ELN :: Volume #5

#59: General education conference

What's wrong?” Notices the unusuality of Jiang Baimian, honest Shang Jianyao opens the mouth to ask. “怎么了?”注意到蒋白棉的异常,诚实的商见曜开口问道。 Honest Nava breaks him immediately: 老实的格纳瓦立刻打断了他: Now is not the good time of discussion.” “现在不是讨论的好时机。” The red ray that during the speeches, in his eye emits has swept the ark administration committee interim president Ulrich's face. 说话间,他眼中放射出的红色光芒扫过了方舟管理委员会临时会长乌尔里希的脸庞。 The old standard, does not use such directly, tactful, the tactful point...... the Long Yuehong unstated criticism stops cannot stop. 呃,老格,不用这么直接啊,委婉一点,委婉一点……龙悦红的腹诽止都止不住。 The ability that fortunately, Ulrich watches a person's every mood belongs absolutely extra-superior, otherwise initially will not become the steward side Timarco this tyrant, his tone asked steadily: 还好,乌尔里希察言观色的能力绝对属于超一流,要不然当初也不会在迪马尔科这个暴君身边当上管家,他语气平稳地问道: „ Does President Xue, have the need I to feed back to the words of Chief Tan? “薛会长,有需要我反馈给谭队长的话吗? If not, I must everyday concerns of process management committee.” “如果没有,我得去处理管理委员会的日常事务了。” Jiang Baimian hesitated evil ways: 蒋白棉沉吟了一下道: Temporarily no.” “暂时没有。” When Ulrich leaves this, she last page of demonstrations of material in the hand gave Shang Jianyao and the others to look. 等到乌尔里希离开这一层,她将手中资料的最后一页展示给了商见曜等人看。 Doubtful and eighth research institute related...... in other words, forest to break not too possible is immortal person one of the plan presidents.” Bai Chen explained this information essential meaning rapidly. “疑似与第八研究院有关……也就是说,林碎不太可能是‘永生人’计划的主持者之一。”白晨迅速解读出了这条情报的关键意思。 Although she does not know initially the one who was responsible for immortal person plan is several research institute, but can definitely not be located in the northern eighth research institute. 虽然她不知道当初负责“永生人”计划的是第几研究院,但可以肯定不是位于北方的第八研究院。 Clergy mission colored glaze pure land in the clergy wilderness, is not north generalized on big, but colored glaze pure land the headquarters of doubtful respective research institute. 僧侣教团的“琉璃净土”在僧侣荒原,不属于广义上的大北方,而“琉璃净土”疑似所属研究院的总部。 Not only honest Shang Jianyao that and likes refuting swung the head: 既诚实又爱反驳的商见曜摇起了脑袋: Is uncertain, if forest to break is not only the person of eighth research institute, participated in immortal person plan? “不一定,万一林碎既是第八研究院的人,又参与了‘永生人’计划呢? Who stipulated that among several big research institutes can't share the talent?” “谁规定几大研究院之间不能共用人才了?” Bai Chen is unable to deny, Long Yuehong was actually obstinate argumentative two: 白晨无法否定,龙悦红倒是嘴硬了两句: Has this probability, but is very definitely low, from the security demand, among nine big research institutes should be the existence information barrier, as the chief scientist of third research institute, the understanding other research institutes is quite limited.” “是有这个概率,但肯定很低,从保密需求上来讲,九大研究院之间应该是存在信息壁垒的,奥雷作为第三研究院的首席科学家,对其他研究院的了解都相当有限。” You are quite earnest.” Does not know that which personality Shang Jianyao switch over to looked at Long Yuehong one, has not worn the smile that on the face of mask appeared to wipe to ponder. “你好认真啊。”不知切换到哪个人格的商见曜看了龙悦红一眼,未戴面具的脸上浮现出一抹玩味的笑容。 The face of Long Yuehong one becomes flushed, argued: 龙悦红的脸一下涨红,辩解道: My this is earnestly was discussing!” “我这是在认真讨论!” Jiang Baimian clears throat, interrupted two people dialogue: 蒋白棉清了清喉咙,打断了两人的对话: When has not presented the opposite information, I choose believes the salvation army temporarily ‚’ the judgment. “在未出现相反情报时,我选择暂时相信‘救世军’的判断。 Therefore, forest to break can be vice-president, Charlie, Professor Li and doctor in which? She already when Old World destroys passed away?” “所以,林碎会是‘副院长’、‘查理’、‘李教授’和‘博士’之中的哪位?或者,她已经在旧世界毁灭时去世?” Vice-president, Charlie, Professor Li and doctor is the eighth research institute remains not many from Old World lives the present member, they have entered „the new world, year to year the deep sleep, moves occasionally. “副院长”、“查理”、“李教授”和“博士”是第八研究院所剩不多的从旧世界活到现在的成员,他们都已经进入“新世界”,常年沉睡,偶尔活动。 This is old accent group the information obtained from eighth research institute special representative there, Shang Jianyao calls them for the eighth research institute four giants in private. 这是“旧调小组”从第八研究院特派员卡奥那里获得的情报,商见曜私下称呼他们为第八研究院四巨头。 First removes Professor Li, because forest to break is surnamed Lin.” Shang Jianyao first expresses the opinion. “首先排除‘李教授’,因为林碎姓林。”商见曜第一个发表意见。 Long Yuehong refuted immediately: 龙悦红当即反驳: Professor Li is only the code name, did not express surnamed Li.” “‘李教授’只是代号,不表示真的姓李。” After blurting out such a few words, Long Yuehong felt the pleasant sensation of retaliation. 脱口而出这么一句话后,龙悦红感受到了报复的快感。 Yes.” Shang Jianyao actually expressed the support, not necessarily is surnamed Gu like Gu Zhiyong, but also is possibly surnamed Long, yeah, made Gene Modification , the gene transforms 1 meter 75, is long not handsome, result also ordinary......” “是啊。”商见曜竟然表示了赞同,“就像顾知勇不一定姓顾,还可能姓龙,哎,做了基因改良,呃,基因改造才一米75,长得也不英俊,成绩还普通……” Long Yuehong face red white, never expected that Shang Jianyao also changed the lines unexpectedly. 龙悦红一张脸阵红阵白,没想到商见曜居然还改了台词。 Yes, after this time made repair capability enhancement and immunity promotion and reaction speed changed quick these three types of genes transformed, his height is not long. 是的,这次做了“修复能力增强”、“免疫力提升”和“反应速度变快”这三种基因改造后,他的身高还是没长。 But now, Long Yuehong discovered pitifully, reaction speed changes quick does not seem to contain the thought. 而现在,龙悦红可悲地发现,“反应速度变快”似乎不包含思维。 He does not know how at once unexpectedly should instead choke Shang Jianyao. 他一时之间竟不知该怎么反呛商见曜 Four possibly are forest to break, they use the code name rather than the real name obviously to cover anything.” Bai Chen led the right track the topic. “四个都可能是林碎,他们用代号而不是真名明显是想掩盖什么。”白晨把话题导回了正轨。 Jiang Baimian nods: 蒋白棉点了点头: This is also a future investigation direction.” “这也是将来的一个调查方向。” ............ ………… After several days, spiritual damage radical recovery of Shang Jianyao. 过了几天,商见曜的精神损伤彻底康复了。 But old accent group near embarking the night before, happen to meets quiet paternal aunt under three big religious sects to hold the general education conference. 而“旧调小组”临出发前一晚,正好遇上“幽姑”麾下三大教派举行普教会议。 To similar matter interested Jiang Baimian proposed that everyone goes to the vigilant church to audit, the help keeps the order while convenient. 对类似事情充满兴趣的蒋白棉提议大家去警惕教堂旁听,顺便帮忙维持秩序。 Shang Jianyao lifts both hands both feet approval. 商见曜举双手双脚赞成。 He jumped, held up both hands and both feets. 他跳了起来,举起了双手和双脚。 Honest Nava sees that reminded him specially: 老实的格纳瓦见状,专门提醒他: Hey, your condition was getting more and more serious, must pay attention to a point.” “喂,你的病情越来越严重了,要注意一点。” Relax, we have the mature consultation and changing players mechanism.” Shang Jianyao such as is the reply. “放心,我们有成熟的磋商和换人机制。”商见曜如是回答。 Old accent group one line of five people depend benefit, rides the elevator directly, arrived in the hall in vigilant church. “旧调小组”一行五人仗着地利,直接乘坐电梯,抵达了警惕教堂的大厅。 Here has pushed over a hundred people, is divided into three piles. 这里已挤了上百号人,分成三堆。 Naturally, this is only outwardly on situation, outside each ventilating duct, the window hiding place, does not know that many guards in the church that debating is interested in the red Shiji Town people are concealing. 当然,这只是明面上的情况,各个通风管道内、窗户外面的隐蔽处,不知多少对辩论感兴趣的教堂守卫和红石集镇民暗藏着。 According to Shang Jianyao computation, their quantities are 34 times of person of appearance. 商见曜“计算”,他们的数量是现身之人的三四倍。 Wijer, I saw you!” Shang Jianyao loudly shouts suddenly. “维耶尔,我看到你了!”商见曜突然大喝一声。 No one replied him. 没人回答他。 Shang Jianyao sighed, for has not cheated Wijer to regret. 商见曜叹了口气,为没有诈出维耶尔而惋惜。 When he and Jiang Baimian and the others found an open area to sit down in the wall lamp pale yellow church, does not know where heard one to laugh. 就当他和蒋白棉等人于壁灯昏黄的教堂内找到一处空地坐下,不知哪里传来了一声嗤笑。 This laughs to bring the obvious shrill and raucous voice, as if boy from some voice change period. 这嗤笑带着明显的公鸭嗓,仿佛来自某个变声期的男孩。 Shang Jianyao has not paid attention, takes down the tactical backpack, grasped a thing to come out. 商见曜没有理睬,取下战术背包,抓了一把东西出来。 He inquired Jiang Baimian and the others immediately: 他随即询问起蒋白棉等人: „ Do you want? “你们要不要啊? How at this time can be short of the melon seed?” “这种时候怎么能少了瓜子?” Melon seed?” Long Yuehong opens the eye, looks to the Shang Jianyao hand, sure enough saw healthy sunflower seeds. “瓜子?”龙悦红睁大眼睛,望向商见曜手中,果不其然看到了一把颗粒饱满的葵瓜子。 You, how will you have?” He asked with amazement. “你,你怎么会有?”他惊讶问道。 Shang Jianyao replied complacently: 商见曜得意洋洋地回答: You are not do not know, I will accumulate the candy and melon seed, keeps the appropriate time eats again. “你又不是不知道,我会把糖果、瓜子攒下来,留到合适的时候再吃。 Yeah, the candy gave to these children.” “哎,糖果都送给那些孩子了。” This refers to the mountain strange young boy. 这指的是山怪幼童。 Hears such words, Long Yuehong felt inexplicably oneself passed through, 7 or 8-year-old that meeting. 听到这样的话语,龙悦红莫名感觉自己穿越回了过去,只有七八岁那会。 Gives me to come.” Jiang Baimian spread out the palm unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “给我来点。”蒋白棉毫不客气地摊开了手掌。 Your this will be hit.” Shang Jianyao handled gently with another patted under the palm of Jiang Baimian, then slightly put one to come up the melon seed. “你这样是会被打的。”商见曜用另外一只手轻轻拍了下蒋白棉的掌心,然后才放了一小把瓜子上去。 Your childhood games?” The Jiang Baimian closing up five fingers, asked with a smile. “你们小时候的游戏?”蒋白棉合拢五指,笑着问道。 Is his practical joke.” Long Yuehong starts to complain, frequently deceives me and Yang Zhenyuan, several other, said that has between -meal snack to eat to us, finally we put out a hand, he hits our palms.” “是他的恶作剧。”龙悦红开始控诉,“经常骗我、杨镇远,还有另外几个,说有零食给我们吃,结果我们一伸手,他就啪地打一下我们的掌心。” You deceive well.” Jiang Baimian suppresses the happy expression. “你好好骗啊。”蒋白棉强忍住笑意。 Long Yuehong starts to regret oneself are frank. 龙悦红开始后悔自己嘴快。 Jiang Baimian sees that made up one calmly: 蒋白棉见状,若无其事地补了一句: This explained that you mental disposition pure and good-hearted, will be good wholeheartedly.” “这说明你秉性纯良,会全心全意地对人好。” How do the following half a word words infer?” Honest Nava opens the mouth to ask. “后面半句话是怎么推理出来的?”老实的格纳瓦开口问道。 Yes.” Honest Shang Jianyao also has this to ask. “是啊是啊。”诚实的商见曜也有此问。 Was about to start! Which that many words?” Jiang Baimian raised the hand referred to under the forthcoming general education conference. “快开始了!哪那么多话?”蒋白棉抬手指了下即将开始的普教会议。 The bishop as vigilant church, Anton Nyola this strong keeps the bald clergy, although the level and strength are inferior to several on the scene, but arrived at the vigilant Saint emblem before president. 作为警惕教堂的主教,安东尼奥拉这个身体强壮留着光头的神职人员,虽然位阶和实力都不如在场好几位,但还是以主持者的身份走到了警惕圣徽前。 He looks at this Cult frightened bishop Saint Sigmund who the eye caught up with specially, said loudly: 他看了眼专程赶来的本教恐惧主教圣西格蒙德,大声说道: „ The subject of this general education conference is: “本次普教会议的议题是: Vigilant and fears who holds the year ‚the first nature.” “警惕和恐惧谁是执岁的‘第一性’。” Took keeping the order wants to raise hand to say as clear/pain Ge of own duty, please in addition friendly, but after pondering, was a decision not this turbid water. 以维持秩序为己任的楚格很想举手说,请加上“友善”,但思考之后,还是决定不蹚这个浑水。 Friendship first, friendship first! 友谊第一,友谊第一! After Anton Nyola announced the subject, the stature wears frightened bishop Sigmund Station of monster ghost mask thin and tall: 安东尼奥拉宣布完议题后,个子瘦高戴着妖鬼面具的恐惧主教西格蒙德站了起来: Naturally is vigilant. “当然是警惕。 Why will we feel the fear facing the danger? Is because we have the inherent vigilance. “我们面对危险为什么会感觉恐惧?是因为我们对它有着与生俱来的警惕。 Why will we facing unknown feel the fear? Is because was vigilant that it contains the danger, was vigilant that our valuable lives therefore drain...... “我们面对未知为什么会感觉恐惧?是因为警惕它蕴藏着危险,警惕我们的宝贵生命因此流失…… In us is the baby, knows before having fear mood, we meet the instinct to display as before vigilantly facing a lot!” “在我们还是婴儿,知道有恐惧这种情绪前,我们面对很多事情依旧会本能地表现出警惕!” The frightened mission some people sets out immediately, trembles refutes: 恐惧教团立刻有人起身,瑟瑟发抖地反驳: No, we are the babies time has the frightened this mood. “不,我们还是婴儿的时候已经有了恐惧这种情绪。 Our ancestry it writing in the gene, generations of handed down from generation to generation. “我们的祖辈把它‘写’在了基因里,一代代传了下来。 Simply speaking is, did not understand the baby who frightened certain things, could not survive in the high antiquity, their genes are not naturally able to inherit......” “简单来说就是,不懂得恐惧某些事物的婴儿,在远古时代根本存活不下来,他们的基因自然无法遗传……” This time theoretical level high a point...... Jiang Baimian was listening with great interest, but her side resounds ka the sound once for a while. 这次的理论水平高了一点……蒋白棉津津有味地听着,而她的旁边时不时响起咔的声音。 Shang Jianyao, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen quietly cracking with the teeth melon seed. 商见曜龙悦红白晨都在悄悄嗑瓜子。 The Jiang Baimian facial skin muscle moved, took up several melon seeds in the unstated criticism. 蒋白棉脸皮肌肉动了一下,于腹诽中也拿起了几颗瓜子。 The debate gradually penetrates, she hears even more dedicated, to afterward, forgot that in the hand also has the melon seed, by Shang Jianyao quietly, quietly along several. 辩论逐渐深入,她听得愈发专注,到了后来,都忘记手中还有瓜子,被商见曜悄悄地、悄悄地顺走了几颗。 Listens to listen, Jiang Baimian felt suddenly the vigilant hall became dark a point. 听着听着,蒋白棉突然感觉警惕大厅变得幽暗了一点。 In her heart moves, the subconsciousness looked up to the front huge Saint emblem. 她心中一动,下意识抬头望向了前方的巨大圣徽。 After ajar white gate, in the profound darkness, that say/way partly visible female form seemed clear a point, is gazing at the people. 半掩的白门后,幽深的黑暗中,那道若隐若现的女性身影似乎清晰了一点,正在注视众人。
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