ELN :: Volume #5

#62: No one

The afternoon sunlight according to full is on the fresh green city ruins, all around peaceful weak wind sound/rumor is so continually obvious. 午后的阳光照在满是新绿的城市废墟上,四周安静的连微弱的风声都那么明显。 The construction as if rough grave packages of innumerable collapsing, one after another, a piece including one piece. 无数坍塌的建筑则仿佛粗糙的坟包,一个接一个,一片连一片。 This is Jiang Baimian sees has destroyed the most important Old World vestige. 这是蒋白棉见过毁坏最重要的旧世界遗迹。 Naturally, she has not gone to these when Old World destroys by the city that the big equivalent missile covers, on the dust few individuals is also willing to go to that place directly, on the one hand this is the responding region radiation pollution is exceptionally serious, until today has not decayed completely, on the other hand is the damage is extremely exaggerating, will have anything to harvest very much difficultly. 当然,她还没去过那些在旧世界毁灭时直接被大当量导弹覆盖的城市,灰土上也没几个人愿意到那种地方,这一方面是对应区域辐射污染异常严重,直至今天都还没完全衰变,另一方面是损坏太过夸张,很难会有什么收获。 Sets up Jiang Baimian by jeep to take back the vision, to Long Yuehong and other humanity: 立在吉普车旁的蒋白棉收回目光,对龙悦红等人道: Here has no excavation, went to the second food company directly. “这里没什么好挖掘的了,直接去第二食品公司。 On road should not be negligent, prepares sufficient, does not want, because here desolate and uninhabited, ordinary wild animal few, thought continually will not encounter the attack. “路上不要大意,做好充足的准备,不要因为这里杳无人烟,连普通的野兽都没几只,就觉得不会遇到袭击。 Information indicated that this region will have occasionally very fiercely higher having no interest appearance.” “情报显示,这片区域偶尔会有非常厉害的‘高等无心者’出现。” Many vestige hunters suspected, initially many human influences in view of iron mountain ruins sweeping, having no interest had not been eliminated completely, have the part to remove in nearby remote mountain, in them higher having no interest evolves to the recent 10-20 years, some can level awakening contend with mind corridor. 许多遗迹猎人怀疑,当初多股人类势力针对铁山市废墟的一次次“扫荡”里,“无心者”并没有被完全清除,有部分撤到了附近深山里,他们之中的“高等无心者”进化到最近10-20年,有的可以和“心灵走廊”层次觉醒者抗衡了。 Regarding this, Jiang Baimian quite suspected, because having no interest lacks the spirit wisdom, is unlikely to rush to „the sea of origin on that frightened islands. 对此,蒋白棉相当怀疑,因为“无心者”缺少灵智,不太可能闯得过“起源之海”上的那一座座恐惧岛屿。 But except for the iron mountain ruins and other few places, human also never meets has been able with „” higher having no interest that mind corridor level awakening compares favorably. 而除了铁山市废墟等极少数地方,人类也从未遇到过能和“心灵走廊”层次觉醒者媲美的“高等无心者”。 Therefore Jiang Baimian thinks that either meets higher having no interest in the iron mountain ruins that several batch of vestige hunter strengths is weak, the experience is not very rich, based on special capability that the opposite party displays, in level depends on toward mind corridor them blindly, either powerful is not higher having no interest it, but is the specialness of similar place, for example, here Buddhism sacred place. 所以蒋白棉认为要么是在铁山市废墟遇到“高等无心者”的那几批遗迹猎人实力不够强,见识不够丰富,基于对方展现出来的特殊能力,盲目地把他们往“心灵走廊”层次上靠,要么强大的不是“高等无心者”本身,而是类似地方的特殊,比如,这里的佛门圣地。 Liu Lu of relates to Shang Jianyao that „the professional women in 522 room trauma, Jiang Baimian favors behind that possibility. 联想到商见曜在“522”房间心理阴影里遇到的那名“职业女性”刘璐,蒋白棉更倾向于后面那种可能。 Career womons Liu Lu enlivens in the chaotic age in „the iron mountain second food company, in Shang Jianyao initiates the mutation after the iron and steel plant ruins medical record, she revealed that had suffered from does not have worry original feature, but ability that she showed before, truly can with mind corridor the awakening resistance of level, even must be stronger, making Shang Jianyao not have the strength of resistance twice on the stupor in the past, was returned to the beginning. “职业女性”刘璐在混乱年代活跃于“铁山市第二食品公司”,在商见曜用钢铁厂废墟病历引发出异变后,她显露出了早就罹患“无心病”的本来面目,而她之前表现出来的能力,确实可以和“心灵走廊”层次的觉醒者对抗,甚至要更强,让商见曜两次都毫无反抗之力就昏迷了过去,被送回起点。 When the team members nodded to indicate to remember, Jiang Baimian the sinking sound made up one: 等组员们都点头表示记住了,蒋白棉又沉声补了一句: The probability that „ even if that type higher having no interest presents is very low, we are very difficult to bump into, must pay attention the surrounding change. “即使那种‘高等无心者’出现的概率很低,我们很难碰上,也得留心周围的变化。 „The eighth research institute perhaps already organization new, the stronger special representative team came eliminating a potential informant.” “第八研究院说不定已经组织新的、更强的特派员队伍过来‘灭口’了。” Her eliminating a potential informant refers , is not only kills itself and the others, but also including destroying „the iron mountain second food company this Buddhism sacred place. 她的灭口指的不仅是杀死自己等人,还包括摧毁“铁山市第二食品公司”这个佛门圣地。 In specialness higher having no interest compared with hearsay, the eighth research institute clearly is may also the enemy of bitter experience actually, Long Yuehong does not dare to neglect, immediately proposes now puts on the equipment. 比起传闻中的特殊“高等无心者”,第八研究院显然是更实际也更有可能遭遇的敌人,龙悦红不敢怠慢,立刻提议现在就把装备穿上。 Shang Jianyao is very gratified, side looks to Nava said: 商见曜很是欣慰,侧头望向格纳瓦道: Old standard, you can try that chameleon biological intelligence armor. “老格,你可以试试那台‘变色龙’仿生智能盔甲。 Can integrate the environment at any time, is hard ahead of time the detected intelligent person assassin, thinks that fierce to cheats probably.” “一个可以随时融入环境,难以被提前察觉的智能人刺客,想想就厉害到像是作弊。” I put on anything...... Long Yuehong to interrupt to inquire one, Nava actually palpitating with excitement: 那我穿什么……龙悦红很想插嘴询问一句,格纳瓦却“怦然心动”: Sounds good......” “听起来挺不错的……” Had not proposed fortunately the intelligent robot clothing military exoskeleton installment...... Jiang Baimian first is the nod approval, then cracks a joke: 还好没提议智能机器人穿戴军用外骨骼装置……蒋白棉先是点头赞同,接着开起了玩笑: In our group, the intelligent person also has the right that the clothing equips.” “在我们小组,智能人也有穿戴装备的权利。” Nava moves the neck that the metal casts up and down, is satisfied with this view. 格纳瓦上下动了动金属铸就的脖子,对这个说法非常满意。 Jiang Baimian said to Long Yuehong immediately: 蒋白棉随即对龙悦红道: You put on that black bog iron snake biological intelligence armor.” “你穿那台‘黑沼铁蛇’仿生智能盔甲。” The right palm of this equipment also has to do to process specially, enabling the mechanical palm of Long Yuehong to extend. 这台装备的右掌同样有做特别处理,让龙悦红的机械手掌可以伸出来。 What Jiang Baimian originally plan is uses this biological intelligence armor, depends upon its strong defensive power to bully to enemy vicinity use space illusion and other abilities, but she discovered afterward, this has a very serious concern: 蒋白棉原本打算的是自己使用这台仿生智能盔甲,依靠它的超强防御力欺到敌人近处使用“空间幻觉”等能力,但后来她发现,这存在一个很严重的问题: She possibly becomes lost...... 她可能迷路…… Comparatively speaking, has the military exoskeleton of automatic navigation function to install is more suitable she. 相比较而言,有自动导航功能的军用外骨骼装置更适合她。 Jiang Baimian quite rejoices now, before leaving „the Pangu lifeform, oneself considered the different scenes have the different use demands, Long Yuehong is impossible only to limit to chameleon biological intelligence armor, therefore made the person's in company armor to black bog iron snake also make processing. 蒋白棉现在颇为庆幸,离开“盘古生物”前,自己考虑到了不同的场景有不同的使用需求,龙悦红不可能只局限于“变色龙”仿生智能盔甲,于是让公司的人对“黑沼铁蛇”盔甲也做了处理。 Later, on the Bai Chen clothing M-45 this new military exoskeleton installment, the Jiang Baimian use AC-45, Shang Jianyao chose most obsolete that AC-42- he mainly in long-distance exerts the control, does not have the too big demand to the close combat. 之后,白晨穿戴上了“M—45”这台较新型的军用外骨骼装置,蒋白棉使用“AC—45”型,商见曜选了最老旧的那台“AC—42”-他主要在远程施加控制,对近战没太大需求。 Old accent group does not have the parsimonious electrical energy, the preparation to go to „the iron mountain second food company like this fully-armed, here leaves underground ark in any case the iron mountain entrance also on several hours of driving distance, really must arrive at the warning line, they can definitely remove the supplement electric quantity. “旧调小组”没有吝啬电能,准备就这样全副武装地去“铁山市第二食品公司”,反正这里离“地下方舟”铁山入口也就几个小时的车程,真要到了警戒线,他们完全可以撤回去补充电量。 Opens.” Vice- harnessed Jiang Baimian of position to look at the eye to sit in nearby Shang Jianyao. “开呗。”副驾位置的蒋白棉看了眼愣愣坐在旁边的商见曜 Originally now should be one's turn Long Yuehong to drive, but comes to here based on Shang Jianyao, familiar terrain, therefore Jiang Baimian let only rest on the way -and-a-half hour of he of again putting on armor and going to battle. 本来现在应该轮到龙悦红开车,但基于商见曜“来”过这里,熟悉地形,所以蒋白棉让途中只休息了一个半小时的他再次“披挂上阵”。 A Shang Jianyao face responded heavily: 商见曜一脸沉重地回应道: Beginning is not right. “起点不对。 Rushes to the trauma time, as soon as I appear in the cities.” “闯心理阴影的时候,我一出现就在城市中间。” I know that......” Jiang Baimian has the tone that expects to say with a recluse early. “我就知道……”蒋白棉用一种山人早有预料的口吻说道。 Before she tactical backpack attains the body, pulled out itself with the aid of the iron mountain map that massive information draw up: 她将战术背包拿到身前,掏出了自己借助大量情报绘制出来的铁山市地图: Which familiar you first have a look, then goes to there directly.” “你先看看哪段熟悉,然后直接去那里。” Shang Jianyao says at once: 商见曜旋即说道: Environment is not right, at that time most constructions had not collapsed.” “环境也不对,那个时候大部分建筑还没倒塌。” Now his insufficient reference. 现在他缺乏足够的参照。 Does not wait for Bai Chen to propose on own initiative I come, Shang Jianyao has shown the smile: 不等白晨主动提议“还是我来吧”,商见曜已露出了笑容: Such challenging matter, that fellow actually refused a moment ago!” “这么有挑战性的事情,刚才那个家伙竟然推三阻四!” Also the internal strife...... had group of crazy this prices, Jiang Baimian wants to push down the car(riage) to go to this bastard. 得,又内讧了……要不是有路痴这个代价,蒋白棉很想把这混蛋推下车去自己来。 The jeep started sluggishly, is expunging in the approximate direction. 吉普慢吞吞启动了,往着大致的方向开去。 Shang Jianyao opens while complained: 商见曜一边开一边抱怨: Here road was too difficult to walk, does not know how long overflowed the person. “这里的路太难走了,也不知道多久没过人了。 „ Under really wants to interfere with the material, lifts directly the car(riage), is higher than a ground five centimeters travel, this also has no friction force. “真想干涉下物质,直接把车抬起来,高于地面五厘米行驶,这样还没什么摩擦力。 Pitifully, cannot accomplish.” “可惜啊,就是办不到。” Honest that? Jiang Baimian then looked at one, seeing Long Yuehong to sit between Bai Chen and Nava, a funniness. 诚实那个?蒋白棉回头望了一眼,看见龙悦红坐在白晨和格纳瓦之间,一阵好笑。 Later, old accent group used for nearly two hours to find the road in this ruins city, this was a very arid work, had Shang Jianyao to insert funny dialog, oneself perform many mouths crosstalk, Jiang Baimian and the others will not feel relaxed. 之后,“旧调小组”用了近两个小时在这座废墟城市里找路,这是一项非常枯燥的工作,要不是有商见曜插科打诨,自己表演群口相声,蒋白棉等人不会感觉还算轻松。 Finally, they arrived in the destination, saw seven buildings that quite actually still stands erect anciently. 终于,他们抵达了目的地,看到了那座颇为古旧却依然屹立的七层建筑。 The surface of construction, the green starts to spread, but complete coverage, some places have not revealed the withered and yellow vestiges. 建筑的表面,绿色开始蔓延,但尚未完全覆盖,部分地方还露出枯黄的残迹。 A building hall entrance, „the iron mountain second food company this signboard has been missing, does not know that whose was given the fever by deducting fuel. 一楼大厅入口,“铁山市第二食品公司”这块招牌早已失踪,不知被谁劈成柴火给烧了。 Shang Jianyao strikes one's chest to guarantee that here will be the second food company, Long Yuehong will suspect mostly went astray the place. 要不是商见曜拍胸脯保证这里就是第二食品公司,龙悦红多半会怀疑走错了地方。 He looks up outside, seeing the stone is disorderly, overgrown with weeds, could not bear sigh with emotion one: 他抬头望了望外面,见石块凌乱,杂草丛生,忍不住感慨了一句: For a long time no one has come.” “好久没人来过了。” Hears these words, the Jiang Baimian facial expression is suddenly dignified. 听到这句话,蒋白棉神情突然凝重。 No, let alone!” A Shang Jianyao face fear attempts to stop Long Yuehong. “别,别说!”商见曜一脸“恐惧”地企图制止龙悦红 Long Yuehong is just about this fellow one, Jiang Baimian the sinking sound had said: 龙悦红正要回这家伙一句,蒋白棉已沉声说道: Salvation army that group of people two days ago.” “‘救世军’那批人两天前就出发了。” This......” the Long Yuehong heartbeat accelerates suddenly. “这……”龙悦红的心跳骤然加速。 Arrives at the iron mountain ruins by red stone Ji the distance, „the salvation army that group of people should arrive, explore several second food companies. 以红石集到铁山市废墟的距离,“救世军”那批人应该早就抵达,探索好几遍第二食品公司了。 Why here unvisited appearance? 为什么这里还是人迹罕至的模样? Bai Chen probes was saying: 白晨试探着说道: „ Did they become lost? “他们迷路了? Here has not marked.” “这里又没有标识。” This is the ultra-large city ruins, 1-2 days had not found has not gone to the destination to be very normal. 这是超大型城市废墟,1-2没找到未去过的目的地很正常。 Has the possibility.” Jiang Baimian nods, pushes the hanger-on car(riage) said that in brief paid attention to a point.” “有可能。”蒋白棉点了点头,边推门下车边说道,“总之注意一点。” She finishes speaking, before seeing Shang Jianyao the tactical backpack flung the body, tore the zipper. 她话音刚落,就看见商见曜把战术背包甩到了身前,扯开了拉链。 „Do you, what want to make?” Jiang Baimian is instantaneous. “你,要做什么?”蒋白棉瞬间警惕。 Shang Jianyao smiled: 商见曜笑了起来: Takes the small jade Buddha.” “把小玉佛拿出来。” First leaves......” Jiang Baimian to inspire. “先别……”蒋白棉吸了口气。 She calms down, supplemented one: 她定了定神,补充了一句: We first make the ordinary search, later tries that medical record and small jade Buddha can bring anything to change.” “我们先做普通的搜索,之后再尝试那本病历和小玉佛能带来什么变化。” From the beginning is so exciting, who can't withstand? 一开始就那么刺激,谁承受得住啊? Good.” Shang Jianyao took back the hand regrettably. “好吧。”商见曜遗憾地收回了手。
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