ELN :: Volume #5

#61: Fishbone

Likes cracking a joke always ripe Shang Jianyao not to look on as an outsider originally, lifts the right hand, wielded: 爱开玩笑总是自来熟的商见曜一点也没有见外,抬起右手,挥了一下: Hey, your two friends?” “喂,你两个朋友呢?” The opposite party is the dust person, he does not have to replace the language specially. 对方是灰土人,他没特意更换语言。 The right eyebrow eyebrow tail place has a man of black mole to lean the body, looks to this fellow, spoke thoughtlessly to mumble: 右眉眉尾处有一颗黑痣的男子侧过身体,望向这个家伙,随口嘟囔道: Also in restaurant, belch......” “还在餐厅里,嗝……” Finishes speaking, his vision continuously: 话音刚落,他目光一直: Is your boy! “是你小子啊! You, when I am the senile dementia, yesterday had been played tricks on by you, today forgets you?” “你当我是老年痴呆,昨天才被你戏弄过,今天就忘记你了?” During the speeches, this man took a step to forward, raised the fist. 说话间,这男子迈步向前,举起了拳头。 Shang Jianyao does not get angry counter- happily, occupies a commanding position, overlooks the opposite party. 商见曜不怒反喜,居高临下,俯视起对方。 Meanwhile, he also bends right the arm, making the clothing of arm place be supported. 与此同时,他还屈起右边手臂,让胳膊处的衣物被撑了起来。 Graduated with just the university, is quite relatively thin, the muscle does not calculate that since too that will compare, joins old accent group, nutrition sufficient he heavy has been possible a continuing tiny bit, the strength also to promote now much. 和刚大学毕业,相对比较瘦,肌肉不算太多那会相比,加入“旧调小组”以来,营养一直充足的他现在重了可不止一点半点,力量随之提升了不少。 Looked at the height of opposite party, looked under the clothes the clearly discernible muscle, the eyebrow tail had the man of black mole to retract silently the hand, shouts does not haggle over with you generally, while started to walk the footsteps toward the side. 看了看对方的身高,看了看衣服底下清晰可见的肌肉,眉尾有黑痣的男子默默缩回了手,一边嚷嚷“不和你一般计较”,一边往侧面迈开了脚步。 Presently he only has a person, one who knows the times great! 当前他只有一个人,识时务者为俊杰! Moreover, under such distance , he even to draw a pistol, it is estimated that still quickly the fist of opposite party. 而且,这样的距离下,他就算想拔枪,估计也快不过对方的拳头。 After gazing after this man goes far away, Shang Jianyao lifts the hand to stroke gently the chin: 目送这男子远去后,商见曜抬手摩挲起下巴: Time has not truly framed, but the speed of flow and reality are inconsistent.” “时间确实没有定格,但流速和现实不一致。” His many days have not entered this trauma, here crossed for night. 他都好些天没进这处心理阴影了,这里才过了一夜。 But after dawn, that overwhelming majority human chaotic and demented situations as if also disappeared. 而天亮之后,那种绝大部分人类混乱、癫狂的情况似乎也消失了。 Extracts the key point, Shang Jianyao touches the belly, talked to oneself: 提取完关键点,商见曜摸起肚子,自语了一句: Restaurant?” “餐厅?” When he has that man of black mole comes the direction to walk toward the eyebrow tail, walks while sizes up the both sides rooms. 他往着眉尾有黑痣的那名男子来时的方向走去,边走边打量两侧房间。 After arriving in the end of corridor, he sees there to have a buffet, last night pursued him, to intercept his many people to carry the dinner plate, is eating bustling. 抵达过道的尽头后,他看见那里有一处自助餐厅,昨晚追逐过他、拦截过他的不少人正端着餐盘,热火朝天地吃着。 Shang Jianyao walked directly, without whom inspects him whether conforms to the qualifications. 商见曜直接走了进去,没谁检查他是否符合资格。 Un, on ship definitely boughtticket, or is the staff...... ” Shang Jianyao to take up the biggest that dinner plate, inspects to have what food earnestly. “嗯,在船上的肯定都买了“票”,或者属于工作人员……”商见曜抄起最大的那种餐盘,认真巡视起都有什么食物。 The staple food is the rice and oats two types of gruel, the water multi- natures are mainly few. 主食主要是大米和燕麦两种粥,水多质少。 Besides them, the water boils the potato, to roast sweet potato and other miscellaneous grains. 除了它们,还有水煮土豆、烤红薯等杂粮。 The food altogether five types, are burn the sweet potato, to fry the wild herbs and grilled fish, to fry respectively do not know what variety the meat and fever fish section. 菜肴一共五种,分别是烧芋头、清炒野菜、烤鱼、煎不知什么品种的肉和烧鱼段。 The weight/quantity of five vegetables/dishes are full, but inside two are the fish, unavoidably one type eats the feeling of sea by the sea . Moreover, no matter roasts, burns, obviously is short of the spice, seems very rough. 五个菜的分量都非常足,但里面有两个是鱼,难免给人一种靠海吃海的感觉,而且,不管是烤的,还是烧的,都明显欠缺香料,显得非常粗糙。 Without so many seasonings, why doesn't choose the simplest bouillabaisse? Is these fish is polluted, the flavor is quite strange, needs to suppress with heavy cooking technique?” Shang Jianyao looks unable to return to original state the grilled fish and fever fish section of original feature, strokes gently the chin to say. “既没那么多调味料,为什么不选择最简单的蒸鱼?难道是这些鱼都受过污染,味道比较奇怪,需要用较重的烹饪手法来压制?”商见曜看着已还原不出本来面目的烤鱼和烧鱼段,摩挲着下巴道。 Having ate was good, what also cared about these to make?” His nearby cruise passenger resentment his. “有得吃就不错了,还在意这些做什么?”他旁边一名游轮乘客怼了他一句。 Yes.” Shang Jianyao sincere cognition to mistake. “是啊。”商见曜诚恳认知到了错误。 Then, his bucket bulk grilled fish and two cooked the fish, put to own dinner plate. 然后,他勺了一大块烤鱼和两段烧鱼,放至自己的餐盘。 „The Pangu lifeform, eats the opportunity of fish is not so many, Shang Jianyao wants certainly to attempt. “盘古生物”内部,吃到鱼的机会不是那么多,商见曜当然想多尝试一下。 He made many wild herbs, sweet potatoes, sweet potato and potato to the dinner plate, moreover with bowl abundant oatmeal. 他又弄了不少野菜、芋头、红薯、土豆到餐盘里,另外拿碗盛了燕麦粥。 Is carrying chock full midnight snack, he looked for a position to sit down, rumble swallowed a saliva. 端着满满当当的“夜宵”,他找了个位置坐下,咕噜吞了口唾液。 What he first tastes burns the fish section, eats is eating, his expression suddenly becomes strange. 他最先品尝的是烧鱼段,吃着吃着,他表情突然变得古怪。 , Un, un......” in his throat as if were many anything, how unable to make. “咳,咳,嗯,嗯……”他喉咙里仿佛多了点什么东西,怎么都弄不出来。 He was caught by the fishbone! 他被鱼刺卡住了! Finally, Shang Jianyao is unable to endure patiently again, choice return reality. 终于,商见曜再也无法忍耐,选择回归现实。 His form also disappeared in the cruise buffet. 他的身影随之消失在了游轮自助餐厅里。 In the darkness, Shang Jianyao opened the eye, sat fiercely, the bending the waist back, coughed continuously several. 黑暗之中,商见曜睁开了眼睛,猛地坐了起来,弯下腰背,连续咳了几声。 What's wrong?” The Jiang Baimian concern asked. “怎么了?”蒋白棉关切问道。 She pressed the desk lamp conveniently. 她随手按开了台灯。 Shang Jianyao slow, a face rejoiced that replied: 商见曜缓了过来,一脸庆幸地回答: Almost died!” “差点死掉!” Does not make you do not do excessively attempts, only confirms the cruise present condition?” Jiang Baimian could not bear said that what happened?” “不是让你不要做过多尝试,只确认游轮现在的状态吗?”蒋白棉忍不住多说了一句,“发生了什么事情?” Shang Jianyao clears throat, repeatedly confirmed that has no unnecessary thing to exist. 商见曜又清了清喉咙,再次确认没什么多余的东西存在。 Then, he said truthfully: 然后,他如实说道: I ate the fish to be punctured the card!” “我吃鱼被刺卡了!” „......” Jiang Baimian lifts the hand subconsciously, wants to confirm own lifeform cochlea also. “……”蒋白棉下意识抬手,想确认自己的生物耳蜗还在。 She inquired a moment ago when has estimated many rare and beautiful flowers scenes, but overestimated itself as before, underestimated Shang Jianyao. 她刚才询问时就预想过多幕奇葩场景,但依旧高估了自己,低估了商见曜 What is operates by the fishbone card? 被鱼刺卡了是什么操作? Isn't this exploring others' trauma? 这不是在探索别人的心理阴影吗? Room master by card? 难道房间主人曾经被卡过? Detailed.” Jiang Baimian gave up the ponder, makes Shang Jianyao say directly is what situation. “详细点。”蒋白棉放弃了思考,直接让商见曜自己讲到底是个什么情况。 Shang Jianyao pulls oneself together, first food and staple food in cruise buffet reported. 商见曜抖擞精神,先把游轮自助餐厅里的菜肴和主食报了一遍。 Then, he said oneself discovered on cruise exceptionally vanished, everyone changed the original appearance. 接着,他才说自己发现游轮上的异常消失了,所有人都变回了原本的模样。 Therefore, you did open in the restaurant eat?” Jiang Baimian thought that this is really the matter that Shang Jianyao can handle. “所以,你就在餐厅里开吃了?”蒋白棉觉得这果然是商见曜能做出来的事情。 A Shang Jianyao face replied earnestly: 商见曜一脸认真地回答道: You make me confirm that the situation of cruise, I naturally must weigh the levels of their chef.” “你让我确认游轮的情况,我当然要衡量一下他们厨师的水准。” Jiang Baimian asked worn out: 蒋白棉有气无力地问道: Level how?” “水平怎么样?” Also ok, can achieve this degree to calculate in food not good seasoning not many situations well, was the fishbone that they selected are too many.” A Shang Jianyao face is regrettable. “还行,能在食材不行调料不多的情况下做到这种程度算不错了,就是他们挑的鱼刺太多了。”商见曜一脸遗憾。 Jiang Baimian confirmed a point from this: 蒋白棉由此确认了一点: This fellow is really tasting. 这家伙是真的在品尝。 She thought, brought back to the right track the topic: 她想了下,把话题带回了正轨: Enters each time is different from the beforehand condition, normally and is separated chaotic?” “每次进入都和之前状态不一样,正常与混乱间隔?” Has the possibility.” Shang Jianyao said eagerly, I under and others go to have a look again.” “有可能。”商见曜跃跃欲试地说道,“我等下再进去看看。” No!” Jiang Baimian really feared that this fellow makes what trick, explored the second food company, toward the initial city goes to the way, how is casual you trial.” “别!”蒋白棉真怕这家伙又闹出什么幺蛾子,“等探索完第二食品公司,往最初城去的途中,随便你怎么试。” At this point, Jiang Baimian gets up looking pensive: 说到这里,蒋白棉若有所思起来: You enter the cruise each time, the time is proceeding, moreover quite jump, during the daytime evening's daytime such samsara. “你每次进入游轮,时间都在往前走,而且比较跳跃,白天晚上白天这样的轮回。 If you have passed and out, before letting the time unceasingly jumped, jumps to the room master is separated from that day of cruise, what did the latter extended session have to change? Is re-enters at first, has the profound and abstruse principles, or direct entry?” “如果你一直进进出出,让时间不断地前跳,跳到房间主人脱离游轮的那天,后续会发生什么变化?是重回最初,还是另有玄机,或者直接通关?” Shang Jianyao is applauding: 商见曜啪啪鼓起了掌: Your this mentality has my elegant demeanor very much.” “你这个思路很有我的风采。” I did not think that this is the words that anything praised...... Jiang Baimian is incapable of complaining. 我不觉得这是什么表扬的话……蒋白棉无力吐槽。 Tries in any case when the time comes, rests rests.” She urged Shang Jianyao, and according to extinguishing desk lamp. “反正到时候试试,睡吧睡吧。”她催促起商见曜,并啪地按灭了台灯。 Sane calm Shang Jianyao choice command prompt. 理智冷静的商见曜选择服从命令。 Next morning, old accent group the iron mountain entrance goes out from underground ark, on oneself that had re-equipped jeep. 第二天上午,“旧调小组”从“地下方舟”铁山入口出去,上了自家那台改装过的吉普。 „!” This time is one's turn Shang Jianyao to drive, he is very excited. “出发!”这次轮到商见曜开车,他很是兴奋。 From here to the iron mountain ruins, has the mountain tunnel and high-speed bridge in Old World can go directly, but, many road sections have stopped up, some mountain strange/monster like throwing the stone to get down from the high place, the present vestige hunters often choose to bypass this mountain. 从这里到铁山市废墟,在旧世界是有山岭隧道和高速大桥可以直达的,不过,其中很多路段早就堵塞,又有山怪喜欢从高处扔石头下来,现在的遗迹猎人们往往都选择绕过这片大山。 This time, Shang Jianyao and salvation army that mind corridor awakening of level several days ago had the tacit understanding of ask mountain Guaimen help to dredge the path of jamming very much, and the others was only taken several hours to arrive in the destination by oneself. 这一次,商见曜和“救世军”那位“心灵走廊”层次的觉醒者几天前都很有默契地请山怪们“帮忙”疏通了堵塞的道路,让自己等人只需要几个小时就能抵达目的地。 „The salvation army that group of people through Mrs. Teresa contacts joint industry the person, can arrive while opposite party also one week of time, has embarked the iron mountain ruins, prepares to make an investigation with three to four days. “救世军”那群人通过特蕾莎太太联络好了“联合工业”的人,趁着对方还有一周时间才能抵达,已经出发去了铁山市废墟,准备用三到四天做一次探查。 Careful point opens, if falls to the cliff , the old standard cannot withstand.” Jiang Baimian reminded one. “小心点开,要是摔到悬崖下面去,老格都承受不住。”蒋白棉提醒了一句。 I come.” Bai Chen initiative proposition. “还是我来吧。”白晨主动提议。 Jiang Baimian shakes the head: 蒋白棉摇了摇头: Lets this fellow exhaustion point energy. “让这家伙多消耗点精力。 „Before I start to fondly remember him now is injured, dispirited condition.” “我现在开始怀念他之前受伤,萎靡不振的状态了。” Shang Jianyao has not reacted, starts the automobile, while opened the small sound box. 商见曜未做回应,一边发动汽车,一边打开了小音箱。 You are selecting the load, I am riding a horse “你挑着担,我骑着马 Welcomed the sunrise to pack off the sunset glow......” note 1: Didn't need to pour? “迎来日出送走晚霞……”注一:不用注了吧? In the open-minded natural singing sound, the jeep moved to another side of the mountain ridge. 豁达潇洒的歌声里,吉普驶向了山岭另外一边。 ............ ………… Vigilant church, underground. 警惕教堂,地下一层。 clear/pain Ge is flaunting the banner of visiting old friend, administration committee proposed to underground ark request that sees Bai Chen and the others. 楚格打着拜访老朋友的旗号,向“地下方舟”管理委员会提出了见白晨等人的请求。 He wants to do missionary work in fact. 他实质上是想传教。 In his opinion, after last night held the miracle of year of gaze, those present can also who not believe quiet paternal aunt? 在他看来,经过昨晚执岁注视的神迹后,在场的人还有谁会不信“幽姑”呢? But letter/believes quiet paternal aunt to have three choices, clear/pain Ge naturally does not hope that this mighty squad joins another two religious sects. 而信“幽姑”有三个选择,楚格当然不希望这支实力非凡的小队加入另外两个教派。 President Xue they have left.” Ulrich has not said Jiang Baimian and the others the destinations. “薛会长他们已经离开。”乌尔里希未说蒋白棉等人的目的地。 Left?” clear/pain Ge is very shocked. “离开了?”楚格很是震惊。 After witnessing such a miracle, did they leave like this? 目睹那么一场神迹后,他们就这样离开了? Is this normal person? 这还是正常人吗? Yes.” Ulrich were not many said. “是的。”乌尔里希绝不多说。 clear/pain Ge also wants to ask again, was actually prevented with the look by archbishop Delphi. 楚格还想再问,却被大主教德尔洛用眼神阻止。 Returns to the hall in vigilant church, clear/pain to open the mouth neatly, Delphi has sighed with emotion two: 回到警惕教堂的大厅,楚格正要开口,德尔洛已感慨了两句: They did not run away in fear. “他们不是被吓跑的。 „From last night performance, the first time are not came across the miracle......” “从昨晚的表现看,他们也不是第一次遇到神迹……” This......” clear/pain Ge could not say the follow-up words. “这……”楚格说不出后续的话语了。 ............ ………… Smooth, the mixture rest, over 2 : 00 pm, old accent group arrived in the iron mountain ruins peripheral region. 一路顺畅,夹杂休息,下午 2 点出头,“旧调小组”抵达了铁山市废墟周边区域。 Because of the topography reason, they were seeing the complete picture of this vestige exhaltedly. 因着地势原因,他们居高临下地看见了这座遗迹的全貌。 Were different from red stone Ji and other ruins, here construction in the chaotic age and New Calender initial human sweeping, as well as in their each other battles, majority collapsed, only remains few also stands erect tenaciously. 和红石集等废墟不同,这里的建筑在混乱年代和新历初期的人类“扫荡”里,以及他们彼此的争斗中,大部分都坍塌了,只剩为数不多的还顽强屹立。 Under sunlight, the route indicator in their as if lonesome and quiet graveyard. 阳光下,它们仿佛幽静墓园里的指路牌。
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