TFO :: Volume #9

#801: Rescue failure!

At this time chief prison warden then stands in the control room, looks that Wang Yun and swindler in screen cover mouth to talk in whispers, the picture must strangely strange. 此时典狱长便站在监控室里,看着屏幕中的王蕴大忽悠捂嘴窃窃私语,画面要多怪异就有多怪异。 However chief prison warden realized, Wang Yun should be knows him to be able the lip language, therefore has to cover mouth to speak this. 不过典狱长意识到,王蕴应该是知道他会唇语,所以才有捂着嘴说话这一幕吧。 In the past he looks at this monitoring picture, even if did not hear the sound still to know that the prisoner said anything, prisoner said oneself secret not to know, this was also his more than ten years of reason that sat quietly the chief prison warden position, because he can always give above transmits the extremely important information. 以往他看着这监控画面,就算不听声音也能知道囚犯说些什么,囚犯自己说出了自己的秘密都不自知,这也是他十多年稳坐典狱长职位的缘故,因为他总能给上面传递极其重要的情报。 But now, Wang Yun actually knows his secret. 而现在,王蕴竟然知道他的秘密。 Really, this can sit Wang Yun of information senior official position, really has the forte. 果然,这位能坐上情报长官位置的王蕴,确实有过人之处。 Earlier Wang Yun was also the information two department heads time, chief prison warden discovered, criminal who information and three caught, in addition did not have Wang Yun many, the opposite party can always discover others' secret from the traces probably. 早些时候王蕴还担任情报二处处长的时候,典狱长就发现,情报一处、三处抓到的犯人,加起来也没王蕴这边多,对方好像总是能从蛛丝马迹发现别人的秘密。 Chief prison warden is cold the face saying: „Do this they really have the issue, when information interrogate?” 典狱长冷着面孔说道:“这俩人果然有问题,情报一处什么时候来审讯?” Said that arrived immediately,” a prison guard replied. “说是马上就到了,”一名狱警回答道。 Pushed to be nearer the lens, then listens to them to say anything with the syllabic final equipment,” chief prison warden said. “把镜头推近一些,然后用收声设备听听他们两个在说什么,”典狱长说道。 Prison guard reply: Senior official, the restaurant was too noisy, moreover their side does not have the audio frequency to fluctuate, could not hear clearly to say anything.” 狱警回答:“长官,餐厅太吵了,而且他俩身边没有音频波动,听不清说些什么。” „The riot police enter the restaurant to keep the order, gives me to bring to come out this them, careful, if encounters the resistance on the direct collection fire they,” chief prison warden said. “防暴大队进餐厅维持秩序,把这俩人给我带出来,小心一点,如果遇到抵抗就直接集火他们俩,”典狱长说道。 Saying, the ceiling of restaurant is starting to release the tear gas, the white smog fills the entire hall rapidly. 说着,餐厅的天花板开始释放催泪瓦斯,白色的烟雾迅速弥漫整个大厅。 Downstairs riot police start to enter the arena, after they bring the gas mask is entering the restaurant, to see the person to hit, ten people of groups to Wang Yun and swindler on the past. 楼下的防暴大队开始进场,他们带着防毒面具进入餐厅之后见人就打,还有一支十人小组冲着王蕴大忽悠就过去了。 swindler shouts: Or first to/clashes to control that chief prison warden, I feel 50% assurances.” 大忽悠喊道:“要不就先冲出去控制住那个典狱长啊,我感觉还是有50%把握的。” „It is not good, this chief prison warden is Transcendant, without is so easy,” Wang Yun shouts: Moreover my more than 200 brothers were also closed in other prisons, if I begin, they were finished!” “不行,这典狱长是超凡者,没那么容易,”王蕴喊道:“而且我还有两百多号兄弟被关在其他监狱,如果我动手,他们就完蛋了!” swindler whispered: That is without a fight, your how matter so many.” 大忽悠嘀咕道:“那就束手就擒吧,你怎么事情这么多。” The eye of Wang Yun by red that the tear gas smokes, was good controls the air to isolate the remaining tear gas because of him promptly, he and swindler were all right. 王蕴的眼睛被催泪瓦斯熏的通红,好在他及时操控空气隔绝了剩下的催泪瓦斯,他和大忽悠才没什么事。 Wang Yun is staring at swindler stubbornly: „To make me go to great prosperity in the northwest, that first saves my brothers, my person will not walk!” 王蕴死死盯着大忽悠:“想让我去大兴西北,那就先把我的兄弟们救出来,我不会一个人走!” You make a mistake, that is more than 200 individuals, how to bring?” swindler one hear was almost insane, this is others Kong Clan chassis, leading a person to sneak off secretly also good, are belt/bring more than 200 individuals must make war with Kong Clan?! “你有没有搞错,那是两百多个人啊,怎么带得走?”大忽悠一听就差点疯了,这是人家孔氏的底盘啊,带一个人偷偷溜走还行,带两百多个人是要跟孔氏开战吗?! Wang Yun does not pay attention to roaring of swindler, he looks at the SWAT team that these flushed saying: First shouldered beating mercilessly a while to say again other, you said you did not have the complete plan, ran to speak to me, then good, must come under attack!” 王蕴不理会大忽悠的咆哮,他看了一眼那些冲过来的防暴队说道:“先扛过等会儿的毒打再说别的吧,你说你也没完整的计划,跑来跟我说什么话啊,这下好了吧,都要挨打了!” Finally Wang Yun discovered, mentions beats mercilessly swindler probably and does not care. 结果王蕴发现,说起毒打的时候大忽悠好像并不在意。 He is surprised the different way: „Don't you fear?” 他诧异道:“你不怕吗?” Oh, you said that must come under attack,” swindler said: They hit me is not sore.” 奥,你说要挨打吗,”大忽悠说道:“他们打我又不疼。” Wang Yun was at that time ignorant, yes, this swindler skin coarse meat thick anaesthesia needle even hits useless, comes under attack is certainly a cinch. 王蕴当时就懵了,是啊,这大忽悠皮糙肉厚的连麻醉针打身上都没用,挨打当然不在话下。 But, his Wang Yun will hurt! 可是,他王蕴会疼啊! Grass, therefore after this swindler gave the pit him, injured only then oneself? 草,所以这大忽悠把他给坑了之后,受伤的就只有自己? Wang Yun clenches jaws: „Does your northwest person do human affairs?!” 王蕴咬牙切齿:“你们西北人干点人事行吗?!” „,” swindler said: Takes care.” “咳咳,”大忽悠说道:“保重。” At this time, the soldiers of these riot police have flushed to two people in front, held up the stick then to brandish. 此时,那些防暴大队的战士已经冲至两人面前,举起棍子便抡了下来。 swindler takes advantage of a situation to lie down toward the ground, whatever these people lift oneself. 大忽悠就势往地上一躺,任由这些人把自己抬出去。 Elite in riot police sees swindler and Wang Yun does not revolt, gave on two people necks to hit the anaesthesia injection decisively, then walked toward the cafeteria outside. 防暴大队内的精锐见大忽悠王蕴都不反抗,果断给两人脖子上打了麻醉针剂,然后便往食堂外面走去。 Wang Yun also retains the final sobriety while oneself, said to the people of riot police diligently sincerely: I reported that this person, he did not fear that the ordinary torture, please use the electrocution to him, asked!” 王蕴趁着自己还保留最后的清醒,努力对防暴大队的人诚恳说道:“我举报这个人,他不怕普通的拷打,请给他用电刑,拜托了!” swindler: „???” 大忽悠:“???” When Wang Yun in interrogation chamber leisurely awaking revolutions, near his ear also makes a sound the sound that swindler is kyoodling, in the heart is somewhat comfortable. 王蕴在审讯室悠悠醒转的时候,他耳边还响着大忽悠嗷嗷乱叫的声音,心中有些宽慰。 Kong Clan placed the special two person torture chamber them, is not the interrogation chamber, specifically is used for uses/gives Xing. 孔氏把他俩放在了特殊的双人刑讯室,不是审讯室,就是专门用来施刑的。 This torture chamber can hear the torturing sound of next door, then Kong Clan uses the wailing sound of another person to defeat another person of psychological defense line. 这种刑讯室可以听到隔壁的用刑声,然后孔氏就用另一个人的哀嚎声来击破另一人的心理防线。 An information department head stands in front of Wang Yun, wants to observe the Wang Yun expression. 情报一处的处长站在王蕴面前,想要观察王蕴的表情。 Finally, he saw the gratified smile on the face of Wang Yun...... 结果,他在王蕴的脸上看到了欣慰的笑容…… This makes an information department head a little wonder, did not say that this they relate very well, did not say that old man should be the Wang Yun attachment person? 这让情报一处处长有点纳闷,不是说这俩人关系很好,不是说那个老头应该就是王蕴的接头人吗? But looks at the expression now completely not like, Wang Yun that gratified smile, seems to be ordinary from the bottom of one's heart, is very sincere. 可现在看表情完全不像啊,王蕴那欣慰的笑容,仿佛发自肺腑一般,无比真诚。 Then gave an information department head to look to confuse, he asked: What you currently have to confess?” 这下都给情报一处处长看迷了,他问道:“你现在有什么要交代的吗?” Wang Yun said earnestly: You are original three Zhong Zhen, before I when three was responsible for the field personnel, you have also coordinated an action.” 王蕴认真说道:“你是原先三处的钟臻吧,以前我在三处负责外勤的时候,你还配合过一次行动。” Zhong Zhen narrows the eye: Senior, does not say these times now.” 钟臻眯起眼睛:“前辈,现在可不是说这些的时候。” Wang Yun smiles: Doesn't matter, you are promoted to an information department head now, in the future perhaps can also become the senior official of intelligence system, like this, I said secret in some intelligence agencies to you, including current information senior official some handles, what kind of?” 王蕴笑了笑:“没关系,你现在升任情报一处的处长了,往后说不定还能成为情报系统的长官,这样,我给你说些情报机构里的秘辛,其中包括现任情报长官的一些把柄,怎么样?” Zhong Zhen said with a smile: What does the senior you want? Put you to go out this words do not raise, now no one is possible to put you to go out.” 钟臻笑道:“那前辈您想要什么呢?放你出去这种话就不要提了,现在谁都不可能放你出去的。” I do not go out,” Wang Yun shakes the head: You increase points to me the electric quantity of next door again on the line.” “我不出去,”王蕴摇摇头:“你把隔壁的电量再给我加大一点就行。” Zhong Zhen: „???” 钟臻:“???” This special can be the attachment person? This special clearly is a personal enemy! 这特么能是接头人?这特么分明是仇人吧! It seems like the information contains errors! 看来情报有误啊! Fourth night, information person continual inquisition by torture three days of time, but anything cannot ask. 第四天晚上,情报一处的人连续刑讯三天时间,但什么也没能问出来。 According to the convention, this inquisition by torture should continue of several months, even adopts the weary tactic, till was interrogated the object nervous breakdown. 按惯例,这种刑讯应该都会持续数月之久,甚至采取疲劳战术,直到被审讯对象精神崩溃为止。 Finally information does not know that came across any thunderbolt, removed unexpectedly. 结果情报一处也不知道遇到了什么突发事件,竟是撤了。 Wang Yun and swindler they, was returned own cell, this chief prison warden gave them to arrange neighbor simply, wanted to discover the traces from this their response. 王蕴大忽悠俩人,也被放回了自己的单间牢房,这次典狱长干脆给俩人安排了邻居,想要从这俩人的反应里找出蛛丝马迹来。 In this inquisition by torture, Wang Yun and swindler by the big crime, information department head Zhong Zhen became the biggest winner, this goods leave, on the mouth has the smile. 这场刑讯中,王蕴大忽悠都遭了大罪,情报一处处长钟臻则成为最大赢家,这货离开的时候,嘴上都带着笑容。 However all these, were good at looking chief prison warden who lip language looks in the eye. 然而这一切,都被擅长看唇语的典狱长看在眼中。 Chief prison warden took up the fixed telephone to dial in own office: Senior official, Zhong Zhen in the air draws out to be many your handle from Wang Yun.” 典狱长在自己办公室里拿起固定电话拨了出去:“长官,钟臻王蕴空中套出不少您的把柄来。” In the telephone transmits sneers: Wastes me to promote him, is really the strip raises not the ripe dog.” 电话里传来冷笑:“枉费我提拔他,真是条养不熟的狗。” Said that made the telephone call to the convenience, chief prison warden sat in the office is thinking suddenly, since Wang Yun knows oneself spoke the lip language, that present wants to instigate the intelligence system internal relations with own hand?! 说完对方便挂了电话,典狱长坐在办公室里忽然在想,王蕴既然知道自己会唇语,那现在是不是想借自己的手来挑拨情报系统内部的关系?!
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