Jiang Baimianhas not taken upon the corpseimmediatelythatdark greencanvasbackpack, saidtoShang Jianyaodiscretely:蒋白棉没有立刻拿起尸体身上那个墨绿色的帆布背包,谨慎地对商见曜道:„Peripheryinspection, lookeddanger that needsto remove.”
“检查周围,看有没有需要排除的危险。”Two peopledivision of labor and cooperation, quickconfirmed that bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroomand otherplacesare normalenough, andwithoutanothercorpse.
两人分工合作,很快就确认卧室、厨房、客厅、卫生间等地方足够正常,且没有另外一具尸体。Moreover, theyalso some sloughsfrom the corpsesurviveto inferhimare not the stagecityindigenous people, shouldbeDingLinghusbandJi Qiang the member of thatscientific expedition team.
而且,他们从尸体上还有些许腐肉残存推断出他不是台城原住民,应该就是丁苓丈夫季强那支科考队的成员。Completesthesethings, Jiang Baimianputs on the glove, proposedthatdark greencanvasbackpackfrom the corpsechest and belly and thigh.
After tearing the zipper, shesawmanydocuments and materials.
扯开拉链后,她看到了许多文件和资料。And, severalpapersfoldneatly, places the uppermost.
其中,有几张纸折叠得整整齐齐,放在最上面。Jiang Baimianputs the backpackto the computertableon, takes upthatseveralpapers, unfolded.蒋白棉将背包放至电脑桌上,拿起那几张纸,展了开来。Whatabovewritingis the dustarticle, one by one, neat, is exceptionally clear, seemed worriedvery much the successordoes not lookclearly.
上面书写的是灰土文,一笔一划,工工整整,异常清晰,似乎很担心后来者看不明白。Jiang Baimianhints the Shang Jianyaoalert, whileglanced overfast:蒋白棉一边示意商见曜戒备,一边自己快速浏览了起来:
„ Ido not knowyou who seethisletter/believeswhocanbe, fromwhere, iswhichinfluence, theseare unimportant, more importantlysomepeopleenterthismysteriouscityfinallyagain, foundus.
„ Myname wasLuFuxing ,‚the salvation army’scientific researchers, whenyousawthisletter/believes, Ishoulddie.
„ Iheresimply the cause and effect of matter, whyas well asImustwritethisletter/believesto tellyou, believesme, thisis quite important, howmayrelate toyouandyourcompanionflees the means of thismysteriouscity.
„ Before more than twoyears, the icefieldnortheastern parthad a bigearthquake, after the earthquake, we‚the salvation army’ an observationicefieldweather situationweather stationdiscovered that in the river waterfloatedwas the divine creative force of Old Worldcivilization, butwe‚the salvation army’has prospected, thatriverupward, and evenwas farther, did not have the villages that the cityvestigeandabandoned.
„ Asbeing responsible forprospecting the scientific research institute of icefieldgeological condition and vestigeandresource distribution, Iandmycolleaguesunderprotection of oneteam of soldiers, come the icefield, plansto prospectthatregion.
„ The teams leader of our scientific expedition teamname wereChen Mingqiang, henot onlyhad very highacademicattainments, but also was awakening.
„ Enters the icefieldthirdday, myis not quite healthy, night the bellyache, wantsto find the doctorto maketo instillto eat, afterIgo out of the tent, discovered the edge that the bonfireshines, inshadows between twotents, Chen Mingqianginsilentwanders.
„ Ihad a scareat that time, recognizedhimfortunatelypromptly, will otherwise definitely warnto the soldiers of patrol.
„ Chen Mingqiangalsodiscoveredme, hesaid that somewhatlose sleep, thereforecomes outto catch a chill, while convenientsomeponderissues.
„ Ihad not suspected,toperson who ourthesemake the scientific research, similarmatter happened frequently.
„ After on that day, Chen Mingqiangwas getting more and more strange, heisopen, likeswith the person who the team memberschatted, finallywas getting more and more silent, oftenwalkedbehind the team, liketurning intoourshadow.
„ When passed byBei'anlakerest, hisorderingmakesuscampin the open countryunexpectedly, rather thangoes to enjoy the cleanbedandwarmshowering.
„ Althoughourdutiesreallyhave the securityrequirements, butdoes not have unable to entertorest of influencestrictly, cannotcontactwithanybody, at that timemymanycolleagueswere puzzled, the command promptwas pressedbyChen Mingqiang.
The result that „ finally, westrive foristo sendthreepeoplerests the receiving in exchangecommodity, these that before making upis uneven, consumes.
„ After leaving the Bei'anlake, wecontinueto set outtoward the predetermined place.
„ Whydoes not know, Ifelt that in the teammanypeopleare less right, theyandChen Mingqiang are the same, becomedo not likespeaking, likeinbehind of team.
„ Iattemptto inquirethem, Ithink that Ihave the responsibilityto do that the obtainedanswer is too longin the open country, the moodbecomeslow.
„ Thistrulyis the issue that similarscientific expedition teamcancome acrossfrequently, butthistimeappearsspeciallyearly.
„ Is going againstthatrivers, surveyednot for twodaystowarditsupstream, wediscovered, no, saw a city, istheruins that youandyourcompanioncurrentare.
„ Inwerecorded, when thisregionbelongsOld Worlddestroyssuffersto attackseriously, the entireterraintwistedplace, the correspondingcityshouldsink to the land, buriesby the soil and giant stone.
„ Butnow, preservescompletecityruinsto appearinusstrangelyat present.
„ Toconfirmthisis not a mirage, webypass the fault zone, arrived in the stagecityedge, right, itbeforeOld Worlddestroysis called the stagecity.
„ In the evening, wesend the telegramtonorthern Ukraine, informedthissituation, waits for the followinginstruction.
„ Next morning, everyonewill be awakenedsuddenly, graspsChen Mingqiang of broadcasting stationto tellus, the higher authorityallowsusto enter the stagecity, explores a place.
„ Iandmanycolleaguesare puzzled, ourspecial skillsdo not explore the vestige, thisshouldgive the specialteamto do.
„ But, asqualified‚the salvation army’member, the command prompthad integratedmyblood, shows the telegram that the higher authoritysentinChen Mingqiang, and after twocolleagueand a soldierjointlyprove, Ino longerhave the objection.
„ Afterwardrecalled,Isuspectthattelegrammanuscriptforge, becauseproved the before threepeople of whole thing, becomesstrange, silent and self-marginalizationtonearlyhas not had the feeling.
„ Hedaresto fabricatehigher authority'sorderunexpectedly.
„ Entered the stagecity, wewent to a hospital, Chen Mingqiang was very probably familiarwithhere, leadingusto walk intoright sidethatninestory of buildingsdirectly.
„ Thereis‚benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation center’.
„ Thatis a veryfearfulplace, Chen Mingqiangis usingusto doto survey the tool of land mineprobably, letsmeandmymanycolleaguesenters the differentroomsrespectively.
„ Somepeoplewere insane, somepeoplebecome the vegetable, somepeopleresulted in‚did not haveworry’, was killedat the scene, somepeoplebecamewithChen Mingqiangtheirsamestrange, somepeoplerushed tonear the windowsuddenly, jumped, plunged to death itself......
„ Ido not wantto recallagain, thisto meis a verycruelmatter, in brief, you, ifentered the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation center, do not open the doorcasually the room.
„ Lossat the same time, we have the harvest, wefound the document that somewere importantandstemmed frommeto imagine.
„ The remainingpeopleare not willingto entertheseroomsagain, had the conflictwithChen Mingqiang, thisincludessomesoldiers, inthesesoldiersalsohasawakening.
„ Thesehave become the silentandstrangepersonto standThat sideChen Mingqiang, both sideserupted the fierce combat.
„ Wewere atleeward, diedmanypeople, finally, wefound the opportunity, hurriedto escape fromthatbuilding.
„ HoweverChen Mingqianghas not pursuedunexpectedly, the choicekeepsthatvegetablerehabilitation center.
„ Weare escapingseparatetwo, butremaininggathered, retrieves the originalvehicles, planned that to the beginning a performancecity, returns to the camp, prays for rescuefrom the higher authority.
„ After mayreturn to the urban fringe, wediscoveredwith amazement, the path of going out of townwas ruined, the entirecity and outside worldseparatedcompletely.
„ Wewantto go tootherplaceto try, butdiscoveredgradually,ourspiritsare declininglittle, the whole personis getting more and more exhausted, in a while, inusfirst‚having no interest’birth.
„ Thenissecond, third.
„ Westartto suspect that everyoneinfected‚did not haveworry’virus, sooner or laterwill manifest suddenly, everyonefell intodesperately, probablysaw the deathgraduallyto move toward itself.
„ Myageis nottoosmall, regarding thisalsohas the preparation, Itoldthem, has not manifested suddenlywhile the condition, writes a willto remain, laterperhapsalsohad the opportunityto make the family membersee.
„ Ialsoseized the chanceto writethisletter/believes, reorganizedusinthesedocuments that the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation centerobtained.
„ Infollowingtime, but also the soberpersonis responsible for the solutionalreadyturn into‚do not haveworry’ the colleagueandteammate, the lastsoberpersonmediates.
„, The one wholivesfinalisI, Ialsothink that the followingcontentwill be writtenbymyothercolleagues.
„ Before then, wehave looked for the paint, makesredthiswindow and surroundingwall, letsenterperson one of the stagecity to see,discoveredherehas the issue.
„ Ifyouare the colleagues, cango tothisotherroomsto look formeto work together, the skeleton of teammates, if not, looks at the followingwordsdirectly:
„ Inbackpackthesedocumentsare important, Ido not care aboutthembyus‚the salvation army’, otherwhatinfluenceobtains, theyare the entire human race.
“背包里那些文件非常重要,我不在乎它们是被我们‘救世军’,还是别的什么势力获得,它们是属于全人类的。Friend who „ seesthisletter/believes, ifyoucanchoose, pleasedisseminate the contents of thesedocuments, no mattertowhichinfluence.
„ The secretpresidents of benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation centerare the eighthresearch institute of Old World, theyare makingoneto be dangerous, is terrifying, related toSpiritual God the experiment of forbidden areaandnewworld!
„ Iknow that thesedocumentsalsolackin detailalso a more importantcontent, buttheycanmakeon the dustallinfluencesunite, seeksby the secret that the eighthresearch instituteburiestogether.
„ Finally, in the backpackalsohas the will that mysomecolleaguesandteammatesstay behind, ifyouare not willingto trouble, leaves behindthem, if so inclined, but alsopleasegive the salvation armythem‚’member, askinghimto deliver to the correspondingmanpower the letter.
„ Very gratefulyouandyourcompanionsawhere, ifyouwere also strandedin the stagecity, cango to the benevolencehospitalto seek forChen Mingqiang'sskeleton, Isuspected that onhimhidus to enter the secret of thisstagecity, thissimilarlywas the key of going out.
„ BeforeIhave raisedin the letter/believes, the benevolencehospitalvegetablerehabilitation centeris dangerous, youmustchoosetwotothreeto be willingprobablyto sacrificeanddaresacrifice.
„ Good, Ifelt that myspiritis getting more and more lax, sanecannot controlownimpulsionmore and more, Iplanto use the pistol, endedownlife.
„ Pleasemustdisseminate the contents of thesedocuments, making the mankind's beautifulfuturebe ableto realize.
“请务必把那些文件的内容传播出去,让人类美好的未来能够实现。„For the entire human race!”
“为了全人类!”Jiang Baimianlookssilently,gaveShang Jianyao the letter/believes in hand.蒋白棉默默看完,把手中的信递给了商见曜。
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