ELN :: Volume #5

#60: Putting out

Silent within, the hall in vigilant church seemed covered dark, leaning yellow light mang who that wall lamp sends out remains, side one type in the horizon, letting them only to see clearly the feeling of person. 无声无息间,警惕教堂的大厅仿佛被黑暗笼罩了,那一盏盏壁灯散发出的偏黄光芒依旧存在,却给人一种远在天边,让他们只能看清楚旁边之人的感觉。 The body of Jiang Baimian cannot help but trembles, the hands and feet sends coolly, the heart jumps crazily. 蒋白棉的身体不由自主颤栗起来,手脚发凉,心脏狂跳。 Before she as if arrived at a cliff, seeing the above to hang a giant stone, creakies, but which direction oneself regardless in, dodge without enough time. 她似乎来到了一处峭壁前,看见上方悬着一颗巨石,摇摇欲坠,而自身无论往哪个方向,都来不及闪避。 The intense fear therefore lives, grating crazy reverberation of alarm bell in her mind. 强烈的恐惧因此而生,“刺耳”的警铃于她的脑海内疯狂回荡。 Has Jiang Baimian of experience not to need to ponder to this situation, understands naturally had anything: 对这种情况有过经验的蒋白棉无需思考,自然而然就明白发生了什么: October/ten months quiet paternal aunt once again casts the vision from „the new world, gaze here! 十月的“幽姑”又一次从“新世界”投来目光,注视这里! At this moment, not only Jiang Baimian has induced, Long Yuehong and the others also as if arrived at the edge of the cliff, toward the first half step, will crash again to not being able to see the bottom abyss, falls meets a cruel death. 这一刻,不仅蒋白棉有所感应,龙悦红等人也仿佛走到了悬崖边缘,再往前半步,就会坠落向看不见底部的深渊,摔得粉身碎骨。 That seedling source grasped firmly their hearts in the frightened instinct of human heredity firmly. 那种源于人类遗传的恐惧本能牢牢地攥住了他们的心脏。 Vigilant sect and frightened mission, friendly hand the members crawled simultaneously, making the cheeks closely stick to the icy cold floor, no dares to move. 警惕教派、恐惧教团、“友善之手”的成员们同时匍匐了下去,让脸颊紧紧贴住冰凉的地板,没有一个敢于动弹。 And, these people of frightened mission, the body shakes seems shaking chaff. 其中,恐惧教团的那些人,身体抖得仿佛在筛糠。 The dignity indifferent gaze like from the infinite high place, making people who each feels think one are exceptionally tiny. 威严漠然的注视如同来自无穷高处,让每一个感受到的人都觉得自身异常渺小。 Cold sweat that Jiang Baimian also low the head, the forehead seeped crazily. 蒋白棉也低下了脑袋,额头是疯狂沁出的冷汗。 Why does not know, she always thought that holds year quiet paternal aunt the key point of gaze is and the others, rather than Its follower. 不知为什么,她总觉得执岁“幽姑”注视的重点是自己等人,而非祂的信徒。 , The Long Yuehong tooth collided, made the sound. 得得得,龙悦红牙齿碰撞,发出了声音。 At this moment, the Jiang Baimian corner of the eye split vision sees Shang Jianyao to throw down the melon seed in hand, before attained the body , the tactical backpack difficultly. 就在这时,蒋白棉眼角余光看见身旁的商见曜丢下手里的瓜子,艰难地将战术背包拿到了身前。 He searches into the backpack the hand, is trying to find out some type of thing there slowly, shiver. 他把手探入背包,在那里缓慢地、颤抖地摸索着某样事物。 Finally, Shang Jianyao withdrew the right hand, spread out the palm. 终于,商见曜抽回了右手,摊开了掌心。 There calmly is lying down a lake water green small jade Buddha. 那里静静躺着一个湖水绿色的小玉佛。 Rich dark instantaneous surging came, embezzled that small jade Buddha. 浓郁的黑暗瞬间“涌动”过来,吞没了那个小玉佛。 The small jade Buddha as if lost the entity, becomes exceptionally illusory, was erased like this inch by inch, or entered with the reality not completely connection new world. 小玉佛似乎失去了实体,变得异常虚幻,就这样被一寸一寸抹掉了,或者进入了与现实并不完全连接的新世界。 Also after is 2-3 seconds, the darkness like the ebb tide sea water, will retreat slowly in the future, small jade Buddha another cuns (2.5 cm) appeared in Shang Jianyao at present, became has the sense of reality, can touch. 也就是2-3秒后,黑暗如同落潮的海水,慢慢往后退去,小玉佛又一寸寸出现在了商见曜的眼前,重新变得有质感,能触碰。 Almost is simultaneously, Jiang Baimian felt after ajar white gate, in the endless darkness that say/way partly visible female form carried over other place the vision. 几乎是同时,蒋白棉感觉半掩白门后无尽黑暗中那道若隐若现的女性身影将目光移向了别的地方。 Also crossed for several seconds, dissipates dark finally, the ray of wall lamp filled up the hall once again. 又过了好几秒,黑暗终于消散,壁灯的光芒又一次填满了大厅。 All returned to normal. 一切又恢复了正常。 Holds the year gaze suddenly, goes strangely. 执岁的注视来得突然,去得奇怪。 ...... shouts...... Long Yuehong to dare the big mouth to gasp for breath finally. 呼……呼……龙悦红终于敢大口喘气。 He looked at eye Bai Chen, sees her body also to remain some are trembling, therefore supports is opening the mouth saying: 他看了眼身旁的白晨,见她身体还残留着些许颤栗,于是强撑着开口道: This holds the year gaze?” “这就是执岁的注视?” Un.” Another side had Jiang Baimian of experience to give the affirmative answer. “嗯。”另外一边有过经验的蒋白棉给出了肯定的答复。 At this time, Shang Jianyao the closing up five fingers, had gripped that small jade Buddha, started to ascend to pick to fall in the melon seed of ground. 这个时候,商见曜已合拢五指,重新握住了那个小玉佛,开始拾捡掉落于地上的瓜子。 Jiang Baimian does not know for a while this/should boasts he has the frugal spirit, approves his heart to be really big. 蒋白棉一时不知该夸他有节约精神,还是赞他心真大。 Long Yuehong swept the eye also to crawl in the three big sect members of ground, sighed with emotion again about Bai Chen: 龙悦红扫了眼还匍匐于地上的三大教派成员,再次对白晨感慨道: Quiet paternal aunt gazes here directly, gave to warn, they should not argue again some no issue.” “‘幽姑’都直接注视这里,给予警告了,他们应该不会再争辩那些有的没的的问题了。” He finishes speaking, church bishop Anton Nyola Station before vigilant Saint emblem, is going against extremely Jane’s white shell mask, is excited the sound said: 他话音刚落,警惕圣徽前的教堂主教安东尼奥拉站了起来,顶着极简的白壳面具,激动出声道: Held the year to cast the vision! “执岁投来了目光! This explained that our discuss Jing is meaningful, was held the year to pay attention! “这说明我们的辩经是有意义的,是被执岁关注的! Everyone continues!” “大家继续!” ...... Long Yuehong takes back the line of sight in the process happen to see Bai Chen friend clear/pain Ge to turn over/to stand up to sit up. 呃……龙悦红收回视线的过程中正好看见白晨的朋友楚格翻身坐起。 On his face also wrote all over reluctantly. 他的脸上同样写满了无奈。 Also can explain unexpectedly like this? 竟然还能这样解读? This group of people are really...... 这帮人真是…… This anything with anything! 这都什么跟什么啊! At once, Long Yuehong felt unexpectedly oneself and clear/pain Ge had a tacit understanding, pities heart to heart. 一时之间,龙悦红竟觉得自己和楚格有了点默契,心心相惜。 Bah, why do I want to pity with him heart to heart? He wants to have little white idea initially! Long Yuehong retrieved the reason rapidly. 呸,我为什么要和他心心相惜?他当初都想打小白的主意!龙悦红迅速找回了理智。 In the following debate, Jiang Baimian hears so to be no longer wholly-absorbed, often is distracted, actually Shang Jianyao, cracking with the teeth melon seed, while applauds, has the substitution feeling. 接下来的辩论里,蒋白棉听得不再那么专心,时常走神,倒是商见曜,一边嗑瓜子,一边啪啪鼓掌,非常有代入感。 When the general education conference ended today, old accent group five members return to the underground two that reception room, Jiang Baimian looks to Shang Jianyao, opens the mouth to ask: 等到今日普教会议结束,“旧调小组”五名成员回到地下二层那间会客室内,蒋白棉才望向商见曜,开口问道: What did small jade Buddha have to change?” “小玉佛发生了什么变化?” ? Long Yuehong and Bai Chen extremely feared at that time, the back of inside that matter clothes soaked, has not noticed Shang Jianyao that side situation. 啊?龙悦红白晨当时太过恐惧,里面那层衣服的背部都湿透了,没注意到商见曜那边的情况。 Nava as an intelligent robot, in fact does not have fear mood, but after his nucleus module analyzes the surrounding data, told him, at this time must adopt turtle strategy, only by doing so, can in the maximum degree guarantee one and safety of teammate. 格纳瓦作为一名智能机器人,实际上是没有恐惧这种情绪的,但他的核心模块分析周围数据后告诉他,这个时候得采取“缩头乌龟”策略,只有这样,才能最大程度上保证自身和队友的安全。 But under that scene the performance must be afraid, will make him look like a human. 而那种场景下表现得害怕,会让他更像一个人类。 Therefore, he is also vibrating the metal skeleton obviously, makes the sound of friction, has not actually neglected to the observation of all around situation, with having experience relatively calm Jiang Baimian is similar. 所以,他明明也在振动金属骨骼,发出摩擦的声音,却没有忽视对四周情况的观察,和有过经验相对沉稳的蒋白棉类似。 Shang Jianyao pulls out places the small jade Buddha in pocket, said seriously: 商见曜掏出就放在衣兜内的小玉佛,一本正经地说道: Quality of material, luster, insightful and feel have not changed. “质地、色泽、通透度、手感都没有变化。 Does not have to be many what ability.” “也没多出什么能力。” At this point, he stopped on own initiative: 说到这里,他主动停顿了一下: But before I always feel it, was a little different, little.” “但我总觉得它和之前有点不一样了,一点点。” Exactly what happened?” Long Yuehong asked on own initiative. “到底发生了什么事情?”龙悦红主动问道。 He can look at Bai Chen very much is also curious. 他看得出来白晨也很好奇。 Shang Jianyao briefed then situation incessantly in detail. 商见曜滔滔不绝地把当时的情况详详细细地讲了一遍。 Quiet paternal aunt presenting?” Bai Chen makes the guess. “‘幽姑’的馈赠?”白晨做出猜测。 Not to mention presenting this word, later refers to erratically must therefore pay what price.” Jiang Baimian just read an Old World biographical novel recently, has the trauma to presenting. “别提‘馈赠’这个词,之后指不定要因此付出什么代价。”蒋白棉最近刚看了一本旧世界传记小说,对“馈赠”有心理阴影。 Perhaps marks.” Shang Jianyao lowers the voice intentionally, frightens the teammate. “也许是标记。”商见曜故意压低嗓音,吓唬队友。 The Long Yuehong breath stagnates, the subconsciousness shifted the topic: 龙悦红呼吸为之一滞,下意识转移了话题: How you think at that time, why will put out the small jade Buddha?” “你当时是怎么想的,为什么会拿出小玉佛?” Shang Jianyao sincere reply: 商见曜正色回答: I felt that it a little moves restlessly.” “我感觉它有点躁动。” „......” Long Yuehong does not know what unexpectedly Shang Jianyao said is the truth, is showing the unique mentality of mental patient. “……”龙悦红竟不知商见曜说的是真话,还是在展现精神病人的独特思路。 At this time, restrained the mood Jiang Baimian to turn the wrist to look at the next time: 这时,收敛住心情的蒋白棉翻腕看了下时间: Since feeds could not discover that temporarily the strangeness of small jade Buddha, that gives the old standard, making him use the instrument to make an overall check. “既然喂暂时发现不了小玉佛的古怪,那就交给老格,让他用仪器做个全面检查。 Inspected, we go to the room to rest, tomorrow morning will embark to go to the iron mountain ruins.” “等检查完,我们就回房间休息,明天上午出发去铁山市废墟。” You first rest, I charge while inspects, will not be exhausted.” Nava sympathizes the teammate very much. “你们先休息吧,我一边充电一边检查,不会疲惫的。”格纳瓦很是体贴队友。 „It is not good, what to do if has an accident/surprise?” Shang Jianyao is sincere. “不行,要是出点意外怎么办?”商见曜情真意切。 Yes.” Bai Chen expressed the support. ” “是啊。”白晨表示赞同。” By 11 : 00 pm, Nava completed the complete overhaul. 到了夜里11点,格纳瓦完成了全部检查。 He takes the small jade Buddha saying: 他拿着小玉佛道: „Compared to exist differently except for the itself magnetic fields and other jades, other are very normal.” “除了本身磁场和其他玉石相比存在一点不同,其他都很正常。” He does not have the corresponding data model, is actually unable to calculate to have 0% point several differences. 他没有相应的数据模型,无法计算出究竟有百分之零点几的不同。 Really has the different places.” Jiang Baimian relaxes on the contrary. “果然有不一样的地方。”蒋白棉反倒松了口气。 Arrived some place, this small jade Buddha will bring the mutation?” Bai Chen follows to guess to say. “到了某个地方,这小玉佛会带来异变?”白晨跟着猜道。 Some place that she said is one of the Buddhism five Great Sage places, including old accent group this time destination iron mountain second food company. 她说的某个地方是佛门五大圣地之一,包括“旧调小组”这次的目的地铁山市第二食品公司。 Perhaps.” Long Yuehong is quite dignified. “也许。”龙悦红颇为凝重。 Hope!” Shang Jianyao is excited, will have the mutation to have the clue.” “希望!”商见曜一脸兴奋,“有异变才会有线索。” But the premise was we can deal with...... Long Yuehong to be just about to return to one, Jiang Baimian has patted has clapped saying: 但前提是我们能应付得了……龙悦红正要这么回一句,蒋白棉已拍了拍手道: Now cannot discuss that anything, good, returns to the room to rest respectively.” “现在也讨论不出什么,好啦,各自回房休息吧。” ............ ………… Entered own that double room, Shang Jianyao handed in the application to Jiang Baimian: 进了属于自己的那个双人间,商见曜蒋白棉提出了申请: Since has restored, I think to enter that cruise to have a look tonight again.” “既然已经恢复,我想今晚再进那艘游轮看看。” Jiang Baimian hesitated the evil ways: 蒋白棉沉吟了下道: Today only determines the situation, do not do excessively attempts, so as to avoid has what accident/surprise, causing your spirit to be damaged again, that we will have no way to go to the iron mountain ruins tomorrow.” “今天只确定情况,不要做过多尝试,免得又出什么意外,导致你精神再次受损,那明天我们就没法去铁山市废墟了。” I pledged!” Shang Jianyao holds up three fingers, readily agreed. “我发誓!”商见曜举起三根指头,一口答应了下来。 This is that Shang Jianyao of psychological youngest also heaviest sentiment. 这是心理年龄最小也最重感情的那个商见曜 Mind corridor, 912 in room. “心灵走廊”,“912”房间内。 After Shang Jianyao enters here once again, discovered oneself in a cruise cabin guest room. 商见曜又一次进入这里后,发现自己在游轮船舱一间客房内。 At this time, the sky of out of the window has become bright, the blue sky and white clouds enhance one another's beauty. 此时,窗外的天空已变得明亮,蓝天和白云交相辉映。 I not , the time hasn't stopped? Shang Jianyao strokes gently the chin, shoves open the door, turned back the corridor. 我不在的时候,时间没有停?商见曜摩挲起下巴,推开房门,走回了过道。 Then, he saw a person to pass through from the front, hit a belch. 然后,他看见一个人从面前经过,打了个饱嗝。 This person of right eyebrow eyebrow tail place has a black mole. 这人的右眉眉尾处有一颗黑痣。 Shang Jianyao recognized him, before he is Shang Jianyao , one of the that three men bumping into, when he from the first meet developed the second confusion to be demented ordinary. 商见曜认出了他,他是商见曜之前碰到的那三个男人之一,他从第一次相遇时的普普通通发展到了第二次的混乱癫狂。 But now, his intelligence is sober, the manner is normal, with first time does not have any difference. 而现在,他神智清醒,举止正常,和第一次没有任何区别。 No, a little distinguishes, where his two companions did not know. 不,还是有一点区别,他那两名同伴不知去了哪里。
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