camp to go to bathroom hurriedly, then arrived at the riverside to wash the hands. 第二天早上,梁策睡醒后就急匆匆跑出营地上厕所去了,然后再到河边洗手。 At this time last night Meng Nan also arrived at the riverside, Liang Ce sees Meng Nan then to remember Yang Xiaojin to say wanted more initiative, therefore then wants to greet on own initiative. 这时候孟楠也走到河边,梁策一见孟楠便想起昨晚杨小槿说的要主动一些,于是便想主动打招呼。 But he anxious under does not know that should say anything, suppressed after for quite a while, hits to call with Meng Nan: „Did you also urinate on?” 可是他紧张之下也不知道该说点什么,憋了半天之后跟孟楠打起招呼来:“你也尿手上了?” Meng Nan: „???” 孟楠:“???” Not far away looks on all these Ren Xiaosu to sigh to Yang Xiaojin: I always felt, this they possibly under the guidance of our, more walked far......” 不远处旁观这一切的任小粟杨小槿感叹道:“我总觉得,这俩人可能在咱俩的指导下,越走越远了……” In the morning the motorcade starts again, but shortly after they leave, in the north woods resounds the sound of rustling sound, some people go through in the woods. 早晨车队再次启程,但就在他们离开后不久,北方树林里响起悉悉索索的声音,有人穿行在树林之中。 Under early morning sunlight, light sprinkles by the slit of leaf on the ground, the time of electric current the sound is exceptionally towering in the woods, on a full armor and face spread the soldier of heavy/thick camouflage to say in communication frequency: Security, the goal has left.” 清晨的阳光之下,光线透过树叶的缝隙洒在地上,电流的次啦啦声音在树林里异常突兀,一名全副武装、脸上涂着厚重迷彩的士兵在通讯频道里说道:“安全,目标已离开。” Security.” “安全。” Security.” “安全。” Several other positions, there is a soldier to reply in the communication frequency. 其他几个方位,也有士兵在通讯频道里回复。 At this time some ear people said: One group seeks for the military deserter body, inspects the camp trace, two groups deploy troops for defense.” 这时耳麦里有人说道:“一组寻找逃兵尸体,检查营地痕迹,二组布防。” Then, in the woods this subsidiary operation teams and groups then picked up the rate of progression, the soldier who five wear the brown battle dress enters the camp, searches for all suspicious traces, five soldiers search in the woods. 说完,树林里这支作战班组便加快了前进速度,五名身穿土黄色作战服的士兵进入营地,搜寻一切可疑痕迹,还有五名士兵则在树林里搜索起来。 Found the military deserter body, wound in left chest, but the hit heart, not firing at the technique seems amateur.” “找到逃兵尸体,伤口在左胸,但并未命中心脏,射击手法似乎很业余。” Camp does not have exceptionally, does not have the suspicious symbol, without trap, although the camp chosen position is good, but builds the tent not methodicalness at night, the bonfire arrangement is also very optional, not like occupation soldier.” “营地无异常,没有可疑记号,没有陷阱,虽然营地选择位置不错,但夜晚搭建帐篷并无章法,篝火排列也很随意,不像职业军人。” Stands in the rear director's static thinking, the detection army that he leads is 31 Society comes specially, but his quest does not assassinate these people, but must inspect in the 31 Society motorcade ahead of time whether has the suspicious person. 站在后方的指挥静静的思索着,他带领的这支侦查部队专门为三一学会而来,但他的任务并不是刺杀这些人,而是要提前检查三一学会车队里是否有可疑人物。 Now just when the special period, Kong Clan does not hope that the suspicious person enters Stronghold 31. 如今正值特殊时期,孔氏不希望有可疑人物进入31号壁垒 This medicine exchange should cancel, Kong Clan has informed Wang Jing ahead of time, but Wang Jing insists on going, and replied Kong Clan: If not make them exchange academic, his sits the old bones before Stronghold 31 flood gate, when till Kong Clan agrees. 原本这次医学交流应该取消的,孔氏都已经提前通知王京了,可王京执意前去,并回答孔氏:如果不让他们去交流学术,那他这把老骨头就坐在31号壁垒闸门前,等到孔氏同意为止。 The above senior official does not seem to want to shoulder the related public opinion pressure, after all 31 Society these years are getting bigger and bigger in the northern influence, receive the people to approve more and more, Kong Erdong wanted to keep the history, cared about own reputation especially. 上面的长官似乎不想背负相关的舆论压力,毕竟三一学会这些年在北方的影响力越来越大,也越来越受民众认可,孔尔东想要名留青史,格外在意自己的口碑。 Really makes Wang Jing sit in meditation dead in front of Stronghold, that Hope Media will certainly report this matter wantonly. 真让王京壁垒前面静坐而死,那希望传媒一定会大肆报道这件事情。 Therefore, the information three field personnel groups sent out, their quest are conducts investigates ahead of time, if discovered that the suspicious person mixes in the academic exchanges team, they massacre in this team in the wilderness directly everyone, then camouflages the bandit behavior, like this are not related with Kong Clan. 所以,情报三处外勤组就出动了,他们的任务就是进行提前侦查,如果发现可疑人物混在学术交流队伍里,那他们就在荒野上直接杀掉这支队伍里所有人,然后伪装成土匪所为,这样跟孔氏就没有关系了。 Last night they in the north quiet was stationed, military deserter came from the north time they also saw, but they have not stopped, but put the military deserter intentionally, wanted to probe with this military deserter. 昨晚他们就在北方悄无声息的驻扎下来,逃兵从北方过来的时候他们也看到了,但他们没有阻拦,而是故意将逃兵放了过去,想要用这逃兵来试探。 If this military deserter slaughters, they just right were also convenient, in this academic exchanges team does everyone's life, what relations have with them? 如果这逃兵大开杀戒,那他们也正好省事了,这支学术交流队伍里所有人的性命,跟他们有什么关系? Finally, they are gazing at all occurrences in the telescope, then sees with one's own eyes Ren Xiaosu flurriedly opens fire and kills the military deserter. 结果,他们在望远镜里注视着一切的发生,然后亲眼看到任小粟慌乱的开枪打死逃兵。 From the surface, probably and does not have any unusually, is a little stupid besides this military deserter, the team member of that crowd of academic exchanges displays normally. 从表面来看,好像并没有什么异常,除了这逃兵有点蠢以外,那群学术交流的队员都表现正常。 Team leader, chases down them?” A soldier asked in communication frequency. “队长,追杀他们吗?”一名士兵在通讯频道里问。 I here matter reported that the senior official said again,” director said calmly: Kills Wang Jing this matter, must wait for above to order.” “等我把这里的事情报告长官再说,”指挥冷静道:“杀王京这种事,还是要等上面命令的。” Was saying he dialed the satellite telephone, reports here situation truthfully. 说着他拨通了卫星电话,将这里的情况如实汇报。 After telephone opposite senior official silent for a long time : Puts them to pass through, no longer caused complications. I also arrange the person to inspect their status Stronghold 31, you go to the frontline report.” 电话对面的长官沉默许久后:“放他们通行吧,不再节外生枝了。我在31号壁垒这边也安排人来查验他们身份,你们去前线报道吧。” Receives,” direction made the telephone call: All attention, receive the team on the 3 rd, the senior official assigns/life us to go to the advanced base to report, goes to there to accept new quest.” “收到,”指挥挂了电话:“全体注意,收队,长官命我们前往三号前进基地报道,去那里接受新的任务。” Then, this well-trained operational teams and groups evacuates to the north rapidly. 说完,这支训练有素的作战班组飞速向北方撤离。 The advanced base, is on the 3 rd Kong Clan facing one of the Pyro important advanced bases, again toward north, was the Pyro control region. 三号前进基地,是孔氏面对火种的重要前进基地之一,再往北,就是火种管制区域了。 When leaves after these people, bringing Old Xu of white mask to walk from a big tree, silently looked at these people to depart the direction that. 待到这些人离开后,带着白色面具的老许从一颗大树背后走了出来,默默的望着这些人离去的方向。 Yesterday evening Ren Xiaosu discovered these people, otherwise he also lifelike that was insufficient to need to camouflage. 昨天晚上任小粟就发现这些人了,不然他也不至于需要伪装的那么逼真。 He wants directly these people solving, but thinks that his goal is Kong Erdong, don't, because these small sun-dried shelled shrimp alert the enemy quite well. 原本他是想直接把这些人给解决掉的,不过想到他目标是孔尔东,还是别因为这些小虾米打草惊蛇比较好。 However this group of people are also very ruthless, puts the military deserter to come unexpectedly intentionally the murder. 不过这群人也挺狠,竟然故意放逃兵过来杀人。
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